

Chapter 584 - Xu Liguo (Part 2)

"This person is very strong!" A person among the demon generals who gave off a dark aura stared at Wang Lin, and his eyes were filled with battle intent. He was the demon general that cultivated the path of slaughter, Yu Sen.

"Interesting. I didn't expect Mo Lihai to have this incredible of a back up… I don't know how many he could withstand if I were to use the Seven Demon Spell…" Among the demon generals, there was a black-haired man. He touched the ring on his finger and revealed a faint smile.

"Ruthless!" The Xuan Vice Commander-in-Chief clenched the armrest, and his heart was in turmoil.

The eight commander-in-chiefs all focused their attention on Wang Lin. One of them was wearing a green shirt. He looked very graceful and he looked at Wang Lin with a hint of admiration.

"He acts very cleanly and efficiently without wasting any time; this child is pretty good!"

Chen Tao was standing beside Shi Xiao and was staring at Wang Lin. This junior apprentice brother of his was very different from before. He was much more powerful; it could be said that he was powerful to the point of being terrifying!

Wasting Ao Di was only secondary. What shocked Chen Tao the most was that palm that Wang Lin had sent at the golden lance. Chen Tao was very clear about what that golden lance was. He had heard from the All-Seer before that there was a spell that could harvest the power of the sun and condense it into a liquid. The All-Seer praised this spell a lot.

Although the golden-armored man hadn't reached the cultivation level to turn the energy from the sun into liquid, that attack truly contained the power of the sun!

Chen Tao believed that although he could use his palm to make it move a little, changing its direction completely with just two palms like Wang Lin did was extremely difficult! This was not a matter of cultivation level or celestial spiritual energy, this was a type of calculation, a type of deduction!

"If he was in this state when we battled for the position of true disciple… Even though I would win, I would be seriously injured and have go into closed door cultivator for 100 years. There is even a chance my cultivation level would fall!" Chen Tao took a deep breath and looked at Wang Lin with a complex expression.

The person that was most happy among everyone was, of course, Mo Lihai. He couldn't hide the smile on his face, and he felt that his decision back then was really wise!

"With our current relationship, we won't be enemies in the future. The stronger this Wang Lin is, the higher chance I have! However, the Golden Chief is being a bully right now. If there is a day that I become a commander-in-chief, I'll definitely teach him a lesson!"

A cold snort echoed across the square. This snort echoed across the square like a bolt of lightning. This thunderous echo caused the majority of people to focus their gazes on the person who let out the cold snort.

The golden-armored man pointed at Wang Lin and shouted, "You know that anyone that kills a demon general will be killed! Seeing that Demon General Ao Di isn't dead, I'll spare you once. Ao Di's helper, come out!"

The two crowds on the two sides were completely silent before a weak voice said, "I give up!"

The golden-armored man's eyes were gloomy as he looked at Wang Lin and said, "You won this round. Stand down!"

Wang Lin didn't speak and walked through the demon generals. As he walked through, some of the demon generals before him subconsciously stepped back, making a path for him.

When Wang Lin arrived by Mo Lihai's side, Mo Lihai's eyes lit up and he softly said, "Brother Wang Lin, don't worry about this golden chief; he is only a eunuch. If the Demon Emperor really favors you, what is he?!"

Wang Lin faintly smiled but didn't speak.

At this moment, deep inside the palace inside the imperial sword pavilion, the Emperor's sword was inside the formation releasing bursts of sword hymns. Because it was also in the imperial city at the moment Wang Lin attacked, it felt the same feeling that made it furious.

In its anger, it flew out from the ground and was about to charge in and destroy that person like how it destroyed Hong Prison countless times. However, just as it flew into the air, it began to hesitate.

After all, the Demon Emperor had told it to be quiet for a few days and not appear during the demon general competition, or else it would be sent to the dragon lake.

Thinking about this, the Emperor's sword let out a few frustrated sword hymns and the tip of the blade pointed at the Sky Demon Gate. After struggling for a long time, it finally moved and turned into a girl about 20 years old. This girl had crystal-clear eyes and was extremely beautiful. She landed on the ground and immediately kicked her feet many times. Every time she kicked her feet, there would be a flash of sword energy.

Many places in the sword pavilion were destroyed because only after destroying them did some of her anger finally ease a bit. At this moment, her eyes turned.

"The Demon Emperor isn't allowing the Emperor's sword to leave, but I'm the sword spirit, so it should be OK… It should be fine… OK, I won't attack. I'm just going to get a good look at the despicable food and remember his aura to make it easier to find him. Yes, that shouldn't be a problem…" The girl blinked a few times before flying out of the sword pavilion and charging directly at the Sky Demon Gate.

When she was about to arrive at the 10,000 foot square, her body turned into nothingness and she landed on top of the roof of a nearby building and looked down.

At the moment she appeared on top of the palace, eight gazes seemed to casually look over.

The girl's body trembled and then she stuck out her tongue. The eight gazes were from the eight commander-in-chiefs. Several of them revealed faint smiles.

Wang Lin was watching the rest of the demon general competition when he suddenly felt something. He had a connection with Xu Liguo, who was inside the celestial sword. After all, Xu Liguo was personally refined by Wang Lin. At this moment, Xu Liguo wasn't obediently staying inside the bag of holding but shouting in Wang Lin's mind in a very excited tone.

"Master! Let me out; my spring is finally here! Quickly, let me out!"

Wang Lin said in his mind, "What's the matter?!"

"Master, do you still remember that Emperor's sword that has been looking for you? At first I didn't pay attention to it, but I just found out that the sword spirit is such a pretty little girl…"

Wang Lin body trembled, then he interrupted Xu Liguo's words and asked, "Here?"

Xu Liguo proudly said, "She is on top of the palace over there. Master, you won't be able to see her, only I can!" After he finished speaking, he suddenly shivered and remembered Wang Lin's title as a fiend, then he quickly said, "This has nothing to do with cultivation. I am able to see her because I have learned a trick sword spirits can use from little black blade. He said that high quality sword spirits can feel others like us even when we're inside a bag of holding. However, this is only if the other spirit has left their sword."

Xu Liguo obviously knew what Wang Lin was thinking, so he immediately said, "Master, you have to be fast; she is about to look over here! Master can reset assured, little black blade has taught me a trick that allows me to hide my sword aura so that no one else can see me, so you can rest assured!"

Wang Lin frowned as his slapped his bag of holding and opened a small gap. No one noticed Xu Liguo's appearance; it was as if he was an invisible ghost. He turned into a cloud of smoke and flew toward the top of the palace.

"Hehe, little beauty, your grandpa Xu… Err, brother Xu is coming! My grandma, how many years has it been since I had fun with the great beauty? Since that great beauty was ruined by Wang Lin, I'll definitely not let this little beauty go!"

Xu Liguo let out an obscene smile as he pounced toward the girl on top of the palace.

The girl was about look for that despicable food among the crowd when she looked dumbfoundedly at Xu Liguo, who was coming at her in a threatening manner. This completely startled her.

Seeing the little beauty's surprised look, Xu Liguo felt proud and pounced at her. The girl gave him a stare as she threw a kick and a ray of sword energy immediately flew out at Xu Liguo.

Xu Ligou let out a mischievous smile and said, "We are both sword spirits, so there is no need to be so cold!" With that, his body turned into a mist, allowing the sword energy to pierce through. The next instant, his body reformed and pounced at the girl once more like an evil wolf.

The girl viciously stared at Xu Liguo. She no longer had time to find that food and immediately flew away. Xu Liguo let out a laugh and quickly followed. Then the two sword spirits quickly disappeared into the palace.

"Little beauty, just follow older brother! If you follow big brother, I promise you will have a good life. Don't think I'm ugly; I even have a little brother, he is called Little Black…"

The reply he got was a ray of sword energy.

"Oh? Little beauty, you seem to have a temper, but that's no problem. Your big brother Xu likes those are that vicious. My master once said that the more vicious the little girl is, the more pretty her waist is!"

A ray of sword energy flew at him, and following this sword energy there was an angry cry. "Your master is nothing good. Scram!"

"Ah, you dared to scold Master? Little Black, did you hear that? It is not that I want you to help me with my personal affair, I want you to fix her impression of Master, so I have to ask you to help. Help me capture her; I'm going to have a good talk with her!"

His answer was one strand after another of sword energy. As the sword energy flew through the sky, it was accompanied by Xu Liguo's obscene laughter.

Although both were sword spirits, Xu Liguo was originally not her match, but with little black's help, they were equal, so neither could win against the other.

In addition, Xu Liguo's current excited state also gave him a lot more momentum and allowed him to perform far beyond his capabilities.

"Before I was turned into a devil by that fiend, I was also a bully. Ah, it has been a very long time since those good times from back then. Now that I finally found you today, beauty, don't run!"

But Xu Liguo's obscene smile suddenly stopped and he let out a roar. "Shameless! You went back into your sword. I, Xu Liguo will be back!"

Inside the sword pavilion, the serpentine emperor sword raged and destroyed things in the sword pavilion. It wanted to rush out many times to kill that shameless bastard, but in the end it refrained from doing so .

"That shameless sword spirit is more spiteful than that despicable food!"

Chapter 585 - Xu Liguos Rebellion Fails! (Part 1)

The day quickly passed by. There were six more rounds, and Wang Lin won three more battles. The demon generals had no help in two of the battles, so he only needed to win one fight to win each one. Xu Liguo also came back to Wang Lin's bag of holding earlier.

It wasn't certain if the girl sword spirit was scared off by Xu Liguo's harassment. After turning to the sword, she didn't come out anymore.

After the first day of the demon general competition ended, the various demon generals returned to their homes.

This round will last for seven to ten more days. Fortunately, winners don't have to go, so Wang Lin was given a short period of time to rest.

The competition between the demon generals and slaughter between cultivators was not something Wang Lin wanted to see every day. He'd rather not think about this matter and preferred to go listen to the zither music while drinking wine. It was much more relaxing and carefree.

Compared to Wang Lin, Mo Lihai's mentality was not as good. He would go to the competition every day and record any spells he thought were worth noting. Then every night, he would give the information to Wang Lin.

All of his hopes were on Wang Lin.

During these days, Wang Lin's heart was completely immersed in the music to help him find his dao. He has been listening to this music for a while now, but he has always listened as a passerby who savored the taste of the zither music.

As for Xu Liguo, after meeting the sword spirit maiden, he would endless talk about it to Wang Lin. He simply wanted Want Lin to release him so he could go meet the little beauty.

On this day, the boat hadn't arrived yet, and Wang Lin was lying on the side of the river while holding the wine jug. He looked up at the white clouds in the sky, and in his eyes, the clouds seemed to be undergoing a change.

"Many people often think that clouds are ethereal objects, but just like the zither music, they aren't nothingness. It is the human heart that is ethereal… If the heart couldn't be moved, then the clouds would be fixed, and if the heart isn't scared, then the zither music goes away…" Wang Lin took a sip of wine. His eyes were filled with confusion.

"Ascendant, Ascendant, how can I make it so my domain meets the requirements to reach the Ascendant stage… At Nascent Soul stage, one comprehends one's domain to reach the Soul Formation stage. At the Soul Formation stage, one makes their domain real to reach the Soul Transformation stage. At the Soul Transformation stage, one can fuse their domain with their body, but it still isn't enough to reach the Ascendant stage. My domain has already fused with my body, and my dao heart was completed the moment Wan Er went to sleep.

"However, I'm still missing a step! What exactly is this step… Everyone comprehends different domains and thus all have different dao, so it is impossible to ask. Even if I were to ask, it would actually be disadvantageous, as it could lead me down the wrong path. I can only cultivate by myself and comprehend it by myself!"

The confusion in his eyes became even stronger, but just at this moment, Xu Liguo's hysterical voice entered his brain.

"Master, let me out! That little beauty hasn't seen me for a long time and must miss me greatly. Master, do you have the heart to break a blessed couple up? Ah, Master, let me out!"

Wang Lin frowned. This Xu Liguo had been going on endlessly throughout these past few days, so he sealed the connection between them. After a few days of silence, Xu Liguo actually broke the seal and began shouting once more.

"Wang Lin, back then you forced me and the great beauty apart, and now you are trying to forcibly separate me and the little beauty! What is in your heart? You must be jealous! Yes, you are jealous of my lucky encounters with love!" There was a hint of pride in Xu Liguo's angry voice.

Wang Lin's eyes became cold. Although Xu Liguo was loyal, the premise was that Wang Lin was several times stronger than him. And Xu Liguo's new master must be weaker than Wang Lin, or at least not too much stronger, or else Xu Liguo's loyalty would immediately disappear.

The Giant Demon Clan Ancestor was a good example. If it was changed to someone like the All-Seer, Ling Tianhou, or the Blood Ancestor, Xu Liguo would immediately sell Wang Lin out.

Aside from this shortcoming, this devil also had another problem. Once it met a woman, it would change into a completely different person. Wang Lin thought that this was fixed after all these years, but it looked like he was still the same.

However, Xu Liguo was naturally timid, so if he didn't have backing, he wouldn't dare to speak to Wang Lin like this. It seemed like Xu Liguo had hidden a lot of things after they left planet Suzaku.

The coldness in Wang Lin's eyes increased!

Xu Liguo didn't notice Wang Lin's state of mind and continued to chatter on and on.

"Wang Lin, when you took the great beauty away from me, I thought you had some great use for her, but hmph, my poor great beauty was used as an adultery prop for you and that slut, Liu Mei…"

Wang Lin calmly said, "You've said enough!"

"Enough? That's not enough. Let me out so I can find the little beauty and then it will be enough!" Xu Liguo's voice became somewhat weak. He vaguely felt like something he said had ticked this fiend off, but after thinking about the spells he had learned during this time, his courage suddenly increased.

Just as Xu Liguo was about to continue, Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and the celestial sword flew out. Xu Liguo let out a happy cheer and immediately came out of the celestial sword.

A thick, black gas turned into a black mist before it turned into Xu Liguo. He let out a laugh and was about to fly straight to the imperial palace. However, just at this moment, Wang Lin's eyes became cold, and his right hand reached out and grabbed the celestial sword.

He wiped his hand over the sword and the sword released a burst of light and trembled. Xu Liguo immediately turned toward Wang Lin and shouted, "Wang Lin, what are you doing?!"

Wang Lin coldly looked at Xu Liguo. This gaze was like a pot of cold water being poured over Xu Liguo, and he immediately awakened from his lust.

Wang Lin's gaze immediately reminded Xu Liguo of the day Wang Lin refined him into a devil. Then various scenes of these past several hundred years flashed through his mind.

"This is a fiend. What isn't he willing to do? He killed the entire Teng family and he killed countless people on planet Suzaku. I… I…" Xu Liguo trembled.

"Mas…Master…" Xu Liguo immediately revealed a smile to please.

Wang Lin coldly looked at Xu Liguo. The more Wang Lin acted like this, the more scared he became. Various scenes of Wang Lin's past slaughters emerged in his heart.

"I gave you the body of a devil, let you rise up to a sword spirit, and let you stay in the celestial sword to protect yourself." Wang Lin's voice was calm, but when it entered Xu Liguo's ears, he couldn't help but secretly curse.

"Now I'm going to take it back!" Wang Lin's left hand swiped past the celestial sword and Xu Liguo let out a miserable groan. His entire body trembled when Wang Lin wiped his connection to the flying sword.

Xu Liguo's body immediately turned into a cloud of black fog. At the moment Wang Lin cut him off from the celestial sword, he felt the killing intent he hadn't felt for hundreds of years!

"My grandma, this is real killing intent! This fiend wants to kill me!" Xu Liguo let out a scream and wanted to immediately escape. After he helped Wang Lin with the Giant Demon Clan Ancestor, he hadn't felt this killing intent that followed him for most of his life!

"A tiger is still a tiger; no matter docile it becomes, it will never become a cat!" Xu Liguo bitterly smiled in his heart as he remembered this old proverb from his hometown.

Xu Liguo was just about to escape, but Wang Lin's eyes became cold and countless restrictions appeared before Xu Liguo. Then Xu Liguo let out a scream before his body turned into a ray of sharp sword energy. He managed to break through the restrictions Wang Lin placed and shot off into the distance.

Wang Lin's eyes narrowed and he revealed a sneer. This Xu Liguo really had concealed a lot, like the ability to turn into a sword. This was something he definitely didn't know back in planet Suzaku.

Chapter 586 - Xu Liguo's Rebellion Fails! (Part 2)

At this moment, there were sounds of explosions coming from inside his bag of holding. Clearly there was something going crazy inside his bag of holding. He waved his hand and increased the amount of seals on the bag.

After doing this, he coldly looked at where Xu Liguo ran off to and said, "Come back!" After he said that, the restriction he had left inside Xu Liguo's body activated.

Xu Liguo's wail came from the distance, but soon this wailing faded away. Wang Lin's eyes became even colder.

"As I expected, unless this devil Xu Liguo was confident in going against the restriction I placed on him all those years ago, he definitely wouldn't be so disobedient!" Wang Lin took a step forward and crossed over 1,000 feet with just one step.

Although Xu Liguo was able to resist the restriction through some unknown method, he couldn't cut the connection between him and Wang Lin. With just this, Wang Lin could catch him.

Xu Liguo escaped at full speed. He used to be a soul, but now that he was a sword spirit, his speed was far faster than before. At this moment, due to fear, he was displaying his full strength as he desperately fled like a ghost.

"Fiend! I have contributed so much and yet you actually tried to kill me. Didn't I just find a little beauty I love? Didn't I just hide a little secret? Didn't I just decide to find a chance to take the celestial sword and Little Black to run away? Uh…" Xu Liguo let out a sigh and realized why the fiend wanted to kill him.

After he met Little Black, he learned a lot of spells used by sword spirits. Also, with the help of Little Black, the two of them spent a lot of effort to finally loosen the restriction Wang Lin had placed in his body.

Xu Liguo was very timid, so he was always very careful. He used the moment when Wang Lin was in a big battle with another to loosen the seal in him, so Wang Lin indeed didn't notice.

Originally, he was extremely proud, but he underestimated Wang Lin's suspicion and scheming and allowed Wang Lin to see through his lies.

"Alas, if I knew this was going to happen…" Xu Liguo shook his head and quickly fled. He was very fast and soon he was about to escape from Sky Demon City. He turned around to look back at the imperial palace and revealed a trace of solemnity.

"Goodbye, my beloved little beauty. One day I'll come back and find you!" This guy, even until now, only thought of his little beauty and completely forgot about this little brother, the black blade…

Xu Liguo revealed a hint of sadness before turning around, and he was about to continue escaping when he suddenly stopped. His expression changed slightly, but he immediately showed an expression meant to please and flatter. "Ma… Master, your speed is so fast. It seems your cultivation has increased a lot. You are indeed worthy of being my master. I…"

Wang Lin appeared 100 feet before Xu Liguo. His face was filled with indifference.

Wang Lin slowly said, "You sure have guts!"

Xu Liguo's body trembled as he kneeled to the ground, hammered his chest, and begged, "Master, I know I was wrong, really wrong. I will never dare to do it again!"

Just as he got here, the restriction around Wang Lin's bag of holding collapsed and a black light flew out of it without his permission.

The black light flew toward Wang Lin at an unimaginable speed.

If Wang Lin was still at the mid stage of Soul Transformation, it would have been impossible for him to dodge at this distance. Even now, at the peak of the late stage of Soul Transformation, it was still not easy.

But right now Wang Lin didn't even look at that black light. This time he would completely subdue this black, half-moon blade!

Life seals quickly surrounded Wang Lin's body, and when the blade collided with the life seals, there was the sound of metal colliding. The black, half-moon blade was bounced back.

Wang Lin reached out with his finger, but the black, half-moon blade managed to dodge it. Then it circled around once more and madly charged at Wang Lin. This time its target was between Wang Lin's eyebrows.

The sound of metal colliding could be heard once more, and the black, half-moon blade was bounced back once more. This time it looked extremely angry as it backed up and to try to attack again. However, just at this moment, it suddenly turned toward Xu Liguo and seemed like it wanted to take Xu Liguo and escape.

"Interesting!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up. Now that he had the life seals battling it, the half-moon blade was a lot easier to deal with than the first time.

As the half-moon blade flew toward Xu Liguo, Wang Lin took a step and celestial spiritual energy immediately began to spread with his foot as the center. The celestial spiritual energy instantly spread over 1,000 feet, reacting with the seal inside Xu Liguo's body and causing Xu Liguo to freeze for a moment.

Xu Liguo looked like he was really regretting what he did, but on the inside, he was cursing loudly at Wang Lin. That, however, did him no good.

At the same time, Wang Lin's hand formed seals, creating restrictions that floated in the air. These restrictions created a larger, incomplete restriction.

The set of restrictions was missing one, and the missing piece was inside Xu Liguo!

Although Wang Lin spent much painstaking effort to set the restriction back then, it was still so much weaker than what he could do now. Now that the restrictions were activated, Xu Liguo's body immediately began to involuntarily fly toward it.

The half-moon blade was very anxious and wanted to stop this, but Wang Lin arrived before it in just one step. It had to dodge and thus was delayed, and Xu Liguo watched that set of restrictions enter his body. His body trembled as he revealed a flattering smile and begged. "Master, see that? Now the restriction is also here, so please forgive me; I really won't dare to rebel again!"

Wang Lin ignored Xu Liguo and reached toward the half-moon blade.

The half-moon blade wanted to dodge again, but Wang Lin's eyes became cold and he shouted, "Slaughter energy!"

Chapter 587 - Xu Liguo's Rebellion Fails! (Part 3)

At this moment, strands of grey gas charged out from between Wang Lin's eyebrows. More than 3,000 strands of grey gas charged out and surrounded the half-moon blade.

But the half-moon blade was too fast. It took advantage of the moment the grey gas was still closing in to charge out. However, just as it broke free, Wang Lin appeared before it and flicked it back in.

Wang Lini said, "Gather!"

More than 3,000 strands of slaughter energy quickly condensed into a sphere. There were sounds of collisions coming from inside the sphere, but no matter what the half-moon blade did, it couldn't charge out.

Wang Lin no longer looked at the half-moon blade and his cold gaze fell on Xu Liguo.

Xu Liguo's body shivered and he giggled. "Master, what command do you have? Want me to go persuade Little Black? I'll definitely make him obedient in the future!"

Wang Lin looked at Xu Liguo and asked, "Do you know why I won't let you go look for that sword spirit?"

Xu Liguo quickly nodded and said, "I know, I understand!" Although he said this, he thought in his heart, "Clearly you just want to separate me and the little beauty. I guess there's an 80% chance that you are eyeing the little beauty yourself. Alas, I, Xu Liguo, am so unfortunate to have my wife stolen from me at such a young age!"

"In Sky Demon City, experts are as common as clouds. Do you really think no one will notice you? Once you are found with your weak cultivation, you will only be caught, have your will wiped away, and become the sword spirit for their treasure. Xu Liguo, you still don't understand?" Wang Lin's voice echoed in Xu Liguo's heart like a giant bell.

He was startled and was dumbfounded, then he weakly said, "This… I can't be found…" His heart began to to pound. After listening to Wang Lin, he 80% believed him. He wondered if he was caught by someone else, would that person be as curious as the Giant Demon Clan Ancestor?

"However, if I were caught by the owner of the little beauty, it would be a good thing. Then me and the little beauty would be together…" Xu Liguo secretly thought this, but he didn't dare to say it to Wang Lin.

Wang Lin coldly looked at Xu Liguo as if he had seen through Xu Liguo's inner thoughts. Xu Liguo was nervous, but instead of backing down, he opened his eyes wider and looked at Wang Lin. He thought to himself, "Hold it, hold it and it will be victory for me. The more nervous I am, the more I have to maintain this act!"

Wang Lin slowly said, "You learned quite a bit from the blade spirit from the black, half-moon blade."

Xu Liguo blinked his eyes and without hesitation told Wang Lin all of the sword spells he had learned, including how he could conceal his presence, completely fuse with the celestial sword, and at full strength, make the celestial sword several times stronger and so on.

As he spoke, he secretly gauged Wang Lin's mood and was very careful. He hadn't experienced this kind of feeling in hundreds of years, but now that he was feeling it again, it didn't feel unfamiliar to him at all.

After he finished listening to Xu Liguo speak, Wang Lin reached out toward the sphere formed by the slaughter energy. There was no longer any sound coming from inside it. When Wang Lin touched the small sphere, strands of slaughter energy returned to his body.

When only several hundred strands of slaughter energy were left, a ray of blade energy suddenly charged out, but because it was entangled by slaughter energy, it couldn't help but slow down.

Wang Lin was already prepared. He pinched his fingers and the blade energy immediately collapsed. The black, half-moon blade struggled violently between his fingers. Wang Lin opened his mouth and spat some origin energy on the half-moon blade, then his eyes lit up. He didn't have time to slowly refine it, so he went for the direct route. He didn't care if he was going to harm the blade spirit and decided to directly engrave his aura into the half-moon blade.

After doing this, he waved his right hand and the half-moon blade flew out, releasing an unwilling blade hymn!

Wang Lin took out the celestial sword and threw it at Xu Liguo. Xu Liguo relaxed a lot as he revealed a joyous expression and fused with the sword.

The half-moon blade floated in the air, and when it noticed that Xu Liguo was no longer in danger, it hesitated. Although it disliked Wang Lin, in the end, it followed Xu Liguo's example and floated beside Wang Lin.

To be more accurate, the half-moon blade was following Xu Liguo

Xu Liguo was inside the celestial sword as he looked at the black, half-moon blade and felt very proud. "See, even the fiend can't subdue Little Black, and I all had to do was wave my finger to make him my little brother. It looks like my charm is much stronger than this fiend's!"

Thinking about this, he felt very pleasant and thought, "No matter how strong this fiend is, he can never match me on this. Also, I am far more flexible than him! Also, I have better luck with beauties. Both the great beauty and little beauty are mine; he can't match me on this.

"Aside from his cultivation level being a little higher than mine, I'm better than him at everything else. Alas, an outstanding devil such as myself is rare in this world. The loneliness…" Xu Liguo felt very good about himself; he even had sense of superiority. Now he looked at Wang Lin from the celestial sword with a trace of sympathy and pride.

Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and Xu Liguo quickly flew inside followed by the half-moon blade. At the moment Xu Liguo entered the bag of holding, he suddenly stopped. He looked at the imperial city in the distance and thought, "Little beauty, your brother Xu is back. I'm not leaving anymore. If I can't take you away, I'm not leaving this Sky Demon City!"

Inside the sword pavilion of the imperial palace, the serpentine sword trembled. Then it turned into the form of a girl, wrinkled her nose, and viciously said, "That despicable and shameless sword spirit better not let me see him again! If I see him again, even if it goes against the Emperor's orders, I'll take the sword and slice him in half!"

After retrieving the sword and blade, Wang Lin returned to Hong City. The day had gone by and it was now night as Wang Lin flew toward the Mo Mansion.

As he flew, he frowned, stopped, and said, "What is it!?"

Several people appeared on the others side of this long road. There were males and females among them, and all of them were at the Soul Transformation stage. Some had even reached the mid and late stages of Soul Transformation.

Wang Lin's expression was calm as he looked at the cultivators before him without speaking at all. He found no killing intent coming from them but instead felt powerful grief and indignation.

A white-robed man walked out from the group. He had a bright look as he clasped his hands at Wang Lin and said, "I had already heard of brother Wang Lin's fame back on planet Tian Yun. The battle at the demon general competition a few days ago made me and others admire you greatly."

Wang Lin looked at everyone and more less knew what they were thinking. At this moment, he also clasped his hands and said, "You flatter me!"

The white-robed man let out a sigh and said, "I'm the junior sect master of the Jade Sword Sect. I was forced to get involved in the demon general competition. Brother Wang's actions a few days ago were like a blow to my head that awakened me. In this Demon Spirit Land, we cultivators are lower than ants. Demon generals can't die, and killing a demon generals means we die with them, so in the end only cultivators can die. We are like actors performing for the enjoyment of the demon generals!"

Wang Lin pondered and didn't speak.

"This is demon general Ao Di's helper!" The man pointed at the person beside him. A middle-aged man wearing a daoist robe stepped out, clasped his hands, and respectfully said, "Fellow cultivator Wang, Ao Di's death has also awakened me. Although merits in the Demon Spirit Land are good, what's the use if I don't have a life to enjoy it?"

The white-robed man let out a sigh and said, "It is not by choice that we cultivators are here fighting for the amusement of the demon generals. These fellow cultivators with me are all ready to leave Sky Demon City. Today we are here to say goodbye to fellow cultivator Wang. Goodbye!" With that, he took a deep breath and flew into the sky.

The several cultivators behind him all said their farewells to Wang Lin and disappeared over the horizon.

Wang Lin quietly stood there as he stared at where all the cultivators went, and he silently pondered.

Cultivators were people who walked against the heavens and naturally had their pride! If they bowed down for power, then they were no longer going against the heavens but merely adapting!

However, going against the heavens had its own meaning. The cultivators that left weren't rebelling, but avoiding!

A true rebellion was to not avoid the world, not avoid fate, not avoid the laws of the heavens, but to walk against it all!

"Cultivators without their own dao are no longer cultivators…" Wang Lin didn't fly but walked down the road. His shadow under the moonlight was very long.

"Cultivation… Rebelling against the heavens… Having their own dao…" Wang Lin slowly walked on the road. This road seemed endless.

After an unknown amount of time, the Mo Mansion appeared before him. The light from the lantern outside the Mo Mansion was very gentle; it was like the beacon of light in the darkness. Wang Lin stopped walking and silently looked at it.

Although the light was small, it could illuminate the Mo Mansion's plaque.

The night breeze caused the lantern to shake, and even the flame inside it was flickering. Although the weather was like this, the flame of the lantern stubbornly remained lit.

As Wang Lin silently stood in the dark, his eyes revealed a hint of enlightenment. However, this still wasn't enough. He felt like he had caught something, but in the blink of an eye, it felt like there was nothing at all.

An astonishing metamorphosis was silently taking root inside Wang Lin.

Time slowly passed, and the darkness covering the earth was slowly forced to retreat by the sun rising on the east. In Wang Lin's eyes, the darkness retreated like the low tide.

At this moment, it was as if lightning had flashed across Wang Lin's mind while zither music echoed in his head. At this moment, it was as if he had reached a moment of enlightenment!

"Can the dark night being swept away by the sun be considered act of defiance? This defying nature will be the key to achieving the Ascendant stage!" Wang Lin had a vague idea. His understanding was not very deep, but it had taken root.

Wang Lin's eyes revealed a mysterious light. Instead of returning to the Mo Mansion, he headed toward the lake. He sat on the riverside like an old monk meditating. Although there was no zither music being played, in his ears, the sound continued to echo.

"The zither music has no emotion, but due to the sadness in the heart, it becomes sad music. This isn't rebelling, it's different from what I felt earlier. Then why it is that when I listen to the zither music, I can feel the sense of rebellion…"

It was now noon, so the sun was blazing at the top of the sky. The boats arrived, and the young man from several days ago was beside the woman playing the zither. This time his gaze fell on Wang Lin while he was still far away.

As the zither music floated into Wang Lin's ears, the young man stood up beside the woman, held his wine cup, and raised it toward Wang Lin.

Wang Lin picked up the wine jug, shook it, and took a drink. The young man shook his head as he pointed at the boat's bow. He hadn't taken a single sip.

Wang Lin chuckled. Although this young man looked ordinary, he gave off a carefree feeling. Wang Lin pondered a bit before walking across the river and landing on the bow of the boat.

The woman playing the zither didn't notice that there was now an extra person on the boat. She continued to play the music filled with sadness.

The young man smiled and drank the entire cup, then he waved his sleeves and sat down. Wang Lin also sat down, and he drank from his wine jug. He listened to the zither music up close and quietly watched the woman's jade hands.

None of the three people on the bow of the boat spoke. After the young man invited Wang Lin, he only smiled, and Wang Lin didn't want to speak because this zither music had already moved him. Any other sound would just be white noise compared to the zither music!

The zither music was endless as the boat floated down the river. Wang Lin spent the entire day on the boat with the young man. If the two of them ran out of wine, a servant would come out from the boat and prepare wine for them.

The day slowly darkened and lights were lit up on the sides of the river. There were even lights coming from the boats; they were quite beautiful.

When the boat returned to where Wang Lin first boarded, he stood up, clasped his hands at the young man, and was about to leave.

At this moment, the young man, who hadn't spoken all day, softly said, "Brother seems to have a different comprehension when listening to the zither music."

Wang Lin paused and said, "It reminds me of an old friend…"

The young man drank from the cup and bitterly said, "No wonder. Those without any worries wouldn't be moved by this zither music. It looks like brother is the same as me."

As the two spoke, the woman playing the zither trembled, and the zither music also trembled with her.

The young man said, "If brother has nothing to do, how about the two of us drink until dawn while listening to lady Ming Xuan's zither music?"

Wang Lin pondered a bit, then he looked at the young man and nodded. "That's good!"

The young man faintly smiled as he poured another cup and said, "I have observed brother for several days now. Although you are by the riverside, your heart isn't there; it's as if you are just a passerby."

Wang Lin took a drink and said, "I'm merely a commoner. Even if I was a passerby, it was only an illusion. Are you not the same? Although your soul is here, your body is somewhere else."

The young man gave Wang Lin a meaningful look and said, "Too many rude guests at home. It is too noisy there, so my soul came here to find some peace."

Wang Lin softly said, "So you are a man with a family."

The young man asked, "Brother doesn't have a home?"

"I do; however, it is very far… very far…" The valley from Planet Suzaku appeared in Wang Lin's mind.

The young man asked, "Is there anyone else at home?"

"No one. You?" Wang Lin picked up the wine jug and took a drink.

"I have a niece, but she is far too naughty, and recently she has been bothered by a bad customer!" While speaking of this, the young man smiled.

The two of them chatted for a bit before running out of words, then they just quietly sat there. Bathed in moonlight, the two listened to the zither music while drinking wine.

The night passed by, and a glimmer of light appeared over the horizon and slowly illuminated the earth.

Ming Xuan had long ago left to rest, but the two men still sat motionlessly on the boat. Although the zither was no longer being played, the zither music still played in their ears.

Wang Lin picked up the wine jug and clasped his hands at the young man. He then took a step and disappeared into the morning mist.

Inside the imperial city, the first round of the demon general competition had come to an end. Only 48 demon generals remained from the hundreds at the start. The rest all lost or were disqualified due to having a victory and a defeat.

During the several days the first round took place, no one other than Ao Di suffered heavy injuries among the demon generals. However, the deaths and injuries were very serious among cultivators.

After all, this was a slaughter between cultivators!

When the people of the Da Lou Sword Sect went against the demon generals, they stopped without doing much harm. However, against the cultivators, they were extremely vicious as if they were trying to display their strength.

The morning sunlight swept across the 10,000 foot square. There were even more people watching than before. After all, the following battle was when the real fights would take place. Except for a few that made it through luck, all of the remaining contenders were famous!

48 demon generals walked through the Sky Demon Gate. A powerful battle intent seemed to form a primordial beast that charged through the gate the moment it was opened.

The golden-armored man at the center of the square coldly looked at everyone that entered. When he saw Wang Lin, he let out a cold snort.

From his point of view, a mere cultivator had dared to seriously injure a demon general. In his mind, that was enough for him to kill this person hundreds of times!

"In my Demon Spirit Land, these so called cultivators are just a bunch of bandits. Their purpose here is nothing other than trying to get the ancient demon inheritance, so if they die, then they die. However, if they dare to hurt a demon general, then they have committed a great crime!" The golden-armored man was extremely dissatisfied with Wang Lin, and a killing intent appeared in his heart!

Wang Lin coldly looked at the golden-armored man. He cultivated the Celestial Slaughter Art, so he was extremely sensitive to killing intent.

After the demon generals and helpers had all walked through the Sky Demon Gate, it slowly closed with a thunderous roar. The golden-armored man pointed at the war drum and coldly said, "Following the Demon Emperor's order, the second round has changed. It will no longer be a battle, but a competition to ring this war drum!"

After he said that, all of the various demon generals' expressions changed and became bright. Even Mo Lihai trembled, and his eyes glowed like they never had before.

"War Demon Drum! This is a holy treasure of my Sky Demon Country, second only to the dragon lake! Normally, only when a vice commander-in-chief gets promoted to commander-in-chief are they allowed to ring that drum!"

"The demon general competition never changed before, so why did it change today… It looks like the matter of choosing two new vice commander-in-chiefs isn't groundless after all!"

"It is said that every commander-in-chief rings this drum when they accept their position, but it is extremely hard to ring. So far, only the Heaven commander-in-chief has managed to ring it 15 times!"

Debates began to echo like never before; even the debates from when Wang Lin seriously injured Ao Di were much weaker than this.

The golden-armored man let out a cold snort that spread across the square like thunder, causing everyone to quiet down. Although he didn't understand the Demon Emperor's order, he still coldly said, "This drum was left behind by the first demon emperor of the Sky Demon Country, and rumor has it that it is made from the skin of an ancient demon. Those without enough strength will explode before they can even ring it once. If you can ring it three times, you are strong; if you can ring it six times, you are a genius blessed by the heavens. There are not many of you who can ring it three times.

The top 10 of this round move on!"

Chapter 588 - Bet (Part 1)

"The rule of this round is that the amount of times the demon generals and their helpers can ring the drum are added together!"

After the golden-armored man finished speaking, he didn't let the people have time to begin talking again. He pointed at someone in the crowd and said, "Demon General Yu Sen, come out!"

A person walked out from the group of demon generals. His eyes were cold and his armor made crisp sounds as he walked. He soon arrived before the demon drum.

As he looked at the demon drum, his eyes suddenly lit up, and the powerful battle intent in his heart was ignited!

He didn't immediately act but silently stood there and adjusted the demonic spiritual energy in his body to ensure he was in peak condition. After all, he had no confidence in ringing this drum, because to him, this drum was like a holy relic.

The golden-armored man looked at Yu Sen and thought, "With Yu Sen's cultivation, he should be able to ring it four times. If he forces a fifth time, he will be crushed!" He only took a glance before closing his eyes.

Everyone's gazes gathered on Yu Sen, but he was completely indifferent to them. In order to prevent himself from being disturbed by others, he closed his eyes and completely ignored the outside world.

He eventually released an evil aura around his body that spread out into the air and continued to condense.

Waves of discussions spread from the surrounding seats.

"The dao of slaughter is extremely hard to cultivate. This Yu Sen cultivated it for many years, and being the first person up, I'm afraid he will definitely become famous!"

"Who knows, this demon drum is made from the skin of an Ancient Demon. Even if Yu Sen can ring it, he will be injured from the backlash."

The eight commander-in-chiefs also looked at Yu Sen with looks of interest in their eyes. However, they didn't need to talk like everyone else; they just needed one look to be able to clearly see what was happening.

Although the six vice commander-in-chiefs didn't have the insight the commander-in-chiefs had, they had high cultivation levels, so they could see some clues on this matter. Only the Xuan Vice Commander-in-Chief wasn't looking at Yu Sen at all but was instead looking at Wang Lin.

"Wang Lin, I wonder how many times you can ring it!"

Just as he was thinking this, the Yellow Vice Commander-in-Chief smiled. "Xuan Vice Commander-in-Chief, I'm afraid I will be winning our bet. The cultivator you chose can only go on his own, so he will without a doubt lose!"

The Xuan Vice Commander-in-Chief let out a cold snort and said, "You just wait and see; this person is definitely not as simple as you think!"

As the two of them talked, Yu Sen suddenly opened his eyes, and it was like the war god had descended on his body. The light released from his eyes was as bright as the moon!

A roar that sounded like it was coming from a tiger or dragon came out from Yu Sen's mouth. Then he leaped through the air like a sword that was just unsheathed and flew directly at the demon drum.

While in the air, his two fingers formed a sword. At this moment, all of the energy in his body gathered on his fingers, then he stabbed forth with his two fingers pointed at the demon drum.

The black drum sunk in slightly, but it was to a very small degree. Right after it sank in a bit, it immediately bounced back.

A muffled drum sound echoed across the sky. It spread across the square, could be heard throughout the entire imperial city, and even affected a small portion of Sky Demon City.

At the moment the drum rang, Yu Sen felt an unimaginable force coming from the demon drum. The force was piercing through his body.

「スマイ LINK」から広がるビジネスの可能性.大阪ガスの次世代インフラとは.ミライ価値の創造を通じて,社会課題の解決に貢献する.Daigasグループの挑戦に光を当てたDaigas STUDIO…大阪ガス株式会社

Yu Sen's face became pale and his eyes filled with killing intent. Rather than retreating, he took another step and his two fingers landed on the demon drum again.


The sound of the drum was like thunder descending.

Yu Sen let out a roar and the demonic spiritual energy around him turned into various faces. Each of these faces had different expressions, but they all quickly disappeared.

Every time a face disappeared, another one appeared.

"Soul Devouring Slaughter, first layer!" Yu Sen's voice seemed to come from the depths of hell. After he shouted this, all of the faces in pain seemed to find an outlet and madly charged toward Yu Sen's right hand.

His entire right hand released a blinding, blue light!

Yu Sen let out or a roar, then his right hand formed a palm and slammed down on the demon drum.

Before he touched the demon drum, the wind created by the force landed on the drum.

The third drum sound echoed across the world. At this moment, everyone nearby was moved. Although there were some tricks behind using the wind created by the palm to hit the drum, this showed just how powerful this Soul Devouring Slaughter spell was!

After the wind passed, Yu Sen's right hand pressed down on the drum.

At almost the moment the third ring came, the fourth quickly followed. The two sounds spread out like rolling thunder.

Yu Sen quickly retracted his right hand and retreated. Then he backed up thousands of feet before finally stabilizing himself. His face turned red and he forced himself to not cough out blood.

His right hand was trembling and he had lost all sensation from it. He had used over 80% of the demonic spiritual energy in his body on that spell.

The golden-armored man slowly said, "Four times! Demon General Yu Sen's helper, come out!"

Yu Sen took a deep breath and said, "I don't have a helper!"

The golden-armored man's gaze moved away from Yu Sen and landed among the demon generals to pick another one. He first looked at Wang Lin and sneered, but he didn't call him out. Instead, he looked at Mo Fei and said, "Demon General Mo Fei, come out!"

After he said that, all of the discussions stopped and every gaze fell on one person.

This person was wearing armor and had a hideous mask over his face. His long, black hair flowed in the wind as he walked out from the crowd. His pace wasn't fast, but to the people watching, it was as if his steps had the exact same frequency as their heartbeats.

"Demon General Mo Fei, 300 years ago he was number one among demon generals!"

"This person spent most of his time at the border. It is said that Mo Fei's head is worth a lot in the eyes of the Fire Demon Country!"

"This Mo Fei's cultivation is very mysterious. Even until now, everyone has only ever seen him use the Great Rotating Disk spell. I'm confident this person can at least ring the drum five times!"

"Mo Fei!" The Earth Commander-in-Chief looked at Mo Fei, revealed a smile, and said, "If this child can experience the dragon lake one more time, he can be considered top three among the vice commander-in-chiefs!"

A middle-aged man in purple robes who looked very elegant smiled and said, "Could it be that your love for genius is moved by Mo Fei?"

The Earth Commander-in-Chief laughed and nodded.

The Earth Commander-in-Chief laughed again. "If this child can ring the drum six times, even if it's not enough for him to become a vice commander-in-chief, I'll recommend him!"

As Mo Fei casually walked toward the demon drum, everyone's gazes followed his movements.

When he was 100 feet from the demon drum, he stopped and looked at it. He didn't waste any time to adjust his body and punched at the air.

Dong! The sound of the drum echoed across the square like muffled thunder.

Mo Fei's armor seemed like it was being blown by a powerful wind, and violent crackling sounds came from it. His hair was also blown back like crazy by this wind, but his body didn't move at all, almost like he was nailed to the ground. Even his expression didn't have the slightest change.

"So it is not that hard." This person chuckled as he stepped forward 10 feet and threw another punch.


Mo Fei didn't stop. He stepped forth another 10 feet and threw one more punch at the air.


The three rings from the drum were like the roars of an ancient beasts that echoed in the sky above Sky Demon City. The sounds of the drum echoed endlessly. Some of the spectators didn't have enough demonic spiritual energy, so they suffered internal injuries.

After ringing it three times, Mo Fei paused for a moment because he felt a unimaginable force rushing toward him from the demon drum. He took another step and became like an unmoving rock among raging waves.

The armor around his body shook violently, but it stabilized when he spread out his demonic aura.

Mo Fei's eyes lit up like burning torches and he revealed a serious expression as he muttered to himself, "Interesting!" He stepped forward another 10 feet and threw a punch.


He didn't stop after one punch and threw another punch!


Mo Fei continued to walk forward, closing the distance between him and the demon drum. Everytime he took a step, he would throw a punch.

Dong! At the moment the sixth ring occurred, almost everyone watching began to cheer. Even all the commander-in-chiefs, except for the Heaven Commander-in-Chief, revealed looks of admiration for Mo Fei's talent.

"Mo Fei!!"

"Mo Fei!!!"

"Mo Fei!!!!" Waves of cheers came from the surrounding people. Someone who could ring the drum six times could be considered a genius blessed by the heavens!

He wasn't injured at all after ringing the drum six times; he was even relaxed. Just this point placed him far above all the other demon generals.

Even the golden-armored man nodded. The look of admiration for Mo Fei's talent was strong.

"Can six rings make me stop…" Mo Fei's eyes shined brightly as he jumped into the air and slammed down on the demon drum.

Dong! The seventh ring echoed.

Chapter 589 - Bet (Part 2)

This seventh sound was very different from the first six. There seemed to be a killing intent hidden deep within it. Mo Fei's always calm face changed for the first time, and without any hesitation, he quickly backed up.

As he backed up, the armor on his body exploded into ashes and dissipated. Mo Fei's face was somewhat pale, but he stopped his body, let out a roar, and charged out once more. This time his hand formed seals, and strands of energy came out from his body, forming a crystal-like mirror that circled around him.

He hit the drum with his finger and the demon drum rang once more. This was the eighth time!

An even more violent backlash rushed at Mo Fei, causing all of the crystal mirrors around him to shatter. However, even though the mirrors weakened the force by a lot, when it landed on Mo Fei's body, it still caused him to retreat more than 1,000 feet before he stabilized himself.

His mask completely shattered, revealing his handsome face.

Wang Lin's eyes immediately narrowed as he stared at Mo Fei's eyes. Wang Lin's eyes were filled with a mysterious light.

"This appearance…"

Wang Lin was able to recognized at a glance that this person looked exactly the same as the black-haired man in the depths of Hong Prison.

At this moment, Mo Fei's body trembled, and he forcibly swallowed the blood that had rushed to his mouth. Then he took a deep breath before turning around and walking toward the demon generals.

At this moment, loud cheers came from the square. This sound was extremely loud and seemed to overshadow everything else.

"Mo Fei, the number one among demon generals!"

"For him to be able to ring it eight times, Mo Fei is number one below the commander-in-chiefs!"

"This time Mo Fei will definitely become a vice commander-in-chief! He has many military exploits, and once he becomes a vice commander-in-chief, he will definitely achieve many military victories for our Sky Demon Country!"

The Heaven Commander-in-Chief was still calm and showed no sign of being impressed, while the other seven commander-in-chiefs all revealed deep looks of admiration for Mo Fei's talent.

"For this child to be able to ring it eight times, he can be considered a genius among geniuses. Good!"

"That's right. From my observations, this child doesn't seem to be using his full force. If he really tries, he might be able to ring it a ninth time!"

"To be so cunning at such a young age is extremely rare!"

The vice commander-in-chiefs were also talking to each other. The Yellow Vice Commander-in-Chief smiled at the Xuan Vice Commander-in-Chief and said, "Are you still not going to admit defeat?"

The Xuan Vice Commander-in-Chief let out a snort and said, with a firm tone, "This Mo Fei is strong, very strong! I was not as strong as him when I was his age! It can even be said that once he goes through the baptism at the dragon lake, he will be even stronger than me!

"But compared to the person I chose, Mo Fei is still not enough!"

The Yellow Vice Commander-in-Chief originally didn't care too much about this wager, but seeing the Xuan Vice Commander-in-Chief, who was equal in strength to him, constantly praising this person was strange. He had a vague feeling that this was no longer praise, because he could almost hear fear in the Xuan Vice Commander-in-Chief's voice!

He couldn't help but be extremely shocked.

The Yellow Vice Commander-in-Chief faintly smiled and said, "Good, then I want to see how many times this person can ring the drum!"

The Xuan Vice Commander-in-Chief pondered as he looked at Wang Lin with a complex expression. He thought to himself, "Mo Fei is merely strong, while this Wang Lin is terrifying!

Can you compare strong and terrifying?"

The golden-armored man watched Mo Fei walk back into the crowd of demon generals. His eyes were filled with admiration for Mo Fei's talent, and for the first time he smiled. "Demon General Mo Fei's helper, come out!"

A green-robed cultivator with a giant sword on his back came out. It felt like he was a sword when he was standing there. The moment he stepped out, he turned into a cloud of green smoke and charged at the demon drum.

At the moment he closed in on the demon drum, his hand formed a seal and he pointed at the void, causing the drum to beat once. Then his hand turned into a palm, he chanted a complex chat, and slammed forward, causing the drum to beat once more.

The fierce backlash caused his face to turn slightly pale, but he didn't retreat. Instead, he grabbed the sword on his back and swung down. A ray of sword energy cut through the backlash and drum beat before landing on the drum.

The drum echoed once more. After the third ring, the cultivator's face was extremely pale from the powerful force rushing at him. Every time he hit the drum, he suffered backlash several times stronger than the previous hit. He let out a wry smile before backing off without any hesitation and no longer tried to hit it.

"With my cultivation, three times is easy. If I really give it my all, four times is possible. If I tried to go for the fifth time, I would be seriously injured. Mo Fei's victory is already set, so it is really not worth it to get seriously injured because of him!" The green-robed cultivator pondered a bit and walked back into the crowd.

Eleven times!

Mo Fei and his helper were able to ring it a total of 11 times! This result caused the expressions of a lot of the demon generals to darken. To beat this score, the demon generals and their helpers would have to ring it six times each!

However, this was an almost impossible task. After all, among all the demon generals, there was only one Mo Fei!

Even Mo Lihai's face was extremely pale. He bitterly looked at the demon drum and then at Wang Lin with a gloomy expression. He let out a sigh and whispered, "Brother Wang, forget it. We lost this second round!"

There was another person among the demon generals, Shi Xiao. His face was dark as he stared at the demon drum and asked, "Chen Tao, how many times can you ring it?"

Chen Tao pondered a bit and said, "If I was at full strength, I could ring it more than 10 times. I don't know the exact amount.

"However, now… Even with the pill, I can only ring it seven times, which is not more than Mo Fei! This Mo Fei is extremely strong. In the cultivation world, he can be considered number one below the Ascendant stage! Even Ascendant cultivators would need to be at the mid stage to be a match for him!"

Shi Xiao revealed killing intent as he looked at Mo Fei, who had closed his eyes to cultivate after turning and letting out a cold snort.

Aside from them, there were several people among the demon generals that were calculating how many times they could beat the drums and their chances of entering the top 10!

The golden-armored man coldly looked at the crowd. His eyes contained ridicule as he pointed at Wang Lin and slowly said, "You, come out!"

Wang Lin calmly arrived at the top of the square. His eyes were like lightning as he looked at the golden-armored man and calmly said, "I'm not called 'you,' my name is Wang Lin!"

The golden-armored man didn't hide the killing intent in his eyes and said, "Wang Lin, do you dare to bet with me!?"

Wang Lin said, "Speak!"

"I bet that you can't beat the drum five times! If you can, then I'll personally recommend you to the Demon Emperor and guarantee you will at least get the position of demon general. But if you lose, you will have to take responsibility for injuring a demon general! If you don't dare to bet, then scram off this stage and get the hell out of Sky Demon City! You are not welcome here!" After the golden-armored man finished speaking, sounds of discussions filled the area!

" Beat it five times? Although this foreigner beat Ao Di, ringing this drum is a true test! At most I think he can ring it three times, and that's already considered pretty good. That Ao Di at most can only ring it once!"

"Ao Di is only considered mid-tier among demon generals. Shi Xiao, Mo Fei, Yu Sen, and many others can easily win against him. Wang Lin beating Ao Di doesn't mean much."

"The Golden Chief Steward is interesting to make a bet with this foreigner."

The Yellow Vice Commander-in-Chief smiled at the Xuan Vice Commander-in-Chief and said, "The person you chose seems to have some bad luck."

Xuan Vice Commander-in-Chief looked at Wang Lin before letting out a snort and saying, "The Golden Chief Steward will experience a big surprise!"

Wang Lin calmly looked at the golden-armored man and gradually revealed a faint smile. However, when this faint smile landed in the Xuan Vice Commander-in-Chief's eyes, he couldn't help but feel a chill!

The Xuan Vice Commander-in-Chief clenched his teeth and thought, "He also smiled like this when he attacked me back then!"

Wang Lin faintly smiled. "I don't need you to recommend me to the Demon Emperor…"

The golden-armored man revealed contempt and said, "You don't dare to bet?!"

Wang Lin's voice was like the cold wind from the ninth level of hell. "I want one of your hands!"

This sentence caused everyone to be shocked. Just at this moment, Wang Lin stepped toward the demon drum!

The golden-armored man revealed a hint of killing intent in his eyes and smiled. "If you can ring it more than five times, I'll give you a hand. Hell, if you can ring it 10 times, I'll give you both my hands. No problem!"

"This Wang Lin is simply too arrogant; I'm afraid he is overestimating himself. How can ringing this drum be that simple?"

"When this person experiences the backlash from the demon drum, he will know just how wrong he is!"

"This is unfortunate for Mo Lihai. I'm afraid that because of this person, he will have no face for the next 300 years."

Wang Lin's expression was calm as he walked toward the demon drum. He walked very calmly and stopped right before the demon drum. He didn't try to beat the drum from far away to lessen the force of the backlash.

After arriving directly below the demon drum, Wang Lin floated into the air. Looking at the huge demon drum, it was as if he could feel a faint, fishy smell from it.

The surface of this drum wasn't smooth like a mirror and instead had many concave points and subtle veins. It was just like a piece of hide from a monster!

"Skin of the ancient demon…" Wang Lin stretched out his right hand and touched the demon drum. When he touched it, he felt waves of force pushing back at him.

Wang Lin's eyes narrowed. At this moment, all of the life seals gathered on his body. More than 3,000 life seals completely surrounded him.

"Bet that I can hit it more than 5 times…" Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and took out a wine jug. The wine jug was filled with wine. He grabbed it with his left hand and took a big gulp, then he smiled. "Lord Golden Armor, watch carefully!"

Wang Lin's right hand formed a seal and then punched at the demon drum!

Dong! The sound of the drum echoed across the square and the sky like rolling thunder. Wang Lin's body didn't move at all as he withdrew his fist three inches, and right after he did so, he punched once more. One time, two times, three times, four times!

Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong!

Four times in a row!

These four rings from the drum came out at the same time, caught up to the first ring, and silently fused together. It created this storm of sound that spread wildly with the demon drum as the center.

The square began to shatter inch by inch as if there was a giant earth dragon moving underneath it. In the sky, the thunder created by the drum became even more powerful. Countless people in the stands coughed out blood as they directly suffered serious internal injuries from this five-in-one drum beat!

There were even several people that were completely knocked unconscious by the sound!

Aside from the Heaven Commander-in-Chief, the remaining seven commander-in-chiefs all stood up and revealed looks of disbelief. The expression of the golden-armored man on the square changed greatly!

The five thunderous drum beats weren't very shocking. What really shocked everyone was that Wang Lin's body hadn't moved at all!

The Yellow Vice Commander-in-Chief shouted, "This… this is impossible!"

Chapter 590 - Words That Evoke Laws

The Xuan Vice Commander-in-Chief thought, "Hmph, what isn't impossible? As long as it is that Wang Lin, what isn't impossible?!" He let out a sigh. If it wasn't for the fact that he was too arrogant and had underestimated Wang Lin like everyone else here, he wouldn't still be injured right now.

Aside from the Heaven Commander-in-Chief, the other commander-in-chiefs all stood up, and their eyes were like sharp swords as they stared at Wang Lin. Waves of shock and disbelief appeared in their hearts.

The vice commander-in-chiefs below them were all completely stunned, and their hearts trembled violently as they stared at Wang Lin.

It has to be said that there were people here we could ring it five times! There were even people who could ring it five times in a row, but the shockwave created when the five rings fused into one could be described as heaven-shaking!

This kind of violent backlash was not something a demon general could withstand! Even the genius demon general, Mo Fei, could only withstand three in a row. If there was a fourth, he would without a doubt lose!

Yet Wang Lin was able to ring it five times in a row. If the combined shockwave was able to seriously injure Wang Lin or make him retreat in a sorry state, then people might've been willing to reluctantly accept it.

However, this person didn't even move at all. He floated next to the demon drum as if he hadn't rang it himself. Or it was as if he was hitting a normal drum, as there wasn't any rebound at all.

"How… How is this possible… I'm not mistaken, right? He just casually rang it five times…"

"There must be a problem here! This cultivator must have used some underhanded method!"

"Yu Sen spent painstaking effort to ring it four times, yet this person just casually rang it five times… However, Mo Fei was about to ring it eight times, and this person definitely can't do more than that!" Endless cries of shock came from the crowd.

They weren't unfamiliar with Wang Lin's figure. A few days ago, he was the first person to seriously injure a demon general, engraving his figure into people's minds.

However, these ministers, ladies, and various officials of the Sky Demon City didn't think that Wang Lin was that strong. In their eyes, the key reason why Ao Di lost and was seriously injured was because Ao Di was too weak!

If this Wang Lin had encountered people like Mo Fei or Shi Xiao, then he would without a doubt have lost! This was something everyone was very confident about.

However, now this Wang Lin, who they disliked a lot, was able to ring the drum five times in almost a trivial manner.

This scene shocked everyone!

Some people even suspected that the demon drum was broken. However, they realized they were wrong after seeing that some of the people around them were seriously injured or knocked out, and the demonic spiritual energy in their own bodies was going crazy. The feeling of their demonic spiritual energy almost being shocked out of their bodies immediately dismissed the idea that the demon drum was broken.

Also, the cracked square with the demon drum at the center showed just how powerful the impact from before was!

To be able to create such destruction on a square reinforced with countless restrictions could only be described as unbelievable.

Almost all of the commander-in-chiefs sucked in breaths of cold air. Yu Sen bitterly smiled as he shook his head and completely gave up on the idea of battling Wang Lin.

「スマイ LINK」から広がるビジネスの可能性.大阪ガスの次世代インフラとは.ミライ価値の創造を通じて,社会課題の解決に貢献する.Daigasグループの挑戦に光を当てたDaigas STUDIO…大阪ガス株式会社

The only female demon general, Xie Lian, was wearing full body armor. Although it was full body armor, it was still extremely revealing, so it showed off her beautiful curves.

Her purple gauntlet revealed her pearly-white arms. Her top covered her two peaks and revealed her slender waist. A black tattoo started from her snow-white neck, went down through her chest, and extended to her waist.

Her lower armor was armored leaf blades that circled around her, covering up her plump butt, and her pair of jade legs had greaves covering them. She gave off the feeling of a heroic beauty.

This woman was wearing a helmet that covered her face. Only her beautiful eyes could be seen, and they were shining brightly as she looked at Wang Lin.

Among the demon generals, Shi Xiao's eyes lit up as he carefully looked at Wang Lin. Chen Tao softly whispered, "I have already said that this person is extremely strong!"

Shi Xiao let out a cold snort and didn't say a word, but his expression darkened.

Among the demon generals, only Mo Fei didn't look at Wang Lin. Instead, he silently watched the distant horizon. The Da Lou Sword Sect cultivator stared at Wang Lin with undisguised killing intent.

Among all this noise, the golden-armored man's expression was extremely ugly. He looked at the demon drum and his hands clenched tightly into a fist!

Wang Lin withdrew his right hand from the drum before turning around and looking at the golden-armored man. All of the noise stopped as he turned around, and all of their gazes gathered on Wang Lin.

Wang Lin pointed at the golden-armored man and calmly said, "You lost!"

The rebound force from beating the drum earlier was blocked by the life seals around Wang Lin's body. However, the rebound was extremely powerful, so it took over 2,000 layers of life seals before this power was completely neutralized.

The life seals couldn't be destroyed unless all 3,000 plus seals were destroyed in an instant! Otherwise, they would recover. This was the true strength of the life seals.

"No wonder that grey-robed All-Seer said that he had one billion life seals and that he would be perfectly fine even if planet Tian Yun were to explode. A spell with this kind of defensive power is extremely rare!"

After the golden-armored man heard Wang Lin's words, his expression turned even uglier. He let out a cold snort and said, "I said you could not exceed five rings. Are you a fool that can't understand the meaning of my words?! You rang it five times, and it hasn't exceeded five, so it is not your win!"

After he said that, some of the people in the stands felt that this golden-armored chief steward's morals were too low!

Wang Lin shot a cold look at the golden-armored man, then his right hand formed a fist and hit the demon drum behind him.

Dong! The sixth ring came from the drum and echoed across the square. This ring from the bell caused everyone's hearts to skip a beat.

A powerful rebound force suddenly emerged from demon drum as if there was a powerful gust of wind blowing Wang Lin's hair back. The already-shattered square immediately began to shake once more as if there was a giant dragon moving underneath it.

Wang Lin's right hand didn't stop as he coldly looked at the golden-armored man, whose expression was even gloomier, and punched with his right fist once more.

Dong! The seventh sound from the drum echoed across the sky. If the first six rings of the demon drum could be considered raging waves, then the rebound force of the seventh ring could be considered a flash flood!

Demon General Mo Fei could ring it six times without being injured, but on the seventh time he was forced back and his armor was shattered to pieces! This showed just how powerful the rebound from this seventh ring was!

The seventh ring sounded, and at this moment, the sky changed color. A storm gathered with the demon drum as the center and began to spread like crazy.

Wang Lin's right hand was motionless and he stood up straight in the air. His right hand was still touching the demon drum as his gaze fell on the golden-armored man.

This seventh ring caused thunderous rumbling sounds to occur in the sky, and Wang Lin's voice slowly came out of these thunderous rumbles.

"Seven times now!"

The golden-armored man's face twitched as he stared at Wang Lin and said, "I'll recommend you to the Demon Emperor!"

Wang Lin shook his head and calmly said, "I want one of your hands!"

"You dare?!" the golden-armored man shouted loudly. His eyes were filled with killing intent as shouted, "Say that again!"

"I want one of your hands!" At the moment Wang Lin's voice came out, his right hand hit the demon drum again.

Dong! The eighth ring from the drum spread out like tens of thousands of waves. This ring echoed with Wang Lin's words and began to spread like crazy in all directions.

"I want one of your hands!" At this moment, it was as if that was the only sound left in this world.

This was because Wang Lin had used the power of the eighth ring from the demon drum to affect the heavens. Thunderous roars echoed in the sky as if the sky was about to collapse. Among the deafening, rumbling sounds, that sentence felt like it wasn't said by Wang Lin but by the heavens! The earth! It was like a roar from the world! It was as if God had opened his eyes to look over the land!

This sound represented the world!

The heavens and earth fused with the sound of the drum to form that sentence. Although that sentence wasn't as loud as thunder, it was more shocking!

This unimaginable force caused the golden-armored man's expression to suddenly turn pale. He involuntarily took a few steps back, his ears buzzed, and his face turned deathly pale!

At that moment, he had the illusion that he was facing the world. The demonic spiritual energy inside his body went crazy, and he even had a trace of an impulse to cut off his own arm.

The surrounding people were all shocked. They no longer had the courage to talk like before, so the entire square was abnormally quiet!

Aside from a few select individuals among the spectators, everyone else knew without a doubt that if Wang Lin had said that to them just now, they would have cut off their own arms.

That sound just now was the might of the heavens! That sound just now was law, the majestic and dominating words from the heavens!

Among the demon generals, Mo Fei moved his gaze away from the sky and onto Wang Lin for the first time.

Among the commander-in-chiefs, aside from the Heaven Commander-in-Chief, who still hadn't looked at Wang Lin, the other seven's expressions changed slightly. Their eyes revealed mysterious lights as they looked at Wang Lin.

"Words That Evoke Law!" The seven commander-in-chiefs looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

None of them noticed that at the moment that voice came, the Heaven Commander-in-Chief's always-closed eyes opened slightly and revealed a hint of confusion.

Among the vice commander-in-chiefs, the Yellow Vice Commander-in-Chief was completely startled, and the Xuan Vice Commander-in-Chief let out a sigh.

The golden-armored man's face was completely pale, but he quickly recovered. He stared at Wang Lin and slowly said, " Your voice fused with the power of the drum and thus borrowed the power of the heavens. Unfortunately, you borrowed the power of the demon drum. If you could achieve Words That Evoke Law with your own strength, then forget about my arms, even if you wanted my life, I'd willingly hand it over!"

Chapter 591 - The Heaven Commander-in-Chief Is Moved

"However, right now it is impossible for you to take my arm!" The golden-armored man took a deep breath before looking at Wang Lin and shaking his head. "If you can ring it 15 times, then I swear to the Sky Demon that I'll cut off my arm for you!

"If you can't do it, then shut up! If you continue to be noisy, don't blame me for dealing with you!" The golden-armored man let out a cold snort.

Wang Lin coldly looked at the golden-armored man. This man's cultivation level was very high. When Wang Lin withstood that golden lance, he could tell that this man's cultivation level was at the peak of the mid stage of Ascendant, only one sliver away from the late stage!

Although this person's cultivation level was only one level above the Xuan Vice Commander-in-Chief's, to Wang Lin, this level was an extremely wide gap!

This was only secondary, though. The most important thing was that the spell the golden-armored man cultivated was extremely tyrannical. When Wang Lin withstood the sun lance, he immediately noticed the mysterious force behind that power. This golden-armored man's spell was related to the Yang flame. This spell combined with his cultivation made him stand at the top of mid stage Ascendant cultivators. He was even strong enough to fight against an average late stage Ascendant cultivator!

Unless he met a titled Ascendant cultivator, it would be very hard to defeat him!

Of course, battling this person during day and night times would also differ greatly! If it was at noon, then Wang Lin would lose without a doubt! But if Wang Lin were to battle him at night and in a place with powerful Yin energy, it would be easier.

Wang Lin wtihdrew his gaze and no longer bothered with the golden-armored man, then his gaze fell on the demon drum instead. He had already rung it eight times, and the rebound from the eighth time had broken through almost 3,000 layers of life seals.

"Even if Mo Lihai can't enter, I have already rung it eight times. At most I only need to ring it once more to enter top ten and not continue. If I go further and get injured, it won't be worth it…

"However, when I ring this demon drum, it stirs my mind. It gives me the same feeling that I get when I listen to the zither music by the riverside… Could it be that ringing this drum also helps my dao…

"Ringing this drum doesn't follow my dao, but the rebound the drum gives is a type of defying. The force I use to ring the drum is following the heavens' will, but the rebound is defying the heavens!

"This following and then defying creates a mysterious heavenly cycle…" Wang Lin's eyes revealed a mysterious light as he stared at the demon drum. At this moment, he no longer hesitated; he took a deep breath and hit the drum.

Dong! The ninth ring came from the drum!

The rebound from the drum entered his body like a flood. This was a defying force, and as it passed through Wang Lin's body, the life seals that were gathered on his body quickly shattered. 100, 800, 1,000, 2,200, 3,400… Until more than 3,600 life seals dissipated. Although this force had been weakened greatly, more than half of the remaining force was still charging at Wang Lin.

More than 3,700 life seals completely collapsed for the first time since Wang Lin obtained them.

As the last life seal collapsed, the rebound forced pierced into Wang Lin's body and moved within his meridians. It was as if Wang Lin's body was in a giant storm, as his body and clothes were violently fluttering backwards.

His body involuntarily retreated backwards. One step, two steps, three steps, four steps… Until the 19th step, where Wang Lin's right foot took a step back and he stopped himself!

His face turned red and took a few moments before returning to normal.

After seeing this, the golden-armored man's heart relaxed a bit and a sneer appeared once more on his face. He thought to himself, "This child can't possibly ring it 15 times; this is just the ninth time and he is reaching his limit. I can confirm that ten times is his limit!"

The surroundings were completely silent. No one dared to talk after the ninth ring from the bell echoed across the square. This result surpassesed the number one demon general, Mo Fei, and everyone knew that from this day onward, the name "Wang Lin" will shine in the Sky Demon Country!

「スマイ LINK」から広がるビジネスの可能性.大阪ガスの次世代インフラとは.ミライ価値の創造を通じて,社会課題の解決に貢献する.Daigasグループの挑戦に光を当てたDaigas STUDIO…大阪ガス株式会社

It has to be said that the Demon Emperor didn't care about where people are from. Wasn't the Heaven Commander-in-Chief also a cultivator!?

No one talked, and their eyes were all gathered on Wang Lin.

Mo Lihai stared at Wang Lin. Wang Lin's change in these past few months was simply too great.

"Nine times… I can't do it…" Mo Lihai let out a bitter sigh.

As Wang Lin stood at the center of the square, all of the surrounding gazes gathered on him, but he completely ignored the gazes. Right now his expression was gloomy and unsettled, and he slowly frowned.

After the rebound force was weakened by more than 3,700 layers of life seals, the amount that entered his body wasn't much! He only had to cycle a bit of his celestial spiritual energy to return to normal.

But at the moment the rebound force entered Wang Lin's body, he immediately felt a strange aura within the rebound force. It contained an unyielding spirit and the dominating feeling of going against the heavens.

The rebound force came from this unyielding and extremely arrogant aura. Anyone that dared to provoke it would suffer its relentless attack. Even if the sky collapsed on it, it would hold the sky up and then pierce it!

This was the intent from this aura!

Wang Lin muttered, "Defying…"

"I was wrong before. Using the life seals to resist this defying force was the same as resisting my own defying nature in my heart…" Wang Lin's eyes revealed a mysterious force. Then his entire person became very refined as he silently looked at the demon drum.

At this moment, the Heaven Commander-in-Chief once against opened his eyes slightly and looked at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin pondered for a long time before taking a step forward, then another, and another. After 19 steps, he arrived before the demon drum. Wang Lin didn't immediately ring the drum but used this palm to gently touch it, feeling its rough surface.

Slivers of unyielding intent slowly entered Wang Lin through his palm.

He slowly closed his eyes. At this moment, he seemed to fuse with the demon drum, and his aura slowly disappeared.

The golden-armored man frowned, then he sneered and said, "Trying to act all mysterious, huh? If just touching the drum would let you ring it 15 times, then the servants cleaning the drum every day could ring it over a hundred times! Ridiculous!"

He wasn't the only one who had this though; even the commander-in-chiefs all frowned as well.

The Xuan Commander-in-Chief was quite puzzled. "What is this child doing?"

One of the commander-in-chiefs chuckled. "Can this cultivator communicate with the demon drum?"

The only female among the commander-in-chiefs, the Universe Commander-in-Chief, softly said, "He is not communicating with it, but comprehending it. When I rang the demon drum, I also felt the aura within it. Could it be that you all have forgotten?"

After she said that, the commander-in-chiefs' expressions became serious.

The officials watching from the stands could no longer keep silent and all began to softly whisper.

Among the demon generals, Mo Fei's eyes lit up and he stared at Wang Lin. He softly said, "Could it be that you felt that aura too…"

At the moment Wang Lin closed his eyes, that unyielding aura became clear.

This aura slowly gathered in his body and fused with his origin soul. He was completely immersed in this aura, and he thoroughly integrated himself with the demon drum.

"I'm not supposed to resist the defying aura from the drum, I'm supposed to merge with it instead. If I can comprehend this defying aura, then this rebound won't be able to injure me and instead will help refine my body!" Wang Lin opened his eyes. His eyes were now filled with clarity as he raised his hand and gently let it fall.

Dong! The tenth ring from the drum echoed across the square.

Wang Lin's body was immediately met with an unimaginable force from the drum. At this moment, Wang Lin withdrew his life seals, allowing the force to directly enter his body.

The rebound force moved through his body like crazy, and black drops of sweat came out from the pores of his body. Wang Lin felt the refreshing feeling of his body being purified. It was a feeling that he hadn't felt since he reached the Foundation Establishment stage.

However, this feeling didn't last long. The force inside his body suddenly became violent. As it moved through Wang Lin's body, it caused his face to turn pale.

"Marrow cleansing!! This child is using the demon drum to cleanse his marrow!" The various commander-in-chiefs were shocked.

Not only them, but cries even came from the demon generals. Shi Xiao's gaze toward Wang Lin was filled with killing intent. He raised his hand many times but hesitated and then lowered it.

The golden-armored man's eyes became cold as he sneered and thought, "Marrow cleansing… This old man has followed the Demon Emperor for a long time, and the Demon Emperor did say that you can cleanse your marrow with the sound of the demon drum. However, that is only if you have enough a high enough cultivation level. Otherwise, if you try to cleanse by force, you will only seriously injure yourself!"

The Heaven Commander-in-Chief's eyes were now half open. He revealed a hint of disappointment and then closed his eyes once more.

At the moment the Heaven Commander-in-Chief closed his eyes, he sighed in his heart. "There isn't any need to observe this child anymore…"

Wang Lin's face was deathly pale, but his eyes were bright!

"There is some consciousness within this demon drum's defying force. If I were to completely fuse with it without a second thought, then although it would be considered defying, it would still be the path of the demon drum and not my own!

"I was injured by the marrow cleansing not because my cultivation is lacking, but because my dao is different! In this world, whether it is cultivators or other creatures, as long as they cultivate to defy the heavens, they all have their own defying nature!

"Although it is only the word 'defy,' everyone has their own comprehension, and there are countless dao for it!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up like they never had before. Although his expression was pale, at this moment, it was as if his domain had fused with his body! The light in his eyes gradually disappeared and was replaced by sadness and loneliness.

Then he raised his right hand and gently touched the demon drum!

Dong! The eleventh ring came from the drum.

At this moment, a sad aura spread out from the drum. It echoed across the square, spreading far enough to even affect Sky Demon City!

The sadness in the echo from the drum was like the sadness of the zither music; it moved the heart!

The sadness entered his soul, his soul formed a will, the will beat the drum, and the drum spread his dao…

"The sound of the drum contains intent… Impossible, this is impossible. How could this person achieve this? This is absolutely impossible!!!" For the first time, the golden-armored man's expression completely changed. He subconsciously took several steps back and stared at Wang Lin.

The Heaven Commander-in-Chief for the first time completely opened his eyes and stood up to look at Wang Lin! In the entire square, the only person who had his attention was Wang Lin!