

Chapter 568 - Acquaintance

Sky Demon City!

It is located in the northern part of the Sky Demon Country. Surrounding it are countless mountains intersecting with each other. If one looks from the sky, these mountains seem to form the shape of nine dragons coiling around the city.

The nine dragon heads all point toward a secluded lake. It is called Dragon Lake!

The holy symbol of the Sky Demon Country, the Ancient Demon Temple, is inside this Dragon Lake!

Dragon Lake is heavily guarded!

Sky Demon City is in front of Dragon Lake!

To be more accurate, this city is formed by nine cities with similar sizes to Ancient Demon City. The nine cities make an eight divinatory trigram with the royal palace at the center!

There is a river around the royal palace with eight bridges linking to each of the eight cities! The royal palace is where the demon emperor lives and is filled with exquisite pavilions. The other eight cities are also distinct and have their own styles.

It is early morning, and the entire Sky Demon City is shrouded by a faint, green mist that comes from the dragon mountain ranges. The demon emperor calls it "dragon energy," and cultivating this energy can increase cultivation.

The entire Sky Demon City is like a large monster. As the green mist slowly dissipates, the sounds of people waking up makes it look like the giant beast is slowly awakening as well.

There are 18 transfer arrays outside of Sky Demon City, and they are guarded by demon soldiers year-round. Of these 18 transfer arrays, eight of them are used by the civilians, such as merchants, to travel everywhere.

The remaining 10 can only used by those with high status. There is a very clear distinction between the classes.

The 14th transfer array is for the demon generals' use only. Every time it actives, a demon general appears!

A demon general is considered a powerhouse in Sky Demon City, one who controls a large amount of troops and amazing spells!

At this moment, among the demon soldiers outside the 14th transfer array, there was clearly a demon soldier whose armor had more lines than the others'.

This soldier loosened his shoulders and put down his weapon. Then he took off his helmet, sat on it, turned around, and shouted, "Er Gou, come here and massage my shoulders!" After he shouted, one of the soldiers quickly ran out. He put on a smart face as he quickly got behind the person and began to massage. He asked, "Captain, is my strength good?"

The captain moved his shoulders and smiled. "Yes, pretty good. Among you brats, you have the best control of strength."

"Captain, normally this transfer array barely opens once a month. Why has it opened so much recently? It seems like a lot of demon generals are rushing here." Er Gou took his chance to ask the question that had been bothering him for a while.

"Today my mood is good, so I'll tell you!" As the captain said that, the guards all immediately closed in. Apparently they all wanted to know what was going on as well.




"You guys are all new recruits from the last 100 years, so it is not strange you don't know about it. Every 300 years, there is a big competition between the demon generals, and the demon emperor personally attends it. The reward is sometimes demonic treasures or demonic spells! However, this time the competition has a completely different meaning!

"Because 200 years ago, we suffered heavy losses against the Fire Demon Country, including two vice commander-in-chiefs. That is why the demon emperor will pick two new vice commander-in-chiefs in this competition!"

After this was said, all the surrounding demon soldiers' eyes widened and their faces were filled with shock.

Although demon generals and vice commander-in-chiefs were only half a rank apart, the gap was almost impossible to cross! In the countless years that the Sky Demon Country has existed, there have only been eight commander-in-chiefs and eight vice commander-in-chiefs, while there have been hundreds of demon generals!

A so called vice commander-in-chief is not the commander-in-chief's assistant but the person next in line for the commander-in-chief position. Only the vice commander-in-chief can challenge the commander-in-chief for the position!

In the Sky Demon Country, once the commander-in-chief dies, a vice commander-in-chief takes over!

That is the first step to becoming a commander-in-chief, become a vice commander-in-chief!

Looking at the shock on the surrounding demon soldiers' faces, the captain felt very proud. He let out a cough and said, "That is why the previously proud demon generals all came here. With how important this matter is, even those that originally didn't intend to participate are all coming as well!

"The 14th transfer array we guard is for demon generals only; that is why it has been so busy for the past several days!"

The demon soldier massaging his shoulders said, "Captain, which lord demon general do you think will win?"

"This… is not easy to say. For someone to become a demon general, they must have powerful spells, but even spells have differences in strength. I believe that lord Mo Fei, who holds the city next to the Fire Demon Country, can enter the top three! Also, there is the Ancient Demon City's lord Mo Liahi. His cultivation is also considered high among demon generals…" Just as the captain reached this point, his expression suddenly changed. He immediately stood up and the helmet flew into the air and landed on his head. Then his hand reached out and his weapon flew into his hand.

He did this in almost an instant.

The demon soldiers were all already accustomed to their captain's actions. Right now, even without his command, they were all standing straight and facing forward.

Just at this moment, rings of light appeared above the transfer array, and there was a burst of demonic spiritual energy from it. Then two figures slowly appeared inside the transfer array, and just as they appeared, they each took a step forward. They both stepped out of the transfer array at the exact same time.

Mo Lihai looked at the capital before him as he took a deep breath and said to the person behind him, "Brother Wang, it has been more than 30 years since I've returned to the capital!"

Wang Lin looked at the giant city before him. Although it was big, it was within Wang Lin's expectation. After all, this was the capital of Sky Demon country!

"Greetings, General Mo!" Just as the two stepped out, the demon soldiers outside immediately greeted them.

Mo Lihai nodded slightly and smiled at Wang Lin. "Brother Wang, this way!"

With that, he took a step and quickly moved toward the western gate. Wang Lin quickly followed, and the two of them disappeared into the distance.

After the two of them left, the captain let out a sigh of relief. The demon soldier next to him whispered, "Captain, who is that person the demon general brought with him?" During this time, many of the demon generals had brought strangers with them.

The captain stared at the demon soldier and said, "The competition between the demon generals this time is very important to all the demon generals, so they would naturally seek aid. For this person to be chosen by General Mo, he must have something special about him, so you all best not think too much about it!"

He looked toward the direction where Wang Lin and Mo Lihai went and thought, "That person was recognized by Mo Lihai and was brought along using this transfer array, so his cultivation must not be simple! Also, from how polite Mo Lihai was to him, this person is definitely not simple!"

Mo Lihai was a demon general, so the soldiers at the western gate were extremely respectful when they saw him. They led them into the city before respectfully going back to their post.

Mo Lihai looked at Wang Lin and sincerely said, "Brother Wang, the various forces in Sky Demon City are very messy, especially with all the demon generals gathering. It would be best for you to not live in the city and instead come with me to my mansion. How about it?"

There were two cities connected to the western gate. The first was Xuan City, and the second was Hong City!

Mo Lihai said, "Sky Demon city has a total of eight outer cities, and those eight outer cities are split into inner and outer rings. Sky, Earth, Xuan, and Yellow are the four inner cities, while Universe, Eternity, Hong, and Desolate are the outer cities.

"The inner cities are for civilian court officials, and the outer cities are for military. There are also more differences based on one's status. I live in Hong City!"

Wang Lin pondered a bit and nodded. "I'll listen to brother Mo!"

Mo Lihai faintly smiled and nodded at Wang Lin. He then walked forward, and 1,000 feet before them was a fork in the road. The left route led to Xuan City and the right to Hong City.

Wang Lin followed Mo Lihai's guidance and walked through the city. This Hong City was very prosperous with many shops and people. The streets were very lively as people came and went.

The road was very wide, but the crowds were all concentrated in the two sides, leaving an opening ? the size of the road in the middle. Standing in the middle would allow you to see the road going far into the distance.

Mo Lihai saw Wang Lin's gaze fall on the opening, so he smiled and explained, "This road is a military road, so ordinary people are not allowed to walk there!"

Just at this moment, roars came from the military road in the distance, and soon, a group of black war horses quickly rushed over. Wang Lin spread out his divine sense and found 19 horses in total. There was a black-armored soldier sitting on each of them with cultivations roughly matching Soul Formation cultivators'. The demonic spiritual energy from their bodies were all fused together in a mysterious way.

There was demonic spiritual energy swirling in the sky above them, and it formed a vague shadow of a giant beast.

The 19 of them charged directly at Wang Lin and Mo Lihai. Wang Lin looked at Mo Lihai and found that although Mo Lihai's expression was serious, there was a hidden smile on his face.

The 19 of them stopped about a dozen or so feet from them. Then they all got off their horses, took a step forward, kneeled down, and loudly said, "Greetings, General Mo!"

Mo Lihai laughed, then he waved his hand and said, "All of you, get up. This person is my good friend, Vice General Wang. In the future, when you see him, it is the same as meeting me!"

The 19 of them turned toward Wang Lin without any hesitation and said, "Greetings, Vice General Wang!"

Wang Lin nodded lightly.

The voices of these 19 people and the scene they created drew everyone's attention. Their faces were filled with shock and they retreated far away.

"Brother Wang, follow me to my mansion. I'll have people prepare fine wine for us, so let's have a drink!" Mo Liahi jumped onto one of the war horses.

Wang Lin also jumped on a war horse and laughed. "Is it good wine?"

"Of course it is good wine!" Mo Lihai and Wang Lin looked at each other before laughing. Then the two of them rode off together neither in front nor behind the other. The 19 people and remaining 17 war horses followed them.

As the group of people moved along the military road, there were suddenly sounds of horses from the distance. Mo Lihai's expression sank, and instead of slowing down, he moved even faster!

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He saw an acquaintance!!

Chapter 569 - Chaos In the Capital, Prologue

As the sounds of horses approached from the military road before them, a team of more than 10 war horses charged toward them. There were two people in front of this group of war horses. One of them was wearing blue armor, and he had purple, flowing hair that revealed his demonic face. His face was so handsome that there was a demonic feel to it!

However, there was a scar on the right side of his face that completely destroyed his overall appearance.

The aura of beauty disappeared and was replaced by a vicious and evil aura!

There was a person sitting on the war horse beside the man with the scar. His face was thin and pale, but his eyes were bright. When he saw Wang Lin riding on the war horse, his eyes revealed a mysterious light.

The two groups of people didn't slow down at all and charged head on toward each other. The two groups were like two demonic beasts mercilessly charging at each other.

The evil person with the scar stared at Mo Lihai. In his eyes, no one other than Mo Lihai existed!

At this moment, it seemed like the earth itself was trembling, and the two sides got closer and closer!

Just at the moment they were about to collide, Mo Lihai let out a laugh, then his right hand formed a fist and he threw a punch. This punch moved like the roaring wind that could collapse everything into nothingness, and it flew directly at the evil-looking man!

They could hear the sound barrier breaking before the punch even closed in on the evil-looking man, and a powerful fist intent appeared within this punch!

The evil-looking man's expression didn't change. He raised his right hand and pointed forward with his index finger. Then he quickly pointed forward with his middle finger, and in a flash, he did the same with all five fingers. Then his five fingertips gathered together to form a cone and pointed forward together!

A soft, muffled sound suddenly came from both of them!

Then a ripple spread out from the two of them. The ripple, however, only spread out 30 feet and dissipated at the edge of the military road, so it didn't damage any buildings.

The two of them had to have very good control of their strength to ensure the shockwave was as small as possible.

The evil-looking man's body shifted as the war horse below him let out a painful wail because all four of its legs were broken. Then the horse's body exploded, so the evil-looking man was forced to retreat three steps, and each of those three steps caused the ground to tremble!

The person stared at Mo Lihai and said, "Ten Collapse Fist Intent!"

Mo Lihai's body also trembled, and he began to back up with his war horse as well. Wang Lin's eyes lit up as he raised his right hand and pointed at Mo Lihai. Wang Lin's use of power was very intricate and was able cancel out a lot of the force for Mo Lihai.

Mo Lihai took a deep breath as he stabilized his body. He then got off the war horse unscathed, and the contest between the two of them had been decided!

Mo Lihai smiled. "The Six Finger Demon Sword is only this much!"

The evil-looking man's gaze shifted from Mo Lihai and fell on Wang Lin. He said, in a serious tone, "What is your name, foreigner?!"

Wang Lin looked at this person and didn't speak.

The evil-looking man frowned. At this moment, the thin person beside him softly said, "His name is Wang Lin!"

Mo Lihai's eyes narrowed as he looked at Wang Lin and the thin-looking man.

The evil-looking man asked, "Oh? You guys know each other?"

The thin-looking man looked at Wang Lin and slowly said, "He is my junior apprentice brother!"

"Long time no see, Brother Sun Tao. It looks like you have to go into closed door cultivation for several years to recover from your serious injury!" said Wang Lin. His voice was calm, so it was impossible to know if he was happy or angry. At the moment he saw Sun Tao, he realized that Sun Tao was injured, and this was a serious injury that even effected Sun Tao's origin soul. Although the injury had been forcibly suppressed, Sun Tao's cultivation had dropped from the mid stage of Ascendant to the peak of the late stage of Soul Transformation!

Sun Tao took a careful look at Wang Lin and then the shock in his heart slowly calmed downed. When he first saw Wang Lin, he naturally discovered that Wang Lin's cultivation had jumped two steps from the mid stage of Soul Transformation to the peak of the late stage.

Sun Tao slowly said, "Junior brother Wang, it looks like you had a fortunate encounter! But you have to be careful in the Sky Demon City because of the people from the Da Lou Sword Sect. My injuries were caused by them!" There was a hint of anger in his voice. This anger wasn't directed at Wang Lin but the Da Lou Sword Sect.

Wang Lin pondered a bit before slapping his bag of holding and taking out a bottle of pills. Although these pills wouldn't have much effect on Sun Tao, they represented Wang Lin's good will. He tossed the pills at Sun Tao and then rode forward on his war horse without saying a word.

Mo Lihai looked profoundly at the two of them before leading his people around the evil-looking man and catching up to Wang Lin.

The evil-looking man coldly looked at the backs of Mo Lihai and company and asked, "How is this person?"

Sun Tao put away the pills, then he pondered a bit and said, "If I wasn't injured, I could kill him!"

"Don't underestimate him. This Mo Lihai has a total of three powerful spells! The first spell is the Ten Collapse Fist Intent, the second is the Hundred Wave Demon Sea, and the third spell is something the Demon Emperor personally taught him, so it is very powerful!" The evil-looking man sighed and said, "If you weren't injured, I'd be 100% confident in winning this competition!"

Sun Tao pondered a bit. Shortly after he said, "If I get the materials, I can refine a Heavenly Cloud Pill, which can restore my cultivation to the early stage of Ascendant for a short period of time!"

The evil-looking man nodded and said, "Don't worry about materials, I have already sent people to gather them!" Then he changed the topic and asked, "How is your junior apprentice brother?"

Sun Tao revealed a complex look before letting out a sigh and saying, "Strong! Very strong! Even when his cultivation was not at the peak of the late stage of Soul Transformation and only at the mid stage, it was best not to provoke him!"

The evil-looking man's eyes narrowed. He had interacted with Sun Tao for a long period of time, and this was the first time Sun Tao had ever evaluated someone like this!

On the military road, Mo Lihai looked at Wang Lin and smiled. "Thanks, Brother Wang, for the help earlier. Otherwise, my war horse would have turned into a pile of flesh and blood as well."

Wang Lin shook his head. "That is but a small matter; Brother Mo doesn't have to thank me."

Mo Lihai slowly said, "That person's name is Shi Xiao, and his spell's power, the Six Finger Demon Sword, is unpredictable! With your senior apprentice brother's help, he will be one of my main threats this time!"

They quickly moved along the military road, and after one incense stick of time, they stopped before a mansion. Although this place wasn't big, it had everything that was needed; it even had fake mountains and water. It was quite elegant.

Wang Lin was living in the southern building right across from the fake mountain.

Mo Lihai arranged two sergeants to be under Wang Lin's control before leaving to meet the Demon Emperor. He spoke to Wang Lin before he left and they agreed to drink together once he comes back.

Wang Lin sat in the lotus position in his room. Aside from helping Mo Lihai, his other goal during this trip to the capital city was to get the position of demon general. This place was the capital of Sky Demon Country, so experts were as common as clouds here. Only by making himself stand out among the others would it make it a lot easier for him to get the position of demon general.

"Even Sun Tao's mid stage Ascendant cultivation was injured by someone and forced down to the peak of the late stage of Soul Transformation. He said that it was someone from the Da Lou Sword Sect. There are more than 10 people from the Da Lou Sword Sect who entered, and unless multiple people ganged up on Sun Tao, there is no way for him to be this injured…"

After pondering for a long time, Wang Lin took a deep breath. The reason he gave Sun Tao the pills was to send a message of good faith. Although they had their differences here, they were still, after all, from the same sect. When facing the threat of the Da Lou Sword Sect, they couldn't fight against each other.

After pondering for a long time, Wang Lin closed his eyes and began to cultivate.

Mo Lihai returned at dusk, and his eyes were filled with joy. He chatted with Wang Lin over wine and they talked about various spells. Mo Lihai also told Wang Lin about the spells of several other demon generals.

Time quickly passed, and in the blink of an eye, Wang Lin had spent four days in the Mo Mansion. He spent almost all his time converting demonic spiritual energy into celestial spiritual energy to make his foundation even more stable.

Wang Lin didn't ask when the battle between the demon generals would start. He understood that when he is needed, Mo Lihai will ask for him. Therefore, Wang Lin was in no rush, and in addition to cultivation, he spent a lot of time pondering. What he was pondering about was the Celestial Slaughter Art. After the slaughter in Ancient Demon City, Wang Lin's understanding of the Celestial Slaughter Art became more profound.

Wang Lin also spent the three months at the Soul Refining Tribe like this. When he wasn't cultivating, he spent the rest of the time pondering about the Celestial Slaughter Art.

For him, a change in location wouldn't affect his mentality at all.

Wang Lin's calmness caught the attention of the two sergeants assigned to him, and they gradually began to admire Wang Lin. In their view, for someone at Wang Lin's cultivation level to continue to work so hard to cultivate, he would definitely become a demon general in the future.

Mo Lihai was extremely busy during this period of time. He left early almost every day and returned late. He went to meet various commander-in-chiefs and vice commander-in-chief as well as friendly demon generals to exchange information.

He could feel that the entire Sky Demon City was like a keg of explosives that will explode when the competition between the demon generals begin!

Wang Lin quietly stayed in the Mo Mansion for four days, and after that, he stopped cultivating. He sat in the courtyard and his hands rapidly moved, forming seals. Each one of the seals contained the power of the Celestial Slaughter Art.

Wang Lin sat there for seven days!

At the start, the two sergeants calmly looked at Wang Lin from a distance, but soon the two started feeling a powerful frenzy of killing intent coming from inside their hearts. Their hearts trembled violently, and their eyes were bloodshot, revealing powerful killing intent. Their sanity was already gone.

Just as this killing intent reached its limit and the two were about to explode, Wang Lin suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were filled with clarity.

When the two of them saw Wang Lin's eyes, it was as if cold water had been poured on their heads, and they immediately sobered up. Although they sobered up, a large amount of the cultivation inside their bodies disappeared. The two of them were filled with fear and never dared to watch Wang Lin cultivate again.

"The Celestial Slaughter Art takes the path of slaughter to create life seals. The amount of life I have taken is not small, but don't I have much of this slaughter aura… There must be a reason!" Wang Lin pondered as he carefully recalled every time he successfully used the Celestial Slaughter Art.

Chapter 570 - Zither Music

Scenes from the past flashed through Wang Lin's brain. This process was very slow. Wang Lin slowly sorted through this memories as he sat inside the courtyard. The memories of him successfully using the Celestial Slaughter Art played slowly in his mind as he looked for similarities between them.

After a long time, Wang Lin let out a sigh. After carefully looking through all the times he successfully created slaughter energy, it seemed like they all happened by chance and there was nothing in common between them.

"Although, if there is one thing… On the day I killed Sima Yan, there was something strange… At that moment, I acted out of anger and was able to create a strand of slaughter energy…" Wang Lin's eyes lit up but then dimmed once more.

"However, this doesn't make any sense, because there were strands of slaughter energy created when I was completely calm. There was also some slaughter energy created from demon soldiers, but as to which specific soldiers they were, it is impossible to tell."

Wang Lin pondered for a long time, but he still couldn't find anything, and his brows gradually furrowed.

"Cultivating the Celestial Slaughter Art is one of the key reasons I entered this place. I learned this spell to use it against Tuo Sen. Tuo Sen is very strong, so I will need a lot to go against him… Now that I have the Blood Soul Pills, I have a much better chance of surviving with these two combined. However, I only have a limited amount of Blood Soul Pills, so my priority is still this Celestial Slaughter Art!"

Wang Lin pondered. He had been cultivating the Celestial Slaughter Art for several years now, and creating the first strand of slaughter energy meant that he had reached the first stage. However, in order to master this spell, the difficulty was too high.

"I feel like there are some mysteries about this Celestial Slaughter Art, but the amount I control is too little to test." Wang Lin raised his right hand and five strands of grey gas moved between his fingers.

"Only five strands… Even counting the one sealing Yao Xixue, it is only six strands!"

Wang Lin let out a sigh. He still hasn't been able to see through the Celestial Slaughter Art. He was still quite confused about how the slaughter energy was produced.

He thought of many reasons, but each of those reasons only applied to one situation.

"It looks like I need to do a lot of tests and deductions to have a chance to understand the mysteries of the Celestial Slaughter Art!" Wang Lin's eyes became cold and a killing intent emitted from his eyes.

He pondered a little before spreading out his divine sense and finding the two sergeants responsible for his living conditions behind the fake mountain.

The two of them feared Wang Lin's spell from the bottom of their hearts, so they didn't dare to stay near Wang Lin. However, the lord's order was something they had to follow, so they decided to guard the entrance to the courtyard and didn't allow anyone to enter.

Wang Lin's divine sense swept past the two sergeants and he sent out a divine message.

Shortly after, the two sergeants walked into the courtyard. They stopped three feet from Wang Lin and respectfully said, "Greetings, Vice General Wang!"

Wang Lin calmly said, "I'm going out, the two of you lead the way!"

The two of them were startled, but they quickly nodded.

Wang Lin immediately moved forward several feet. The two sergeants almost immediately followed, but one of the hesitated for a bit before respectfully asking, "Vice General Wang, should we prepare a war horse?"

"No need!" In a flash, Wang Lin moved around the fake mountain and left the courtyard.

The three of them left the Mo Mansion with Wang Lin in front. The Mo Mansion was on the eastern corner of Hong City and was relatively quiet. He casually walked along the street.

Wang Lin didn't walk very fast; he looked around and gradually made his way to the main street of Hong City. There was a river nearby along with many people, and shops filled the sides of the street. It was very lively.

Bursts of noise slowly drifted over as men and women walked on the street. The clothing in Demon Spirit Land was open-minded, especially the women's clothing. Not only were they colorful, but they revealed a large amount of skin and were very pleasing to the eyes.

Everything before him caused Wang Lin's tense mood from the last few days to relax. He walked the streets as if he was a mortal, and the celestial spiritual energy inside his body slowly hid itself like a river drying up.

Along the way, Wang Lin would sometimes stop outside a shop. Sometimes he would enter and sometimes he would just leave, but the amount of time he stayed was always very short.

He was like a passer-by as he slowly walked through this foreign city.

Wang Lin's appearance wasn't handsome, but because he was a cultivator, he gave off a very refined temperament. As a result, the more open-minded women among the crowd would sometimes place their gazes on Wang Lin as they passed by.

Wang Lin looked like a defenseless scholar with his white robe. As for the two sergeants behind him, in the view of the public, they looked like typical guards.

However, there was still an aura about Wang Lin that was very different from this place, so there was no way for him to truly belong here. As a result, a faint feeling of sadness spread out from him.

Among the pedestrians, there would be pairs of men and women talking and laughing with each other. Compared to them, Wang Lin's figure was very lonely…

As he walked among the crowd, the surrounding noise seemed to be part of another world. The pairs of men and women seemed to belong in another time and space. Nothing before him had the slightest hint of familiarity or connection to him.

An indefinable feeling appeared in Wang Lin's heart, and he let out a sigh. This road was very long, but he didn't want to continue walking down it anymore.

The day was getting late, and just as he was ready to leave, the sound of a zither that was filled with a faint hint of sadness entered his ears… This faint sadness and zither music strangely fitted Wang Lin's mood very well and caused him to stop.

Wang Lin slowly followed the sound of the zither. Not far away from the street was a river. This was one of the inner rivers of Sky Demon City.

There were several boats on the river, and this zither music was coming from one of the boats.

Wang Lin silently stood on the side of the river, listening to the zither being played. With his eyesight, he was able to see a woman playing the zither on the boat…

This woman only revealed her back…

Her back was like her zither music, revealing a faint feeling of sadness and loneliness. Not far away from her were a few young people laughing and drinking. The sound of the laughter was very out of place next to the zither music…

Wang Lin quietly looked at the boat. As the zither music fell in his ears, he savored the sound and slowly found a sense of familiarity. At this moment, he remembered the peaceful valley back on planet Suzaku, his home with Li Muwan…

Wan Er's zither music from those peaceful days still accompanied Wang Lin.

Wan Er's zither music also contained a hint of sadness, but the Wang Lin back then didn't understand it. This sadness was far too faint and ethereal.

After Wan Er left, Wang Lin never heard that zither music again. Today, thanks to hearing the same zither music, the sadness in his heart slowly resurfaced.

Before Li Muwan left, Wang Lin's feeling for her had always been that he was moved and felt responsible for her hundreds of years of waiting. This isn't love…

However, after Wan Er left, Wang Lin would unconsciously think of Li Muwan sometimes. At those times, his heart hurt a lot; it was as if he entered a forest of loneliness.

Inside this forest, the emotion that lay dormant in him slowly awakened.

It was like a cup of bitter water inside Wang Lin's heart, creating ripples that won't easily disappear. He always remember the panic in her eyes when they first meet…

Even though this zither music was obviously fake, Wang Lin could still feel Wan Er slowly walking out from the void toward him and entering his arms…

It was like back in the valley when he and Li Muwan would silently watch the sunset… waiting for sunrise…

It was always after one lost something that they would want it most. It was also when one parted that they wanted to come back.

During the years after Wan Er left, Wang Lin recalled her time and time again, making her more and more important. She was now engraved in his heart and would last until the end of time…

The day was getting late, and before the sky was completely dark, a ray of starlight suddenly appeared in the sky. Too many unimaginable things happened in the Demon Spirit Land. No one asked where the starlight or moonlight came from; that wasn't important. What was important was that this starlight along with the zither music had touched the memories Wang Lin had sealed away.

The starlight imprinted in Wang Lin's eyes, and along with the zither music gradually drifting away, it caused a feeling to slowly condense in his heart. This was a feeling of loneliness, and it stayed in his heart for a long time.

The zither music became softer and softer as Wang Lin raised his hand to touch between his eyebrows. It was as if he was touching Li Muwan inside the heaven defying bead, and he muttered, "Wan Er, we still meet once more… This is my promise to you…"

The boat slowly left, and the figure of that woman also disappeared.

At the moment the music almost completely disappeared, the woman seem to noticed something and turned around. She looked at the riverside in the distance, but it was too dark to see. Still, in this darkness, she seemed to see a lonely figure slowly walking away.

On the boat, the woman let out a sigh and began to move her hand as sad music played once more and filled the river… Although there was light on the boat, to her, everything was always dark, whether it was day or night.

Her jade-like hand moved in the darkness, and the laughter that came from the boat was quickly shattered by her zither music.

She sat the bow of the boat, and there was no light in her eyes, but at this moment, she was like a lotus flower blooming in the mud… However, this was a bloom that no one could understand and no one paid attention to…

The zither music still echoed throughout the area, but no one was seriously listening… Even if there was someone listening seriously, she couldn't see…

Chapter 571 - Unyielding

Wang Lin left the river and slowly walked in the night with the two sergeants following him. The two sergeants both looked at each other and saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

In their view, Wang Lin had spent most of the time strolling the city and then staring at the river in a daze. The sky was now dark, but this person was still slowly walking down the street.

During the night, Hong City was lit up by lights as if it was a city without night.

As Wang Lin slowly walked on the road, his gaze fell on a dark area in the distance. There were many large buildings there, and the entire area had a depressing atmosphere.

This aura was filled with death and resentment.

One of the sergeants followed Wang Lin's gaze and whispered, "That is one of the four great prisons of the capital, Hong Prison!"

"Hong Prison…" Wang Lin nodded.

The sergeant explained, "Hong Prison is filled with felons and is well guarded. It is impossible for one to enter and exit without a token."

Wang Lin carefully looked at this Hong Prison. He had already noticed that place before because it contained several powerful demonic spiritual energies no weaker than Mo Lihai. After pondering a bit, Wang Lin walked toward the Mo Mansion.

After returning to the Mo Mansion, Wang Lin went straight to Mo Lihai's residence. Mo Lihai was cultivating, and when Wang Lin opened the door, he opened his eyes.

"I want to go to Hong Prison. Does brother Mo have a way?"

Mo Lihai was startled. He looked at Wang Lin but didn't ask for the reason. Instead, he pondered for a bit and said, "There are some difficulties!"

Wang Lin frowned and said, "Then forget it!"

Mo Lihai faintly smiled and said, "How long do you want to stay there?"

Wang Lin said, "About one month!"

Mo Lihai's eyes narrowed and he said, "Cultivating?"

Wang Lin nodded at Mo Lihai and said, "I need to kill to train my spell, and if I were to do that here in the city, it would cause unnecessary trouble." With that, Wang Lin added, "If I can succeed, then my ability to help you will increase!"

Mo Lihai stood up, then he stared at Wang Lin and asked, word for word, "Are you sure?"

Wang Lin didn't waste time as he waved his hand and five strands of slaughter energy appeared. They took the form of five dragons and charged toward Mo Lihai like lightning.

Mo Lihai laughed and threw a punch. There was a sound of force pushing through the air, and the five dragons collapsed. However, Mo Lihai's smile disappeared and he revealed a strange expression before retreating three steps.

The shattered grey gas reformed into the five dragons, and a thick slaughter aura spread out and immediately surrounded the entire Mo Mansion. All of the soldiers inside the mansion were alarmed by this and rushed over.

At the same time, these five strands of slaughter energy charged at Mo Lihai. His eyes lit up and he threw another punch. The five strands of slaughter energy dodged his punch and aimed at his chest.

The slaughter energy suddenly closed in but was stopped by an invisible force seven inches away from Mo Lihai's body and was forced back.

Even so, the screen of demonic spiritual energy before Mo Lihai also shook violently.

Wang Lin slowly said, "If I had more than 1,000 strands, could you still block it so easily…"

Mo Lihai's eyes lit up. This was not the first time he had seen the slaughter energy. Compared to the last two times, it was much more powerful this time. He decisively said, "One month is too long for me to do, but seven days is no problem. Hong Prison has tens of thousands of felons, so seven days should be enough for you to cultivate! Wait for me and I'll have an entry letter for you in three days!"

Wang Lin nodded and then left the room.

Mo Lihai revealed a pondering expression. After a long time, he muttered, "I indeed can't underestimate this Wang Lin. It looks like exchanging that Thirteen's life for his help was the right thing to do.

"Ignoring the power of that palm, just the power of those grey gas strands filled with killing intent is extremely abnormal. With only five strands that aren't even at full power, he was able to cause my demonic armor to shake. It is even sharper than some demonic swords! This isn't the most important thing though; there is something mysterious about that grey gas that can affect the life force in my body!

"If there were more than 1,000 strands of that grey gas… It would be very dangerous! It is best not to make an enemy of Wang Lin and maintain our current relationship!" He pondered a bit before leaving the room and working to get Wang Lin access to Hong Prison.

Wang Lin didn't return to his room but sat in the lotus position in the courtyard. Although the surroundings were completely quiet, there was still faint zither music in his ears.

Although this zither music was faint, it had its unique charms that didn't disappear.

Wang Lin didn't cultivate tonight; he didn't even think about the Celestial Slaughter Art at all. He just quietly sat there under the starlight, listening… to the zither music in his heart…

His figure created a long shadow from the moonlight. This shadow looked exceptionally bleak.

Merely a lonely shadow…

A jar of high quality wine from Ancient Demon City was placed next to Wang Lin. He would occasionally pick up the jar and take a drink. The bleakness of his shadow gradually affected his body, and his loneliness seemed to fuse with the moonlight that imprinted on his body and soul…

"I, Wang Lin, began learning dao at the age of 16, but I have long forgotten exactly how long I have cultivated for…" Wang Lin picked up the jar and took a big jump. The wine leaked out from the corner of his mouth and dripped on his clothes.

Wang Lin looked at the starlight in the sky and revealed a hint of loneliness.

"Cultivators walk against the heavens and are destined to be forever lonely…"

There were no sounds, but Wang Lin could still faintly hear the zither music. He wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth and muttered, "Being lonely for life gives one the heart to seek dao… But the how many people can truly savor this feeling of loneliness? Just like this wine, it is spicy when it enters the mouth, but then it turns into warmth once it enters the body…"

Under the starlight and moonlight, a solitary shadow was drinking wine and contemplating life…

"I don't know how those cultivators who have cultivated for over ten thousand years endured those ten thousand years. But I know that if one doesn't have at least a tiny bit of emotion, they are only cultivating their self-created dao and not the dao of the heavens!"

"The heavens and earth are inhumane. Cultivating is about going against the heavens, but if a cultivator is also heartless, than they are also inhumane. Using an inhumane heart to cultivate the heaven's inhumane dao, how can that be considered going against the heavens? That is merely following the will of the heavens.

"Since ancient times, those that followed the will of the heavens were favored by the heavens, but in truth they were merely insects! My dao doesn't follow the will of the heavens, I follow my heart to walk against the heavens. I don't seek to be immortal, I seek to get rid of my status as an insect. That is what it means to rebel!"

Wang Lin drank all the wine in the jar in one gulp and then threw it. The jar shattered when it landed, then Wang Lin touched between his eyebrows and leaned to the side. The bleakness in his eyes slowly disappeared…

The moonlight slowly disappeared and the sun gradually rose as Wang Lin slowly opened his eyes. Tonight, he was drunk…

He was drunk from wine and emotion…

At the moment he awakened, everything that happened last night was buried deep in his heart and sealed in a place that couldn't be touched.

Three days of time passed by in a flash. In those three days, Wang Lin didn't cultivate. Instead, he would leave the Mo Mansion every morning and wait by the riverside for that short period of time when the zither music would pass by.

That sad zither music flowed through his mind, piercing through those sealed memories and entering deep into his heart.

While listening to the zither music and drinking the wine the sergeants brought him, Wang Lin was completely immersed in the moment and gained some enlightenment.

The woman on the boat didn't know that there was someone seriously listening to her zither music in those three days. She just knew that whenever she passed by that spot, the sadness in her heart would increase, and that sadness entered her hand and escaped through her music.

During these three days, Wang Lin was very peaceful. He distanced himself from conflict and slaughter. He forgot about the danger of Tuo Sen, forgot about his agreement with Mo Lihai, and forgot his own hope for reaching the Ascendent stage. With the zither music and wine accompanying him, he experienced a short baptism for his heart.

He never tried to see what the woman looked like. Just her figure and zither music was enough…

If it wasn't for Mo Lihai having already settled the matter for Wang Lin to enter Hong Prison, he would have continued to sit there and cleanse his heart. He didn't know how long he would have stayed there for, perhaps until the strings on the zither broke and it no longer produced any music…

Wang Lin withdrew himself from the zither music. He stood up and watched the boat gradually leave!

At this moment, the woman on the boat suddenly turned around to look at the river side. Although everything before her was still dark, the figure of that man leaving appeared in her eyes.

A calm voice came from beside the woman. "Ming Xuan, what are you looking at?"

The zither music suddenly stopped.

The woman turned around and lowered her head. Then her jade-like hands floated above the zither's strings and trembled slightly. To her, his voice represented the heavens and an irresistible fate.

"Your zither music is too sad, so the guests want you to change!" Although the voice was calm, it was also spoken in a way that meant she couldn't refuse.

The woman pondered and then began to play the zither. The zither music suddenly changed to that of a spring march, and a cheerful sound filled the boat and river.

"Very good! In the future, play like this." The voice from before came once more…

The cheerful zither music spread out, and although the music was joyful, if one listened closely, they would be able to tell that it wasn't joyful at all but a silent cry…

This cry was filled with sadness and pain. The best way to describe this was a forced smile! The music slowly filled the boat and matched the sound of the laughter, but it never fused with it.

There was a powerful bitterness hidden behind this forced smile. This bitterness was very well hidden by the zither music, and Ming Xuan knew that no one but her could understand.

As the boat drifted away, so did the music, leaving behind only the ripples caused by the boat. The ripples slowly spread to the two sides of the river…

Chapter 572 - Celestial Slaughter Art (Part 1)

The happy music with deep sadness entered Wang Lin's ears. It caused him to pause for a moment, but he didn't turn around and continued to walk away.

It was not midnight, but the full moon hung in the sky and the moonlight covered Sky Demon City like a thin, silk sheet.

Two figures appeared outside the Mo Mansion and both disappeared in a flash of smoke. They charged toward Hong Prison. Both of them were very fast as they flew over the various buildings and streets of Hong city and soon arrived outside Hong Prison.

From a distance, the killing intent and resentment in this place was monstrous; it was like a demonic flame that burned in the night sky!

The two figures from the Mo Mansion revealed themselves outside Hong Prison. These two were Mo Lihai and Wang Lin!

The moment the two of them appeared, the huge, black, iron door before them suddenly opened a small crack. A grim-looking hunchback man walked out from this gap. He looked at the two of them and without a word he waved his hand before going back inside.

Wang Lin's eyes squinted unnoticeably. The grim-looking man's cultivation level was the same as Mo Lihai's. They both had cultivation equal to peak late stage Soul Transformation cultivators!

Mo Lihai took a step forward and moved like lightning through the gap. Wang Lin casually followed behind him.

The grim-looking hunchback man examined Wang Lin and asked, "Is this the person Brother Mo talked about?"

Mo Lihai nodded and said, "He is. The rest will depend on Brother Xu."

The man named Xu nodded and said, "You can leave, I'll take him inside!"

Mo Lihai arrived next to Wang Lin and whispered, "Brother Wang, take care! I hope your cultivation is successful!" With that, he took a step and disappeared.

The man named Xu looked at Wang Lin and asked, "What is your name?"

"Wang Lin!" Wang Lin's voice was very calm.

The man named Xu didn't speak more. He just turned around and walked into Hong Prison. Wang Lin followed the man, and his steps were very steady. The deeper they went, the more intense the killing intent became.

The grey-robed man seemed to enjoy the aura very much. He secretly looked at Wang Lin and was very surprised to find Wang Lin so calm. Then he thought that if Mo Lihai was willing to spend this much, this person must have something extraordinary about him.

Hong Prison was split into two parts. The part above the ground was just the surface, and there was another part underground!

The man named Xu acted quickly as he directly led Wang Lin underground. The two of them walked down went down a gloomy flight of stairs.

There were some ghostly flames on the sides of the wall. The flickering of the fire made this place even more eerie.

When they first stepped on the stairs, it was very quiet, but as they went down, sounds of shouting and roaring could be heard from the depths. These voices were filled with killing intent and resentment. Compared to what could be seen on the surface, this was more than 10 times stronger!

The man named Xu purposely slowed down and he secretly observed Wang Lin. He knew that the aura from this prison was almost strong enough to condense into solid form. Even demon generals with similar cultivation levels to him would feel discomfort unless they were like him, who has lived here for hundreds of years. He had already gotten used to this aura from cultivating here for so long.

The more he saw, the more shocked he became. Wang Lin's expression still looked normal, and from his observation, it didn't look like Wang Lin was forcing himself to appear normal. Instead, it looked as if Wang Lin was about to integrate into the surroundings.

After examining Wang Lin, the man named Xu gave up on any ideas he had. He understood that for this person to choose to come here to cultivate, this person must have something special about him. If he were to scout any more, it would be inappropriate.

This staircase was very long. After a long time, the two of them arrived at the end. The end was very creepy; it was like a giant cage that had been divided up into thousands of separate cages.

Waves of shouting and roars along with countless curses echoed within the area. This sound was too loud; if it was a normal person, their ears would immediately ring endlessly from the noise.

The man named Xu was already used to all of this. He said, in a gloomy tone, "All of you, quiet!"

After he said that, all of the sounds from the cells stopped, and an oppressive aura slowly formed.

There was a black house at the entrance of this cell block. Standing outside the house, the man named Xu examined Wang Lin once more. He revealed a smile, but this smile made his face even more eerie than before.

"Brother Wang, this is the section I'm responsible for. I hand-picked all of them, and they are all going to be executed by January, so you can cultivate to your heart's desire. Even if you kill them all, it won't matter!"

Wang Lin's divine sense spread out and immediately found that there were many areas with restrictions guarding them.

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Wang Lin clasped his hands and said, "Many thanks!"

The man named Xu let out a hoarse laugh and said, "No need to thank me. If you want to thank someone, thank Mo Lihai. He gave me the first three levels of the Ten Collapse Fist Intent for me to let you in!" He gave a meaningful look to Wang Lin before going into the black house.

"The first three levels of the Ten Collapse First Intent… Mo Lihai indeed paid a lot for me to enter here." Wang Lin pondered a bit before walking into this large cage.

This place was like a grid with rows of cells neatly arranged. When Wang Lin walked in, the oppression from before exploded, and the shouting and roaring resumed. The shouts and roars spread out like soundwave spells.

Wang Lin's expression was neutral as he walked past rows of cells. Countless black hands reached out from the bars as if they were trying to catch him. At the same time, bursts of laughter came from the cells.

"Where did this new guy come from? Come here and let me touch you. It has been more than ten years since I saw skin that delicate."

"You look exactly the same as the whore I killed before."

"Foreigner, back then I loved to kill you foreigners the most!"

Pairs of blood-red eyes stared at Wang Lin from behind the bars. There were various emotions and desires behind those eyes.

Wang Lin coldly looked at these people. These people must not have been this crazy years ago; they became like this due to spending too much time here. If one's heart was not sturdy, they would be assimilated by the killing intent and resentment here.

Not all of the prisoners were shouting; there were still some that silently sat in their cages.

"Newcomer, come here!" A black man from a cell next to Wang Lin reached out with both his hands toward Wang Lin. When he noticed Wang Lin turn around toward him, he spat directly at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin took a step back and dodged this foul-smelling spit.

The black person laughed loudly. His eyes were filled with scorn.

Wang Lin's expression was still neutral, then he looked at the person and revealed a smile. He was originally going to step forward but stopped.

The completely black person saw Wang Lin's smile and couldn't help but tremble. For some reason, when he saw that smile, he felt an incredible amount of fear, and the scorn in his eyes paused for a moment. However, this was immediately replaced by viciousness.

Wang Lin stretched out his right hand to a place where that person could reach and calmly said, "Come!"

The person was startled. He subconsciously took a few steps back and revealed a gloomy expression.

Wang Lin said once more, "Come!"

At this moment, the shouting and roaring became even more intense. Due to the shouting of the surrounding inmates, the black person clenched his teeth as his hand formed a claw and reached out toward Wang Lin's right hand through cage bars.

At the moment the person's hand reached out, Wang Lin's right hand turned into a sword and pointed at that person's palm. At the same time, a strand of Slaughter Energy drilled into that person.

The prisoner's body trembled and he took a few steps back. His entire body convulsed, black blood came out of his orifices, and his face distorted like he was suffering a lot of pain.

At this moment, the shouting of the surrounding prisoners became even more intense.

But a second later, a miserable shrill arose from this person. This scream was like a sharp sword that penetrated all of the screaming and completely suppressed everything!

At this moment, everyone nearby stopped shouting.

The miserable scream didn't stop and continued. This scream was filled with intense fear, and Wang Lin looked on with indifference. The man inside the cage already had a thin body, and it gradually withered even more until he was a mummy!

This mummy had his mouth open and was filled with grey gas. The grey gas returned to Wang Lin's hand. It was now a bit thicker than before.

"Still only one strand…" Wang Lin frowned.

Wang Lin was still observing. The moment the slaughter energy entered this person, it immediately began to absorb this person's life force. This included the soul, blood, flesh, and all his essence.

"Using the slaughter energy to kill someone can only nourish it. If I want to make it split into another strand, I'm still missing something… missing some enlightenment…" Wang Lin pondered for a bit before looking at the mummy. This person's cultivation level wasn't high, and with the restriction in his body, he couldn't display his full strength. It wasn't just him that was like this, almost every prisoner in this prison was the same.

The miserable scream stopped with this person's death, and the prison became extremely quiet. However, this silence only lasted for a moment before the shouting started once more, only this time it was even more explosive!

Wang Lin walked toward the next cell. The person inside the cell revealed a bloodthirsty smile at Wang Lin. He licked his lips as he backed away from Wang Lin and said, "Brat, you are cultivating, right? Do me a favor and kill the person opposite me, then I'll fully cooperate with you. How about it?"

The person locked in the cell opposite him was a burly man. The man from the opposite cage stared at him and shouted, "I already find you displeasing to look at. Brat, if you kill him, I'll fully cooperate with you! I have been locked away in this damned place long enough; the earlier I die, the sooner I can reincarnate!"

Wang Lin didn't speak as he pointed at both of them. Two blood-red dots appeared on both their foreheads and began to spread. Both of them fell to the ground, but there was a hint of relief in their eyes.

From the moment he entered here, Wang Lin could clearly feel a hint of death aura along with the resentment! At first, he thought that the death aura was present because too many people had died here, but after being here for a bit, Wang Lin found that the death aura came from the prisoners!

They all wanted to die! But many didn't have the courage to kill themselves!

At the moment the two of them fell down, Wang Lin carefully looked at their bodies. He didn't use the slaughter energy to kill the two of them, so their bodies remained intact.

But a strange aura disappeared from their bodies.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up, as he vaguely felt like he had grasped something, but after thinking about it carefully, he was still somewhat confused.

"Celestial Slaughter Art, refining one's life force into a seal. I have cultivated and pondered this spell many times… I always feel like I gained enlightenment, but sometimes it's all a blur…" Wang Lin's right hand reached out and the burly man's body was caught by him.

Wang Lin knelt down as he pointed at the hole between this person's eyebrows and carefully examined it.

His eyebrows furrowed harder and harder. Wang Lin let out a sigh as he got up and walked toward the next cell. Following Wang Lin's footsteps, one prisoner after another died.

Every time he killed one person, he would carefully look at the corpse and examine it for a long time.

After five days, more than half of the prisoners here died!

A thick death aura filled the area and didn't disappear for a long time.

Wang Lin observed thousands of bodies and gradually gained a hint of enlightenment. But there seemed to be a layer of mist between him and this enlightenment. He couldn't see it clearly or touch it.

"What am I missing…" Wang Lin pondered.

"Because you haven't killed enough! Your urge to kill isn't enough!" The man named Xu slowly walked out from his black house. There was something different about his gaze toward Wang Lin.

Wang Lin raised his head. He looked at the man named Xu and didn't speak.

The man named Xu slowly said, "Although I don't know the specifics, the spell you are cultivating should be related to slaughter, and that is why you need to cultivate here. However, you still chose the wrong place, because killing here won't produce enough murderous intent to create a slaughter aura. Although I have seen you kill a lot during these five days, most of your time was spent on researching. Sometimes, no amount of research can compare to simply immersing yourself in slaughter, experiencing the pleasure of slaughter, and gaining the killing heart!"

Wang Lin's eyes narrowed.

"I cultivate the Demon Slaughter Dao!" The man named Xu looked at Wang Lin and said, "There are 10 wardens in Hong Prison, and only I cultivate the Demon Slaughter Dao. I use slaughter to refine my heart and become a demon. Carefully observe my killing heart!"

After the man named Xu finished speaking, his eyes suddenly became cold. Not a hint of killing intent came from his body, but Wang Lin felt like he had suddenly changed. Although there was no killing intent, Wang Lin felt all of the hair on his body stand up. His origin soul involuntarily shook, and a sense of extreme danger appeared in his heart.

Then an unknown aura appeared from this person. Although this aura wasn't spreading, it was extremely terrifying.

The man named Xu slowly said, "An already sheathed sword is sharp and can created killing intent, but it lacks a certain amount of foundation compared to an unsheathed sword. A real killing heart is an unsheathed sword! If you really want to cultivate slaughter, I can take you to a place where you should be able to experience real slaughter."

Wang Lin looked at the person and said, "Condition!"

The man named Xu revealed a hit of admiration and said, "Help me kill the demon general named Shi Xiao! Don't ask me why. With my killing heart, I am evenly matched with him, but I'm 100% confident in killing him in secret. However, I'm restricted and can't leave this Hong Prison, and he would never enter this place in his life. That is why if you help me kill him, I'll help you cultivate your slaughter spell! But I have one more condition: you must kill him using the slaughter spell! Let him die to the path of slaughter!" The man named Xu revealed a hint of hatred in his eyes.

"If I can really complete my slaughter cultivation, then I can accept your condition!" said Wang Lin, in a calm voice. He purposely didn't say everything.

"Follow me!" The man named Xu revealed an eerie smile and turned around.

"The prisons of Hong Prison are just a front. The real role of the four prisons in Sky Demon City is to provide killing intent for the Demon Emperor's sword!

"That is why the bottom of the prison is where you need to go. Only there can you truly comprehend the killing heart!"

Wang Lin followed the man named Xu and left this place before going down another flight of stairs. The stairs seemed to never end. They passed by many prisoners, but the man named Xu didn't stop and directly passed by them all.

After a long time, as Wang Lin continued to descend down the stairs, a thick smell of blood appeared. The killing intent here was 10 times, 100 times, 1,000 times stronger than it was above.

The passage before the stairs was no longer dark but had a blood-colored light lighting it up.

The man named Xu gently said, "I have broken the rules by leading you here, so you mustn't tell anyone else about this, not even Mo Lihai. This palace was created by the demon emperor, and it has accumulated enough killing intent to affect one's heart. Don't fight it and instead accept it with your heart, experience the killing intent!"

Wang Lin pondered for a bit. After looking at the man named Xu, he could feel the powerful killing intent coming from below. The killing intent down there was monstrous and should help his Celestial Slaughter Art.

He hadn't even gotten close and the strands of slaughter energy between his fingers already began to move even faster. There was a slight bit of trembling coming from them. This wasn't trembling from fear but the urge to kill!

Feeling the change in the slaughter energy, Wang Lin stepped into the blood-colored light and walked down the flight of stairs.

Chapter 573 - Celestial Slaughter Art (Part 2)

Wang Lin's cunning was far beyond normal people's. He only believed 20% of what the man named Xu said. The main reason he chose to enter was due to the trembling coming from the slaughter energy.

"To be able to affect the slaughter energy, this place will definitely help me master the Celestial Slaughter Art!" Wang Lin didn't turn back and disappeared into the depths of the prison.

"Some things in this world requires us to make a choice. Some things will be lost, but this is something I must do!" Wang Lin followed down the stairs, and after one incense of time, the blood-colored light before him intensified.

At the bottom of the stairs, it was a scarlet world! This place was very large, and the thick layer of blood marks on the ground was very shocking.

When he looked around, he couldn't see the boundaries of this place. This was probably an independent space, and it was right below Sky Demon City.

In this world, there were many pools of blood on the ground. There were many people in each of the pools of blood, and their eyes were closed as they cultivated inside the blood pools.

The hideous injuries on their bodies moved in a strange manor.

When Wang Lin entered this place, the five strands of slaughter energy flew out. They circled around him and seemed to be releasing bursts of excitement.

Wang Lin took a deep breath and the bloody smell entered his mouth, causing killing intent to fill his body. Wang Lin's eyes lit up as he moved and arrived next to a pool of blood. He hesitated a bit before sitting down in the lotus position inside the pool of blood.

At the moment half of his body was emerged in the blood pool, powerful killing intent entered his body from the blood pool and spread across his body.

Every time he breathed, the killing intent inside his body intensified. Everytime he cultivated, more killing intent entered his body from the blood pool.

Gradually, Wang Lin's eyes became red, and the five strands of slaughter energy whistled like they never had before.

The killing intent in his heart became stronger and stronger. At first he used celestial spiritual energy to resist it, but after pondering a bit, he gave up on doing that. After sealing his mind, he allowed the killing intent free rein over his body.

After an unknown amount of time, everyone inside the blood pools opened their eyes, and unimaginable killing intent burst out from their eyes.

The explosion of killing intent immediately surrounded the entire scarlet world. People charged out into the air from the blood pools, and murderous roars and shouts filled the area.

All of those people had bloodshot eyes!




Following the roars, each of the people that flew out immediately began to attack the person near them. Their attacks were filled with killing intent. There were a lot of people in the blood pools; Wang Lin spread out his divine sense and found almost 1,000 people.

At this moment, much slaughter took place, and the killing intent here was monstrous.

Wang Lin's eyes were bloodshot. At this moment, he had already locked his mind. His entire body was no longer in his control and was shrouded in killing intent.

He suddenly flew out from the blood pool and let out a thunderous roar. He charged toward the people killing each other like a bloody tornado.

A path of slaughter had begun!

Wang Lin had lost his consciousness and was completely immersed in killing. Every attack was set to kill; finger of death, demonic finger, and various treasures were all constantly used.

Everywhere he passed, people would die to him.

Wang Lin's eyes were completely blood-red. Right now the only thing on his mind was to kill!

Here, if he didn't kill others, he would be killed by others. This place was a battlefield of slaughter!

Wang Lin's entire body was stained by blood. He seemed to be tireless as he charged at every enemy he saw. He didn't even hesitate to use spells that would mean mutual destruction.

Everyone that was killed didn't really die; they were affected by the formation here and resurrected in the blood pools. The people here could no longer be considered people, they were more like tools for providing slaughter energy!

The slaughter energy created by their killing would be absorbed by the sky and disappear without a trace.

This slaughter lasted for a long time before it finally ended. These people all had monstrous killing auras, and their eyes were completely bloodshot. There was no longer any reason left in these people. There was a bit over 100 people remaining, including Wang Lin.

The slaughter silently ended. These people all had an intense killing aura around them, which manifested as a three-foot-wide blood mist.

They didn't even look at each other as they scattered and each looked for a blood pool. The people that just revived would all immediately disperse, allowing those people to have a blood pool all to themselves.

Wang Lin's eyes were blood-red as he brought his three-foot-wide blood mist toward a blood pool. The more than a dozen people inside the pool all got up and quickly left. There was a hint of admiration inside their bloodshot eyes.

Wang Lin sat by himself inside the blood pool and closed his eyes. After a long time, he opened his eyes once more. The blood-red in his eyes gradually disappeared and was replaced by clarity.

"I believe that the killing heart mentioned by the man named Xu is the heart of slaughter. Only by having a heart of slaughter can I successfully refine slaughter energy! If I don't have a heart of slaughter, it will be very difficult to refine slaughter energy. Those successes from before could only be considered coincidence!" Wang Lin took a deep breath and closed his eyes once more to immerse himself in the blood and began comprehending the heart of slaughter.

After a long time, the slaughter started once more in this scarlet world. Everyone flew into the air and the slaughter begun once more!

This kind of slaughter would happen several times each day. During these slaughters, many people would die, and a few people would have the blood mist around them become stronger and stronger.

One day of time quickly passed, and there had been a total of four slaughters on this day. Wang Lin lasted until the very end, but the blood mist around him was only several dozen feet wide. Compared to others, it was a lot, but there was one man with black hair who had a blood mist more than 100 feet wide!

He floated in the air like a king.

After the final slaughter ended, the king-like young man suddenly raised his head and let out a roar. The blood mist around his body suddenly began to churn.

Just at this moment, a ray of lightning suddenly flew across the sky. A silver dragon suddenly appeared. It looked coldly at everything below it and then suddenly sucked really hard!

This caused the blood mist around everyone to leave their bodies, and it was sucked in by the silver dragon.

The king-like young man let out a roar and charged directly at the silver dragon. However, when he only flew up 1,000 feet, the silver dragon turned around. With one gaze from the dragon, the young man's body collapsed. The young man's blood mist was sucked away by the silver dragon, then the silver dragon disappeared.

Chapter 574 - Celestial Slaughter Art (Part 3)

At the moment the silver dragon disappeared, Wang Lin's eyes revealed a sense of clarity. He understood that the silver dragon was probably the demon emperor's sword that the man named Xu talked about. The slaughter energy produced here was probably food for this demon sword!

As for the black-haired youth, although he died, he was resurrected in a blood pool. All of the blood mist around him had disappeared, and he would have to climb back up again!

After one day of slaughter, this place became quiet. Wang Lin sat in the pool of blood and comprehended the heart of slaughter.

"Back when I learned the Celestial Slaughter Art, that person said that because I cultivate the life and death aura, I can cultivate this spell. I finally understand now!" Strands of killing intent entered Wang Lin's body from the blood pool.

"However, there are still some vague details… The relationship between the Celestial Slaughter Art and life and death domain…" Wang Lin pondered.

One night passed, and on the second day, the slaughter began once more!

Wang Lin was completely immersed in the slaughter here. He had no idea how much time had passed as the killing intent around him became stronger and stronger.

The endless slaughter and endless absorbing of killing intent allowed Wang Lin's body to slowly comprehend the heart of slaughter!

When Wang Lin first got here, there would be over a hundred people left after each slaughter, but now Wang Lin could easily kill a person with just one finger. His bloodshot gaze swept the area, and there were less than 50 people remaining.

The 50 people didn't continue to kill each other but separated and found their own blood pools to cultivate in. After a day of slaughter, the blood mist around Wang Lin had become 50 feet wide!

An unknown amount of time passed once more.

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Another slaughter began. After it ended this time, Wang Lin let out a roar. There were less than 20 people in the sky. The blood mist around Wang Lin was now 70 feet wide, and everyone else's blood mist was also several dozen feet wide.

Days passed in this scarlet world. Even though Wang Lin would regain his clarity every now and then, even he didn't know how much time had passed. If it wasn't for the fact that the five strands of slaughter energy had changed into life force seals that covered his body, Wang Lin believed he would have already died here many times!

With the life force seal around his whole body, Wang Lin was like a powerful tiger that began to separate himself from the rest!

On this day, when the last slaughter of the day ended, there were only two people left in the sky!

One of the two people was Wang Lin! The blood mist around his body was now several hundred feet wide. From a distance, he looked like a bloody sun.

Before him was the black-haired young man from before. He had once more climbed up to the top, and the blood mist around him wasn't any weaker than Wang Lin's and in fact was stronger!

At this moment, the silver light appeared once more. Its cold gaze fell on Wang Lin and the youth before it sucked!

The black-haired youth let out a roar once more as he charged toward the silver dragon. The silver dragon revealed a rare hint of disdain as its giant claws pressed down!

At this moment, it felt as if the sky was collapsing. Explosion sounds came from inside the youth as his body shattered into pieces. But right before he died, some of the blood mist entered his body, then his body shattered into pieces.

At the same time, the black-haired youth was resurrected inside one of the blood pools. All of the blood mist around him was gone as he silently cultivated in the blood pool and didn't even look at the sky.

At this moment, the silver dragon placed its gaze on Wang Lin.

Wang Lin didn't hesitate to release the blood mist for the silver dragon to absorb. The silver dragon disappeared and Wang Lin landed.

As he looked at where the silver dragon disappeared, his eyes regained their clarity. He slowly walked up to a blood pool, and the several people inside the blood pool quickly got up and left.

Wang Lin sat by himself inside the blood pool and his eyes retained their clarity. A smile gradually appeared on his face. The smile became larger and larger until he finally burst out in laughter. His laughter echoed in this scarlet world, but no one paid any attention to him, as they were all focused on absorbing killing intent!

"Celestial Slaughter Art, to slaughter a life to create a life seal! This is creating life with death, which is in line with reincarnation. A cycle where death creates life seals!"

This spell was, in fact, just the life and death of reincarnation! The transformation between life and death! That silver dragon was doing the same thing, absorbing all this death to turn it into vitality! The formation here also had the same principle… so it turned out to be like this! Wang Lin's eyes were bright. He had gained enlightenment!

At the moment he gained enlightenment, the five strands of slaughter energy that were currently acting as life seals around his body quickly appeared before him. They gathered together before his chest to form a giant, grey vortex.

This vortex spun rapidly before his chest before disappearing inside his body. At this moment, his entire person changed, and a never-before-seen killing aura suddenly appeared in this scarlet world!

At this moment, every person in this scarlet world opened their eyes and looked at Wang Lin.

"Slaughter Aura!" Wang Lin's voice echoed in his scarlet world!

As his Celestial Slaughter Art spread out, sounds of explosions came from the blood pools near Wang Lin. The people that had been killed and resurrected an unknown number of times all exploded, and strands of slaughter energy were formed!

In almost an instant, almost 100 strands of slaughter energy were formed. They circled around Wang Lin like grey ghosts.

This didn't end. With Wang Lin as the center, all of the people inside the blood pools exploded and turned into grey gas!

The entire scarlet world began to collapse! A large amount of grey gas condensed into slaughter energy and circled around Wang Lin.

None of the people that collapsed resurrected. This time they died for real! At the moment their bodies collapsed, their eyes revealed clarity for the first time in countless years, and inside that clarity there was a hint of relief.

The sounds of explosions and the sight of the grey gas filled the scarlet world. The black-haired youth in the blood pool in the distance suddenly raised his head. His eyes were completely bloodshot, and a thin layer of blood mist appeared around his body! He let out a growl as he clenched his teeth and became the only person who didn't collapse to the Celestial Slaughter Art!

3,792 strands of gray gas circled around Wang Lin's body. He stood up inside the blood pool, and at this moment, there was only him and the black-haired man remaining in this scarlet world!

A ray of lightning suddenly appeared in the sky, turning into the silver dragon. The silver dragon that just left had returned, and its large eyes stared at Wang Lin with killing intent.

Chapter 575 - The Emperor's Sword's Grievance

This silver dragon stared at Wang Lin before letting out an angry roar. Then its body began to move, and its large claw descended on Wang Lin. When the claw fell from the sky, it was like the heavens itself was falling, and a powerful aura immediately filled the area.

Wang Lin raised his head to look at the sky. He had experienced the power of the silver dragon a lot during these past several days. Wang Lin didn't move, but the 3,792 strands of slaughter energy released a powerful killing intent. As this killing intent spread, an aura that could pierce the sky and this world appeared.

More than 3,000 slivers of slaughter energy released monstrous killing intent that charged at the silver dragon's claw like a sharp sword!

With a bang, the entire scarlet world shook. The silver dragon's claw collapsed under the force of the 3,792 strands of slaughter energy.

The silver dragon let out a fierce roar, and its dragon eyes revealed a never-before-seen killing intent!

Although it had been injured before in the countless years it has been alive, this was the first time an ant had injured it. Even though that claw wasn't its full power, it was not something mere food could resist!

Even demon generals couldn't resist this claw!

At this moment, it was really angry! As the sword of the demon emperor, it had absolute dignity, so when it was challenged by mere food, it decide to directly obliterate that food!

The silver dragon's body moved, and as it roared, a ray of sword energy appeared in its mouth. The moment the sword energy appeared, the scarlet world seemed like it was about to collapse, and the only thing left was this ray of sword energy.

The sword energy shot out directly at Wang Lin!

Wang Lin didn't hesitate at all as his body moved like lightning, but he didn't charge at the silver dragon. Instead, he turned around and charged toward the entrance.

The 3,792 strands of slaughter energy caught up to him and turned into life seals one after another.

In the blink of an eye, the 3,792 life force seals imprinted onto Wang Lin's forehead and immediately spread over his body. With more than 3,000 life seals around his body, it was like Wang Lin had gained more than 3,000 layers of extra protection.

At this moment, the sword energy from the silver dragon landed on Wang Lin. The life seal around Wang Lin began to flash like crazy, and there was a series of crackling sounds. Wang Lin's body didn't stop at all as he disappeared through the entrance.

At the moment it disappeared, the black-haired man inside the scarlet world struggled to say, "Save me just once!"

His voice was very soft.

The silver dragon was startled, as its sure-kill sword energy was forcibly stopped by Wang Lin. For it, this was an extreme insult!

The silver dragon's anger rose to a new height. It didn't even bother with the black-haired man as its body moved and disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, the sword pavilion in the imperial palace was completely empty. There were no decorations here, only a huge blood formation with a serpentine, silver sword inserted at the center.

At this moment, the serpentine sword suddenly released bursts of sword hymns. Shortly after, the sword flew directly into the sky and pierced through the roof in a ray of silver light. It carried a sword energy that everyone inside Sky Demon City could feel, and it circled once in the sky before charging directly at Hong City.

At this moment, all of the commander-in-chiefs and demon generals noticed this sword energy. They all walked outside and looked into the night sky.

Inside the imperial mansion, a middle-aged man in a white robe looked at the night sky. His eyes lit up and he muttered, "Who provoked the Emperor's sword to leave the formation?!"

Demon General Shi Xiao was also in his own manor as he looked up at the sky. Sun Tao's expression was serious as he looked at the silver light in the sky, and he was extremely shocked.

"The Emperor's sword flew out on its own; there is something strange about this!" Shi Xiao took a deep breath and his eyes revealed a mysterious light.

In Universe City, a black-haired man looked up at the sky from inside his courtyard. He only revealed a figure and didn't show his face as he looked at the silver flash in the sky. He whispered, "This is the wrath of the Emperor's sword! How is the Emperor's sword in the eyes of the two of you?"

There were two people behind this person, and they were both carrying large swords behind their backs. Their eyes revealed a mysterious light as they stared at the silver light disappearing into the distance.

One of them pondered a bit and slowly said, "It isn't any weaker than Master's sword!"

"Is that so?" The black-haired man turned around, revealing a very handsome face, and there was also a hint of resolve in that handsome face.

He was the number one demon general, the one who was stationed next to the Fire Demon Country, Mo Fei!

However, if one looked closely, this person looks exactly the same as the black-haired youth in Hong Prison!

Inside the Mo Mansion, Mo Lihai's face was filled with shock as he looked at the silver light in the sky. He could clearly see that it was heading toward Hong Prison, making his heart skip a beat, and he had a bad premonition.

"The Emperor's sword! It couldn't be going for Wang Lin…" Then Mo Lihai shook his head and said to himself, "How could Wang Lin cause the Emperor's sword to move with his cultivation? I'm overthinking it."

Although he said that, the bad premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.

Inside the royal palace, a person wearing a royal robe looked into the sky and smiled. "Could it be it be that it suffered some injustice? I haven't seen it so angry in a long time. Interesting!"

Behind the person in the royal robe, an enchanting woman softly said, "Emperor, what are you so happy about?"

Wang Lin's body moved like lightning up the stairs in Hong Prison. He moved very quickly, and as he ran, the blood in his body boiled. Although the force of that sword energy was deflected by the life seals around his body, it still caused the blood in his body to go crazy.

When he went down the stairs, he wasn't fast, but now he passed by in a flash.

Soon, he arrived at the top of the stairs. The man named Xu was standing there and looking at the sky. He had a strange expression and muttered to himself, "This matter… Has gotten a bit out of control…"

Wang Lin appeared in a flash. The moment he appeared, the man named Xu jerked around to look at Wang Lin. After letting out a sigh, he quickly whispered, "You can't leave from here, follow me!" With that, he leaped to the side and quickly flew down another path.

Wang Lin's eyes narrowed, but soon he felt the unimaginable sword energy flying over at lightning speed. He was very familiar with that sword energy, it was the silver dragon!

Feeling his scalp go numb, Wang Lin quickly followed the man named Xu. He quickly hid his presence without revealing a hint of himself.

The two of them moved extremely fast and disappeared after navigating through Hong Prison.

Shortly after the two of them left, the Emperor's sword arrived and directly broke through the gate. It swept through the prison, looking for the food that made it lose its dignity!

At this moment, on the wall of a residence in Hong City, an opening silently appeared. Wang Lin walked out from the gap. The man named Xu didn't come out but let out a sigh and quickly said, "Don't forget our agreement!"

With that, the wall closed, and the man named Xu quickly left. As he ran, he muttered to himself, "That was not worth it… If I knew he was going to lure the Emperor's sword here, then no matter what, I wouldn't have sent him there…"

Wang Lin had his presence completely hidden. He didn't use celestial spiritual energy to fly but walked rapidly on the street. He could hear sounds of destruction from Hong Prison in the distance along with angry sword hymns.

Wang Lin moved even faster. This place wasn't far from the Mo Mansion. After half an incense stick of time, he arrived at the Mo Mansion. Mo Lihai stood in the courtyard while staring at Hong Prison, and he had a feeling of disaster in his heart.

At this moment, he immediately saw Wang Lin, and when he noticed how Wang Lin had his presence hidden, he immediately knew what was going on due to how smart he was. He let out a bitter smile as he led Wang Lin to the fake mountain, and with one palm, he created a hole.

"This is where I cultivate behind close doors. You should hide here for a bit!"

Wang Lin's divine sense spread out before he jumped in without a word. Mo Lihai took a deep breath as he sat down and closed the hole. He began cultivating there like nothing was wrong.

This was destined to be a sleepless night for Mo Lihai, and this was the same for the residents of Sky Demon City!

The entire Sky Demon City was lit up by silver light throughout the night. After the Emperor's sword wasn't able to find the food that injured it, it became even more angry. It decided to wreck Hong Prison before it circled the sky of Sky Demon City as it frantically searched.

This made Mo Lihai's job harder. He kept using his demonic spiritual energy cover up Wang Lin's presence so the Emperor's sword couldn't find Wang Lin.

The Emperor's sword did notice Mo Lihai, but Mo Lihai had spread out his demonic spiritual energy too much, so the Emperor's sword just swept by. In truth, even if the Emperor's sword looked closely, it still wouldn't be able to find Wang Lin.

Wang Lin had completely hidden his aura and entered the heaven defying bead. He was sitting across from Li Muwan's Nascent Soul.

Throughout the night, the Emperor's sword became even more angry. It spent the entire night searching all of Sky Demon City, but it still couldn't find a trace of that despicable food!

Its anger continued to grow!

This was another insult to it!

Early in the morning, the Emperor's sword was filled with unwillingness as it let out a sword hymn. It then turned toward Hong Prison and sent out a ray of sword energy that created a rift more than 1,000 feet long.

After releasing its anger, the Emperor's sword returned to the formation full of anger.

Hong Prison was one of the four great prisons of Sky Demon City. Although it was damaged by the Emperor's sword, with lot of manpower and materials, it was quickly repaired. However, the Emperor's sword seemed to have its sight on Hong Prison, so whenever it was fixed, the Emperor's sword would appear and destroy it to vent its anger.