

Chapter 168: The Incoming Sacred Glory

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

When Rhode brought his subordinates to leave High Cliff Village, there was another scene in the Deep Stone City castle.

The Administrative Officer of Paphield Area and Lord of Deep Stone City, Klautz, lowered his head, his face green while looking at the ground. The holy power around him into a gentle breeze similar to a spring wind, but gave off a completely different feeling to Klautz.

"I haven't been in Deep Stone City for such a long time," Lydia said softly. She was enveloped in light, looking outside the window to see Deep Stone City's scenery. "It's still as beautiful as before, nature's masterpiece combined with human wisdom and hard work. Such a perfect combination. Nothing can be compared with this, don't you think so? Sir Klautz?"

"Just as you said, Your Highness." While answering her question, Klautz rubbed the sweat on his forehead.

Right now, his heart wasn't as calm as his appearance. It was no wonder that the moment Her Highness and the Grand Mage suddenly appeared in his residence, his heart almost stopped. If it weren't for the many hardships he had experienced and the fact he was considered as an important person, he would have been scared to death already.

Klautz couldn't be blamed for being too overly sensitive, because Lydia rarely left the Golden City. She usually would send her subordinates to handle sensitive regions. From this point, it could be seen that the trust Lydia had in her subordinates could be considered an unusual indulgence. To the contrary, for her subordinates, her trust wasn't only motivation, but also pressure. They could fail or made a mistake, but Lydia wouldn't allow them to fall into despair or change their own aesthetic value. Before, Lydia had sent a brave warrior to govern the Western area, but in the end, that brave warrior fell due to the Merchant Association's sugar-coated bullet. The rumor said that Lydia was very disappointed about this matter and very clearly expressed it.

Even if this matter had already passed for many years, whenever Klautz remembered that incident, he couldn't help but feet a chill down to his spine. He hoped that he would never receive encounter such a situation again.

As an Administrative Officer, Klautz believed that he had never done anything to violate her aesthetics value. But he could not be sure that he had never done anything so serious to make her come here herself. No matter how he thought, he couldn't think of the reason behind why she came to Paphield area. Is it because the sudden increase in price caused by the Merchant Association? But this kind of small thing wasn't enough to make Her Highness Lydia to come here personally, right?

Even though he was curious, he wasn't as stupid as to ask this question. He only welcomed Lydia while speculating the reason she had came here.

"Humans are a miracle of this world. Among them, there will be some who glitter and even their existence will attract my attention."

Lydia smiled and turned around, walking away from the window to sit on the sofa. She wore a luxurious and elegant long robe. The quality was top notch and even accentuated her body line. Her six wings kept fluttering and turned the entire living room into a fairy tale.

ローレルタワー堺筋本町 - [堺筋本町駅へ徒歩1分]御堂筋線本町駅 徒歩6分.44階建て511邸の超高層タワーレジデンス×塀と門で囲まれたプライベートガーデン,ついに完成.

Grand Mage Amund silently sat beside her and wryly smile. He didn't say anything and also didn't have to say anything. Originally, he didn't agree with Lydia going to Paphield area at this kind of time. Although they did it in secret and no one know about it, Her Highness had always been high profile since she was young, and it seemed that no matter couldn't be hidden for too long...Anyway, let just see what'll happen.

"Sir Klautz."

"Ah, yes! May I help you, Your Highness?"

"I heard that some interesting thing started to happen in Paphield area."

She lazily leaned into the sofa while crossing her hands. She smiled and looked like a child that couldn't wait to hear an interesting story.

"Although I have received the report, a stiff rigid record like that can't represent anything. How about you report it to me once again?"


Hearing until here, Klautz wryly smiled. He almost understood the reason Lydia came here. "I understand, Your Highness. But please don't be angry because my proficiency in story-telling isn't too good."

"If the story itself is wonderful enough, I don't care about the storyteller proficiency; I only care about the level of wonderfulness." As for Klautz's answer, Lydia only smiled. "If it's really an interesting story, then no matter who tells it, it will still be wonderful."

Hearing Lydia's answer, Klautz no longer thought over this and lightly coughed. After that he straightened his posture and looked at her with serious expression. "This story started from two months ago..."

Klautz began to talk.

Two days had passed since Rhode brought his subordinates back to Deep Stone City.

Because of the addition of Christie in their group, Rhode didn't lead his group like usual. Although the mercenaries had no problem in following him, Christie's body couldn't withstand walking for such a long time. According to Lize's examination, Christie's body was very weak. Living in such an icy cold cellar had affected her body, and she also often received beatings from the villagers, making her body grow even weaker. Not only was her right hand fractured, but it seemed that it had never been healed properly. It was already a miracle that she could continue to move her right hand, but it was impossible for her to carry heavy things.

This made the other mercenaries even angrier. Anne was so mad that she lifted up her shield and planned to go back to destroy that ghostly place. Even Marlene, who didn't express her anger intensely, also began to regret. Why hadn't she casted a massive destruction spell in the village that night, in the name of annihilating the undead creature... but now it's already too late.

On the other hand, Rhode was calm. When he received Lize's report, he only asked some questions about Christie and asked her to rest properly. Luckily, even though the injury was difficult to heal, to a Cleric it was nothing. As long as she could find some people who were good at healing to help Lize, then these injury wouldn't be a trouble.

However, Lize was powerless about Christie's body condition. Although a healing spell could heal injuries and wounds, it didn't have the ability to turn a weak body strong. Else us Cleric also wouldn't be that weak too...

But despite this matter, all of the mercenaries seemed to be happy since Rhode divided the money that he had "cheated" from the High Cliff villagers to them. It's extremely surprising for them to get this unexpected fortune and Rhode also fulfilled their contract very strictly. Those who exerted more power got about 50 to 60 gold coins, and those who did less work only got about 20 to 30. Right, no less than twenty or thirty.

Now they alone could get the reward of an entire mercenary group, and it was only as their extra bonus. When they got back to Deep Stone City and turned over their mission, they could get more rewards. This made them feel that they made a correct choice, and they also cherished this kind of opportunity. They were very clear that this mercenary group was unlike other groups, which they could stay forever. If they didn't work hard enough, they might be unable to stay in here anymore. They didn't want that to happen, and hoped that they could stay here forever.

After finishing this mission, many mercenaries swore that they needed to try harder in their hearts. Because they could already see the reward they got from working hard. It wasn't just 10 gold coins. If they continued to stay in the Starlight mercenary group, not only that they could beat the enemy easily, but they would also get treatment unimaginable by other mercenaries. Just think over it! Magic potions! That kind of thing was considered as treasure, but every person here had about 5 to 6 bottles. Did any of other mercenaries have this kind of opportunity?

None of these things could be bought by money!

Rhode had also noticed their mood. After he entered Deep Stone City, he ordered them to leave and rest. This made them even happier and they shouted "long live." They held onto a bag full of money and entered the tavern. However, Lize and others didn't go to rest, as they were worried about Christie's condition and wanted to talk about other things after she had settled.

Rhode also agreed to their decision.

But when they arrived at the stronghold, there were someone blocking on their way.

"Hey, kid, you're finally back." Old Walker, who was responsible for protecting the stronghold, immediately rushed to Rhode and blocked their way.

"I've waited for such a long time; how come you guys took so long? Hm? Who's that girl?"

"I'll tell you afterwards." Rhode waved his hand and blocked Old Walker's sight of Christie.

"What happened?"

"I also don't know about the entire story, but yesterday Sereck was looking for you and said that he had something to talk to you about... you see..."

"I'll go now." Hearing until here, Rhode nodded his head. He didn't care about why was Sereck looking for him. The reason he quickly agreed was because he remember the Cleric in the Mercenary Association. If Rhode could get her help, then it would be good for treating Christie's injuries.

Thinking until here, Rhode said nothing and quickly agreed.

Chapter 169: Challenge

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

When Rhode once again arrived at the Mercenary Association, the place was already starting to get crowded. Although it was still a little bit deserted, it was a lot better than before. After the Mercenary Association got information of Rhode's arrival, they immediately greeted him and brought him to the waiting room. They respectfully told him to wait for a while and then left. Right now, Rhode was leisurely looking at the surroundings. After a while, he saw the Old President and Sereck happily walk toward him.

Looking at the "warm smile" from the both of them, Rhode frowned.

He was really suspicious.

However, he said nothing and relaxedly drank his tea as usual, nodding to the both of them. Both of them seemed not to care about it and kept smiling at him. They sat in front of him and the Old President glanced at Sereck. Sereck helplessly shrugged his shoulder then looked at Rhode and said, "You finally come, kid. Judging from your face, it seems that your mission has gone smoothly? Very well."

"It's alright." Rhode shrugged his shoulder and put down the tea cup in his hand, looking up. Both of them looked expressionless, and it seemed like both of them had something to ask of him. Else, judging from the Old President's temper, there would be no way he would let Sereck praise him. His first reaction would probably be complaining about whatever Rhode did, saying that it made the entire Deep Stone City became not peaceful. Else, he would hold a grudge toward everything that he had done and then signalled Sereck to tell Rhode the reason the he had called him here. Now what? "Why are you two looking for me?"

"Hm... it's like this." Hearing Rhode's question, Sereck stayed silent for a while, after which he rubbed his hands while looking at the Old President then said. "Starlight's point have reached...12 right?"

"If the point from the previous missions are counted there, then that's right." Hearing Sereck's question, Rhode frowned. He thought that the two of them might call him because there was a mission or something. Did he guess wrong? Were they worried about his mercenary group?

"It's not even the early summer, but you guys have already achieved 12 points. Have you ever thought about your next plan if this keeps going on?"

His next plan? Hearing until here, Rhode was surprised, but his expression didn't change. "I think both of you clearly know my next plan. As the leader or Mercenary Association, I think both of you know that the No.1 ranked mercenary group can be promoted to an ordinary guild."

"That's right." Hearing Rhode's words, Sereck nodded and smiled. "Then do you think based on Starlight's current strength, your mercenary group will be able to stabilize your position as a guild?"

"This is my problem, not yours, Mr. Sereck." Rhode frowned, seeming to know where this topic was going.

"I think you guys can just get straight to the point. As a member of Mercenary Association, do both of you need to worry about any mercenary group that's upgraded into a guild?"

What Rhode said was the truth. Usually, the relationship between the Mercenary Association and a mercenary guild was just like boss and subordinate, but it wasn't as clearly shown as the relationship between the Mercenary Association and a mercenary group since mercenary guilds had their own power, stronghold, and could even get outside support. That was why they often didn't obey the Mercenary Association's order. It was a bit like the relationship between the official league organizations and clubs; usually, small clubs had to act according the official league organization, but to the contrary, strong clubs could make the official league organization act according to what they want...

Of course, at first, the Mercenary Association wouldn't be happy about it and even deliberately try to find fault and not let mercenary groups upgrade into mercenary guild. Unfortunately, the Dragon Soul Continent wasn't like earth, where if one's was wronged, they could continue the matter in the court. Because mercenary groups couldn't accept this fact, they got violent with the Mercenary Association and created an organization to oppose the Mercenary Association. This chaos continued for several years until the death of thousands of mercenaries. It could already be considered a small scale war. The chaos had also alerted people who held authority in the Dragon Soul Continent. In the end, under their mediation, the Mercenary Association choose to concess. From that moment on, the Mercenary Association and mercenary guilds were no longer hostile toward each other, but they no longer had any relationship with each other. Until a mercenary group reached a qualified level, they could report to the Mercenary Association and followed their procedure; after the documents had been stamped by the Mercenary Association, they were no longer related with each other. You do what you have to do, I do what I have to do.

That's why Rhode was very surprised when the Old President of Mercenary Association worroed so much about it. From what he had experienced, the Mercenary Association wasn't really that friendly to him.

"Enough! Kid!" When Sereck seemed like he wanted to explain, the Old President couldn't stand it anymore and heavily hit the table. "Anyway, there's nothing to hide now, so I'll tell you directly. Before, we just got news from the Munn Headquarter Mercenary Association because our Paphield region didn't have a stable mercenary guild in the last two years. Under the current Headquarter Mercenary Association's Head, Mr. Drake, other branches have requested the association to cancel our regional mercenary guild quota and distribute the quota to them!"

Hearing until here, Rhode frowned. "Did the Headquarter agreed?"

"Of course they wouldn't agree that fast, since the current Munn Kingdom only has five regions and there's one Mercenary Association per region. The same goes for mercenary guild quotas. Suddenly asking for the regional mercenary guild quota to be abolished isn't a small thing, so the HQ wouldn't agree so quickly." Sereck finally found a room to explain and said. "But it's also a fact that our area isn't stable. In these few years, our situation hasn't been too good and is a lot worse than that of other regions. Frankly, the top 5 mercenary group in other regions could all be No. 1 here... so that has led to their dissatisfaction. That's why the HQ was considering this request."

"Then, do you have any other way?" Rhode was finally worried about this matter. It had to be said that if the mercenary guild in the Paphield area was abolished, all of his hard work would turn into nothing. However, he still didn't understand how this matter was connected to him.

"Although the HQ hasn't made any decision, they are considering this matter. We also received their last ultimatum. We of the Paphield region must send a representative to attend the Midsummer Festival Competition in two months. If we can get a good mark, then the HQ will keep our quota. But if we can't, then..."

The so-called Midsummer Festival Competition was the contest held by the Mercenary Association in the third month of each summer. Mercenaries display their strength to all participating in this festival. The Mercenary Association also displayed their strength through this event. Outstanding mercenaries can not only get huge rewards, but may even win the favor of powerful authorities. For the mercenaries, it was also a good opportunity to show themselves.

"But from what I remember, the Midsummer Festival can only be attended by mercenary guilds, right?" Rhode curiously asked. The Midsummer Festival was divided into three parts, and the two most important parts were the battle between mercenary guilds, including group and a 1v1 battle. Idle mercenaries could only attend the last part, which was a field game. Honestly, every year, the Midsummer Festival was an event for the five regions to display their strength, while the stronger mercenary guilds could earn more support. Weaker mercenary guilds could only serve as the stepping stone of the strong. With maximum of 20 people in each group, in the 1vs1 battle, each group could send out 5 people. Although this competition was a good opportunity for mercenary guilds to display their strength, no one wished to sustain any damage. So the scale of the competition wasn't to big. But even so, mercenary guilds were still elite groups, and would still be hard to face.

Because of that, it could be seen that HQ was really planning to take out the Paphield region mercenary guild quota, since they didn't have any group that was qualified as a mercenary guild. How could they even participate in the competition? It was just like asking a handicapped person to participate in track and field competition. It was simply bullsh*t.

"I already said so, but those damned sons of a b*tch!!" Having said that, the Old President suddenly jumped up and waved his hands in anger. "Those sons of a b*tch! They actually gave us 'special permission' to send a mercenary group to join this competition! Saying that our Paphield mercenary groups and mercenary guild don't really differ much... Those scoundrels! Dragon Soul above, I hope those motherf*ckers will shut their mouth!"

After the Old President finished venting, he sat back and glared at Rhode as if he was his mortal enemy. "Since those stupid fools underestimate us, we also don't have to be courteous. It's you, kid, go and finish those b*stards who only know how to hide behind the tent. Let them see our power!"

Seeing the angry Old President, Rhode didn't show any expression. He extended out his hand to pour tea for himself. After that, he took a cookie and put it in his mouth then asked, "Why me? Aren't Burning Blade or Dark Fang more suitable than me?"

"Hiller won't do." The Old President sighed and shook his head.

"Don't you know what kind of situation the Burning Blades are in? Hiller, those fellows are also strange. He's pretty energetic when he leads a mercenary group, but when he upgraded into a mercenary guild, he immediately wilted even though his mercenary group still maintained ots mercenary guild standard. However, he can't do this kind of thing. It's not like we never looked for them, but those guys knew that they couldn't do it and so he rejected our request. As for Shawn, don't even bring him up. I can't even found him.. Sigh, although it's not difficult to look for them, guessing from his temper, he definitely isn't interested."

Having said that, the Old President stopped and look at Rhode.

"That's why I can only depend on you now. Starlight's performance isn't bad at all, whether it's in the Silent Highland or Twilight Forest, your performance is always very exceptional. Your commanding skill is also above Hiller's, and you know the situation in our Papheld area. It's already lucky enough for the other mercenary groups to be alive, much less the fact that they can help or not. Don't show me your expressionless face; it's not like this competition has no merits for you. If your performance is good, then your mercenary group would be upgraded into a mercenary guild immediately. You'll be even more famous! Other mercenary groups need to struggle for many years, but you will only need months to achieve that position. What do you think? You must be happy inside, right!"

"Everything has to be done in order, step by step. I still know this principle, Old Man." Rhode drank the tea in his hand to cleanup the cookies crumbs in his mouth then said. Honestly, he was indeed interested with it. If the Old President was telling the truth, then he didn't have to try that hard to accumulate points. Especially since the prohibition was about a month, it would be really bothersome. However, he still showed his emotionless face. Since he was requesting his help, at least Rhode needed to con him something.

Rhode's way of thinking was just like that of a typical player. Every mission had to have a benefit. If ordinary missions weren't enough, then take the bonus mission. If the bonus mission wasn't enough, then take the hidden mission. In short, a player will squeeze out every layer of oil until the last copper was pulled out; else, they wouldn't give up. In the Dragon Soul Continent, missions also work like that. There was a commission entrusted to players by a father to rescue the son he had lost in the mountains. For most online games, after the player sends the child back, the NPC will say thank you and pay for it, and the player will accept the reward and the task is completed. But there are in fact many hidden parts. If you could just nicely describe how difficult was it to find that child in such a dangerous environment, then the NPC will increase your reward. If the player still thinks that it wasn't enough, they could show off their strength and tell the NPC that their lives were a lot more valuable than their money. Doing so, the player would be able to accept their family heirloom. In just a mission like that, if the player tried harder, then they would be able to get unexpected rewards and equipment.

He already did this once in High Cliff Village, and he didn't mind doing it again. "Our members are limited, and the time left isn't much. Not only are we a mercenary group, but facing the mercenary guild from different regions will be really difficult."

"Of course I know this." The Old President waved his hand. "That's why the Mercenary Association will aide you. Whether it's equipment or a person, just tell me what you want!"


"Of cour..." Before the Old President wanted to say "of course," but after looking at Rhode's face, he immediately stopped. The Old President remembered that the kid had been asking him for some requirements! "If it's within our Mercenary Association's strength, then it's no problem!"

"Then, I want some people and some magic equipment. There's no problem, right?"

"It depends on the person and the equipment, kid." The Old President laughed. After interacting with Rhode for sometime, he thought that he had begun to understand Rhode's greedy personality. "If you said that you wanted Sereck, then keep dreaming. This competition will be supervised by the Mercenary Association HQ, so don't be too much. Be careful; they won't let you succeed."

"I don't plan on letting Sereck join me. I only need some idle mercenaries." Rhode shrugged. "I need two smiths and four clerics... Yes, those girls that have accompanied me to the Silent Highland before. That's right, I need to tell you this first. I'm not borrowing them; they will be permanent members. There should be no problem with this point, right?"

"What do you need them for?" Hearing Rhode's request, the Old President was surprised. "I heard about the previous situation from Sereck, but kid, this time we're not facing undead creatures."

"Of course I know, but that's not the reason I want them." Rhode stretched out his hands and made a gesture. "And, I want some magic materials, including ore and woods. Of course, I hope that the Mercenary Association will show me some sincerity. Provide it for free... since I don't have that much money to buy those things."

"... Alright, no problem, I agree as long as it's not too much." The Old President took a very deep breath, reminding himself to be patient. Just think of his words as fart. Be careful not to give him any opportunity... Although the Old President had already made a mental preparation, Rhode's requests still left him a little bit shocked.

"That's right, I want to confirm. Is is considered as a mission from Mercenary Association?"

Chapter 170: Sending the Goods Over

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

Rhode closed the door and tidied up his clothes, turning around to look at Sereck. Sereck looked at Rhode and smiled bitterly. Behind the door, a person's angry shouts and smashing sounds could be heard.

"Don't you think that's too much, Rhode?" Sereck shook his head.

"No matter what, this..."

"Well, Mr. Sereck, you don't have to play the victim here. I know that the Mercenary Association doesn't really care about this." Rhode waved his hand. "My request isn't too much, right? Even the President accepted it. I think it's also not much of a burden for you. Indeed, if the HQ abolished the quota for a mercenary guild in the Paphield area, it will be troublesome, but it's not really too serious right..."

Although this matter was really serious in reality, but Rhode still acted as if he didn't really care much about it. Letting the opponent know his limit in the middle of negotiation wasn't really something smart.

"Alright, I won't say anymore." Seeing Rhode's firm attitude, Sereck also didn't continue to say anything. "About the people that you requested for, I will help you ask them. But I need to tell you first that I cannot make the decision: they will decide it for themselves. That's right, since yours member still aren't enough, do you have any other plan?"

"Let's just see what will happen." About this problem, Rhode still hadn't found a way to solve it. There weren't many talented NPCs in Deep Stone City, and especially ones that could be hired by a player. In the Paphield area, there were some NPCs who weren't too bad, but to make them follow him wasn't going to be easy. In the game, a player must complete the quest from an NPC to make the NPC follow the player and the time spent on the quest also wasn't short. Especially in reality now, just how much time did he need to waste? Even looking for the NPC itself was already a problem. Now, he only had 2 months time; not only did he need to recruit people, he also needed to train them. Just like in a PVP battle, the player need to go through more than ten battles to become familiar with it. It was basically impossible for a newly joined member to get familiar with the entire group immediately. Fortunately, the skills they used weren't complicated like a player's, which was very complicated as everyone's skill and talent was different. This would at least give him the advantage of being able to judge the opponent in the battle.

"If you don't mind, I can help you find some other mercenaries. They were forcefully dissolved before, and are now is still in the prohibition period, but haven't found any suitable members yet. I don't think they're not too bad; actually, they're quite strong. If you want, I can help you contact them."

"No problem, but I need those four Clerics now."

"Now?" Hearing Rhode's answer, Sereck was a bit surprised. He carefully observed him then said. "Mr. Rhode, forgive me for saying this, but the girls in our Mercenary Association are still very pure; I hope you won't think about anything improper. About this matter, I can't help you out, you know? Moreover, the girls around you should already be enough, right?"

ローレルコート茨木舟木町 - 茨木市初,内廊下採用,2層吹抜けの開放感あるエントランスホール.特急停車 茨木市駅へ徒歩6分.. キャンペーン実施中!即入居可.

"I need them to help me heal someone." Rhode didn't want to say more to Sereck, so he directly stated his purpose. "She has a very heavy injury and it's difficult for Lize to heal her alone, so I hope they also can examine her."

"Oh?" Hearing until here, Sereck was a little bit surprised, after which he quickly nodded without hesitation. "No problem, I'll let them prepare and go now."

The four Clerics didn't reject his invitation. After the previous battle, they already had a good impression of him. After Rhode said he needed their help, they quickly agreed. They packed their belongings and followed Rhode to the Starlight stronghold.

Just like the other Starlight members, the four girls were surprised after seeing Christie. They thought that Christie and Rhode had some sort of relationship. However, as a Cleric from Mercenary Association, they behaved professionally and didn't ask Rhode any questions. Quickly, they began to help heal Christie with Lize.

"Christie is going to be okay, right?" Standing in front of the entrance, Marlene uneasily looked at Christie while tightly clenching her hand by the wooden door. She frowned and said.

"There should be no problem." Rhode didn't say anything more and only frowned. He began to think about some things. Honestly, the Old President really brought him a big problem. In his opinion, in the entire Starlight mercenary group, the only one qualified to fight with a mercenary guild's elite group was Marlene. But she still lacked experience. Mercenaries weren't like knights, who cared more about their pride more than their life. Some of them would show an embarrassing part of their body in order to attract the opponent's attention. Rhode could be sure that if Marlene's opponent suddenly took off his pants in front of her, Marlene definitely wouldn't know what to do.

As for Lize, although she was considered an elite in support, she was still lacking experience in battle. This was the reason why Lize's personality was a bit soft. Moreover, it was also difficult for a Cleric to win a PVP battle...

Anne's quality and talent weren't bad, but as a defender, she wouldn't be able to utilize her role as defender in a PVP battle. Shauna had enough experience, but due to the gap in strength, she couldn't really do much. As for Randolf and Joey... Sigh, those two. Even though it had just been two years since they became mercenaries and they could beat a group of undead creatures, it was still impossible for them to beat an elite group with just ten years of experience.

Thinking until here, Rhode felt that it was impossible for him to win the Midsummer Festival competition with the people around him. Although there was no problem for him, with these subordinates, he would still lose... Should he look for a mission to fight some mountain bandits to let them experience the cruel side of humans?

If not, then Rhode could only rely on himself to solve these problem. The summoned spirits could still be of some help. But it still made Rhode quite disappointed with his own teammates because he had worked very hard to create the mercenary group and didn't only do it for show. If it was only for that, he wouldn't have created it in the first place.

On the other hand, this matter was also a test for him. If the mercenary group could cross swords with figures at the level of elites, it would be very favorable for their growth. Rhode didn't want them to show off their skills; it was best to pretend to be a pig to prey on a tiger. There was no problem in them losing a little in the beginning; as long as they gathered enough experience, there would still be a chance to get back in the future.

"You seem to be troubled, Mr. Rhode." Marlene looked at Rhode with a worried expression. She hesitated for a little then said.

"A little. We will face a big problem after this... but saying it right now is meaningless. I will prepare for everything. Don't you want to go to rest, Ms. Marlene?"

"There's no need." Hearing Rhode's inquiry, Marlene only shook her head. She turned around and continued to look toward the wooden door.

"I'll wait here."

"Where's Anne?"

"She's in the kitchen. She said that she wanted to cook something delicious for Christie, but I think she'll help herself first..."

When the two of them were talking, Shauna walked toward them, paid respect to Rhode, and then said. "Report, Sir. Mr. Sereck has arrived with three people."

"Eh?" Hearing Shauna's report, Rhode curiously frowned.


"They're all leaders of a mercenary group. According to Sereck, they seemed to want to join your mercenary group."

"Is that so..." Hearing until here, Rhode nodded and patted Marlene on the shoulder. After that, he followed Shauna downstairs.

When they arrived at the hall, Rhode could see Sereck with three fully-armored men.

One of the men attracted Rhode's attention.

He was burly and almost 2 meters tall. From afar, he looked like an iron tower. His skin was tan and he had a bright smile. He was laughing loudly with Sereck beside him, unlike the other two men beside him. He was wearing a heavy armor, and behind him was a huge, two-handed sword. He was chatting with Sereck happily, as if he didn't care about what would happen next.

The other two mercenaries also has their own unique characteristics. One of them was aplump middle-aged man, listening to Sereck and the other mercenary's conversation. His white face looked more like a merchant than a mercenary. But even so, Rhode could tell his true strength from the fluttering dagger in his fingers. The other had a serious expression on his face. His posture was straight and he was looking forward. It could be seen that he was of military origin and had received formal military training.

It seemed Sereck really put in a lot of effort.

Thinking until here, Rhode's eyes narrowed. He was calculating something inside his heart.

Chapter 171: Three Swordsmen

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

It was just as Rhode had guessed; these three people were brought by Sereck to join his mercenary group. Their situation actually wasn't considered rare in the Paphield area. When the prohibition was announced, some mercenary groups received very heavy casualties and couldn't help but disband. Shauna's Red Hawk was also one of them, but it didn't mean that all mercenary group suffering had ended. They were trying to persevere, but in the end they couldn't help but to give in. These three people weren't an exception.

"I don't think you recognize them, but it's no wonder considering that they usually aren't here. This time, were it not because of the emergency, they also wouldn't come here... Let me introduce you to them."

While saying this, Sereck reached out his hand and made a gesture toward the tall man who was talking with him. "This is the Coyote mercenary group leader, Obertan."

"Yo, hello, Mr. Rhode." Hearing that Sereck has introduced him, the huge man stood up and waved his hand toward Rhode. His voice was loud and earth-wrecking, and even Rhode's heart almost jumped out. However, his emotionless face brought a good advantage. Although he almost got heart attack after hearing that earth-wrecking voice, Rhode's face was still calm as usual. He only nodded and greeted him.

At this moment, the plump fatty also gave him a friendly smile, taking off his hat and putting it in front of his chest. After that, he bowed toward Rhode.

"Hello, Mr. Rhode. I'm the Lynx mercenary group leader, Kavos. I've heard of you; it's my pleasure meeting you in person. Honestly, you and your mercenary group is very famous in our Paphield region. Especially when you brought your mercenary group to Silent Highland to save our fellow mercenaries from undead creatures. I'm really impressed by it..."

"Enough enough, Kavos. Shut up." Hearing that this fatty had begun to chatter, Sereck quickly shut his mouth up and coughed. Then he look at the last person.

"This is the Condor mercenary group's leader, Derick.

After Sereck introduced him, this man who was surrounded by sharp air suddenly stood up and nodded to Rhode.


Rhode also nodded back. At the same time he was also pondering, since no matter what, these three people were too similar. Judging from their appearance...

"Just as you've guessed, Rhode." Looking at Rhode expression, Sereck already knew what Rhode was thinking about, so he immediately gave him the answer.

"The three of them are brothers; it's weird right, hahaha. Three brothers established three different mercenary groups and reached this point... You guys are just too pathetic."

"You cannot blame us for this, Mr. Sereck." Facing Sereck's ridicule, Kavos, who looked like a merchant, only shook his head helplessly.

"Everyone tried their best. It's just that our luck is too bad. You don't have to speak so sarcastically, right. Hehe, since we..."

"Enough enough, I'm not here to talk bullsh*t with you." Sereck waved his hand and no longer pay attention to Kavos, but looked toward Rhode.

"I'll leave the three of them in your care. These people were my subordinates once, so I have faith in the three of them. Obertan is a very remarkable two-handed swordsman. Although Kavos is a little talkative, he's a good thief. As for Derick... you've already seen that he's a very serious person. I think the three of them are suitable for your mercenary group. Of course, not only them, but also their subordinates."

"I understand, Mr. Sereck." Having said that, Rhode didn't reply immediately. To the contrary, he made an eye contact with Sereck and implicitly asked whether he had told them about the mercenary guild matter. But Sereck's expression showed his denial—clearly, he knew that this matter couldn't be talked about casually. If it was known by other mercenary groups that the quota of a mercenary guild in the Paphield region was going to be abolished, they would definitely go mad.

Those mercenary groups weren't considered too strong, always ranking behind Burning Blade and Dark Fang. They could barely create a threat either. But it was two different things. Just like famous universities: they have a quota for new students from various regions. Each year, thousands of candidates desperately study to achieve that quota. Although they also know that the probability was less than one-thousandth, whatever the outcome, there was still a hope, right?

If right now they directly told them that the university wouldn't accept anymore candidates...

Without thinking hard, the association would already be able to guess what might happen. Originally, they already received a very huge blow because of the continuous incidents that happened in the Paphield region. If they rubbed salt into their wounds, then a big problem would definitely occur... The mercenaries definitely wouldn't continue to stay in a hopeless place like this.

Naturally, the Old President and Sereck were hiding this news. They only talked about this matter with the top three mercenary groups. But Hiller was unable to accept this heavy responsibility and Shawn clearly didn't want to do it either. RIght now, the only person who could do it was Rhode.

"Then, you guys can slowly get to know each other. I'll leave first."

While Rhode dozed off for a few moments, Sereck left. Rhode only noticed when Sereck finally left. He walked toward the three people and waved his hand, then sat down again.

"Then... nice to meet the three of you." Rhode was silent, but in the end, he still chose the direct approach.

"But I hope you guys can answer me this question. Why did the three of you choose to join my mercenary group?"

"It's like this, Mr. Rhode." Hearing Rhode's question, the three of them weren't surprised. They glanced toward each other before finally Kavon spoke. He clasped his hands, showed his warm smile, and said, "It's not strange for you to doubt this matter, but we have our own reasons...

"You might not know that your Starlight mercenary group shook the entire Paphield area and became a discussion topic for many mercenaries. I'm not afraid to tell you the truth: there's only a few strong mercenary group in the Paphield area, and people like us can only pick up the remains left by them. But because this kind of incident suddenly happened, no one's life was good. Not to mention that the Dark Fang mercenary group is always secretive and mysterious, totally different from us. And although the Burning Blade mercenary group is strong, but they have a lot of problems... and they have a lot of members, so I don't think they would even consider us. However, your Starlight mercenary group is different. Frankly, in our opinion, Starlight is stronger than Burning Blade. You don't have to refute it; this is a fact. You saved them once in the Twilight Forest, right? As the saying goes, people walk toward higher positions. Every mercenary always hopes to join a strong mercenary group for benefits. Moreover, unlike Burning Blade, you don't have many members. Of course, I don't mean to say it's a problem, but I think numbers also play a big part in a mercenary group. Although your strength is strong enough to face many problems, if you received more help, it would be a lot easier for you, right? That's why we think if we could join Starlight, then we can at least help you regarding this..."

"I understand what you mean." Hearing until here, Rhode nodded. Of course he knew what Kavos meant. Indeed, no matter how strong Starlight was, it wasn't invincible. Sometimes, lot of members were needed. The Burning Blade mercenary group always maintained the first place position for so many years, so to them, numbers weren't a problem. That was why even if they joined Burning Blade, they wouldn't be treated well. However, Starlight was different; although they were stronger than Burning Blade, their numbers were too little. It was just like a legendary swordmaster; no matter how strong he was, he would not be be able to split the earth in half. It was also impossible for him to cook and wash by himself... He still needed support in those parts.

That's why they thought by joining Starlight, they at least wouldn't be treated as badly as they would in Burning Blade since they didn't really care about numbers, but...

"But, are you guys qualified to do so?" Rhode's words made the three of them surprised, but he didn't stop there and continued to speak. "Indeed, we're still lacking in numbers, but we haven't reached the limit... Since Mr. Sereck recommended you guys, I believe that you must have reached a certain standard, but whether it reaches my standard..."

Having said that, Rhode spread his hands and coldly looked at the three of them. "It's still uncertain."

Rhode understood what Kavos was trying to achieve. Mercenaries were just as sly as merchants. From the first time, his enthusiastic and blunt speeches were all directed to himself. This made people think that they were sincere, or at the very least, not nonsense. It was smarter than people who said meaningless nonsense like "I admire Starlight" or "I think you're the greatest mercenary commander here."

However, he naturally couldn't follow along smoothly. If they wanted to join his mercenary group, then they must have the strength to do so. He needed to let them know who the real master was here. Only he could decide whether they could join or not; it wouldn't happen just because they were lobbying.

If Rhode just agreed after hearing their words, it would leave an impression of him being too soft and easily be moved. A weak leader wasn't suited to be a leader. Even though what they said was right, he still had to interrupt it and gave them a new direction.

"This..." Hearing until here, Kavos's expression changed. He glanced toward his two brothers, and the huge man stopped smiling just now, clearly dissatisfied with Rhode while the other man stayed silent. Rhode didn't know what he was thinking about.

"Since the three of you are very familiar with my mercenary group, then you must know about a rule here." Seeing that he had the upper hand right now, Rhode didn't plan to give it up, wanting to control the situation, and started to put pressure on them.

Hearing until here, Kavos expression turned serious and nodded.

Starlight's weird contract had spread among mercenaries. Rhode didn't plan to hide it since the beginning. For insurance, another copy of the contract was kept by the Mercenary Association. Since this matter was known to the Mercenary Association, of course mercenaries knew about it too and everyone was shocked by it.

Rhode's approach had led to two different opinions in the mercenary groups in the Paphield region. One said that it was considered traditional desecration and lacked respect for mercenaries, treating them as goods and slaves, not human beings. It was just too inhumane for their existence to be symbolized by a contract, and if their performance wasn't good, they would be expelled. Once a mercenary joined a mercenary group, the mercenary group would be their home, so how could they not guard their home properly? What Rhode did was too inhumane and wouldn't be welcomed by anyone.

On the other hand, the other side was very supportive of Rhode's behavior. They thought this method would help stimulate a mercenary's passion, and the content of the contract could easily solve many troubles that often happened in a mercenary group, such as loot distribution and what happened if a mercenary was injured. Before, everyone had their own idea, and the result of this trivial matter could make the entire mercenary group feel uncomfortable. With a contract, written in black and white, more contribution would be awarded with more reward. The contract itself was known by everyone, so they didn't have to worry about who out of the force took more. They didn't have to worry about someone going back on their words. This was a lot better than bickering on their own. After all, they still valued the contract and this form of agreement because they could rely on the mercenary group to make money. Going back on their own words could be said the biggest taboo in the mercenary circle.

When Rhode reminded them about this matter, the three of them knew that the important part was coming.

"Mr. Sereck trusts you guys, but I don't trust you guys. I trust Sereck, but my trust isn't unconditional." Having said that, Rhode reached out two fingers on his right hand.

"I hope you guys can sign a contract. The contract valid for two years and I can renew your contract when it expires if your performance satisfies me. Like everyone else, if you can successfully renew the contract three times, you can stay in this mercenary group forever. I will give you a copy of the specific terms in the contract. I hope you can give me a reply after you discuss it."

Having said that, Rhode stood up and looked at the three of them. Now, he finally had full control of the situation.

"I hope we can have a satisfying beginning."

Chapter 172: Gillian's Suggestion

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

In the end, Kavos and the others brought the contract Rhode had given them and left. Beside the yearly term of the contract, almost everything was the same as with other mercenary groups. Of course, Rhode wasn't expecting them to agree to it immediately. When Kavos left, he asked for Rhode's permission to bring the contract back so he could discuss with his subordinates and see whether they wanted to accept or not. They made this kind of decision because they saw that the terms written in the contract were indeed fair. After reading it carefully, they admitted that it was a very persuasive contract and not a slave contract as they had previously imagined. If Rhode could fulfill the terms in the contract, then they also wouldn't mind it.

Unfortunately, Rhode had forgotten about these pitiful men after they left because he had more important things to do.

Healing Christie took a longer time than he had expected. Although Lize told him before that her condition was very bad and it would take a lot of time to heal her, Rhode didn't expect even that with five high level Clerics, it would still take about an entire day. Until late afternoon, after the sun went down, Lize and the four other clerics finally walked out from the room full of sweat.

The girl's injury was a lot more severe than they had thought.

The other four Clerics told him that even though her injury had been healed, with her weak condition, it was still easy for her to get sick. However, her condition was already much better than before. Rhode showed his gratitude to the four of them and told Lize to bring them to get a meal and rest. After that, he entered Christie's room.

Her room was located beside Rhode's room; she was the second person to live in the 3rd floor. Although Rhode wanted Christie to live with Anne, Marlene, and Lize, because of what happened afterward she was very attached to him and didn't want to leave him. Because it was useless to persuade her, Rhode could only accept it. Although Christie was very weak, she firmly held onto her will; even if Rhode and Anne have persuaded her, she still wouldn't want to change her mind. She only pulled at Rhode's clothes and silently looked at him...

Rhode was helpless and could only let her do what she wanted to.

From that moment on, Rhode finally began to worry. He felt uneasy for her to stay in the guest room alone. Perhaps he needed someone to take care of her. Of course, those mercenaries couldn't do that. They didn't have time, but Rhode had planned it from the beginning. That was also the reason why Rhode asked for the Clerics from the Mercenary Association. He didn't plan on asking them to fight in front line with Lize, but his mercenary group did lack support. Since he had interacted with them before in the Silent Highland and they also seemed quite nice, it wouldn't be difficult to select one of them to take care of Christie. Although he would be more assured with Lize, she couldn't keep staying in the stronghold. When she left for a mission, he needed to find someone to replace Lize's position.

Rhode calmed his mind and walked inside the room.

Soon, he saw the girl who asleep in the bed.

[PMO]障がい者向け業務創出/管理案件 - VBA・145万円/月

Compared with before, her face looked a lot better. Her pale face had become rosy and her breath a lot steadier. Previously, she kept coughing non-stop. It seemed that the medical expertise in this world wasn't too bad. If it was on Earth, with Christie's previous condition, she would have to stay in the hospital for at a year or two to recover. Even if she was healed, she would still have to consume medicine everyday and spend her life in bed—just like his sister.

Rhode shook his head and threw away his thought. When he came beside Christie and looked at her, he reached out his hand to tidy up her long hair. Frankly, looking at the girl who looked the same as him, Rhode didn't know how to face her. He only stood there and looked at her silently. It was enough for him to look at her sleeping face.

"Aiya, such a cute looking girl."

At this time, a high pitched voice suddenly echoed from Rhode's ear. It didn't wake Christie up. Hearing this sudden voice, Rhode didn't seem to be surprised.

"What do you think, Gillian?"


Hearing Rhode's question the Fire Elemental Commander spirit shrugged. She smiled and answered, "Isn't this good, Master? She's a very very very cute girl and she definitely will grow into a very beautiful person just like you. Ah, that's not right; she'll be more welcomed than you. Look at her: gentle, well behaved, and cute. Ah... it makes people wanted to hold her tight and protect her. I've decided, Master! When you summon me again I'll protect her and no one will be able to stop me!"

"You know I'm not talking about that."

Rhode patted her shoulder and pulled Gillian, who sounded extremely happy, back into reality.

"Her body... do you have any way?"

Christie's body condition didn't become better. According to those Clerics, because she lived in a bad environment, her body condition had deteriorated and they couldn't do anything about it. They only suggested for her to rest and drink medicine to improve her health and nourish her body. However, this was only a temporary solution to the problem. For him, this approach was obviously not enough.

"Eh? You really hope to save her, Master? It's really a pity; in my opinion, a sickly person is cute... Hm, but since you want me to say the truth then I can only say sorry... I can't. Since I am a Fire Elemental Commander, I can do anything with the fire attributes, but I can't do anything about others. Moreover, this kid doesn't belong to the fire attributes, which is why unfortunately, I can't help."

"Then you mean, there's someone who could help?" Hearing Gillian answer, Rhode frowned, but Gillian didn't seem to be sure in answering his question.

"About this matter, I'm not certain, Master. Humans are the most complicated creature in this world, so maybe a normal human wouldn't be able to do it. Not to mention, Christie was born with weak body and it's not due to a curse or magic. With this kind of body, we also can't help it. If it's a curse, perhaps I'll be able to help, but... hm... from what I've seen, if we want to heal her completely, I am afraid we can only go to the three archangels. Maybe they will have a solution. Since their race interacts with humans the most, even resurrecting the dead won't be a problem for them, I think. However, Christie's body contains dark power; it may also be a bad thing to ask for their help. Or you can look for the vampire that's part of the four legendary generals; they have always liked to turn humans into undead creatures. If Little Christie became an undead creatures, then her body wouldn't be sickly anymore."

"Are there any normal methods?"

Hearing Gillian's answer, Rhode shook his head. Of course he didn't want to use that kind of method since it won't be good for Christie.

"If there's no choice, you can also look for the five Elemental Commanders that command the five elements, since they control all of the elements in this world. They might be able to interfere with her body condition to some extent."

Having said that, Gillian clearly looked helpless.

"Or, I think the best choice is to look for the five Dragon Creators. Since they're the one that created this world, they might be able to do something about their own creation. Didn't you beat them once in the game? Just beat them again and put a collar on them. I don't think they would refuse your request."

"If it's just as easy as you've said, then I wouldn't be suffering so much now."

Rhode lifted his head and took a deep breath. The girl before him seemed to have felt something and echoed a sound. After that, she turned her body around and fell into a deep sleep once again.

"But... Master, I don't think you have to be that worried. Perhaps nothing will happen to Little Christie. My intuition said so, Master. You have to believe in a woman's intuition! I can guarantee that nothing will happen!"

"If woman's intuition is useful, then no lottery winners would be men."

After Rhode uttered his sarcastic words, Gillian once again disappeared. Rhode couldn't help but to shake his head. Right now, he was already completely speechless facing this Elemental Commander. She suddenly appeared, then disappeared. Rhode already decided that until he reached Level 20, he needed to think of a way to pull her out to avoid her scared him in the middle of the night. It was definitely not a good experience.

But... her suggestion wasn't too bad.

"Archangel, right...?

Rhode muttered and looked out the window. It was dark, but there was a trace of light twinkling from afar...

Perhaps, he really had to work harder.

Chapter 173: The Future Plan

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

Kavos and his brothers moved fast. On the morning of the third day, they brought their subordinates to register in the stronghold. After everyone signed the contract, Rhode arranged their rooms. Although their numbers still weren't considered a lot, they still had about 25 people. It took an entire day for him to resolve everything. Unlike before, Rhode completely separated their rooms. The original stronghold was an upside down T-shape. There was a three-story old building in front of it. In the center, the straight main building extended backward. Rhode had also made some adjustments according to its shape. On the first floor, most of the rooms were public facilities, such as weapon rooms, halls, and lounges. It was the common standard for a stronghold. Even those mercenaries were surprised when they actually saw a small blacksmith's workshop. According to what Rhode had said, as members of this mercenary group, they could use this room freely to maintain and repair their own weapons and equipment. This was naturally good for them.

About the rooms, Rhode also had made some adjustments. Rhode arranged it according to their sex. The male mercenaries were assigned to the first and second floor on the left side of the main building and the female mercenaries were assigned on the second and third floor on the right side of the main building. Although their numbers were quite a lot, because this estate was originally owned by a large family—not to mention the servant rooms—it could still fit about thirty to forty people in.

None of this was a problem, but Kavos and the others' positions were a little bit awkward for Rhode.

In theory, they were all his subordinates. However, their position was a little bit hard to say because Kavos and his brothers had subordinates of decent strength, threatening Shauna's position. She knew that her subordinates' strength was mediocre, not to mention Randolf and others (they needed to be trained for quite some time). At first, they thought if they kept going on like this, there wouldn't be any problem for them to keep staying here. But suddenly, a lot of veterans suddenly came. Shauna couldn't help but felt uneasy. She knew that she couldn't compare her strength to them, but she wasn't willing to let them walk over her pride. After all, mercenary groups arranged wages according to position; of course, the one who joined first was in higher position. But it still depended on their reputation, position, and strength. Starlight was a newly established mercenary group, so no one was familiar with each other. The most trusted and influential people here would be Lize, Marlene, and Anne. Lize could already be considered a real veteran; her time in this mercenary group was even longer than Rhode's. The next one was Marlene; even though she came later, her position as a mage and her identity could guarantee her position in this mercenary group. Lastly, Anne, as a shield warrior, was the most concerned and supportive person in the group since she played the role of a life saver.

That's why the Starlight mercenary group structure was quite weird. Rhode was on the top, while below him was Lize, Marlene, and Anne. Although Shauna and Old Walker joined the mercenary group for not to long, they gained Rhode's trust, so they're placed in third. As for Randolf and the others, as newcomers, they're placed last.

However, unlike other mercenary groups, Lize and Anne didn't seem to care about their authority. And although Marlene issued an order in Rhode's stead, it was only temporary because she didn't really care about it. That's why Shauna lived very well in Starlight. The second-in-command ladies didn't have their own subordinates while she led the rest of the Starlight mercenaries. On the surface, her role was important in Starlight.

But now facing Kavos, Obertan, and Derick's existence, she needed to work hard so she wouldn't fall to the fourth level. If that happened, her life wouldn't be as good as it had been before.

Of course, as a woman, Shauna also knew others method to help her maintain her position, but she didn't plan to do so. Firstly, it was because she had a very high pride as a female mercenary; else, she wouldn't have chosen to create her own mercenary group independently in the first place. Secondly, she didn't think that kind of method would work on Rhode, since he already had enough beautiful women around him. In addition, he was also very beautiful. Yes, in this area, Shauna didn't have any advantage.

In Shauna's opinion, a mercenary group authority was just like a pyramid, but in Rhode's opinion, it was more like concentric circles with him at the center. The people who were nearest to the center were more trustworthy to him.

That was why, from his point of view, Shauna was definitely more trustworthy than Kavos. Indeed, they were stronger, but sometimes stronger meant more demand. They might be not satisfied with their current position and wanted. From the previous conversation with Kavos, Rhode was aware that they wanted more.

However, Rhode absolutely wouldn't allow anyone to ask for more when he didn't want it.

In online games, the power struggle in a player guild was also very troubling. Some people had the ability, but were not interested in management. Some people have the ability, and demand high status and power. And some people have no ability, but still intend to look for trouble to achieve a status...

The reason Rhode could turn Starlight from small guild into an invincible top guild, gain achievements, and defeat bosses for so many years was because he had a lot of talented subordinates. Otherwise, he definitely wouldn't be able to do it alone. However, when selecting his members, Rhode had his personal considerations. As for other things, he could let others take care of them. But in some things, he had to do it on his own, and this showed his demeanor as a leader. This couldn't be achieved by only strength and equipment.

As for Shauna's doubts, he quickly gave an answer. Shauna would still be in charge of leading her subordinates and staying at the stronghold, but Rhode would also add several people from the newly recruited mercenaries to enhance her strength. They couldn't stop guarding the stronghold just because of a shortage of manpower. Just like before when they went to High Cliff Village, Rhode only left Old Walker and Lapis to guard the stronghold. Fortunately, the Jade Tears mercenary group had been destroyed by them, or else he would have worried that they would send some bullies to make trouble. What they did already made enough trouble for him.

Now they had enough members, Rhode didn't want to bring people who were responsible to guard the stronghold to complete the mission. He wanted Shauna to focus on her own work. As for Kavos and others, they would follow him to complete missions. Through this, Rhode would be able to judge whether they were trustworthy or not and trustworthy to what extent.

After getting Rhode's reply, Shauna was finally relieved. She turned around and walked away to continue her job. She wasn't stupid; of course, she understood what Rhode had meant. Those newly appointed mercenaries would be assessed by her. Since they were old veterans from other mercenary groups, they might have their own small circle. The reason Rhode gave this job to her was to see whether she could solve this problem by herself. If she could do it, naturally she would be able to keep her position.

If she couldn't...

ローレルコート花園レジデンス - 近鉄奈良線 河内花園駅 徒歩3分.総49邸全戸南向きの分譲マンション.棟内モデルルーム家具付分譲.即入居可.

Shauna, of course, understood what would happen, but she was willing to take on this challenge because she thought that she had the strength to do so,

On the other hand, Rhode had also made a change to the structure. He chose someone to be his vice leader. Of course, the vice leader wasn't responsible for scheming behind the scenes, but dealt with trivial matters and relaying his younger brother's orders. Although this position looked unimportant, it was absolutely optional. Even if mercenary groups weren't as strict as the military, when battling, they still needed someone who would relay the order.

Rhode's decision was very interesting. He appointed Randolf to be his vice leader.

This meant that when the mercenary group started battling, whether it was Kavos or those people who were once a leader or those veterans, everyone had to receive orders from a newbie who had only been a mercenary for two years.


Rhode used this to remind them who the boss was here.

After he finished managing all of this, Rhode finally had the leisure to see the current mercenary group situation.

While the mercenaries were busy adapting to the new environment, Rhode sat in the study room and dozed off while reading the book in front of him.

It wasn't an adventure book or a secret manual, but to Rhode, this book was very important because it had a very important function. It could investigate the information of his subordinates to a certain extent.

Previously, Rhode didn't really care about its functions, but facing the upcoming Midsummer Festival in two months, he needed to understand his subordinates' current situation.

The current stronghold was level 1, which was why everyone's information wasn't complete. Rhode could only see their race, talent, special characteristic, and state of health; as for the rest, everything was hidden. Followed by the stronghold level upgrade, Rhode would be able to see their normal information and even their hidden talent and such. At that time, Rhode would be able to assign a regime for them based on their hidden talent so they would improve significantly.

Now, what appeared on the book was Lize's information.

Lize Noir

Race: Mixed Race (God)

Talent Reward: Excellent physique, learning talent

Talent Penalty: Attribute reduction in evil territory

Job: Cleric

Hidden Attribute: ??

Divine Knowledge: LV4

Other Job: Pharmacist

Proficiency: ??

Physical Condition: Healthy

Although this information looked simple, it was still quite useful. He was already familiar with Lize's attributes in the first place, which was why he didn't feel strange when he read her information. Thinking until here, Rhode thought for a moment and flipped to the next page. More information appeared before him, displaying the information of the person on his mind.

Marlene Senia

Race: Human

Talent Reward: Learning talent, high affinity with element

Talent Penalty: Low resistance toward illness and poison

Job: Mage

Hidden Attribute: Five Elements, ??

Magic Level: 6th Layer Middle Circle

Other Job: Alchemist

Proficiency: ??

Physical Condition: Healthy


Seeing this, Rhode was quite surprised. He had noticed that Marlene had improved, but he only just realized that her improvement was really quite fast. Of course, it was still according to an NPC speed. For players, it could only be considered average, but taking into account that Marlene wasn't a player and was unable to distribute skill points to level up, yet the fact she could still reach player level standard, meant she could be considered a genius.

Having seen this, Rhode frowned. In his opinion, Marlene was very powerful. Should he train her like a player? But from the previous battle, Rhode had noticed that the NPCs in the game had two weaknesses; they had too few skills and too few offensive moves, which was the same in reality. Marlene had enough talent and her leveling speed was also fast, but if she could learn more offensive skills, it would be a lot better for her.

After all, what she mostly learned theory from the professors in the Magic Academy, while on the other hand, players were exploring mostly pure, practical skills. Although the players commonly thought that Palm Ice Sword + Lightning Chain was a mage's most powerful combo, they also wouldn't mind using three continuous fireballs. As long as the situation was right, they could use any of them. However, Marlene was too focused on academic theories; her bad habits as a top student were exposed here. Delicate and stable combat skill, but lack of flexibility because she pursued a perfect performance. It was nothing but a regime. During the battle with the mercenary group, the moves that Marlene used were just those several moves. Even though Rhode had reminded her to be more flexible, she only made some changes on surface and not in depth changes.

Rhode knew that it wasn't that Marlene didn't want to change, but that she had no idea how to change. It was no wonder; thousands of players had to discuss on the web for several years to finally get fighting techniques. It would be too monstrous if she could think about it alone.

However, Rhode felt that Marlene could work harder because he hoped she could use her skills to lead the team, but the only problem was that he couldn't bet everything on her. Although he didn't say it, but he was very clear that Marlene wouldn't stay in Starlight forever.

Thinking until here, Rhode shrugged his shoulder and tossed aside the troubles. After that, he reached out his hand to flip another page.

At this time, he suddenly heard a sound, and a system prompt immediately appeared before him.

[System Prompt: Your mercenary group has reached the requirement to level up. Do you wish to accept the leveling-up quest?]

Chapter 174: Stronghold Level Up Quest

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

Seeing this system prompt, Rhode was surprised. After a while, he finally reacted.

His stronghold had reached the requirement to level up?

Thinking until here, Rhode put down the book in his hand and quickly looked at his mercenary group information.

Name: Starlight

Size: Small

Leader: Rhode Alander

Members: 42 people

Stronghold: 1 (medium)

Level: 1

Reputation: Regional Level

Facilities: Hall (LV: 1), Study (LV: 1), Bedroom (LV: 1)

Unexpectedly, his mercenary group's reputation had spread out really quickly.

Seeing his Regional Level reputation, Rhode could not believe it, but after thinking about it carefully, he no longer thought so. Right now, his Starlight mercenary group was indeed very famous in the Paphield region. After all, the things he did had spread among mercenaries, and it was no wonder his mercenary group's reputation would increase that quickly. In fact, Rhodes had not thought about it in the beginning since he thought that he needed to complete as many missions as possible to reach a higher reputation like he did in the game before. However, it seemed that reality and in-game were really quite different.

Thinking until here, Rhode accepted the level-up quest and carefully read the content.

ローレルコート西宮甲子園 - 海を臨む全邸南向き,オール平面駐車場,24時間ゴミ出し可能.ららぽーと甲子園・ライフなど生活利便施設が充実.

The quest itself wasn't too complicated: it only asked Rhode to go to a mountain in the central Paphield region, look for a Mystery Ball, and bring it back. After that, his stronghold would automatically level up.

This quest wasn't too difficult, but Rhode thought that it was a little bit fishy.

He had completed many level-up quests in the past but he had never encountered such a thing. He knew that the Mystery Ball was an artifact. However, most were used for structural purposes and supplied magic guides for science and technology. It wasn't related to mercenary groups at all. In the game, mercenary groups were able to upgrade when they had reached the number of people and reputation required. After that, a system prompt would appear. If the leader had enough money and material, then he would be able to level up immediately. Those quest were only decoration and has never been too much of an importance.

But right now, if he didn't complete the quest, he would be unable to level up?I've never heard of such thing.

Having such a doubt on his mind, Rhode carefully observed the quest once again. The location was in Black Pine Ruins of the central Paphield region. He had gone there a few times in the game before. It was an ordinary dungeon; the only special thing about that place was that it was necessary to visit if a player wanted to change their job into Alchemist or obtain some alchemical material. The Mystery Ball was one of the equipments that showed up there, but Rhode could swear that he had never found the object to be related with leveling strongholds.

But now, they're actually related to each other.

He couldn't really do anything about it. He hesitated for a while, but still accepted the quest in the end.

The truth was that Rhode didn't really want to accept this quest because it had a time limit. He needed to finish it within half a month; the time was too tight for him. He didn't want to waste his time looking for an artifact, but in the end, he still accepted the quest. Because the reward after finishing that quest was that he would be able to build a training field in the stronghold.

The training field introduction said that it would be able to "simulate real environment, combat training, and increase movement speed." He immediately decided to do the quest. If he really got it, then after he built the training field, he would be able to conduct more standardized and systematic training for his subordinates and their strength would improve further, which was essential for Rhode.

But this time, Rhode didn't plan to bring his mercenaries with him. Since this quest was secret, he didn't want many people to go with him. Rhode decided that since it was a Level 10 dungeon and he had already reached Level 18, it would be no problem for him to go by himself based on his current strength as a Spirit Swordsman. Of course, for insurance, Rhode also decided to bring someone along. As for those newly recruited mercenary groups, it would be better for them to stay here so they could adapt to their new environment. Although the place was quite far from the Deep Stone City, since Rhode had defeated that black-cloaked mage, the air passage from Deep Stone City toward other area was no longer attacked, so it was open once again. By riding the floating ship, he would be able to reach his destination within half a day. With his current strength, it would only take him three to four days to go back; it wouldn't waste too much time.

"... Rhode... it's already noon, let's eat together..."

"Alright, I'm coming now." Seeing the girl's figure, Rhode wryly smiled. He stood up, walked toward Christie, and they left together.

After they arrived at Deep Stone City, Christie didn't have to work too hard like before. In any case, with her current physical condition, it would be impossible for her to do heavy work. Before, the people in High Cliff Village didn't treat her as a human; as long as she could do it, they would make her do everything. They even made her carry a sack of wheat. Could you even imagine a weak girl like Christie carrying a sack of wheat almost as big as her, dragging it forward, and stopping from time to time to cough?

Lize and others, of course, didn't want her to do those kind of things. From their point of view, since Christie had finally escaped from her suffering, she should have lived like an ordinary girl and enjoy her life. However, Christie, who was living in poverty since young, didn't think so. She thought that she couldn't enjoy her life unconditionally; since she had been given such a beautiful life and everyone loved her so much, she needed to do something to repay them and shouldn't take it for granted.

However, her condition was really too bad. Even if she was only cleaning the room, it would still make people worry. In the end, Marlene found a job where Christie didn't have to work; it was to call Rhode when it was time to eat or ask him when he would like a cup of tea or when he would like to sleep...

This job was no different than a maid's, but different from a maid's. Christie didn't have to do any physical work like serving tea or cleaning... Her body was really too weak and would need time to heal gradually. She spent most of her time resting in the room and only left the room to eat, sleep, ask Rhode how was he doing, and say goodnight.

Rhode quickly arrived in the dining room on the second floor while holding Christie's hand. Marlene and Anne had already prepared everything and were only waiting for their arrival.

Seeing Rhode, everyone greeted him, and then they started to enjoy the feast on the table.

At this moment, Rhode suddenly spoke up with the decision he had made. "I'll be going out these two days; I'll leave the mercenary group to you guys."

"Going out?" Hearing Rhode's words, Marlene, who was holding bread, suddenly frowned.

"Go where, Mr. Rhode? Should we..."

"There's no need." Rhode shook his head.

"I'm going to Central Paphield to do something. I can't explain in detail, but this matter is related with our mercenary group stronghold. I want to adjust it and I found the method, so I want to try it."

"Do you really have to go?" Lize curiously asked while pouring fragrant soup for Christie.

"Mr. Rhode, recently there are newly recruited members in our mercenary group. If you're not here... I'm afraid there will be problems."

"Those guys won't look for our trouble." Rhode shook his head. Those mercenaries didn't dare look for trouble; if they did anything, then it wouldn't be good for Sereck, who introduced them here. Moreover, Kavos guaranteed him before that his subordinates were trustworthy... Hopefully what they've said was right.

Thinking until here, Rhode looked up toward Marlene. "Marlene, these few days, I'll leave the mercenary group to you. If anything happens, don't panic—just wait for me. If it's too troublesome, you can just solve it yourself. I believe in your judgement."

Hearing Rhode's words, Marlene stopped moving and nodded with serious expression. "I understand, Mr. Rhode. Rest assured, I guarantee nothing will happen."

"Very well." After hearing Marlene's answer, Rhode nodded in satisfaction. After that, he looked at the golden-haired girl who was sitting on the chair with her legs crossed, while eating the food before her without reservation.


"Hm? Whaht? Loeawder? U... u...!!!"

The girl was busily eating when Rhode called her name. She quickly looked up and answered, but she had forgotten about the food stuffed in her mouth and choked. The poor girl quickly put away the food in her hands. At the same time, Lize quickly stood up and patted her back. Christie also quickly brought a glass of water before her.

"Big Sister Anne, be careful, drink water..."

"U... Pu..A!!!"

She finally recovered and took the water that Christie handed to her. After drinking a mouthful of water, she rubbed her mouth and looked at Rhode. "Leader, what can I help you?"

Hearing Anne's question, Rhode reached out his hands and placed it on his forehead then said, "This time, you will come with me. You have nothing to do anyways, right?"

Chapter 175: Before Departure

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

"Let Anne go?"

Hearing Rhode mention her name, Anne curiously leaned her head to the side. After thinking for a while, she nodded.

"No problem, Leader. Anne will follow you wherever you go."

After saying it, Anne went back to focusing on the food before her and began to eat again. It seemed that she didn't care about what Rhode told her to do; she'd do it anyways. As for why Rhode chose her, what were they going to do? It didn't seem to have anything to do with her? If she had the time to think about the answer, it would be better spent eating the bread before her.

"Do you want me to go with you too, Mr. Rhode?" Lize and Marlene glanced at each other, then both of them said.

"There's no need."

Rhode shook his head. The Black Pine ruins weren't that troublesome anyways and there's also no undead creatures. Lize, as a Cleric, didn't have to go with him; it would be too much of a waste. At first, Rhode didn't plan to bring Anne along; it was just that he couldn't bring the Mystery Ball back by himself. Although judging from its name, it didn't seem too big, but ping pong balls were also balls, as were basketballs and the moon... Rhode didn't think that he would have the power to lift up a moon. Originally, in the game, to take the Mystery Ball, one would need a barbarian class character. However, Rhode didn't have any barbarians as his subordinates, but Anne, as a half beast, was also not bad... at least she was a lot stronger than him.

"I hope these few days you guys can take care of Christie. She just arrived here, so there must be a lot of things she isn't accustomed to yet. Since you guys are girls, you must be understand her more than me."

"Alright." Hearing until here, Lize hesitated for a while then agreed. She wasn't too worried with Rhode's arrangement. In fact, Lize also wished that she could stay by Christie's side. However, it seemed that she wasn't well accustomed to her current environment, so she kept some distance from them. Christie was only relieved when Rhode was by her side, but with Rhode's words, Lize finally could justifiably get closer to Christie.

"When are you guys going to depart?" Marlene looked at Anne, who didn't seem to care about anything beside eating, and asked the question in her stead.

"Next morning. Later, I will ask Randolf to buy two ship tickets. If there's any information from the Administrative Officer, just directly tell him that I'm not here. Just say it after I get back."

These few days, Rhode reported the matter about High Cliff Village to Klautz. But as for what Klautz was going to do, or wanted to do, it wasn't his problem. Since the mission was completed, even if the people in High Cliff Village were wailing to ask for help, it was still their own problem, although most likely they wouldn't even dare to complain.

"I understand." Hearing Rhode's answer, Marlene nodded. At this time, Rhode suddenly saw Christie who was holding the water jug while looking at him uneasily. There was a trace of attachment and unwillingness in her eyes.

"... Rhode... are you going?"

"I'm only going for a while to do something." Facing Christie's uneasiness, Rhode only showed a warm smile to assure her then said.

"Don't worry, I'll be back in few days."

"... Ok..."

Hearing Rhode's answer, Christie nodded and no longer said anything. In truth, she was also feeling very complicated. In High Cliff Village, she never encountered anything good. She had been accustomed to that kind of life and wouldn't even think anything about it. If there were no expectations, there would be no disappointment. Since she had never expected the villagers to treat her nicely, then she also wouldn't resent them for beating her up. The same went with the Village Head; although she was brought up and supported by him during her hardest times, the Village Head had never cared about her and always treated her as air. Even she herself had accepted this kind of life, although in other people's opinion, this kind of life was full of suffering. But to Christie, who was accustomed to it, it was nothing. This was just like a person who was born in the freezing cold and snow; if people from a warm place went there, they would certainly be freeze to death, but to the people born there, they were already accustomed to the cold. Beside it being a little bit troublesome, it wasn't really much of a problem.

However, now, she felt a little bit painful.

Indeed, everyone treated her nicely here. But the nicer they were, the more afraid she became. Since birth, she has never felt such warmth. She understood cold and suffering more than anyone in the Starlight mercenary group. Christie knew just how cruel a person could become; she also knew what would happen to her if those people came to hate her. This made her worried and afraid. Right now, Lize, Anne, and Marlene were very gentle toward her, but she had never felt this kind of warmth. The gentler they were, the more afraid she became. She was afraid that they might leave her someday. She wouldn't be able to accept that blow.

Other people might not care about this kind of worry, but to Christie, it was a must. Many people were born in warm environments, under parental protection, and with a circle of friends. Of course, they would experienced various struggles in the future, but because they had the privilege to feel such warmth, they were born with goodwill. It was different from Christie, who was hated, cursed, and despised ever since she was born and abused and beaten up. If it were other people, they might have lost hope toward this world full of hatred. However, Christie could still maintain her pure heart; it was already very rare...

That's why every time Lize and others were gentle toward her, and she had to respond to them and couldn't help but think about her worries. Her instinct for self-defense made her hesitant about the friendly hands other people stretched out to her. She feared that she might suffer if she took that hand. If that were the case, it would be better for her to distance herself from the beginning so it wouldn't hurt that much...

Only in front of Rhode, Christie didn't have such thoughts. As long as she saw him, she felt that the worry and problem in her heart disappeared. She didn't know why, but she wasn't cautious toward this person who was born with the same appearance as her. It was as if staying by his side was very comfortable, and she wouldn't think about anything weird beside him. She felt really comfortable.

Because of that, Christie didn't want Rhode to leave. But because of what happened to her, she was more mature than many of her peers, so she knew that she couldn't be selfish this time. She nodded and said nothing, but her gloomy expression showed her feelings.

Rhode could see her current expression and felt a dilemma. However, he didn't say anything; emotion and intellect were two different things. In the future, he might even have to be out longer than this, so Christie couldn't stay by his side forever. Her body condition also didn't allow her to travel far...

Although he felt sorry for her, he also had no better way and could only do so.

In the next morning, Rhode took Anne to the port that was located in Deep Stone City.

On the surface, it seemed to be no different from any other port. A ship docked there, and thick, long ropes were tied to the ship and pillars to maintain its balance. A gangway connected the ship and port while workers carried the goods, such as ore, to the ship. They were holding the cargo or pushing the wagon toward the ship. The carriages were parked on the other side and they were waiting for the vegetables, fruits, and other goods that brought down from the ship.

It looked no different from another city's bustling trade ports—if the fact that it was built on the hillside was ignored.

In the game, Rhode was once amazed with this magnificent scene, but he didn't think it was strange. Since no matter how real, it was still only data. What was strange with sending things flying in the sky or floating in the sea? But in reality, when he looked at the crowded port, looking at the floating ships come and go in the air, he felt that it was really incredible. Just by looking at the ship that was floating in midair without any machine or power to maintain it. There was only a rope tied into it. It was really too unreliable; what if the ship actually fell off?

He looked at the floating ships not far from him and shook his head. After that, he pulled his cloak to hide his appearance. He didn't want to attract any unwanted attention on his journey, so he decided to be low-profile. He knew just how much trouble his face might bring to him. Since he was young, the teacher and his peers always treated him like a girl. When he arrived in the game world, it was finally a lot more pleasant. He chose a burly male character so he didn't have to be worry about getting treated like a girl. This was one of the reason why he really liked the Dragon Soul Continent. At least in the game, no one would mistake him for a girl...

In the end, he was still back in the square one. It was really tragic...

"Ah, leader, Anne has found our ship!"

Anne carried her fine gold shield and jumped around Rhode. She stretched out her hand and pointed toward a ship not far from them. Rhode looked toward the direction Anne pointed and saw a two-story ship floating in the port, its flag embroidered with a golden wing pattern. After Rhode looked at the pattern, he lowered his head and saw the same pattern on his ticket.

This was it.