
Re-education of the aristocratic girl

A girl brought up in an aristocrat's family goes to another meeting on behalf of her family, but because of her behavior, an unpleasant fate befalls her... One of the representatives of the family sends her to another world in order for her to understand that her manners do not meet the necessary requirements for aristocrats. But the reason was stupid ... After that, the girl finds herself on her knees in front of a guy in strange clothes by her standards and he takes her to his for re-education.

FoxyAnd · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 5. A new life.

Chapter 5. A new life.

When I came to the stove with the right products, I did not even expect that a lot of things needed to be done for cooking. To begin with, I lit a fire on the stove, then poured oil and began to read the recipe for the dish. I wanted to make an omelet. But in the end, I was splashed all over with oil and at that moment Larry came to the kitchen.

- Breakfast not yet?... Well , everything is clear… You don't know how to cook. Come on, though…

His sentence was interrupted by the doorbell. It was Matsu. After a couple of minutes, he went into the kitchen and pushed me away from the stove and began to host. At that moment I wanted to thank him, but I didn't want to interrupt him from the dialogue that had begun between him and Larry.

— I think it's better for you to move out of here, go to another school, make friends with new guys, otherwise you won't see a quiet life here. At least until Hina calms down. As if it was recently... we were walking together as a gang… And Larry suddenly announced that he was going to leave. In fact, it turned out that the reason for this was that he realized the danger of such a gang and decided to get out of it so as not to harm his family. And besides, he thought that if he left, then Hina would return to her former state, but…

— It's not worth continuing Matsu further, I told Mika the rest of the story yesterday, but about moving… I've already found a house far from here, so we can already go there and look around. And besides, there is a school nearby near this house, so you can immediately enroll there and attach Mika there too. By the way, Matsu, do you know about where Mika came from in general?

- I thought you picked her up near your house with amnesia… And what is wrong in reality? Matsu spoke with a silly expression that expressed doubt.

- Larry, wait, maybe you shouldn't tell him? I cried out that Matsu had already staggered.

— Don't be afraid, I hope Matsu will believe me and you. In general, this Mika came from another world and apparently I have a duty to re-educate her so that she can return to her world. Yes, it sounds silly, but come on, I'll show you something.

After these words, they moved into Lari's room without even having time to eat. On the stairs, I noticed that from the place of Lari's injury, blood began to escape again.

- Lari! Blood is flowing! I shouted to him so that he would notice.

He turned around, looked at the wound and just waved his other hand and kept walking on. Finally, we came to some kind of thing that was lying on Larry's desk and he turned it on and started doing something making "Clack-clack" sounds.

- Here, read it carefully, Matsu. You can read Mika too.

We sat down closer and started reading this letter.

"Mr. Lari, you are welcomed by Miki's family. At the moment, the manners of our lady do not correspond to the aristocracy, so we give you the opportunity to re-educate her. I hope everything works out for you. If not, you can just kill her. Don't even try to protect her."

- It sounds like something crazier. What the hell are the aristocrats in our time... indeed, she is from another world. And what kind of appeal is this from a family to its representative. Just kill? Yes, this is some kind of stupidity. Killing a person for no reason… Yes, it's just a psycho you need to be to offer this… No, Larry, don't do it anyway. Let Mika stay better in this world, but move out soon, Hina… I've been following you. Eat the food I've prepared as soon as possible, collect the necessary things, take the documents and get out of here. I don't want anyone to interfere with peaceful life.

We did everything at the behest of Matsu. We ate, took things and moved out on a long road. First we came to some big gathering of flying things that Larry called "Airplane". There was something similar in our world, but it was not able to fly much, and here we flew in complete calm for several hours until we landed. While we were driving in the car, I observed very beautiful landscapes of trees and the purest blue sky. And finally, we arrived at the place that Larry had looked out for us. It was a fairly large house, about three stories high, it had a place for swimming and just a place for all sorts of games.

I wish I could have lived in such bliss since I was a child… But in my childhood I saw something interesting only at the balls that my parents arranged. And even then there was very little interesting there… Just a few new pieces of jewelry, new clothes… And so… Everything is too similar… Although our world was full of magic, but I was not allowed to use magic, as if they were tying my hands… Such restrictions were naturally not to my liking, and when I finally got out to freedom, I tried to master the magic of the earth. It was quite fun to sculpt all sorts of things with her help. And also to cultivate new types of plants was a very interesting activity, as if you were creating something new, but in fact it turned out to be a mixture of something old. For such antics, my parents naturally scolded me, which I was very unhappy about. All these restrictions made me very angry and very often, when I was alone in the castle, I secretly beat the magical artifacts that my parents used, but they didn't catch me for it, and after a few days I saw that their artifacts were completely intact. There have been no more methods of revenge for several years, so I abandoned this stupid idea, but the decision seemed to have come by itself… It is true. Has come. I'm finally free. Finally I will start a new life! These memories came flooding back when I inhaled the wonderful fragrance of flowers that grew in the backyard of the garden… How beautiful this world is… Although not so beautiful… At least by the fact that there are people who can threaten your life. It seems that Larry did nothing to make Hina hate him, but he already received from her…

It's kind of bad without your own protection, but it's better than living as if you can get from your parents for every action. Therefore, for the fact that Larry gave me the most valuable freedom for me, I will be grateful to him.

But unfortunately, re-education in this world is just beginning for me. And the first stage in this re-education was the realization that there are people who will be angry at you for any reason.

Well, the second stage is still ahead of me ... and this stage will be an insight into the society of people who are not familiar to me and Lari.