
Re:Dragon Ball

I'm not good with a synopsis so I'll keep it short. --------------------------------------------------------------------- This story is about a guy who is forcefully transmigrated to the world of Dragon ball. Check out how he takes on the challenge of living in a dangerous world. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are some tags that I'm not able to add. #Noharem, #KindMc --------------------------------------------------------------------- The characters shown in this novel are not mine, I only own my character. If you are the owner of any material I have used in this fic, please do contact me and I'll immediately remove them.

Sleepy_Kun · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Chapter 02



Currently, I was awkwardly walking toward the area where the sound of water was coming from. After walking for 10 minutes, I reached an opening and the river I had been looking for was flowing through the centre of this opening. I carefully walked toward the edge of the river to make sure that I didn't fall into it.

I carefully peeked into the water to see my reflection and saw my new self, a kid with black hair and a wild hairstyle, my skin colour is now light tan, and the most notable change is that my irises are now blood-red, similar to that of Majin Buu.

"Did Majin Buu cells cause some biological changes in my body?" I thought curiously.

While I was absorbed in my thoughts, I suddenly noticed that the birds on the trees of the opening have now stopped chirping and the area around me is completely silent. Anyone who has seen survival shows knows what that means.

"Welp, I'm in danger," I mumbled with a chuckle.

I quickly turned around and saw a tiger double my size, standing just 5 meters away, glaring at me. I could see it in his eyes that he looked at me as if he was looking at his prey. The Tiger slowly parted its lips, revealing its fangs to me, and honestly, right now, I just want to go back home.

The Tiger growled, making me stiff in the position I was in, as it realized that I can not move it quickly leapt towards me.

Seeing the Tiger leap at me, I instinctively closed my eyes and raised my hands in front of me to protect my head.



Instead of suffering from the intense pain of getting my hands pierced by the Tiger's fangs, I heard the sound of cracking.



I heard the sound of something whimpering, I slowly opened one of my eyes and saw that the Tiger was now sitting on the ground holding its mouth with its paws and it looked like it was suffering in pain. The Tiger stood up and howled painfully at me and ran back into the forest like there was no tomorrow.

As the Tiger ran away, I fell back on my butt. I slowly crawled towards a nearby tree as my limbs were now limp from all the fear and adrenaline rush. I somehow managed to place myself against the tree, then closed my eyes and started taking deep breaths to calm myself down.

'That… that was terrifying, I'm trembling so hard by having my first face-off against death,' I thought, as I was sad due to it being the first one because there's a lot more to come.

After some time I finally calmed down, I opened my eyes and checked my hands. I noticed that Tiger's fang could not even put a scratch on my forearms.

I lifted my head and looked towards the edge of the river, and saw some small yellowish-white teeth fragments there.

'Will of the Multiverse said that I will have the power that could be compatible with Earthlings, the first one is confirmed, almost indestructible body', I thought and got happy over the fact that killing me will be difficult.

'Now let's recall the memories of this body,' I concentrated on my mind, and my memories slowly started coming back to me.

I'm going to be brief about it. An orphan, who wishes to become a Martial Artist, ran away from the orphanage to climb the Korin Tower after reading about its story.

Yes, this was the history that Will of the Multiverse selected for me. The best thing about my abilities is that I was born with them, it seems I'm some kind of mutant Earthling. It was a good thing that my Majin cells became a mutation because I don't think I could ever explain how I got Majin cells to Supreme Kai Shin.

'According to the memories of this body, I can sustain myself without eating,' I thought and then remembered the words Will of the Multiverse said to me.

"I'm semi-immortal just like Majin Buu, which means that I have near-infinite regeneration," I mumbled happily at the thought of having the most important abilities one needs to survive in the world of Dragon Ball.

"Alright, I think I should go to Korin's Tower first to learn martial arts, that should be the priority for now"

'My body until now was on a journey towards the Korin Tower, so maybe I'm currently inside the Sacred land of Korin,' I thought and then looked up towards the top of the tree I was resting on.

After looking for spots I can hold while climbing the tree, I started climbing it, and I somehow easily climbed the tree, I guess my power level is over 9.

After climbing to the top I popped my head out of the leaves and all I could see were trees. After finding out that I'm in the midst of a thick jungle, I squinted my eyes to look carefully and noticed a very thin, hair-like figure going up into the clouds.

"There, found it, I can't believe I can see this far," I said as I found out that my vision was 100 times better than in my previous life, "Great, this is going to be a big help,"

"But, the tower is quite far, probably 100 or so km away," I said with a sigh and then after marking the direction of the tower, I descended the tree.

"Now, let's decide the training regime I should follow while on the way to the tower" I mumbled while thinking about multiple exercises I knew from my previous life.

"Oh, I remember it, the best training regime 'Saitama's Workout',"

Although I couldn't remember who this Saitama guy was, but, I had a feeling that his training regime was the best to become the strongest. However, I was able to recall one important thing, this training regime has a terrible effect on the user.

"Baldness," I mumbled and sighed

"Wait, I can regenerate, that should help me avoid the possibility of going bald, right?" I said and hoped for better.

"With the help of regeneration, I should be able to do it continuously until I reach my destination,"

"Training myself while travelling during the day, so, by the time I reach it, I might be able to become strong enough to climb the tower"

I decided to run 1 km and then do 25 push-ups, sit-ups, and squats and then repeat them again, and over time I'll slowly increase the difficulty to increase the pressure on my body. Thus, my training to become the strongest began.

Following the route I had marked, I began my travel/training. It was quite difficult during the beginning, but, with the help of my regeneration I was able to do it continuously without any break.

On the 1st day of my travel/training, I completed 10 sets. Training also helped me familiarize myself with my new body. At the end of the day, I was able to do things normally. At night, because I could sustain myself without rest, I spent the night meditating on a tree trunk. I knew the wonders of meditation in Dragon Ball, so I added it to my training regime.

On the 4th day, I was able to push the training to 200 sets of push-ups, sit-ups and squats, and I could also feel that I was slowly getting stronger.

On the 5th day, I took a small break from my training and decided to fight a strong animal. My encounter with the Tiger had instilled a deep fear of death inside me, I knew I had to do something about it, otherwise, this fear would hinder my conquest to be the strongest.

During these four days of the journey towards the tower, I had encountered many animals, but until today, all I ever did was to either avoid the confrontation by taking a detour or curve myself into a ball until the animal leaves me alone.

"Not any more, I will get over my fears," I declared while clenching my fists.

I climbed up a tree and started jumping from one to the other. Soon I was able to find a bear, it was a black bear.

'I heard in my previous life that black bears are less violent and weaker than brown ones,' I thought as I decided to fight it.

The black bear I found was currently eating berries from a shrub, its length was around 1.8 meters. I slowly descended from the tree and reached almost 20 meters away from it. Hiding behind a tree, I sneakily looked at it. The bear unexpectedly raised its head and started sniffing.

'Ugh, how could I, I should've washed myself in the river while I passed it on the way here,' I cursed myself at my stupidity of forgetting about the basic instinct of an animal.



I heard the sound of the bear growling, which quickly brought me out of my thoughts.

Revealing myself to the bear, I took a rough fighting stance while my conscience screamed at me to just run away.

Taking a deep breath, I narrowed my eyes and clenched my butt cheeks.

The Bear lowered his front, implying a rush straight towards me.

As the bear charged at me, the adrenaline rushing in my veins helped me quickly jump sideways. Bear could change its direction and crashed on the tree, tilting it slightly, and all of the creatures sitting or hiding on it started falling like raindrops.

'A note to self, animals in Dragon Ball are not as weak as they look,' I thought while my body started trembling.



I slapped my cheeks and shook my head to regain the little control I had over myself.

'I can do it, I know it can't kill me, I just have to defeat it,'



As I saw the bear move slightly I immediately started leaping away from it, after the distance between us reached almost 30 meters, I turned around and again took a rough fighting stance.

This time I could see anger in the eyes of the Bear.



The Bear roared violently, clearly showing its anger and desire to kill me. I flinched at the bear's roar, and it made me rethink my reasons to fight it. Shaking my head, I brought myself out of the stupor.

'No, I can't waver at this point,' I thought to myself and steeled my will.

I looked at the bear again, who was now again positioning itself to charge at me but this time it was with full power.

'Anger makes one take stupid decisions,' I thought and planned to use the stupid move for my advantage.

The Bear once again charged at me but this time I was ready, as the bear was just 5 meters away I jumped up, and to my shock, I was able to jump to a height of 3 meters. I straightened my legs and put all my strength into them, I landed on the bear's head and heard the sound of cracking.




The Bear let out a howl of pain and went limp.

I jumped away from the bear… or the corpse of the bear to be precise.

"I guess Saitama training does work," I said with a chuckle.

After taking a deep breath and calming myself, I joined my palms and bowed to the corpse of the bear.

"Thank you for your help, Mr Bear," I said while praying to the Bear.

After giving my condolences to the dead Bear, I left the place immediately for the small animals to do their job.

Today was the first time I took a life, seeing a dead animal wasn't something new for me, which might have helped me get over killing the bear quickly. But today something changed in me, a new rule added itself into my life.


"Law of the Jungle"


[Current Power Level - 35]
