
Re: Demon Lord

A once-feared Demon Lord is reborn as Elric, a mere child in a peaceful world. Struggling with fragmented memories of his past and burgeoning, uncontrollable powers, Elric embarks on a quest to unravel the mysteries of his former life and harness his latent abilities. As echoes of his former self, Vraxos, emerge, Elric grapples with the moral complexities of his new existence. Torn between the tranquil life he has come to know and the allure of the immense power he once wielded, his journey is fraught with challenges, both external and internal. His quest for self-discovery gradually transforms into a pursuit of vengeance against the celestial forces that vanquished him, raising questions about destiny, redemption, and the true nature of power. "The quest for power is akin to venturing into an endless abyss. Each step forward is a step away from what once was, a relentless journey into the unknown. True strength, however, is not found in the depths we reach, but in the resolve to never look back. It is in the embrace of the unknown, the acceptance of change, that true power is born. For in change, there is potential, and in potential, the seed of limitless strength." -Vraxos

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2 Chs

Chapter 1: The Last Stand of Vraxos    

 In the realm of Makai, draped in a cloak of perpetual dusk,, where the skies bore the scars of relentless war, there stood the formidable Demon Lord Vraxos. His towering figure, cloaked in an aura of power and mystery, dominated the landscape like a dark monument. The realm, lit by the eerie glow of a fractured sky, cast a surreal light on his armored silhouette, enhancing his imposing presence.

His presence on the battlefield was like a tempest, commanding and irresistible. Towering like a statue carved in the likeness of an ancient Greek deity, his formidable physique radiated an aura of indomitable strength. His long, obsidian hair cascaded down his back, smooth and lustrous as silk, adding a touch of elegance to his fierce mien. This hair danced and swirled in the tumultuous air, framing a visage that struck a delicate balance between terror and temptation.

Those deep, purple eyes, shimmering with an iridescent glow, held secrets and strategies of a seasoned warrior. They sparkled with an enigmatic light, reflecting a mind as sharp and cunning as the blade he wielded. His lips, curved into a predatory smile, were beguilingly attractive. They hinted at both the promise of pleasure and the peril of a deadly fang, drawing in those who dared to gaze upon him with a magnetic pull.

Every movement he made was an embodiment of lethal grace, a dance of power and seduction on the battlefield. His very essence was like a siren's call, mesmerizing and dangerous, leaving a trail of awe and desire in the wake of his passage.


 Surrounding Vraxos were the twelve Supreme Gods of the celestial pantheon, their figures ablaze with divine power. The air crackled with the energy of their confrontation, a battle that had decimated the landscape and shattered the heavens. 

But of the original twelve, only five remained. The Goddesses of Light, Nature, Wind, and Fate, alongside the God of Shadows, were all that stood against Vraxos. Each god, a master of their domain, had unleashed their might upon the Demon Lord. Yet, against all odds, Vraxos had met their assaults with the grace and power befitting his fearsome reputation. 

The Goddess of Light hurled beams of searing luminescence towards Vraxos. With a gesture, he conjured a shield of darkness, an abyss that devoured her radiant assault, turning light into void. 

The God of Shadows, a being as elusive as the darkness he commanded, sought to blind and disorient Vraxos. But in the cloak of night, Vraxos's eyes burned brighter, and with a swift motion, he dispelled the shadows, revealing his unscathed form. 

From the Goddess of Wind came slicing blades of air, but Vraxos, moving with the grace of a serpent, deflected each strike, his hair whipping wildly in the ensuing gale. 

The Goddess of Nature summoned vines and thorns, but Vraxos, touching the earth, withered her living assault, absorbing their life force into himself. 

Finally, the Goddess of Fate attempted to ensnare Vraxos in the threads of destiny. "Fate," Vraxos whispered, "is but a thread in my hands." With a surge of power, he tore through her constraints, shattering the illusion of control. 

"How dare you?!" roared Vraxos, as the celestial beings regrouped for another assault. His voice was a tempest of indignation, echoing across the battlefield. 

Then, the air shimmered, reality warping as an ethereal being materialized before him. "Vraxos, Demon Lord of Makai, your time in this realm has come to an end," it proclaimed, a voice resonating like a cosmic melody. 

Vraxos, taken aback, demanded, "And who are you to decree my fate?" 

"I am a messenger of the cosmos," the being replied. "Your battle with the gods was a mere test. You have been chosen to be reborn, to discover the true extent of your power in another world." 

"How dare you?!" Vraxos's voice thundered with fury. "I am the unyielding, the eternal. I have no need for rebirth." 

The messenger remained unmoved. "Of the twelve gods, only five remain. You must navigate the frailties of a new form in a world far from Makai." 

Before Vraxos could react, a blinding light enveloped him. As his form began to dissolve, the messenger acknowledged, "Vraxos, you are indeed strong." 

But it was too late. Vraxos's essence hurtled through the cosmos, reborn as an infant in a world unknown. The once-mighty Demon Lord of Makai now lay cradled in the arms of a loving mother, his past a distant echo, his future an unwritten saga. The journey of Elric, the child with the soul of a demon lord, had just begun. 


As the infant Elric, the essence of Vraxos lay nestled in the warmth of his new mother's arms, the world of Makai and its infernal battles seemed like a distant dream. The village into which he was born was a haven of peace, with cobblestone paths winding through quaint cottages and fields of vibrant flowers. His parents, simple yet kind-hearted folk, looked upon him with eyes brimming with love and wonder. 

In this new life, the memories of his past as Vraxos were veiled, shrouded in the innocence of infancy. Yet, deep within Elric, a dormant power lingered, a remnant of the formidable strength he once wielded. 

As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Elric's parents marveled at the peculiarities of their child. His gaze often seemed to pierce beyond the ordinary, as if seeing into a world beyond their understanding. His laughter, though joyous and childlike, carried a resonance that seemed to echo with an ancient depth. 

The villagers, too, noticed something extraordinary about Elric. He grew quickly, his mind sharp and curious, absorbing the world around him with an eagerness that was rare for his age. His father, a blacksmith, watched in awe as Elric, barely able to walk, showed a fascination with the hammer and anvil, his tiny hands reaching out towards the tools of the trade. 

Elric's mother, a weaver, sang to him the old songs of the village, tales of heroes and legends. As she sang, Elric's eyes would glimmer with a strange recognition, as if the tales stirred memories from a life long past. 

One day, as Elric played in the fields, a storm brewed on the horizon. Dark clouds rolled in, casting a shadow over the village. Thunder rumbled, a sound that strangely resonated with Elric. He stood unafraid, his eyes reflecting the flashes of lightning, and in that moment, his parents saw a glimpse of something powerful within their son. 

That night, as Elric slept, his dreams were vivid. He saw himself standing on a battlefield, commanding legions of demons against celestial foes. He felt the surge of power, the thrill of the fight, and the bitter taste of defeat. He woke with a start, his heart pounding, the images fading like mist in the morning sun. 

As the years passed, Elric's unusual abilities became more pronounced. He learned to wield a sword with a skill that belied his young age, his movements fluid and precise. In the forest, he moved with the stealth of a shadow, his senses attuned to the whisper of the wind and the rustle of leaves. 

Yet, despite these glimpses of his former self, Elric was a child of this world, raised with love and compassion. His parents taught him the values of kindness and courage, shaping the heart of the boy who was once a demon lord. 

As Elric approached his tenth birthday, a sense of anticipation filled the air. It was as if both he and the world around him were waiting for something momentous to unfold. Elric felt a pull within him, a calling that beckoned him towards a destiny yet to be revealed. 

On the eve of his birthday, under a sky jeweled with stars, Elric stood at the edge of the village, looking out into the vast, unknown world beyond. The essence of Vraxos, deep within him, stirred, a slumbering giant on the verge of awakening.