
Chapter 7: Poltergeist! A New Arcana - A Physical Type Mage?

Ph-Phew… This extremely hot feeling when evolving is something I will never get used to, that's for sure.

Mr. Ghost has successfully evolved! Mufufu. Good, good.

<Evolution Complete. Orb has successfully evolved to Poltergeist. Status have risen accordingly, due to the evolution.>

<Health Gauge: +0>

<Crysaztel Gauge: +0>

<Physical Attack: +0>

<Physical Defense: +0>

<Magical Attack: +0>

<Magical Defense: +1>

<Agility: +1>

<Psychokinesis Lv. 1 skill acquired>

<Zoia Magic Lv. 1 skill acquired>

<Zoia Orb skill acquired>

<Fiare Magic Lv. 1 skill acquired>

<Fiare Ball skill acquired>

<Due to the evolution, Dastre Magic Resistance Lv. 1 is now Dastre Magic Resistance Lv. 2>

<Due to the evolution, Grudan Magic Resistance Lv. 1 is now Grudan Magic Resistance Lv. 2>

<Due to the evolution, Wisona Magic Resistance Lv. 1 is now Wisona Magic Resistance Lv. 2>

<Due to the evolution, Fear Resistance Lv. 3 is now Fear Resistance Lv. 4>

<Due to the evolution, Poison Resistance Lv. 1 is now Poison Resistance Lv. 2>

<Due to the evolution, Paralysis Resistance Lv. 1 is now Paralysis Resistance Lv. 2>

<Due to the evolution, Confuse Resistance Lv. 1 is now Confuse Resistance Lv. 2>

<Due to the evolution, Omni-Physical Damage Resistance Lv. 1 is now Omni-Physical Resistance Lv. 2>

<Due to the evolution, Perception Lv. 1 is now Perception Lv. 2>

It really is a ghost series, huh?

From a simple soul, to an orb, then now a poltergeist. Aren't those the type of paranormal beings that move things out of nowhere, makes flame out of thin air, or turns the lights on and off? I haven't experienced or encountered them, so I'm not really sure. Diana really loved paranormal stuff, so I got to know them while hanging out with her.

But now that I take a closer look on it, that's a lot of skills. There are also those two which I haven't seen before.

Alright. It's status checking time. Analyze, I leave the thing to you.

<Nameless: Poltergeist Lv. 10>

[An Apparition Type monster that is known for its skill "Psychokinesis." They are able to manipulate objects at will. They also have the power to perceive and manipulate Crysaztel at a small degree. However, they are still harmless and only loves to play pranks around people. (Intelligence Level: 100%)]


(Arcana – Death) (Arcana – Strength) (World Traveler) (Spectre) (Soul Eater)


HG: 111/111

CG: 61/61

Physical Attack: 37

Physical Defense: 47

Magical Attack: 17

Magical Defense: 48

Agility: 13

Crysaztel Cognizance: 10%

Crysaztel Manipulation: 0%


[Passive Skills]

(Float) (Intangible) (Personal – Reflect) (Trigger Fear) (Glow) (Vigor) (Harden) (Enchant) (Magic Resilience) (Perception Lv. 2) (Fiare Magic Lv. 1) (Zoia Magic Lv. 1)

[Resistance Skills]

(Pain Resistance Lv. Max) (Fear Resistance Lv. 4) (Paralysis Resistance Lv. 2) (Confusion Resistance Lv. 2) (Poison Resistance Lv. 2) (Omni-Physical Damage Resistance Lv. 2) (Dastre Magic Resistance Lv. 2) (Wisona Magic Resistance Lv. 2) (Grudan Magic Resistance Lv. 2)

[Active Skills]

(Arcana – Soul Consume) (Arcana – Resurrect) (Arcana – Amplify) (Arcana – Weapon Create) (Personal – Analyze) (Strike Mastery) (Thrust) (Possession) (Psychokinesis Lv. 1)

[Active Magic Skills]

(Fiare Ball) (Zoia Orb)

'However, they are still harmless and only loves to play pranks around people.'

I'm still harmless, huh? *sigh*

Oh well.

First and foremost, the skills that I got before evolving.

[Omni-Physical Damage Resistance Lv. 2: The ability to withstand damage from all form of physical attacks is enhanced. Damage received is decreased by 3%. The level corresponds to the damage that is decreased by the skill.]

Ohh. Cool!

But I don't' receive any physical damage at the moment if I make sure to use Intangible. Well, it's better than nothing.

[Strike Mastery: Mastery of Strike attacks acquired. Any form of attack in the Strike category's damage and speed is raised.]

Hmhm. I see, I see. So now I can attack physically under the Strike category. I had the normal Strike and Quick Strike before. Then when I acquired Heavy Strike, they merged into one and became Strike Mastery.

Let's try using those all at once.

I lock onto a target, a boulder the same size as the one that I usually see. I think it's harder than most rocks for some reason since I haven't yet been able to break one using my Psychokinesis.




O-Ohh… That was quite an attack, if I say so myself.

A crater was formed from the impact on the boulder's surface. I'm not really sure whether a 37 P.Attack is a lot, but… I guess this skill really packs a punch. I doubt a can even make a crack on it if I didn't have this skill.

Hmmm. It's a really nice skill. I'm glad I got it. But…

I wanted to be a mage… What am I doing getting stronger physically? *sigh*

[Thrust: Inflict damage to the target by using a piercing assault. Damage is increased according to Physical Attack.]

Another physical attack. Is someone telling me indirectly to give up being a mage and become a brawn for brains kind of monster…? Tch. I will be a mage, I tell you.

Anyways, for the new skills that I got after evolving… are…

Ooohhh. Wait a sec. There it is! There's actually a skill that looks like it will let me move things like a ghost!

[Psychokinesis Lv. 1: A skill that grants the ability to manipulate objects. The level corresponds to the size and weight of the object.]

Mufufufu… Nice, very nice. This is very nice. It's not called telekinesis but it looks like I can still move things just like it.

Alright, testing time. Mufu.

I focused my mind towards a boulder near a tree. A click was felt in my mind, I felt a sudden weight. But when I thought I could now move the boulder, the skill was disabled and the weight disappeared.

Hm… It does say that the level agree with the weight of the object. I guess this size and weight is still not on the range of the Psychokinesis's level. Let's try a smaller object.

There, I found a small rock the size of a basketball. I activated Psychokinesis and I successfully moved the rock. I lifted it in the air without feeling the pull of gravity. It's not the same when I tried to carry the boulder, since I felt a weight when I tried to move it.

I see. So that means, Psychokinesis doesn't actually 'pick up' the object, but 'controls' it. Or in short, just like in the description, it's manipulating it.

Hmhm. I see, I see. Well, I had to make sure. I need to have a fair grasp of every aspect of my skills after all. They're my lifeline.

Still, I want to take my time practicing it, but there are other things that must be analyzed. There are order to things. Order makes everything nice. Let's relax. I can't let my excitement get over me. Yeah.

I mean…

Mufu… Mufufufu… I got stronger… Not just a bit stronger because I evolved… I got a lot stronger because of my Titles and Skills. Mufufu… I didn't think I would get this strong in just short amount of time. It's almost on par with that level 41 Treant. I really must thank grandma Lost Goddess for these titles.

And there's my C.Cognizance. It raised to 10%. The effect is…?

Hmm… I feel nothing. Aside from these few floating white orbs in the air that wasn't there before. Oh well. I'll try to look for a way to raise it even more aside from evolving. That way, I may be able to understand what it actually is.

I'd rather check the other new stuff right now. Mufufu.

First things first. I acquired a new Arcana Type title.

[Arcana – Strength: "Thou, who have garnered the courage to embrace your animalistic strength, are Strength." Established a connection to the Order of the Arcana. Earning the protection and guidance of the Lost Goddess, the bestowed is granted an Augment skill: Amplify and Weapon Creation Skill and additional status points. "You have the courage of embrace the unknown. Please, carry my will and someday, until we meet." – Lost Goddess.]

This time, it's the Strength Arcana. From the description itself, I guess I earned this when I defeated the Treant and consumed its soul.

Mufufu… Nice, really nice. Now that I think about it, this one also activated when I leveled up. And it said that I gained

More overpowered skills, I guess? Let me check.

[Arcana – Amplify: With the Lost Goddess' blessing, the ability to temporarily double the digits of the Physical Attack is granted.]

Ohhh… This is excellent. For now, I can only use Strike, which seems to be the only physical attack in my skills. Even though that's the case, it's never a waste to have this kind of strengthening titles and skills. It's worth acquiring it from defeating the Treant.

Right now, I have a… 37 points of Physical Attack. Hmm… I really want to know more about this world's level of strength. With only this much, I really don't know if I'm getting stronger 'enough' or not.

Well, better than 0, I guess. Hmhm. I'll think about it when I get to know more about it. For now…

Let's try Amplify.

And with a click, same with the usual feeling with other skills, the skill Amplify activated.

Physical Attack: 74

Ohh… It did double the digits. So the higher the number, the higher the increase in my Physical Attack, huh? Mufufu… This is really a cheat like skill.

Thanks, grandma.

I'll let it stay like this and measure its maximum activation time. For the time being, I'll just check my new other skills.

[Arcana – Weapon Create: With the Lost Goddess' blessing, the ability to create weapons is granted. The potential of the created weapon depends on the Crysaztel used.]

Mufu… Mufufu… I can create weapons, too… I can make this and that, swords, lances, maces, etc. I can also make that legendary sword, Excalimur… Mufufu…

Let's try it out.

I focus my mind in single point. I guess the pattern here is that I must imagine the weapon for it to work right? And so I imaged a small sword in my head. Or maybe, a dagger will do.

Alright. I'll use every Crysaztel in my CG and try to at least leave only 1 point.


A bright light was emitted in front of me. And there, the light formed a shape. It's the shape of the dagger I was imagining. It's a single edged dagger with a straight blade, but with a sharp point. The handle is made up of wood and is painted with black. There are certain carvings from here and there, but I didn't remember imagining those details.

Umu. Nice, very nice.

But there's one problem.

I can't use it. I don't have any hands. I can use the Psychokinesis skill that I just got, but there's no place to put it in. I can't just use Psychokinesis forever just to hold a dagger, right? And I don't even know how to use it yet.

And so, I threw it away.

Goodbye, dagger. I'll never forget you. I'll miss the time we spent together. Even if it was only for a few seconds.

[Author Note: He already forgot about the dagger a few minutes later.]

Next is…

I got new skills from the new Title, Soul Eater.

[Soul Eater: A title granter to those who have consumed a soul. Skills bestowed: (Enchant) (Magic Resilience)]

[Enchant: Grants additional Magical Attack. Adds +1 with every user level.]

[Magic Resilience: Grants additional Magical Defense. Adds +1 with every user level.]

… Another status enhancing skills that gives additional points with every level… So this is also one of the reason that I got hella strong, huh?

Since I leveled 5 times in a row, I actually gained 5 times the status points given by the status enhancing skills. For example, Death gives additional 5 points to my Physical Defense and Magical Defense. That means, I got 25 points in one go, just from Death alone. Not to mention, I also have Strength, World Traveler, Vigor, Harden, Enchant, and Magic Resilience.

It does makes sense. Titles sure are a must have in this world. I wonder if Titles are common in this world. At least, from what I have seen so far, monsters don't have titles.

Anyways, I've got stronger. However, there's also the question, "Is this actually 'strong' in this world?" Sure I did raise my status to a height compared to when I started. But, I can't be complacent about these numbers, that's for sure. Who knows what kind of monsters lurk in the shadow that can easily kill me, even with these status?

I still have to get stronger. More. Even more than this.

For the meantime, I want to have focus on my two objectives. Getting stronger and…

Information gathering. If I want to survive and spend my time here in this world, then I have to learn more about how this world works. For that to happen, of course I have to find someone from whom I can learn such things.



Chapter End

Our MC wanted to become a mage. A mage that is focused, of course, in magical abilities. Yet he keeps getting skills and titles that are the complete opposite of what he intends to.

Hah! Sucks to be you, Mr. Ghost!

Next Chapter!

- What kind of skill is Psychokinesis, I wonder? Our MC's journey will now start!

Gomi_Sakkacreators' thoughts