
Chapter 28: Ciel's Most Awaited Evolution!

Perhaps, because there are possible choices for evolution, a branch appeared on the screen that shows a path towards a certain evolution. It shows the names of the possible evolution and their condition for acquiring them.

It wasn't like this before.

Or maybe because there's only one way for me to choose, it chooses that path automatically.

Another, because I chose to not evolve upon reaching a certain level, I reached a level where another evolution is possible. It wasn't also like this before, since I stop leveling after reaching a certain level.

I first evolved when I reached level 5. And even though I had enough experience points to level up more, my level stopped at level 5. Same with the time I evolved to a Poltergeist. It even said that the maximum experience points has been reached or something. I don't quite remember.

Well, enough of that. Mufufu. I'm just excited to check these up, I can't be bothered to think.

Right now, I have three choices. Let's first check them with Analyze.

First is the Inferior Ghost. I've already seen this one before and I'm fairly knowledgeable about them from over consuming them. I also already have their skills, so even if I choose to evolve into one, nothing will actually change except for the bonuses I get from evolution.

Hence, this one is already out of the options. *imaginary throwing*

Next is the Soulstrel. This one is certainly intriguing. I haven't encountered this monster yet.

I analyze the Soulstrel, hoping that a description or the likes appears.

<Soulstrel: An Apparition Type monster, closely resembling a white ball of flame. It is a unique monster that are said to have evolved from Apparition Type monsters that have once consumed the soul of a thinking being. They are also known as Soul Reapers, pertaining to their ways of hunting.>

Soul Reapers…!

Hmhm. Thinking about it logically, this is the most appealing to me right now. But what grinds my gears is the 'consumed the soul of a thinking being' part.

I haven't consumed any of the sort. I mean, this 'thinking being' or 'intelligent being' pertains to persons, right? Unlike monsters who are less capable of thinking than people. That's why, I don't remember consuming the soul of one, if my memory serves me right.

I can only guess, as usual.

Perhaps, using the Soul Link with Fleur gave me the effect of consuming her soul, since the effects of the Link is the same as me consuming other monsters. The only difference is that I keep to have Fleur's soul intact and not consumed.

Hmhm. That really makes sense, if I say so myself.

Anyways, let's check the other one. This is also a target of interest, to be honest. Not only how its condition for acquiring is sort of bugged and unreadable. Also…

It sounds almost the same as Fleur's race.

<Eifil-Realne: An ancient monster that is said to have ruled all over Eifilrah, the world of the undead. It was tasked to cleanse and purify the souls of the dead and deliver them back to the Goddesses for rebirth.>

Wait… What?

Fleur's race was an ancient race? Ah, no. It's not. It's different. Fleur's race is Eclea-Realne, not Eifil-Realne. They're still different even though they sound almost the same. (Especially the Realne part.)

At any rate, based on this description alone, I can already guess that I got this evolution path from the Evil God that I consumed earlier. But that doesn't explain the gibberish letters.

Hmmm… No matter. The only matter at hand is what to choose among these evolution. At the moment, Soulstrel is having a huge lead at my interest, but…

Eifil-Realne interests me in a different sense. I feel like I have to learn more about this. It's really bugging me.

… Just like the dream I had when I fell unconscious.

I know. It's definitely a form of memory.

For all I know, it's not mine. Yet…

That flower bed she was standing on, gracefully swaying along the salty breeze…

The sea beyond the cliff, blending in with a madder red…

The setting sun, as it waved its goodbyes in the horizon…

Her white dress, her silver flowing hair, golden eyes filled with bitter tears, she was crying… Merely remembering the scene brings foreign emotion deep inside my core, as if they were mine…

I don't know who the woman who appeared in it. It's the first time I saw her. I don't know why I saw that dream either, but I know only one reason how I did so and who was the owner of that memory.

It's the Evil God's.

Probably because of the Soul Consume, I got to consume the Evil God's memory as well. Not to mention, the one I absorbed is the Evil God's will. It's obvious that some sort of memory or any kind of remnant from the original is there inside it.

And by consuming its soul… I got to see that dream.

It felt so natural.

It felt so nostalgic. I could even feel the emotion of the Evil God as well. It was a weird experience. But when I woke up, it's like I never even saw that dream, or even felt that dream. It's like I just watched a movie and forgot it the instant it ended.

But that woman in white dress… Even though it's the first time I saw her appearance, I feel like I want to know more about her.

Ah, no. It's not something like a love at first sight.

I just…

Gah! Forget it. Let's focus on what's in front.

Evolution, evolution!

<Soulstrel: An Apparition Type monster. It is a unique monster that are said to have evolved from Apparition Type monsters that have once consumed the soul of a thinking being. They focus on Soul related skills and gains the ability to manipulate their own and other's souls. As a result, they boast with greater ability in magic.

Evolve to Soulstrel?>

Ohhh! Ability in magic! Now we're talking~ Perhaps, this may be what I've been waiting for my whole reincarnated life! Mufufufu. Mufufufufu~!!

That does it. I've decided.

I'm going to be a Soulstrel.

Ahh… Finally…~ The days that I spent incapable of using magic even though I do have the skill for it… They're now so far away. They're all behind me now…

Goodbye the physical type me!

Hello, magical type me! Hello, the mage that is me! Mufufufu!

I'm in a good mood right now, so for compliance sake, let's analyze Eifil-Realne as well. Just in case. I still can't help but be bothered by it. But of course, Soulstrel is the only way for me. Mufufu.

<Eifil-Realne: An ancient monster that is said to have ruled all over Eifilrah, the world of the undead. It governs the souls of the living. However, it is incapable of manipulating Crysaztel and apply it as magic. As a result, it compensates its lack of magical abilities with extreme power in physical strength.

Evolve to Eifil-Realne?>

Hmmm… Just like the Evil God. It didn't have any active magic skills. Although, it had resistance against it.

I guess that's another proof that the Evil God is related to this race, if not it being an actual Eifil-Realne itself. And that speed as well. It really was a strength or physical type, instead of a magical type.

It's almost the same with Soulstrel with it being associated with souls, but…

Yeah. I've decided. I'll be a Soulstrel. For me to be a mage of my dreams, this is my best bet.

Now, to close this screen …

Purin: "P-Purin knows it is futile to ask. And as much as Purin hates to exchange words with thee, Purin will still ask, purin. H-However, it is because Purin considers Milady's feelings that Purin will do what she hates and ask, purin. D-Do not misunderstand, purin! Uhm… W-Wilt thou join us to feast, purin?"

Hearing a bashful sounding voice from Purin, who usually doesn't care to ask me for dinner, I was caught off guard by her sudden suggestion.

… Huh? Purin is asking me to join dinner…? That… Purin?! That Purin who can only look at me like I'm something less than a bug?! Was it because of my accomplishment with the Evil God, which lead her to treat me a little bit better??

And with template tsundere phrases to boot…!

Oh… my… goodness… Darn, this is probably a once in a lifetime chance…!

[Yeah! I will!]

Purin: "Th-Thou cannot eat anyways, purin!! P-Purin just thought of asking…!! It is for Milady's sake! Not thine!"

[Ahaha~ You tsundere~]

<Confirmed. Initiating evolution. Evolving to Eifil-Realne.>

… Huh?

Wait, what?

H-Hey… Don't tell me…

I was affirming Purin's question, right? It won't accept that as a confirmation for the evolution, right? Right??

H-Hahaha. You're kidding, right?


H-Huh? What the…?? This hotness that I'm feeling right now…

W-Wait a sec…

Th-The evolution is starting?!

Wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait I said! That wasn't the confirmation! I wasn't confirming to the question about the evolution…! It was meant to answer Purin's question…! I take it back…! I take it back, I said!


I want to evolve into a Soulstrel…!!



Ah… It's finished.

I've… evolved.

The heat resided and now I feel like a new being.

<Evolution Complete. Poltergeist has successfully evolved to Eifil-Realne. Status have risen accordingly, due to the evolution.>

<Health Gauge: +2,000>

<Crysaztel Gauge: +5>

<Physical Attack: +100>

<Physical Defense: +20>

<Magical Attack: +0>

<Magical Defense: +5>

<Agility: +100>

<Soul Cleanse skill acquired>

<Soul Drain skill acquired>

<Due to the evolution, all Magic Skills are removed>

<Due to the evolution, Perception Lv. 6 is now Perception Lv. 7>

<Due to the evolution, Magic Shield Lv. 2 is now Magic Shield Lv. 3>

<Due to the evolution, Magic Damage Lv. 2 is now Magic Damage Lv. 3>

<Due to the evolution, Extreme Temperature Resistance Lv. 3 is now Extreme Temperature Resistance Lv. 4>

<Due to the evolution, Curse Resistance Lv. 3 is now Curse Resistance Lv. 4>

<Due to the evolution, Omni-Physical Damage Resistance Lv. 5 is now Omni Physical Damage Resistance Lv. 6>

<Due to the evolution, Omni-Magical Damage Resistance Lv. 7 is now Omni-Magical Damage Resistance Lv. 8>

<Due to the evolution, Psychokinesis Lv. 9 is now Psyche>

<Psyche Skill Section unlocked>

<Psyche's Effectiveness increased>

… Goodness…

Gracious… What have I done…?

I evolved.

I really evolved, haven't I? I just did, right?

This is not a dream…

Tell me it's a dream…!

I evolved… *sigh* And not into a Soulstrel… But into an Eifil-Realne.

Damn. *sniffle*

??: "Purin. You really do hate me, huh?"

Purin: "E-Eh? Th-That voice… Trash…?"

??: "Of course, it's me. Who else would be talking to you right now? … Aaahh…! Now, my dream of becoming a mage… A cool mage…! And… to call me Trash still even in this situation…"

Fleur: "I-It really is Ciel… Ah!"

What's with these two…? I'm really depressed here… What's with the surprised faces? And why is Fleur covering her eyes? It's not like I've changed that much… right?


Ciel(?): "I was speaking… I am speaking…"

I subconsciously reached out for my neck to check and…

Ciel(?): "I… These are hands… They're hands, right?"

And I have a pair of feet. I have my fingers. I have a body, a head…

Purin: "Now this is surprising for a trash like thee… Is this what thou meant when thou mentioned that thou had something to do, purin?"

I turned my head towards Purin and my vision followed. It's different when I was a Poltergeist, where I can just move my vision around without turning…

There I see, Purin's slime figure. Much clearer than before. Even the smallest details of her red body is now crystal clear.

Also, Fleur too, who is still covering her eyes with her hands and is facing the other way.

Ciel: "Ah… Wait a sec. Let me just collect my thoughts. Even I am baffled right now."

Alright, let's calm down first. Take a deep breath, me.


And let it out in one go.


Ciel: "I'm also breathing…"

S-So… This is an Eifil-Realne…?


This is just…

Ciel: "… AWESOME!!"



Chapter End


Before that, I'm starting to think while I write this, is that Ciel's Luck is starting to seem like it really is -1. Tough luck, eh?

Next Chapter!

- Let's take our time and have a look at our MC's new evolution!

Gomi_Sakkacreators' thoughts