
A real dungeon!

I've been staying here for hours..

where should I go?

should I follow this human tracks?



- Individual Gained

Normal Skill:

[Night Vision: Lv1]



I just noticed, it's dark but I can still see...

Night vision huh...

can I also have laser vision?

would this be consuming mana?

I was been wondering..

I have checked the my status repeatedly but I didn't see mana there..

vit and sp are also not in the stats..

I should ask art later.

for now I have to find food!

I followed the tracks and I ended up here in a muddy cave...

this cave sure is so wide!

The height of this cave is probably around a hundred or two and the width should be approximately the same if I based it to my size.

wait... what if the people who left their tracks that I followed saw me? wouldn't they kill me? I'm sure my exoskeleton is a good material for armors.. they will definitely kill me!!!

I need to be careful...

The further I go the path go wider and there are two paths in front of me.

There is a 'Y' shaped intersection.

Should I follow through, the path where the people go? or should I head to the other path?

for now I'll go and see what they're doing here.

I climbed the rock nearby and peek at the path ahead quietly.

is something there?

I'm not entirely sure, due to the uneven rocks scattered here and there, but it feels like its moving.

Art! Scan surrounding!



(After World dungeon "העולם הבא")

- This dungeon is not yet fully explored, LV9 is deepest floor ever reached and only 6 types of races have been discovered.

Many people explored this dungeon due to it's richness of materials and treasures.


that is what not what actually I want to know..

but this...


it's a real dungeon right!?

bwahaha! interesting.!

interesting indeed...

so if this is a dungeon it means there is a lot of monsters here!

That thing moving isn't a monster right?

Art only scanned the place not what that moving thing.

So scan surrounding doesn't scan if there is enemy around.

okay... I'll try this.

Scan Individual.



[Scan Failed]

- Subject must be at least a meter area from sight.


You gotta be kidding me! there is no way I'm going near that thing! I don't even know what it is and what it could do.!

"oi! Mac! Jan-jan... na-a pa diri"

(hey! Mac! Jan-jan... there is more here)

ahh they're here! it's a girl! I guess she's around 18-22 years old according to her looks, there is also two guys the bulky one looks like he is in his thirties and the thinner one is around 20 years old.

"Lisa please lang mag Tagalog ka at pwede ba wag ka sumigaw?..."

(Lisa can you please speak Tagalog and could you not shout?...)

I don't understand what they're saying.

is it because I'm a centipede or because it's a different language?

"tama si Jan-jan hinaan mo ang boses mo, Hindi natin dapat hayaan na mapansin tayo ng mas malakas na kalaban"

(what Jan-jan said is right lower your voice, we must not let the stronger foe noticed us)

info assist, is there a way I can understand what they are saying?



- Yes, Would you like to Activate Auto translate?






- Auto Translate: Active

- To Deactivate, go to settings


Ahh... so it was on settings..

"hmft! you guys are such a scaredy cats! this is the first floor there is nothing here but mud slimes and dark worms there is nothing here that can even hurt a baby!"

ehh!? huh? that thing is a slime?

slimes are suppose to be cute and squishy!

that thing is more like a moving rock than a slime!

"Lisa I understand what you're saying but don't forget we're still inside a dungeon its not safe.

Not everyone who explore here are humans, besides not even a human can be trusted here"

Yeah! listen to the bulky guy Lisa! what he said is reasonable. .. ehh?.. except me right? you can trust me even if I look like this..

well they will surely kill me thou

even if I can explain my self.

"Lisa, Mac be on guard I can sense someone is observing us from above"

ehh? eeeeh!!? wha!? I... how?

I never moved, I'm even hardly breathing...

I'm dead!

should I run?

what should I do now?

I'm really dead!


someone's there!

"nice! sharp senses, there is no use of hiding now right?"

uhhggg .. sigh... luckily it wasn't me!

"ehh? Sir Kent?"


"Well you see our Jan-jan here just improved his presence detection skill"



so it was a skill?

that is a very useful skill!

if there is a job in the status of Art System maybe he's a thief, assassin or a scout like in most RPGs, manga and novels...

"Mac aren't you praising me to much?.. so Sir Kent is there anything that we can help you with?"


"hehe... well I wasn't suppose to show my self.

I was ordered by jigs to observed you secretly and lend you guys a hand just in case any trouble might happen. but your team was well trained Mac, since I was spotted it can't be helped right? I just hope jigs won't get mad."

(Sir Kent)

"hahaha... sorry about that Kent I'll help you explain to jigs when we go back. it's already late let's go find a place to camp and eat! come with us!"


Are they really gone?

I should also go!

that Jan-jan guy's skill is really bad for my heart!

I stealthily left and go the opposite direction and entered the other path just to make sure I won't cross paths with those people.

There are a lot of slimes and worms lurking throughout the path.



[Mud Slime]

- This type of slime do not pose any danger to humans since mud is the only thing it considered as food. However, when they feel threatened they can release a foul smelling mud that can cause skin irritation and it should be washed off immediately.

- Even if the core of this slime wont fetch a high price this type of slime is hunted for their mud it can be used for herbs to grow faster, it can also be used for beauty products.

- once it's core was removed or destroyed the mud can be collected.

[Dark Worm]

- It won't normally attack anyone, however it can be aggressive when it come to noticed eggs and call for back up when necessary. any type of eggs are it's favorite meal.

- this worm have been described as creamy tasting when raw, and like bacon or meat when cooked. They are often prepared with flour. it's pretty famous, extraordinarily delicious and considered a delicacy.

- once the core was removed or destroyed before it died it's taste won't be good.


I scanned this fellas and just realized that I was so scared for nothing! what Liza said earlier was right! not even a baby can get hurt in here! hahaha and this worm sounds delicious... cooked or not I am really starving!