
Re-Chaos: The Great Tale Of Emiya Kira In Fate/Stay Night

What happens when you're everyday 'normal human', gets the ability to jump in in Inbetween worlds and realities? Never heard of it you say? Hahaha~ Then allow me to Introduce you to Jumpers and Jump-chan~! ~~ " You are truly amazing, Kira-sama! I don’t deserve to be in your presence!" " I’d kill and die for you, Kira-sama.. I’d destroy the world if it meant being of service to you." " You are a god to me, you know..." " Don’t speak to them so informally! Kira-sama is God, who deserves respect!" " Don’t breathe their air, they don’t need vermin like you!" " I’ll kill you if you touch them! They can’t be stained by your filth! I won’t allow it!" " I devote myself entirely to you, Kira-sama.. Use me however you want.. I live to serve you My God~!" ~~~~~~ [ 1-Disclaimer: I write for fun and my own pleasure, so don't expect some 5-Star Story/Fanfic. Because after all, I'm just a 'normal human' being like the rest of you.] [ 2-Disclaimer: I don't own anything, other than my MC, OC's, and my Original ideas.] [Tags: Fate/Stay Night | Nasuverse | Type-Moon | Fate/Grand Order ] ~~

ChaosAuthor · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 2: Waking Up & Adoption!

An unfamiliar ceiling greeted me as I opened my eyes. White and tiled, and smelling clean- no, sterile.

I was surprised, for a moment. This was not my bed; those were not my walls. However, that moment passed and the surprise faded as I began to remember.

' Oh shit, that was real. I was kind of hoping I got high off that stuff Mary give me last night to relax and just imagined the whole thing.' I thought, sitting up from the not-so-comfortable hospital bed.

I turned my head to the side after blinking my eyes, looking now at more than just the walls. More beds than I could count were lined up, and on each one was a person... If some could still be called that.

Flesh, peeling; pus, oozing. Blisters, some burst and some still full, adorned some of the bedridden, covering their skin. They were lucky. Me? You could call me the luckiest of the lot, because all I got was some minor burns and cuts all over my body.

Through, some if not most looked like they were not even human, as if they clung to life by a thread thinning every second. They looked like death had come, but left halfway through the job. It was as if, Hades looked over at them and suddenly took a vacation for the hell of it, because why not!

And yet, the smell was not there. I could not smell pus, nor scorched flesh; only the thick, overpowering stench of hospital sterility. Not the best smell, trust me.

Everyone has survived Hell, and walked out looking the part, yet nothing is 'ill' in this room. None are moaning; none are in pain. They are resting, nothing more.

Consciously, I knew that the IV bags were slowly pumping morphine into their veins. I knew it was an artificial silence that should be taken up by screams. Truly all I need is some painkillers and I'll be on my Mary way. But Fate has other plans for me... Yeah, I made the joke, bite me.

Feeling some people outside the door, I smiled, seeing as a very familiar man walked into the room with a doctor.

His hair was dark and mussed, like he hadn't combed it in months. His face was dirty and unshaven, and his eyes looked almost... Hollow.

However, the corners of his lips were slightly upturned, revealing a light smile that reminded me of an older brother.

" Hello, you must be Kurayami Kira." Kiritsugu Emiya, the Magus Killer, said with a soft, even kind voice.

" I'll ask you directly." He continued as the Doctor twitched oddly.

Moving her eyes away from the Magus Killer, the Doctor exampled," Which would you prefer; being sent to an orphanage, or being adopted by this man you've never seen before?"

Listening to the Doctor, I put a childish thinking expression and then answered only after two whole slow painful minutes In existence for those across from me," The Second option, please."

" Can I ask why?" The Doctor asked me hearing my answer.

" Because he seems fun," I said plainly with an Innocent smile, almost making the Doctor fall on the floor comically at my quick and simple response.

But In the end, The doctor nodded with a deep and long sigh," I'll get the paperwork now."

As the doctor left, the man smiled; the sound was silent, then.

" Alright. Get ready quickly then. You should get used to your new place as fast as you can."

He quickly started packing my... Stuff. There wasn't much there; just a single change of clothes delivered by the nurse and my long black cloak that resembles, A*dult Sasuke's cloak he always wears.

Somehow, he managed to make packing a pair of pants look sloppy. Noted, get a Maid, Mikey, we're going to need one and possibly learn how to cook, because I don't think microwave food is gonna cut it for us.

Then as almost forgetting something, Kiritsugu suddenly said holding my one pair of clothes and long black coat I was thrown In with," Oh, I forgot to tell you something,"

Hmm? I wonder what he's going to tell lil ol' me~?

His voice was lighthearted as he looked up from the tossed-together clothes, looking at me," Yeah. To start with...I'm a magus."

" Amazing! Does that mean you go *boom* *Whoosh* *Shoosh!* and *bam* with all that magic stuff!?" I asked, jumping off the hospital bed In front of him and started making sound effects with my mouth In the most childish way possible, all the while smiling brightly.

Listening to me, Kiritsugu Emiya, the Magus Killer, laughed as his hollow eyes seemed to attain life, if only for a moment.


" Well, it seems Shiro has woken up. However, the first thing she asked for was for You to come In and talk to her." The same Doctor from before said to me and Kiritsugu at another hospital door, housing the female version of Shirou Emiya, Inside It.

And upon hearing her, Kiritsugu gave me the good-ahead with a simple look.

Nodding I smiled at the Doctor," Sure. I'll talk to her."

Also nodding, The Doctor opened the door, and I walked In with a kind and friendly smile, seeing Shiro looking at the TV In the room, watching the news with the hollow look, well as hollow as a 7-year-old can.

" *Whistle* Damn girl, they set you up good! Giving your own room while poor Kira over here had to share space with some smelly old people." I said, acting a like child. What? Don't look at me like that, My little niece swore more than me In one whole week. And that saying something, me being the bug-guy and all. Trust me, If you child haven't sworn yet around 3-to-5, that just strange, you better get that baby checked out.

" Ahh!... Oh, it's you." Shiro yelled hearing me, then calmed down after seeing me and said with happy smile.

" Yep~... So what can I do for you?" I chimed out, grinning.

" D-Did you accept that man's o-other?" She asked, suddenly finding the floor and her fingers more Interesting than anything.

" Man? You mean, Kiritsugu?" I asked tilting my head to the right In confusion cutely.

" Yeah, that man..."

" Oh, then yeah I accepted."

" Eh? Why?" In a comical fashion, Shiro looked with big eyes at me and questioned.

Smiling, even more, showing my perfect white clean teeth, that is usually mysteriously supernatural sharp at my canine area, resembling vampire fangs, I said," Because he seems fun."

" He seems... fun? I don't follow..." Shiro said In profound confusion, now looking Into my silver-colored eyes.

" You don't have to, it's a grown-up thing," I explained, waving her off In a carefree manner.

" What do you mean, 'grown-up thing'?! We're the same Age!" Shiro hearing me, pouted cutely.

" Tsk! Tsk! I have no idea what you're talking about," I said shamelessly and sat on the chair next to her and grabbed the TV remote from the desk by her, and continue on saying," So what's on TV? Anything good?"

Pouting even more In the cutest manner ever, Shiro huffed and looked away,"...Then I accept too..." She said lowly and slowly, just enough so I can hear.

" What?" I asked, playing dumb, grinning.

" I said: I Accept," Shiro repeated and looked back to Me, only to spot my big grin and suddenly put two and two together,"... You heard me the first time didn't you...?"

" Yup!" I nodded with my joker-like grinning expression.

" Ugh!" Not even saying anything, Shiro laid back down said with her back facing me," You can go now."

" Kay~ Be right back Lil sis~!" As cheerful as Naruto eating Ichiraku Ramen, I hopped off the chair and made a b-line to the door, only to hear a low giggle behind himself.

" Ha! I made you laugh! One point to Big Bro!" With that said, I left, using the door to block the pillow flying at me.

Spinning on my hill skillfully, I smiled at the somewhat amused Magus Killer," She's In, Boss-man!"

" Really?"

" What? Not good enough?"

Shaking his head, Kiritsugu started leaving, as the Doctor sigh once more and said as he left too," I'll get the paperwork."

" You must hate your job, don't you?" I asked, smirking at the Doctor's comical surprise expression.

Also shaking his head about strange children these days, he left saying," You don't even know."

' Oh, I do now. Very much so, my good man.' With this said In my mind, I quickly followed 'Father' with my most best childish happy smile.

" So where are we going?"

" Grocery shopping."

" Why, wizards don't eat?"

" Magus. I'm Magus."

" Sure-sure, Snape."

"... Why do I feel I should feel Insulated?"

" Nay, that was Totally~ A compliment. Yup a compliment, nothing more."

" That doesn't help your case."

" What case? I didn't bring one."

"... We'll talk later," Kiritsugu said, before fast-walking, making it seem he's running away from Me.

' Hahahahaha~ I beat the Magus Killer! Suck that you Rotten black-hearted Priest!' I yelled victorious In my mind, as I hear cheering In the background.


"... Why do I feel complimented all of sudden?" A certain Priest thought, aimlessly...
