
Re-Chaos: The Great Tale Of Emiya Kira In Fate/Stay Night

What happens when you're everyday 'normal human', gets the ability to jump in in Inbetween worlds and realities? Never heard of it you say? Hahaha~ Then allow me to Introduce you to Jumpers and Jump-chan~! ~~ " You are truly amazing, Kira-sama! I don’t deserve to be in your presence!" " I’d kill and die for you, Kira-sama.. I’d destroy the world if it meant being of service to you." " You are a god to me, you know..." " Don’t speak to them so informally! Kira-sama is God, who deserves respect!" " Don’t breathe their air, they don’t need vermin like you!" " I’ll kill you if you touch them! They can’t be stained by your filth! I won’t allow it!" " I devote myself entirely to you, Kira-sama.. Use me however you want.. I live to serve you My God~!" ~~~~~~ [ 1-Disclaimer: I write for fun and my own pleasure, so don't expect some 5-Star Story/Fanfic. Because after all, I'm just a 'normal human' being like the rest of you.] [ 2-Disclaimer: I don't own anything, other than my MC, OC's, and my Original ideas.] [Tags: Fate/Stay Night | Nasuverse | Type-Moon | Fate/Grand Order ] ~~

ChaosAuthor · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

(Part-1)-Chapter 4.1: Home & Passing Years

Moving into Kiritsugu's house was strange at first.

I'd never seen a Japanese house in real life, so I got my hopes up... Not by a lot mind you.

Too bad it was quite a plain house If my humble self does say so. However, I do get to say it fits the man known as the Magus Killer.

" Kira, Shiro, are you hungry?" Kiritsugu asked us, kindly with his hollow almost dead eyes.

"" Yeah."" We both nodded at the same time, making Kiritsugu's hollow eyes light up a little.

" I'm ordering take-out then, can you two get the table ready for me?" He asked, petting our heads Is kind of awkwardly and yet Fatherly at the same time.

' He's trying.' I thought, upon seeing this as a smile made Its way to my face.

" On It~!" With this cheerful response, I was off with Shiro following right behind. How do I know you might ask yourselves? Well, it's because she has been clenching onto my lower black coat the whole time since the hospital.

Fixing the table with my new little sister, I smiled,' This is going to be a great new life.'


All in all the first few weeks were kind of normal. Though Kiritsugu did almost burn the house.

I still don't understand how he managed to cause the water to burn.

How does one even burn water anyway?

No wonder Shirou had to learn how to cook.

Since then I forbid him from ever trying to cook anything ever again.

I would cook the meals from now if we were not getting take out.

I couldn't cook like Shirou, but that didn't mean I couldn't cook at all. Because damn well, I made even the great Shirou foodgasm, and the Magus Killer praise my cooking with a simple yet pleasing nod from him.


" Dad."

" Yes?"

" I wish to learn Magecraft."

His eyes narrowed. " Kira, you do realise what you are asking? I have told you this already. To be a Magus is to walk with death."

" Perhaps," I nodded, sipping my Tea " But I'd rather be aware and have a way to defend myself If I ever have to."

He sighed knowing that I wouldn't back down without a proper reason.

" Very well, I suppose I can teach you the basics."

And so I that was the day I had finally entered the MOONLIT world, my magic circuits open.


A key inserted into the ignition switch and twisted, once was the On position, twice, the start position as it pressed against a spring, and a starter turned over a crankshaft allowing the piston to take in air and fuel, compress it and igniting the mixture starting up the engine. The key was released returning to the on position.

This was my mental image. Complicated one for sure, but it did help me activate my circuits myself. I had 30 circuits, each producing about 20 units of prana, for a total of 600 units, it wasn't much compared to geniuses like Rin who could inherit their family crest, or people from the Age Of Gods; but it was something. As complicated as the mental image was unless I find myself a better one, this was what I was going to be using.

Dad was out on a trip to Germany. Or so he said.

I knew though he was going to get Illyasviel. I just hope he succeeds. Who knows? Perhaps he will this time around?

Looking at the sleep Shiro by my side, I sighed deeply,' Fuuuuu~ I wish I was more of help.'

Laying by her as she cuddles next to me, I chuckled lowly,' It's not like a beginner of Magecraft would help much anyways.'


I didn't know how long he would be gone. I just hope he'll be alright.

Waking up at 5 am I began my daily exercise, push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and similar exercises.

When I started it I could barely do 10 rounds. Now I was completing a 50 easily.

Exercising felt good(l̵̮̬͎̫̾̒i̵̢̬͔̍͛̋͠e̴̯̯̤̖̐̇). Stretching my muscles to their limits and beyond.

it was a good burn(l̵̮̬͎̫̾̒i̵̢̬͔̍͛̋͠e̴̯̯̤̖̐̇).

Next, I started simple kata's that I did in my previous life(l̵̮̬͎̫̾̒i̵̢̬͔̍͛̋͠e̴̯̯̤̖̐̇).

It was nothing special but it did incorporate all the basic Karate attacks and defenses within the Kata.

My 8-year-old body was still too young to do anything more intensive or rather I felt that it wasn't a good idea.

After finishing my exercises, I took a shower to wash off the sweat and then began to cook breakfast.

A simple breakfast of eggs and bacon for me. And probably a bigger one for little Shiro.


School days were ordinary.

Unlike Shiro, I was a loner and kept to myself.

The other kids avoided me calling me a freak because I didn't wish to talk to them.

Children could be quite cruel.

It didn't affect me though. I spent my free time in school in the library using books to continue from what I had studied when I was alive.

Though the standards are quite low.

Well, that was to be expected I died in 2025 previous life after all, and education and technology were much higher during that time.


Walking home lately I usually take the scenic route.

Admiring the sunset, and the bridge of Fuyuki.

It's hard to believe that some love Lovecraftian horror was summoned here.

But there was also something else there. Something very valuable.

If I remember Fate/Zero correctly Gilgamesh discarded two swords into the river, saying that they have been dirtied.

Two prototype Noble Phantasms at the bottom of the lake.

It might be worthless to him but it was invaluable to me. I had only a few years to prepare for the next Holy Grail War, and about ten years before Fate Grand Order if this was the same universe.

The sound of sobbing bring me out of my musings and I turn towards where the sound was coming from.

What I saw caused me to "tsk" rather loudly attracting the group bullying a purple-haired girl.

" Ah! Run! It's the other freak!" And then like that, they all ran away leaving behind a scared shivering young Sakura.

" Bunch of Mongrels, the lot of them," I mumbled to myself with an Indifferent expression.

Turning to the young Sakura my eyes softened. Her injuries need taking care of. What type of Senpai would I be If I just let this pass?

" Come on." I gently lifted the young girl from the ground and began to carry her home bridal style.


Gently laying her down on my fuuton, I got some numbing spray, bandages, antiseptic, rubbing alcohol, cotton, and medical plaster I began to gently clean her wounds.

Her head over her right eye was lightly bleeding, as well as her left foot near her ankle.

Gently cleaning her head wound with a cotton piece dabbed in rubbing alcohol I wiped of the dried blood and the bit of blood on the wound. Disposing of the used cotton piece I applied a bit of antiseptic and numbing spray to a new piece and pressed it lightly against her wound before using a bit of medical plaster to keep the cotton piece in place.

I repeated the same with her ankle and Kept the First aid kit aside.

" There, all better. Would you like something to drink?"

" Why?"

" Why what?"

" Why did you help me?"


" Why shouldn't I? It isn't wrong to help someone in need after all, especially if it costs me nothing. Besides I couldn't let those bullies do that to you."

Her eyes widened a bit.

"So would you like something to drink? Tea, Juice? Water?"

She nodded her head.

" Name?"

" You mean my name?" She nodded. "I'm Emiya Kira, nice to meet you," I said patting her head.

" Sakura."

"Alright Sakura, I'll bring some juice, rest up alright?"

She nodded again silently as I stepped into the kitchen to fetch some juice from the fridge.

And so a friendship was born. Which would perhaps evolve into something greater? Who knows?
