
Choosing the Taboo of All Abilities

Brandon was still standing in that grand hall in front of the golden throne thinking of what abilities to pick. God, was there as well, waiting patiently with an expectant gaze on his face. He has a hunch that Brandon will definitely surprise him and he can't wait.

An unknown amount of time later….

"My first ability that I want, will be the ability to devour talents, stats, comprehension, and anything else I so choose!"


God had a blank look on his face as he stared at Brandon without a word. He was expecting something amazing….but this.

[That will be difficult] said god with a serious tone and facial expression to match.

"Difficult but not impossible right, my lord?"

(This child really thinks flattery can push his request forward huh? Hahaaa what an interesting child indeed.)

[it's not impossible but it very well is not simple either. For a gift of that magnitude, you'll have to face numerous disadvantages for the playing field to remain equal. Do you understand?]

"What would be the disadvantages?"

[This one wish will take up three wishes by itself. So before you confirm this, are you sure?]

...… (Damn, I didn't think it's be that much of a deal if I asked for that, but it is an ability that can shake the board.)

[ You have no idea how true that statement is.]


"You can hear my thoughts sir?!" Asked Brandon with a surprised look spread across his face.

[Of Course I can child, but better yet it's exciting to finally see you startled by something. Hahaa]


"Sir can I just choose my second ability before we talk about my first request?"

Asked Brandon as he regained his composure, it's been years since he's lost his cool like that and the embarrassment was eating at him currently.

[Of course, just tell me and we will decide then.] says God as he puts his arm on the arm rest of the throne and his fist against his face in a leisurely manner.

"I want the number one rated heavenly physique throughout all worlds."


…..(What in the worlds is up with this one? His request are grand but reasonable which is putting me in a bind here. But, I can not deny that I'm very entertained off of his first two selections alone.)

[How do you even know about heavenly physiques?] asked God with an inquiring gaze

"I did a bit of reading when I was bored and in the military, mostly on stake outs or escorting of prisoners."

[Thats unexpected, but interesting nonetheless. These two are troubling request by themselves, but I'll have a discussion with Chronos and Odin to see if they'll yield. Give me a bit.] stated God as he closed his clear blue eyes and disappeared in particles of light.

Brandon just sat there in that brilliant hall, thinking and enjoying the display in front him.

Awhile later while he was lost in thought, God returned back to his throne with a blank look on his face. Brandon couldn't tell if the news was good or not but he waited with anticipation.

[You're in luck Brandon or some may say you're out of it. Odin has an interesting champion as well who asked for more than he should which also helped our case greatly. In the end, they'll allow it, on the condition that you reincarnate at the age of twelve giving their champions a head start. Also, you'll be in the body of an orphan so you won't be born into a family that can give you money or resources. Everything you get, you'll have to get alone. Their champions will have knowledge, resources, and time on their side. Are you still willing to take these handicaps just for these two abilities?]


(I know the path that I want to take and I'll grasp that without any extra help. There's nothing to think about, I've read countless books, and the greatest ability of all is to devour!)

"Yes sir! I'm willing to take all those disadvantages in favor of those two abilities!" Said Brandon with vigor

[Good, you're not loosing out in this, as long as you're smart about how you traverse your path, you'll be at the advantage in the later stages. The ability to devour is the taboo of all abilities, a power that even gods are weary of. So let's move on to shaping up your physique, I'm getting excited now.]

[You'll be given the Ancient God Physique, coincidentally it's a great match for your devouring ability so that's why you were penalized so harshly. Your physique allows you to copy features from other heavenly physiques, granting a great degree of versatility to you. With your devouring ability, you won't just copy the physique's features but you can devour them into your own. Before you look confused, heavenly physiques normally can't be devoured but you've found one of the loop holes with the combination of devouring and copying.]

"Damn, I didn't know there was even a restriction on devouring heavenly physiques, granted devouring physiques never came to my mind anyway. If it had, I would've just gone with the devouring ability and not asked for anything else."

[And you would've lost before the contest even began. Devouring is very powerful, but it has its drawbacks all the same. Your second gift helps relieve said drawbacks immensely. Do well not to forget that, and while you've benefitted from reading your books, understand that reality is a lot different from fictional guesses.]

[Moving on, your physique awakens on the day that you do and so does your power to devour. You'll be given four elements to work as a bonus perk of your physique. One element must be my element of light, the other three will be yours to choose.]

"First I'll choose-"

[Don't think about choosing any crazy elements either, we are already on thin ice as is. Try to stick to the basics with maybe one high grade element.] said God with a very stern stern tone. His facial expression says enough to convey that this isn't up for discussion.

Brandon is quiet and begins to think before he finally finds his answer.

"Gravity, Lightening, and Fire!"

[This is acceptable.]

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