
Re: Birth of The Lamented Piece

Travis is a 26 year-old man taking a shower after playing lacrosse. He was in unbelievable shock when he got outside the restroom. He has traveled somewhere non-existing in planet Earth, butt-naked. Men and women are looking at him. Teenagers looking at his cock, which he quickly covers with the only thing he had, his bathroom towel. As a strange looking man, he was arrested by the magic knights and got jailed. Days went by and he was cleared off suspicion and got out. He changed his name to Logen Aryn, a person who went missing years ago. While Travis was inside he had planned the rest of his life in the unknown place which he later on learned as New Eudaemonia of the East. He traveled and met some people and...creatures. That world was just like the video games he played when he was a teenager. This is the beginning of Travis's wild adventure to know why he was transported there. Not knowing his an important part to defeat something sinister.

CurrentlyExisting · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Covenant of the Unlikely

''Well, Southern Grove is a Fire Continent. Eastern Grove, New Eudaemonia is a part of, is a Water Continent. Northern Grove are for Air Dwellers, the Aero Continent. Western Grove is the Land Continent. Where did you came from?'' Hugo asked.

''I am what Porshire called as an Eirian.''

Hugo quickly moved away farther from Travis.

''Hey, what's wrong? Do I smell?'' Travis asked.

'Nah ah. Eirian are instincts now! Summoning people from other worlds are now illegal as it caused two freaking wars!' Hugo said in mind. 'Fuck this'

Travis is curious why Hugo suddenly ran away from him.

''Eirian are illegal now. Eirian caused a rebellion to the dragons twice. First was the Cold War of Southern Grove a millennium ago. The last war was the Central Grove two centuries ago. I was a pup then. My mother got killed by that war. Eirian are what I hate the most in the world.''

Hugo clenched his teeth, showing his aggressive side.

The first war was caused by a Fire-user Eirian, second was caused by a Mist-user Eirian.

''Wait, Central Grove? You did not mention that.'' Travis said.

''The Central Grove is a breeding ground of evil creatures. It was the Northern and the Southern Grove war a millennium ago that cause to split the land and created a single island with only 2 miles in length. Crossing the Ocean of Dark Sasimi is the only way to get there. The Lyca Forest surrounds the island, it distracts the visitors.''

''So Riggotia has 5 continents?''

''You really are an Eirian.'' Hugo relaxed a bit. He knows Eirians who asks a lot doesn't know the Riggotia world is new of the place.

''How can I know my powers?'' Travis asked Hugo.

''It comes out naturally. Where were you transported?''

''I don't know.''

Hugo spanked Travis. ''What an idiot!'' He said. Travis cried out in pain.

''So, you're a wolf-shifter right?'' Travis asked as he massaged his nape.

''Yes, so what?'' Hugo questioned Travis.

''That means you can have blood pacts with other creatures, am I right?''

''Where did you learn that?''

Blood pact is a secret way to earn a bestfriend in Riggotia. Hugo wonders of how Travis knew about it.

''It's a part of the games I played when I was a teenager at my original world.'' Travis answered honestly. ''I need to know more about this world before I get out of this dungeon.''

''Then I am happy to teach you about our world. Listen.''

Hugo seriously said that made Travis focused. Travis's mind is still a mess, but he gotta know about this world or else he won't survive.

''Sasimi is the dragon that reigns over Eastern Grove. She's still alive through this days, but she shifts to another creature from time to time, nobody have seen her true form as a dragon for 200 years. She kept silent after the war. If you're a water-user, Sasimi is the god you shall embrace, she'll help and protect you. She's the very first female dragon.'

Hugo paused and shifts into a wolf.

''Mandra is the dragon of Air. Mandra can be seen from time to time if you visit the Northern Grove, she welcomes creature she feels to have strong talents and powers. She's very fond of a certain Caladrius-shifter. The Caladrius shifter got pregnant a year ago after she went on a mission that took her 106 years to complete. Mandra is only 100,012 years old this day.''

Hugo walked left to right as he explains. Travis just opened his mind for shits.

''Goran is the dragon protecting the Western Grove. His a very joyful dragon, harvest season has always been fun when Goran is in a happy mood.''

''What happens if he's not happy?''

''Crops will wilt. Harvest will be prolonged for six months and the Western Grove will be erased in the map temporarily.''

'Goran shall not be mad as it'll affect the livelihood of the Western Grove.' Travis said in mind.

''Kasumisi, the Dragon of Mist, is the dragon I served. His very silent but gets mad very fast. He lives in the Central Grove, though all of us, his worshippers, are divided. He let us go that's why I am here.''

''Obobosusimera is Kasumisi and Sasimi's child. His governs the clouds. He's the youngest of all dragons, though he lives with Kasumisi in the Central Grove. His only 90,000 years old.''

''Does Sasimis have other children?'' Travis asked.

''Yeah. From Goran to Kasumisi to Jasnah, she have children with them.''

''She mated with all the male dragons?''

''Dragons have mating seasons too. It happens every three years. Though they can choose other creatures to mate with. Like Jasnah's last mate was the Queen of Elves, Leilatha Terthal. They conceived Ifrit, Prince of Lava.''

''Who's Jasnah?''

''Jasnah is the first dragon created. He is in the Southern Grove, sleeping. The last time he was awake was the crowning of Ifrit as the Prince of Lava. Ifrit guards Jasnah's Grove.''

''Who created him?

''No one knows. Rumors said it was Xiona, a human who had traveled galaxy to galaxy.''

''So you believe there's another galaxy?''

''Yeah. That's where you came from. Your prayers should be devoted to Leilatha, she's the elves queen. Your selfish request shall be heard by the 4 gods and goddesses. Durus is the god of fortune, Beleyar for forgiveness, Virtue goes to Uttune and Tyganna for life and death.

''You said Sasimi is very fond of a Caladrius, what is that?''

''Caladrius are snow-white bird that lives in the king's house. It is said to be able to take the sickness into itself and then fly away, dispersing the sickness and healing both itself and the sick person. While Caladrius-shifters are angels that serves Sasimi and Mandra. They are born from a human girl which a Caladrius male bird has took a liking with. With the male Caladrius's blessing, the human girl conceives a Caladrius-shifter. Namie was one of the first born Caladrius shifters.''


''Namie?'' Travis asked as he thought about Namie, the missing love of his.

''Yeah. You can tell what a Caladrius-shifter is between humans. Caladrius-shifters have a unique beauty among humans and elves. And they also have white-colored tattoos under their eyes.''

'Namie has white-colored tattoos under her eyes. But she cannot be here, she lives in planet Earth.'

Travis thought but shove the idea at the back of his head.

''We can have that fake Logen Aryn to face the Aryn's, royals of Half-Elves.'' Hugo heard from a kilometer. Hugo heard about Logen's freedom as he quickly had an idea.

''About the blood pact...are you somewhat interested to have it with me?'' Hugo offered to Logen.

Without any hesitations, Travis agreed to the idea.

''Then let's do it right now.''

Hugo shifts back as a human and sliced his palm, blood flowed from the wound.

''Gods and Goddesses, on our prayers, we ask you to grant us the special bond of pact. To the dragons that we serve, bless us with your protection. To this person, I grant you the will to have me in you. I grant you the permission of my powers as we are one. If you are injured, I shall be injured as well. If you die, I shall die as well. To you, I share the memories I have treasured and hoped to create millions of memories with you. I risk my secrets with you.''

Hugo then offered his hands to Travis.

''Do what I did and pronounce the words I have said.''

Travis picked a piece of glass that was scattered in the floor and used it to sliced his palm.

''Gods and Goddesses, on our prayers, we ask you to grant us the special bond of pact. To the dragons that we serve, bless us with your protection. To this person, I grant you the will to have me in you. I grant you the permission of my powers as we are one. If you are injured, I shall be injured as well. If you die, I shall die as well. To you, I share the memories I have treasured and hoped to create millions of memories with you. I risk my secrets with you.''

Travis held Hugo's hand before the wolf-shifter opened his mouth and said.

''I now share my life with you.''

Lights circled the two. Ancient language can be heard as their souls combines.

Travis was all alone when h woke up, knights are surrounding him.

''Are you awake, Logen?'' Porshire asked.

''Yeah. Where's Hugo? The man with no shirt here.'' Porshire said.

''He offered me a blood pact.''

Travis heard the knight's gasps.

''Is something wrong with forming a blood pact with Hugo?'' Travis asked as he positioned himself correctly.

Travis saw Porshire shove all the Knights.

''Wait for me outside.'' he said and all the knights followed, locking the doors.

''Hugo is a mist creature, Logen. And you, an Eirian transported here in New Eudaemonia, is a water creature. A water element half-elf. That's you're breed. The moment you transported here, Sasimi has blessed you. Mist and water bond is rare in this world. Sasimi and Kasumisi are mortal enemies after the war a millenium ago. But do not worry, mist and water bond is not illegal. You'll be released after an hour.'' Porshire said and opened the door.

''You two really have bonded. You inherited his pants.''

Travis looked at the pants he's wearing.

''Hugo...'' Travis called out as soon as Porshire left.


''Yes.'' Hugo answered inside him.

''What? Why are you talking in my brain?''

''Our souls have collided, Travis. I stay inside your soul unless you want me out.''

''How'd you know my true name?'' Travis asked.

''We promised to the Dragons we served as to the Gods and Goddesses that all of our secrets will be shared by the two of us.''

''End-to-end encryption?''

''If that's what you call it in your world. Just say my name.''

''I called you a moment ago and you didn't get out.''

''That decision is by me. When your in danger, I'll get out. If I want to have fun, I'll get out. Now, I want to sleep, I stay in. Congratulations to your freedom.''

''That means you're free now too, doesn't it?''

''What a smart kid you are, Travis! Now, I'll sleep.'' Hugo said.

''Hugo...Hugo...'' Travis called out but Hugo did not answer.

Hi! Author here.

I am very sorry to the readers who have viewed this story this far but my creations will be transferred to Stary Writing (Dreame, Ringdom, etc)

Thank you for reading though!

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