

***PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO ANY ANIME COMIC OR GAMES THAT WILL OCCURE DURING THE STORY I ONLY OWN THE CHARACTERS AND ABILITIES THAT I MIGHT CREATE DURING THE STORY P.S THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITING SO DONT EXPECT GOD TIER WRITING**** Synopsis: Morpheus an otaku God wanted an apostle and also a brother so he save an extremely powerful soul from the floors of purgatory. Morpheus also decided to give the soul 6 wishes and send him to an alternate world of Re:zero were a couple of anime worlds are merge are and inside the galaxy. Join us and watch as our MC Asura rise up and become an emperor and also the demon God who feeds off the desires of others. join my discord : https://discord.com/channels/851513713991221288/851513890973024317

Retro_Senpai · Anime & Comics
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Is she a Succubus R-18

Fair warning I'm not talented in making R-18 content also I would really appreciate it if you guys would go and check out the very first original I created. Its because I enter the spirit award competition the name of my book is called Projected Adam: God last gift to the cruel world I would really appreciate the support


A figure was spit back from a giant skull and land hard on top of the Irion throne

"Bloody hell couldn't the seal pull me back inside in a less dramatic way for god bloody sake I accidentally made a loli cry. A sin this big can only be repaid with blood sigh fuck my life at least I was lucky enough to meet all candidates".

"Now that I'm back I think it times for me the bust a nut it has been a while or lifetime since I release some goo so I'm pretty back up"

"Cortana were is Lucy at this moment a taught she would greet me here".

<<She taking a bath in the master bedroom private bathroom>>

"Perfect lets clap some buns heheheh".

Asura then ran toward the master bathroom using all his stealth related skill to not be notice by Lucy and when he reach he found something rather tempting. He saw Lucy asleep with headphones in her ears listing to god know what.

"Well this is unexpected I taught she would be changing by now to think she fell asleep".

Asura then had a bold idea that might or may not trigger Lucy wrath but then again life is all about the risk. What kind of man would I be if I back down from this glorious feast before my eyes.

Asura then walk to a giant bath tub witch by the way is the same exact design as the one from Monogatari. Before Asura was a beautiful blond with hard to explain eye and jade white skins she had a huge bouncy pair of E size tits along with tender juicy and fat ass along with a tight parabola type pussy it almost remind Asura of a Latina.

"This is too much of a turn on an she completely asleep hehehe".

Asura then began to take off all his cloths minus his visors and place it all in his hair as he began to walk silently on the water surface as to not wake her up. He look at her tender soft slippery and wet mouth and place two of his finger inside and what he feel can only describe as heavenly.


"She moaned every time I rub her tongue and that lewd expression she make is such a fucking turn on".

Of course this could either be because of the fact that she had the spitting image of black widow and Scarlett Johansson. Then if the tenderness of her tongue wasn't enough she began to suck on on Asura fingers with such force and skill he could feel the pleasure going up his entire arm.

"What the hell is this pleasure".

<<This is because Lucy is a celestial being an entity beyond even the apex of evolution it self so from a hierarchy POV you are nothing but a mortal so the pleasure she give could kill you a 1000x over if your not careful so you should be thankful you had the skill absolute adaptation>>.

"Jesus Christ I don't know if this is a blessing or a curse but this pleasure is too good to stop now ahhh I wonder how it would feel to put my cock inside her tight wet mouth".

Just the very taught had Asura in very serious predicament it like to do or not to do well of course Asura was going to partake in this glorious treat. He then stretch his hand to his semi-hard cock that was at least 9 inches at the time and began rub it on her soft and tender pink lip. The crown of his cock was already at the entrance of her mouth as it bend slightly upward due to the tightness of the entrance but with a little force Asura shove his entire length inside Lucy mouth as he entire cock touch the entirety of her esophagus. Of course this action also cause Lucy to wake up as she felt her right to breath had been taken away.

Asura was in so much pleasure that he didn't even notice the sleeping beauty was wide awake no it more like all his sense just betrayed him all he could think about was pleasure. He didn't even notice that Lucy had tear on her eyes due to sudden pain and pleasure that strike her all at once.

Was it because of instinct or was it because mouth was just too heavenly Asura start moving his hip back and fourth very vigorously as each trust he does he could feel Lucy throat keep pulling him in like a vacuum.



All Asura could taught was that Lucy Gag reflex was on point he continue to fuck Lucy throat as if he wanted to re-shape it with his length. His crown his shaft everything was been drench in shit ton of saliva and pre-cum. At this very moment Asura was very close he felt his balls tighten the cum churning and slowly coming up his shaft in huge cup loads.

With the immense pleasure building up Asura then began to increase his speed which was already breaking the speed of sound him-self.

"Oh god im CUMMING take it all you damn Succubus"!


Asura release a shit ton of cum down Lucy throat as each rope of cum was thick enough to drown any normal women which might end up killing them but Asura wasn't throat fucking any normal women but the ruler of the 4th dimension.

after about 2 minutes of constant cumming Asura then began to look at Lucy who had one of the most beautiful ahegao he had ever seen as her eyes were all the way back of her head he smile and patted Lucy head then saying.

"That was amazing too amazing in fact ahh sorry about earlier you were just too tempting how about we continue this in the bed".

Lucy just nodded as the couple went straight to the bedroom but then the surrounding started to change every door and escape routes became non existent they were now in room with no exist Asura began to fell a chill on his back as he look to Lucy that was smiling very demonically.

"You good babe your giving off a very scary aura right now".

"you know master that was a very tasty treat you gave me but I taught it was too rush let this great me give you proper blowjob".

Then Lucy disappeared before his eyes for some reason Asura lost his balance and was push toward the bed by an immense force he felt on his chest. When he was push toward his bed he found him self chain up to the bed post on all 4 side.

"The hell what the hell just happen no fair you use telekinesis didn't you".

"Not even close master I simply run towards you knock you off your foot and yeet you to the bed and warp reality to a reality were you are tied to the bed in chains".

"I swear reality warping being are very troublesome but still you think these chains can hold me"

"Ehh why cant I use my powers".

"Fufufu master your still very ignorant to the fact that your invisible those chain are perfect imitation to Enkidu chains if not better so your nothing but a mortal right now".

"Awww fuck were my luck when I need it".

Lucy then began to walk to Asura as she climb up the bed very seductively as she grab Asura hard stiff cock and put it into her mouth. Asura then began to feel pleasure a 1000x times better than before so much so he came right a way but even while he was cumming Lucy still commence to suck his cock vigorously. Trying to ringed out every drop but sadly for Asura Lucy did something to him that increase the pleasure even further.

"what the hell happening why im so hot and bothered what with this immense pleasure".

<<Absolute adaption has been sealed by some unknown force>>

<<Curse of succubus the queen has been casted on the user Asura>>

A curse that put the User under immense pleasure without making them pass out from cumming infinitely

<<The user sensitivity has increase by 500x >>

<<The user have been affect by the primordial dragon king aphrodisiac>>

<<Warning the User is entering a state of mind zero the system shall forcefully keep you awake>>

"Ahhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh just fucking great first Lucy locked my powers and curse me now the system keeping my consciousness at bay I cant lie doe this is is is is ahhh heaven".

"Don't you feel it master each time you come the pleasure increases, you like it don't you like it to experience this pleasure as a mortal without dying is one of the greatest gift a celestial can give, this is priceless service you know".

Lucy began to be more vicious by shapeshifting her mouth in all shape and size and this happen for the next 2 hours as of this moment Asura was weak on bed.

"I see why Morpheus call you a damn demon no she is a bloody succubus no a Succubus Goddess".

"You know master I although I act submissive most of the time I too enjoy breaking the will of others I remember back when I was mortal women I use to break the will of all my ex you know just call it a habit I only show in bed you know I could bring up the pleasure even more well if you beg for it".

Asura was in state of panic he couldn't move he had no power he was completely powerless in this women sadistic web.

"I need to think of something fast I refuse to be treated like some submissive pig".

"Resistant is futile master just give in its not wrong to beg for something".

Asura was in deep taught till it finally hit him on how to get out of this predicament he then put on a scary sadistic smile aiming toward Lucy.

"Master have you finally went crazy from my service".

You know Lucy as race who decide things by dominance you hurt my pride my a little I think some form of punishment is needed.

Lucy then stop sucking his cock and said.

"And how do you plan on retaliating your nothing but a mere mortal right now".

Then it hit her she started shaking from fear and excitement and said in rather shy and weak voice.

"Master you wouldn't do that right you wouldn't do that to your precious Lucy right"

"Fufufu were that sadistic personality of yours went".

"We can talk this over cant we".

"Nope there is nothing to talk over you been a bad girl and you need punishment".

Asura then said in voice that only Lucy could hear and said a word the one thing all Gods fair the most.

"Origin free me now".

Lucy then complied with Asura words very willing as the chain that Asura was tangled in was now free he then grab Lucy and place her in his lap and began spanking her.




"No fair master your just using my true name to control me that's just playing dirty you know".

"Now now don't be sad you made feel good now it my turn let start by removing this curse shall we".

Lucy then began to remove the curse from Asura body completely.

From there Asura body finally felt like he had control over it.

"So much better but I think it time I show you who the dominant one and who the submissive one in this relationship is I wonder what I should do first".

Lucy look a little afraid and exited on what Asura was going to do to her.

"I know cast your strongest Aphrodisiac on your self increase your body sensitivity to 10,000 and also that same curse as well and your forbidden to cum until I say other wise.

Lucy then complied to Asura order and when suddenly she felt a tremendous amount of pleasure coursing through out her entire body along with the curse that make you cum infinitely but thing is she not able to cum she was on the edge to such a degree she start making a tearful face and start crying.

"Master please allow me to come this to much this is just torcher".

Asura smiled at the sight the dominant Lucy has been completely slain as soon as she came of course Asura was going to make Lucy Cum but not now.

"Too bad too sad let have some fun". Asura then began to finger Lucy very slowly as to tease her of course Lucy was moaning like crazy as immense pleasure beyond mortal understanding was coursing through her entire body but not been able to cum was driving her crazy.




"Master please just let me cum I will do anything ha ok then if you let me cum first your allowed to right after how abo.....


Lucy then shove Asura to the bed and start riding Ausra he didn't have time to say a comment on how amazing her inside felt. Every time she ride Asura the fold and bumps in her inside began to pulsate and vibrate at the same time not only that when Asura 13 inches glory touch her womb it kiss it each and her entire pussy began to suck and squeeze Asura this continue for the next 30 minutes.

"Ahhh I'm cumming"

When Lucy heard this she began to increase the speed ten folds and then


Asura came so hard Lucy belly started to bloat with the share amount and shortly after Lucy started to squirt drenching the entire bed in cum and pussy juice she fell on top of Asura chest with cum leaking out her entrance as she said.

"Your really mean master".

"But it felt amazing right".

"Amazing would be an understatement for that level of pleasure".

"I guess you right I did ask for that hehe".

Asura then began to kiss Lucy for as he grab her plump ass and said.

"Are you ready for round 2"

"Wait what".

"Do you honestly think this was over after one round im an entity that doesn't require sleep in the slightest".

And so Asura began to fuck Lucy for an entire day.

I know you freaks enjoy that hopefully so here the deal I will shorten my chapters so instead of the usual 5000 words it going to be 2000 this will make each volume a little longer thou at least this way I can post more frequently also can you guys check out my first original it called Project Adam: God last gift to this cruel world I would really apprecciate the support also please leave a review telling me your opinion on it

Retro_Senpaicreators' thoughts