
The Giants

"So father, are you finally willing to teach me our clan technique?"

"Bwahaha, you sure are eager to learn, son!"

Inside the main compound of the Akimichi clan, two men and one boy were having a conversation. They were talking over a big pot of tea and grilled Kebabs. The boy was Chouji, and with sparkling eyes, he continuously bugged his father and uncle for them to teach him the clan's technique.

The men were Chouza, the Akimichi clan's fifteenth clan master, and Choubi, his brother. They were both Chouji's father and uncle, and both three were the clan's present and future main pillars.

"It's good to be eager, but you must know, Chouji-chan. Our Clan technique mainly utilizes the Yang release to strengthen our body and change its size..."

Choubi spoke while lifting his tea glass and enjoyed the aroma. Like other Akimichi, Choubi has a rotund build and distinct markings on his cheeks. He is a rather short middle-aged man with a triangular beard and a mustache that has angular corners. His hair and mustache are brown. He wears a small pair of glasses and a samurai-like outfit which entails a green suit completed with armor that has the kanji for "food" on it.

"...Members of our clan possess great physical strength and are able to quickly convert calories into chakra, which we then use in our various secret techniques. Most of these techniques rapidly consume the user's chakra during use, and maintaining them during a prolonged battle can be very tiring. For this reason, our Akimichi have high chakra reserves and eat a lot in order to build up or replenish their body and chakra reserves.

"As a tribute, members of the clan wear the kanji for "food" on our clothing. If standard calories aren't enough for a battle, our Akimichi clan members can use the clan's Three Coloured Pills to convert excess fat into chakra, at the cost of one's health.

"Though we also have a secret technique to do calorie control, a technique which grants the user the ability to freely convert the calories they store in their bodies into chakra, essentially the technique does what the three colored pills do without the excessive drawback."

Chouji nodded solemnly hearing his uncle's explanation, he knew about the consequence and prerequisite of the clan's technique, which is to have a strong physique. That was also why he spent most of his time training albeit he did not do it madly like a certain bushy-browed shinobi that always shouted "Youth!" and wearing green spandex all day. Chouji was sure that a person must have a few screws loose on his head.

Last year when he was eight, based on pure taijutsu alone, he was able to easily beat a Chunin from his clan in a spar. Who he was kidding? he was the champion of the Iron Fist tournament in his past life, the most brutal martial arts tournament in the world with various weird and world-shattering martial artists from every corner of the world.

Heck, there were even robots and monsters!

He would be ashamed instead if he lost in the field he was most prided in besides his explosive fat, his martial prowess. If he was beaten in ninjutsu and genjutsu field, he would have no qualms about it, but in taijutsu? he might as well bang his head on a block of tofu and die a horrible death.

"Although your physical body is ready even since you're seven, your spiritual energy is not. That's why we told you to practice your chakra exercise and control." Chouza added while his hand leaning on the table made of alloy and his eyes observing the kebab on the hot pan.

Chakra is created when two other forms of energy, known collectively as one's "stamina", are molded together. Physical energy is collected from each and every one of the body's cells and can be increased through training, stimulants, and exercise. While spiritual energy is derived from the mind's consciousness and can be increased through studying, meditation, and experience.

These two energies becoming more powerful will, in turn, make the created chakra more powerful. Therefore, practicing a technique repeatedly will build up experience, increasing one's spiritual energy, and thus allowing more chakra to be created. As a result, the ninja is able to do that same technique with more power. This same cycle applies to physical energy, except the ninjas need to increase their endurance instead.

At any given time, a ninja will have a "maximum" amount of chakra that they can form and use before it runs out and they need to rest to replenish it. With practice, this maximum can be increased, but only to a certain extent as they are limited to the quantity and strength of chakra that their genetics grant them.

"Son, as I said before, our clan's technique mainly uses Yang chakra to strengthen and enlarge ourselves. But Yang chakra is a part of advanced Nature transformation and is seldom used in ninja techniques."

"When there are advanced nature transformations, there are also basic nature transformations. Do you know what they are?" Choubi explained patiently to add Chouza's explanation. 

Chouji nodded, he was excited about the novel things this world has and ninjutsu was the main part of it. So of course Chuji was curious and learnt lots of things pertaining to it. Moreover, it was a knowledge taught in the academy.

"Good, my son is smart! Bwahaha!" Chouza was laughing in full excitement and happiness as his hand ruffled Chouji's hair.

"Then let's test your basic elemental affinity, mine is earth and fire. While your uncle here has earth affinity. Fret not, more basic affinity doesn't mean that you're certainly stronger. It just means you will have it easier using elemental Jutsu."

Hearing Chouza, Choubi took out a chakra induction paper and gave it to Chouji. "Here, take this. Put a little of your chakra to it." 

Chouji did as he was told to and watched in wonder when he saw the paper in his hand as a part of it crumbled into a speck of dirt and another part ignited and then burnt to ashes.

Choubi smiled as he nudged Chouza, "Like father like son."

In his excitement Chouza laughed merrily then stood and walked to the courtyard, after he reached the center, Chouza turned his body and called Chouji.

"Come, son. Let me show you our clan signature technique. [Baika no Jutsu]." Chouza made the Ram hand-seals and slowly weaved the chakra inside his body, and then his whole body inflated like a balloon and became bigger.

Star sparkled inside Chouji's eyes, he was eager to learn this technique. The bigger the size, the more power he can utilize, right? But it also means that he has to increase his agility even more than before so that he can still maintain his agility in this bigger form.

Chouji imagined himself as a giant and stomped all the bad villains with ease while shouting "Speed and Weight", Droll could be seen on the corner of his lips.

"Now, try it, son. You have to learn the [Bubun Baika] or the partial multi-size technique first, you do it like this..."

Chouza slowly instructed Chouji step by step on the way to utilize the [Bubun Baika no jutsu] technique.

After many trials and errors, Chouji was finally able to increase the size of his arm to the size of an adult Akimichi clan member, several times his own.

"Good! Now, you have to get the hang of it first before I teach you another technique. If you need anything, ask your uncle, I'll be busy handling the clan's matter most of the time."

"Yes, father!" Chouji replied with an eager nod and a bright smile on his face.

'I'll master it, in a flash!'

"They sure are very hyped up." Choubi chuckled as he watched the father and son duo's training.


As Chouji diligently trained, an old man could be seen watching him from afar.

"Greetings elder!"

Choubi Akimichi bowed to greet the said old man, he then took a step forward to offer the cooked Kebab to the elder. The old man had short spiky brown hair and dark markings around his eyes, like all other members of the Akimichi clan, he had a very robust build and markings on his cheeks.

"How is he?"

"Elder Torifu, Chouji looks really promising. He's full of drive to get stronger, honest, and has a chivalrous spirit. Moreover, He has a good head above his shoulder and has the charisma of a leader." Choubi answered full of spirit, he was proud of his nephew.

Elder Torifu looked at the remains of the chakra induction paper used by Chouji. "Same as his father..."

Elder Torifu nodded, he would keep an eye on the clan's heir and be ready to step in at any time to guide him if the heir is encountering a problem that he cannot solve by himself.

He might be already a retired ninja, but that doesn't mean that he has no means or influence in the Shinobi world, especially in the Konoha Village, to throw his weight around. He is Torifu Akimichi, he was one of the pupils of the second Hokage. He witnessed the creation of the Konoha village when he was little, he went through three shinobi world wars and is still alive to tell the tale.

He might not have the power to shake the world, but he does have the strength to bring a village into ruins on his own.

Many might forget, but there was a saying regarding the Akimichis. "Don't ever provoke the Akimichis, you're too small to receive their wrath."

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