
Re: Akimichi

Bob was killed by an unknown enemy and later reborn as the Akimichi Chouji. "With my fist, I will challenge the world!" Without any foreknowledge of the Shinobi (Naruto) World, what change would Bob bring to the world? Will he survive until the end? Stay tuned to know~ I write as I like, suggestions and constructive critics are welcomed though. Random update schedule. Give me your power stones!

Don_Paw · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

Shadow hunt

On top of a tree, a silhouette of a person was seen. He gazed at the horizon waiting for the sun to set. From the way he acted, it was apparent that he was giddy waiting for something.

'It's almost time...'

The silhouette was Nara Shikamaru, he was waiting for the moon to hung high on the night sky and for the shadow to shroud the land.


Dark clouds started to converge on the horizon as the moon shone bright, the wind rustles as a beastly growl sounded on Shikamaru's ears. Slowly the wind started picked up its speed, and Shikamaru suddenly jumped onto another treetop. His eyes though focused on where he stood before as his body flipped over.

"There you are..."

Shikamaru brandished his sword and its polished side reflecting the dim light of the moonshine. In his eyes reflected the vague shape of the shadowy ball. After it failed to pounce on its prey, Shadow lump immediately went into hiding once more.


The low growl of Shadow lump became fainter as its sound carried by the bellowing wind, Shadow lump carefully stalked its prey -Shikamaru-, waiting patiently for the moment its prey showing any weakness.

From one shadow to another, Shadow lump traveled as it slowly approached its target. One thing that Enma forgot to mention was Shadow lump's diet mainly consisted of meat. And in front of it right now was a delicious lonely prey, ready to be toyed then eaten.

Among the darkness of the night, the dark cloud loomed over and covered the full moon, making the dim night became pitch black.

*tap* *tap* *tap*

The drizzle started to pour before followed by a heavy rain soon after. The strong wind also made the already tense atmosphere between the two become more unpredictable.


The lightning sparking in the dark cloud briefly illuminated the dark land. And it was at that time, a claw reached from the shadow behind Shikamaru, intending to rip a piece of flesh from him. Shikamaru was caught off guard and was late to respond, fortunately, he was able to jump forward to avoid any fatal injury. 'Damn...'

His hand then formed into a ram seal, he summoned shadows to bind Shadow lump down as he immediately launched back to attack it as soon as his feet touched the ground. His hand swung and his sword slashed vertically onto Shadow lump's head.

As slippery as it is, Shadow lump melded itself into the shadow and escaped Shikamaru's bind. As a natural predator, Shadow lump was patient and keep lurking in the shadow. Shikamaru gritted his teeth, he was pissed that he was caught off guard earlier. But still, a happy smile showed itself on Shikamaru's face. 'It's great, though it was a bit more slippery than I expected.'

'If that's the case, then...' Shikamaru suddenly stood normally without taking any stance to guard himself whatsoever, he then propelled himself away to "escape" from the forest.

Thinking that its prey wants to escape out of fear, Shadow lump internally chuckled. He was pleased that he succeeds to instill fear into his prey. Just then, Shadow lump silently came out of the shadow and levitated himself to chase his escaped prey.

"Graowll!!!" [1]

With a wide smirk on its face, Shadow lump chased Shikamaru. Minutes passed, and the chase was still on. Feeling that it was enough, Shadow lump picked up its speed and immediately shorten the distance between itself and Shikamaru. As its claw swept onto Shikamaru's back, however...

"Got you, Lil' lump."

Shikamaru's figure that Shadow lump attacked was gone, replaced with a dry log from the surrounding. And above it, Shikamaru is already in motion to stab Shadow lump. Feeling the threat, its instinct flared and it immediately raised its claw and coated it with shadow. Shadow lump twisted its body and parried Shikamaru's attack to the side before it flew to create a distance between them.

Not letting Shadow lump a moment to take a breath, Shikamaru immediately followed with another attack. His knees bent, then he propelled himself as he slashed horizontally. Shikamaru's other hand was not idle as he formed a few hand-seal and shot a flame bullet to Shadow lump.

"[Katon: Endan]!"

On another side, Shadow lump compressed shadows into a ball-shape then shot it toward Shikamaru. Not wanting to lose, Shadow lump also coated its claw once again with shadow as it rushed forward, intending to cut Shikamaru into pieces.

"Grawr! Grr!!!" [2]

Between them, a shadow ball and a flame bullet clashed, resulting in a loud explosion and burn several trees around. Though, the fire immediately put out by the heavy rain soon after.

After the explosion ceased, not far from the place where the explosion occurred, Shikamaru and Shadow lump was in a stalemate.

Shadow lump was levitating in front of Shikamaru on his eye-level with its shadow-coated claw a centimeter away from his throat. While Shikamaru had his sword brandished a centimeter away from its head.

They were both in a staring contest, both spun their brain to gain an advantage over the other. Through Shadow? Shikamaru knew that Shadow lump was more proficient than him with shadow utilization, while Shadow lump knew that currently, its trick was useless in front of its current opponent since it now knew that after the exchange, the opponent will not fall into the same hole twice. Their main arsenal, shadow, was now useless in front of the other.

"Tsk, troublesome..."

"Grrr..." [3]


Unknown to Shikamaru and Shadow lump, two pairs of eyes were watching them from the distance since the beginning.

"What do you think about them, Asuma?"

"I think they match made in heaven, Enma-sama."

They both chuckled as they watched Shikamaru's and Shadow lump's bout. Enma and Asuma saw that in spite of everything, Shikamaru and Shadow lump still decided to exchange another bout with their shadow technique.

"They will learn much from each other..." Asuma said as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"Indeed, your student will learn more about shadow nature, and that little shadow ball will learn to be more cautious and aware of its surrounding. All that is left is for them to make a contract with each other and be happy ever after."

Asuma nodded after he heard Enma's comment about the situation. "I wish the best for him, he owns the best brain between my three students."

"I'll make that little shadow ball agree to make a contract with your student, it'll be rather hard otherwise. It's just way too mischievous in its nature." Enma sighed and shook his head, they continued to watch Shikamaru and Shadow lump through the night.


In the Konoha,

A fairly tall man of fair complexion with onyx eyes, under which were long, pronounced tear-troughs on his face. He had jet-black hair that was pulled back in a low ponytail and his face was framed with center-parted bangs that extended to his chin. He was considered very handsome as many girls became infatuated with him in the past.

He wore a black cloak with red clouds pattern and a slashed Konoha forehead protector covered by his wide bamboo hat.

"Itachi, where do you think the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki is?"

The man was Uchiha Itachi, the "traitor" of his clan, and the hated brother of Uchiha Sasuke. Beside him was a very tall and muscular shinobi. The said man had a distinctive shark-like appearance, complete with pale, bluish shark-like skin. He was Hoshigaki Kisame, the killer of one of the seven mist swordsmen, and the current holder of Samehada.

"Let's looking around first, he could be anywhere in this village."

They went into a deserted alley, and Itachi used a shadow clone technique, and his clones transformed into another random person's appearance. "This will hasten our search."

With that, the duo touring around Konoha under their not-so-hidden disguise.


In the Hokage office, The sound of flipped paper was faintly heard, coupled with the smell of tobacco lingering in the air, making the environment seems enjoyable to work in.

Amidst the peaceful atmosphere, Hiruzen suddenly stopped his work and clapped his hand a few times. The few Anbu guards in his surrounding immediately dispersed. He sighed as he took his tobacco pipe and leaned his back. It was unknown what thing went through his mind, as he kept his stoic appearance.

Not long after, a few crows slowly gather around before showing Itachi's kneeling figure. "Greetings, Hokage-sama." Itachi wore no disguise, and no cloak covered his body. He wore just ordinary, your usual Anbu clothes set minus his mask.

"How's the mission progress?"


[1] C'mere hairless monkey, come to your daddy

[2] Die, dumb creature! Die!!!

[3] Say that after I f*ck your mom...

Fuh, is this too slow-paced?

Anyway, I miss the top ranking. Guys, can you bring me back to the top? Click vote! Give me your power stones!!!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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