
Re: Akimichi

Bob was killed by an unknown enemy and later reborn as the Akimichi Chouji. "With my fist, I will challenge the world!" Without any foreknowledge of the Shinobi (Naruto) World, what change would Bob bring to the world? Will he survive until the end? Stay tuned to know~ I write as I like, suggestions and constructive critics are welcomed though. Random update schedule. Give me your power stones!

Don_Paw · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

All or nothing


Chouji used the substitution technique and the enlargement technique immediately after. He somersaulting in the air and intend to slam his foot to the ground to turn his enemies into meat-pulps. "[Bubun Baika]!"

While he's at it, Chouji channels his nature energy to enhance his attack. After being baptized by nature energy and went through a metamorphosis, He was very sensitive to all kinds of energies. He sensed that those six figures carried a dangerous amount of chakras, and the shocking part was their chakras were all interconnected and branched somewhere like puppet's string.

"BUZZ OFF!! and let me have a big buffet!!!"


The ground was caved in creating a foot-shaped hole. Meanwhile, two of the six figures weren't able to evade Chouji's stomp.

It's super effective!

One of the six hastily makes hand-seals and summons several abomination giant-sized beasts; a chameleon, a three-headed dog, a giant bird, and a boar-like creature. All of which began to assault him relentlessly, though Chouji was able to block a few of their feral attacks, some of the attacks went through his defense and were able to inflict damage -albeit small- to him.

Meanwhile, another of the six cupped his hand and summoned a large head that sprouts out of the ground surrounded by purple flames. The summoned head ingested the two damaged bodies with its tendril-like arms into its mouth, then, after some time, the two destroyed bodies emerged from its mouth, completely rejuvenated.

'What -in the name of steak- is that?' Chouji who was witnessed the head's ability felt intrigued and at the same time felt annoyed. 'This not gonna be an easy fight...'

Chouji promptly made a hand-seal then slammed his hand to the ground. "[Kuchiyose no jutsu]!" He summoned his own beast to fight these beasts.

"Long time no see, Akimichi boy! How have you been?" Along with a poof of thick smoke, a merry greeting could be heard from inside it.

"Now is not the time for chit-chat, Wuhai-san." Chouji looked serious, his eyes signaled Wuhai to observe his surrounding. And as soon as he did, Wuhai's pupils got dilapidated.

"No way... Hey, are you pranking me Akimichi-boy?" Wuhai's jaw was agape, and he took a step behind. "What's up with that?" With a trembling hand, Wuhai pointed at the six pain puppets.

"What's wrong?" Chouji got intrigued with his contracted summon excessive reaction. "What's so special about those eyes?"

As they having their conversation, a boar-like creature rushed towards them which made them snap out of their own little world. With a twist of his waist, Chouji sent the said creature flew horizontally with a high kick.

"Those are eyes of the sage of six paths! So, you tell me, how special are those eyes?" After snapping out of his reverie, Wuhai immediately took a battle-ready stance.

"Well, fight first, talk later." Chouji has no idea what was Wuhai talked about, so he opted to throw those to the back of his mind. Meanwhile, Wuhai who was half-knowing about what those eyes represent heightened his vigilance to the utmost.

"[Doton: Ganchūsō]!" [1] One of the six pain made a series of hand-seals and slammed his hand to the ground. After that, rock pillars shot from the ground aimed at Chouji and the others.

Not wanting to waste his chakra, Chouji chooses to dodge instead of blocking the attacks. In return, he shot a technique of his own. "[Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku]!" [2]

Immediately, a literal sea of flames that covers a wide range was summoned and surged towards the direction of the six pain.

Surprisingly, one of the six pain stepped up instead of dodging or blocking the flame using another ninjutsu. He reached his hand as if waiting for the sea of flames to engulf him, when suddenly...

"[Fūjutsu Kyūin]!"[3]


-Chouji POV-

What the heck?

That's a flame you know, a REAL flame!

It's supposed to incarcerate him!

But, no... Instead of burning them, it has suddenly gone like a ramen's broth slurped directly from the bowl. Get it? It's clean!

Is he even a human?

"Do you need a drink?" I gazed at him with a confused mind, but of course, my hand moved to weave a series of hand-seals. "[Suiton: Mizubōsō]!" [4]

With a thought, I summoned a literal sea of water rushing to my opponents. Anticipating their reaction, I heightened my senses and rushed forward along with Wuhai. And as expected, that one figure absorbed my attack clean. "Wuhai, does he do what I'm thinking?"

"Yup, he's absorbing the chakra in your technique." He nodded to affirm my question, so we picked up our speed and opted to engaged them in taijutsu instead. Though it's possible that only one out of six that able to absorb the chakras, we can't afford the risk to try yet.

As we rushed towards them, they launched their own techniques. One erected a rock wall, while the others launched various fire and wind element techniques. As we attempt to play it safe, we took a step back to dodge their attacks. We tried several more times which things resulted in similar ways as before.

This made us able to pull a likely conclusion. 'They're not confident in their Taijutsu, or...'

My eyes focused on the point which their chakras entwined together and branched somewhere else. '...or they're akin to puppets and their puppeteer is not confident enough to control them in a high-intensity battle.'

It seems like we need to take a risk, then... '[Kagebunshin no Jutsu]!'

I summoned five shadow clones, each rushed to five different targets while I target the one who summoned the weird head that was able to heal them and Wuhai engage their summoned creatures.

I glanced at the far side of the forest, Jigaya-sama engaged in battle with that Orochimaru. And even further, faint figures of small troops situated behind a barrier could be seen which I assume they're the Anbus and the barrier squads.

Jiraiya-sama looked like he fell in a disadvantageous situation as he was barraged by... bones?

Whatever, I have my own battle to win.

With that, we pressured those six figures that I faintly heard that he said his name is pain. A weird name I know, but who am I to judge? his parent must have hated him to name him such.

It may look like I slowly gained an upper hand in this battle, that was what I feel too until...

"[Shinra Tensei]!"

One of my clones was suddenly obliterated by the one with spiky orange-haired one.

The heck?!

He's way more dangerous than I thought!

I glanced at the half-destroyed forest around me, my heart feels a bit sour. I shrugged that feeling away, I can't afford to hold back any longer. It's my first time using it in battle, but Murasaki and Wuhai have told me several things about it and gave a bit of guidance although they can't do it themselves.

Moreover, I estimated that I only have up to ten to twelve minutes with my current control. Here goes all or nothing!

"[Sage mode]!"

The countdown begins!


[1] Earth Release: Rock Pillar Spears

[2] Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation

[3] Blocking Technique Absorption Seal

[4] Water Release: Rampaging Water