
Chap 1 : The beginning!

Ugh, what is this feeling? i feel warm...

and lighter. Wait, where am i? What is this place?

I think i heard something... "XXXXXXXXXX"

Wait, who's this? And hold on... why is she holding me?

She's wearing a maid outfit too... am i perhaps, dreaming? Wait no, i remember getting hit by a truck "..." Why is my body so.... small. Wait a minute, is this even Japan? And the girl, she looks a bit western... Am i perhaps in one of those MMORPG games?

Wait, ill try to ask the maid. Uwaaaa! Uaaahh! (Wait what?, why can't i talk?!)

inaudible talking I didn't understand anything. But their faces looked happy. Did I just... get transported into another world after i died?

Then... what's gonna happen to me now? Am i gonna get stuck here?

The door opens While looking around, the maid slowly handed me to a pretty lady. Are they perhaps... my parents? Now that i look at it, i'm a baby. Was i reborn?

"3 days passed since that day."

I tried learning how to walk, but they wouldn't let me.

They also found out me going to mom's library.

"Genji? Where are you Genji?"

Look like my name is Genji. Even I don't understand them but. They usually call me by that.

While crawling around my house, I saw the maid.

I'd look at her. She got brown hair. And... a tail? I realize her ear is... wolf ear?!

Is this place earth? Or is that a cosplay outfit... wait no, hold on. That not cosplay.

Don't tell me... this world is not earth?! When I still thinking and confused. The maid saw me, and grab me back to my room.

I did tired, so I fall asleep.

A day later. Just like always. I crawling around again. This time I look outside the window. People here wearing farmer outfits.

3 years passed.

The maid taught me how to read and speak this planet language. After 4 months of practice, I could speak normally now.

I learned that in this world there are 3 capitals cities.

The main city is Macanyth Dexter. Also, the biggest Magic Academia is based on here. A lot of stronger and powerful witches granted from this school.

And this world has 5 races! Elf, Human, Monster, Dragon, Vampire.

After learning things about this new worlds. I hear the door open.

"Genji? You haven't sleep yet?"

"Oh mom, sorry. I will go and sleep right now.

I realize my mom smiles.

"Genji. Do you have interest in this book?"

"Yes, I do! I could learn things that I don't know about this world."

"Alright, but don't wake up too late."

"Okay, I will go to my bed mom."

Let's see... Its been 3 years and 4 months since I born out and lived in this world.

One day, I found a book. Don't know if I read too much novels but. That book really looks like a novel!

I'd open it.

"Woah! Is a book, teach you how to use magic?!"

The book said, spell the quote in the book. I could do the "Healing" magic.

It just weak heal, only heal a normal injury. Like bleeding, Also I found out here magic called "Attacking Magic" and it very strong in the near-range fight. But you will take time to spells and make it work. Also, it depends on your Mana.

I'd learn the most basic magic in the book.

"Let's see... summon a living creature? Let's see..."

I'd spell the quote.

"God, please give me the power. The strength. And hope, for this creature!" "Summon!"

"I'd summon a... fish?"

The fish quickly turn into dust and gone.

I feel tired... after that, I fall down the floor in my mother's library.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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