
RE: A New World In Marvel

With Just six words Welcome to the Word of Marvel A teen's life is changed as he is taken into the Marvel. Danger is everywhere with allies by his side and power in his hands maybe just maybe he could make the world of Marvel his.

GhoulKingJay · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Things Change

The title of this chapter is the title of a book I was forced to read in my ap lit class earlier this year guess the author if you can.


James sat in contemplative silence as the bus slowly moved toward what should hopefully be his spider powers. He just had one question floating through his brain 'Why is it that my spider powers are activated conditionally while my other abilities were with me the moment I awoke in this world?' he kept trying to think through what could have possibly made his spider powers so unique when compared to his two other abilities. Despite a painfully slow forty-five-minute bus ride, James had no feasible theories on why his spider abilities required external awakening.

The bus screeched to a stop in front of Ozcorp's biological research lab and before Mr Garvey could get the chance to address the class, the students were already spilling out of the bus and onto the sidewalk. Mr. Garvey quietly mumbled "Damn kids" under his breath as he exited the bus to try and control the loud and disruptive students on the sidewalk.

James exited the bus with Peter and Gwen, who practically had stars in their eyes as they marveled at the research lab that stood before them. James on the other hand maintained a neutral and bored look on his face.

"This is gonna be awesome!" the slightly nasally voice of Peter voiced to Gwen who reciprocated with a smile and a cute giggle.

"Peter I really hope we can get to see their latest experiment I heard they're trying to develop a system of gene editing that they can use to eliminate hereditary illnesses"

"I heard that they're currently doing closed testing so I don't think we'll get to see it today" voiced Peter.

James just looked at the interaction between the two and smiled "You two are nerds ya know that"

Peter had a slightly embarrassed look on his face while Gwen's face flushed in embarrassment.

"At least I don't sleep through every class" Gwen fired back slightly annoyed at James' introduction to their friendship.

"Looks like I got a stalker" James retorted with a cocky grin on his face. Gwen didn't even get the chance to respond since their group was met by their tour guide.

The guide ushered them along through the building speaking in a slow monotone drawl that nearly put all of the class including Mr. Garvey to sleep. He took them to the more uninteresting areas like the break room and some small offices where a bunch of overworked drones was forced to put on fake smiles to make the visitors think that working in the lab for 16 hours a day was a perfectly valid career path.

Once they were done with the less interesting parts of the tour the guide's blank face changed into a wide and enthusiastic grin as he told the class "Today You will be given an exclusive look at some of the experiments in our closed labs, obviously, no photographs so I'm going to ask you to put your cellular phone away, please." the guide walked around collecting some flip phones with the occasional SPhone 1.

Once the phones were collected the students were pushed into an area where the overly bright lights were much more natural and dim. The people in this area all wore lab coats and carried either massive binders or clipboards.

All the while as they walk through this lab area the guide is talking in a hyper and frantic voice about Norman Osborne and all of his accomplishments, he bragged that they were creating a better world and that Norman is the Architect of that better world.

James was extremely annoyed by how truly fanatically devoted this guy is to Norman because he knew the truth about Norman that he's "nothing more than an amalgamation of corrupt evil businesses that profit off of doing the wrong thing, not to mention the fact that he's absolutely batshit crazy'. Nevertheless he held in his criticism because no one would believe him and things would just be worse for him.

The class ate up all the propaganda the fanatic guide was spewing all except Harry whose face in become more and more contorted in anger as everyone continues to sing the praises of his dad one thought ran through his mind 'If only you knew who he really was'.

James observed Harry's negative reaction and made a mental note of it.


Norman Osborne the very man that was currently being praised by the guide for his humanity is currently standing in an underground lab extremely furious.

"So you mean to tell me Otto that you haven't made any progress in determining if the OZ formula works, what the hell could you possibly be spending all the money I've given to you on". Osborne despite his anger kept his tone neutral and didn't show the slightest hint of the raging typhoon of anger that was buried under the surface.

"Look Mr. Osborne I cannot be rushed, I am attempting to create a cure for cancer and as such, it takes time that is being used as best as possible to ensure that we can save your life. Currently, we are testing out the formula on some lab spiders that we had previously genetically edited with time I promise you we will get your cure!"

"You better have better news soon or else I may be forced to find another head researcher just like last time"

With that thinly veiled threat, Osborne left Octavius in his subterranean research lab.

"Dr. Octavius we have a serious problem!"

"What is it, Jenson?"

"Three of the spider subjects have escaped captivity!"

"WHAT!, You IMBECILE How Did You Lose Three of our subjects? Go find them IMMEDIATELY!"

The doctor ran out of the room intent on finding those spiders before he either gets strangled by a tentacle or was fitted for a pair of cement shoes


James let out a heavy sigh as the tour seemed to go on forever and he had yet to be confronted by any arachnid.

James's patience was damn near running out and he knew that if he didn't get bitten then he would march right into the lab and make the spider bite him.

As James continued to lose patience he didn't even notice two spiders lowering themselves from the ceiling of the room. One had landed on peter parker's hand and had bit him and the other landed in the crook of Jame's neck and took a big bite right into his neck.

The two screamed out in pain surprised at how painful the bite was. The spider that bit Peter was killed by one of the students nearby who watched Parker get bit. The students formed two crowd groups around both Peter and James who both had nasty red marks where they were bitten by the spider. Cindy Moon, a classmate had actually gone to check up on James who lay sprawled out on the floor. She checked to ensure that he was still breathing and when she verified that he was ok she felt a jolt of pain coming from her ankle before she too passed out with a scream.

The class was about to call an ambulance for the unconscious students when they all stirred awake. They all for the most part appeared to be fine except for the fact that they all felt extremely tired. Mr. Garvey decided that it would be best to cancel the trip and take the kids home. Many of the students were angry at the bitten because they didn't want to go back to school before classes were over so the entire ride back the angry students were yelling and creating a loud commotion to stop them from sleeping.

After another tenuous ride the students returned to midtown where Peter was picked up by Aunt May who James very briefly got a glimpse of. He was shocked because she was young like her MCU version even though Peter didn't look anything like Tom Holland (my archenemy) as a matter of fact he looked liked more like Andrew Garfield.

Cindy was picked up by her mother who looked extremely worried about her.

James walked to the train station and made his way to his apartment. The moment he made it into his room he collapsed on his bed.


Gwen Stacy sat in her room going over the events of the day and the weird spider incident oblivious to the small white spider about to bite her leg.


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