
RE: A New World In Marvel

With Just six words Welcome to the Word of Marvel A teen's life is changed as he is taken into the Marvel. Danger is everywhere with allies by his side and power in his hands maybe just maybe he could make the world of Marvel his.

GhoulKingJay · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

So it begins

I was bastin Boy's Liar by Pink Panthress and Ice Spice while I was working on this.

I hope you like the rewrite


James like so many other 16 years olds was completely bored. It was spring break and yet he had no plans or anyone to share the well-deserved reprieve from school. So instead he shuffled through his catalog of games in a haze as he tried to pick out a game that could occupy his free time for the rest of spring break.

After 30 minutes of scrolling through the many games he had accumulated over the years, he had just given up and was now listlessly staring through the window in his small bedroom.

"This has to be the most pathetic spring break ever" he announced to the emptiness of his room. He spun in his gaming chair as he desperately tried to come up with just one thing that he could do to stop the monotony of his very first day of spring break. He looked out at the annoyingly bright midday sun and couldn't help but feel even more bored with everything.

He gets out of his chair to pull the blinds and allow his room to be bathed in darkness once again when all of a sudden he received a notification from Discord. He perked up slightly at the idea of one of his friends messaging him. He turns to the monitor and opens up his discord where he sees a message from some completely random account. He was certain that he didn't add this guy which meant that whatever he had sent him was either a scam or some malware.

James may have been bored out of his skull but he wasn't an idiot, he knew a scam when he saw one. He closed out of discord and once again when back to his meaningless time-wasting antics when all of a sudden something began to boot up on his screen. He once again turned to the monitor with a genuinely confused look before he began to panic.

He was really scared that the malware may have accessed his most private folders that don't need to ever see the light of day. He was freaking out more and more as the seconds passed until the screen finished booting up and he has left with of all things a character customization screen.

"Why did this weird malware boot up some new game?"

He had heard of crazy marketing schemes before but this one sure took the cake. He breathed out a sigh of relief as he realized that he was safe to incognito search another day.

James says a slight prayer to the gods of the hub before finally focusing on what exactly this character customization screen was. He examines the base character who was in some generic-looking white clothes the only thing that stuck out to him was that the character bore a striking resemblance to him. James marveled at the character model that looked so much like him down to his messy straight black hair and bronze skin. The character was even the same height as him and even the same weight. he examined this customizer feature that seemed to account for every vector of the character's body down to the length of his fingernails.

He spent the next 2 hours carefully Customizing the character to his perfect state. James had altered his Height so that rather than being 5'7 like the current James his character was a confident 6'5 and unlike his current body was more akin to a group of sticks that have come together to pretend to be his arms and legs his character had 8 pack abs and nicely muscled arms and legs. Once he was done he marvel at how his character looked he had truly turned this character into an alpha male straight out of Andrew Tate's wet dreams. Once he had finalized the way his character looked he was taken to a new screen that had a roulette on it and before James could really read what was written on the roulette it had already started to spin and after 1 minute of straight spinning it stopped to reveal what that it had landed on superpowered individual.

James was very pleased that his character was going to have powers in this weird new game. Once the roulette had decided he was sent to another screen one that had three slots and a whole bunch of abilities next to them.

He scrolled through the selection of abilities and was amazed by the truly massive amount of powers that were present on the list. He thought long and hard about what abilities would give him a fighting chance without making the game boring and so he kept scrolling through the seemingly endless list of powers until he found a set of abilities that made him smile spider powers!

He eagerly hovered his mouse over the ability, his heart pounding with excitement as he anticipated what he would discover. A dropdown tab opened up, revealing a multitude of unique characters with abilities related to their spider powers. Among the list, he found Miles Morales, whose spider powers were just as formidable as those of the mainline 616 universe Peter Parker. What's more, Miles had the remarkable ability to shoot blasts of electricity, go invisible, and even possibly revive upon death, although this last power had only been displayed by the ultimate universe Peter Parker. James excitedly clicked on the miles morales spider icon that held his powers leaving two more slots for two other abilities which he decided were going to be telekinesis and adaptive regeneration.

He couldn't help being excited for the game considering how detailed the character design and power selection were. The screen began to load and boot up when the monitor when completely black James looked like his family had been shot as the promising game he was about to spend the entire spring break playing cut off for no reason.

James checked to see if he pressed anything that would have made his screen turn off but he found nothing so he got out of his chair to go investigate the PC and determine if anything had happened to the incredibly expensive piece of machinery that he had begged for months to get.


The bold letter popped up in front of James and caused him to fall back landing right on his butt. He hesitantly reached out to the floating letters and his hand added through the letters. "What the hell is this thin-" he couldn't finish his sentence before his vision went black and his body slumped.


This is the first rewritten chapter I hope you like it. Some of the text is going to overlap because for the most part these first 2-3 chapters will have only slight differences. I will say that I'm very excited about the arc that I thought up for the story.

Read my other story If you want it's "DC almighty king"