

.....After their dads imprisonment, three sisters embark on a journey of healing as they move to the country side and start afresh creating new bonds of love friendship and life

BerboxKLZ · Urban
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41 Chs


I couldn't feel my feet after sad walking from my former work place to home but still life didn't spare me another vacate notice on my door, I mean it was like she felt good printing these out while counting down days for us, I sighed as I plucked it off and headed inside, non of my sister's were back thankfully other wise I was looking like a mess of a person, heading to my room, I took a shower then sat by the window to think, think about how I was going to get another job to pay my highschool sister Yuri's tuition, and also Minas music school expenses which she was joining in three months, it might sound funny but at this moment I started wishing for things like what if iam walking and I find a pile of cash hidden in some bushes, I don't even care if it's illegal, I just wanted money for me and my siblings to lead a good life, but you don't have to worry it's just a thought, we already have a family member in jail so we can't take one more, I thought as I smiled to my self not because I was happy but because I was really running mad...



" I've never been so broke in my life." I said as I checked my account with only had 100 in it, not a thousand or a million but a hundred that couldn't even rent a house which was what we all needed at this point," What are you mummering to your self." said Van as he passed me a cup of coffee," Well do you know any where I could find a house, a cheap yet nice house." I said," Cheap and nice are two words that don't go along with each other." he answered," iam not jocking, in two days me and my sister's might be homeless.", " Why would you be homeless?" he asked," Well, our neighbours or the people in our apartment building said that they can't live where we the daughters of a murderer live, so we being asked to vacate." I replied angrily," That doesn't make sense" he said," file a complaint." he said, I couldn't help laugh," And what will I say, that iam being chased out of the house because my dad is a muderer, my dad murdered some one who iam I to talk about fairness." I said," Just help me ask around for a house, I'll collect my savings and also probably find another part time job so that I can make at least half of the payment." I added," Okay it high time you accepted my help." he said," I can help you with money, we are friends, if you don't feel comfortable with that then I might loan it to you to pay back later." he added, I couldn't help stop and stare at him, he seemed pretty Serious with what he was saying but my pride couldn't let me be indebted to him of all people, it's always money that ruins most friendships what if I fail to pay, what if he decides to spare me the money then I would feel indebted," No! I can handle this on my own, you just need to pay me my salary soon." I said as I tapped his shoulder and sipped on my cup of coffee.



I spent the entire night making calculations, yes I was so bad at math in high school but I spent the entire night making calculations," Why are you still up?" asked Mina as she walked to where I was, her voice sounded sleepy and tired," iam just making some notes for my students." I lied," do you have to do that at 3 am." she added as she poured her self water and sat next to me," I must, by the way did you write the application to your music school?" I asked trying to change the topic," Well I wanted to talk to you about that." she said as I started to sense something wrong," what is it?" I asked," I don't want to join a music school anymore, I want to work and make money." she said, " what are you saying?" I yelled angrily I mean are we giving up our dreams now, I thought to my self as I tried to calm my self down," look you want to go to the music school now I don't know what's with the sudden change of heart but without a valid reason...iam not buying it." I said as I shut down my lap top and stood to leave," I have a valid reason, I mean how can I go to music school when we don't have enough money to even cater for our basic needs." she said as I tried to hold my tears back," who told you that we don't have money I have a job, savings,.I can pay your tuition." I said," what about Yuri, she's still in highschool, she needs money too, what about our house that we losing soon we need a new one, all that is far more important than a music school, look unnie its final iam not going." she replied as she turned to leave," Yaaa!!!!!" I exclaimed as she continued to walk away," what's happening!" I yelled as I hit the table out of anger...



" what about Yuri, she's still in highschool, she needs money too, what about our house that we losing soon we need a new one, all that is far more important than music school, look unnie its final iam not going." Mina said as she walked away from Hyuna who had this devastated look on her face, she hit the table out of anger and I who was hiding because they both were fighting just turned back to my room, I felt hopeless for the first time in my life, so hopeless I could do anything to help, I couldn't work I had not job so I couldn't contribute to our living, I spent the entire night thinking of ways I could help my sister's out but my brain had reached its thinking limit, " Ahhh " I sighed as I covered my head...

At school I had become an out cast so all I did the entire time was sit in class during lessons, have break fast from a table in the corner and then head to the judo for training then home, thats how simplified and repetitive my schedule had been for these two months.


" Can you help me find a job?" I asked my master during our break from practice, he stared at me with a surprising look on his face," Whats wrong, did you get a stroke?" I asked as I touched his forehead as a way of seeing if he's sick" iam okay." he exclaimed as he pushed my hand away," why do you want a job, what kind of job can you even do?' he said as he stood up laughing," Just work hard and pass your college entrance exam then think about a job." he added as he walk away, seeing his reaction I knew he wasn't going to be of any help but I was more than serious about getting a job.



" What do you mean by the money was already withdrawn?" I asked the bank teller curiously," well yes as you can see the money was withdrawn on the 15 th of April." she replied as she shown me the transaction," And the person who with drew it is Mr Kang Nim." she added," Dad!" I exclaimed," How can dad withdraw money from my account?" I asked as I started losing control," He is written as your next of kin, so he can withdraw the money in case something happens to you." she added, I couldn't feel anything but anger at the moment isn't it enough that our lives are ruined by him going to jail, he also took the only money that could help us survive, " I worked so hard for that money ." I thought to my self as tears rolled down my cheek," Thank you." I said in a shaky voice as I turned to leave the bank, " Sorry!" I said since I almost knocked someone, as I sighed and looked around in confusion, I got a call from my granny, I tried to clear my voice and also I breathed in and out," Hello Granny." I said," Hyuna, are you okay?" she asked, I almost burst into tears," Iam okay!" I said but infact I wasn't, I just didn't want her to worry," You can't lie to me, I can hear you voice sounding strange." she added and that's when I lost it, I couldn't control my tears any more, I just found a place to sit as I bowed my head and cried," Hyuna, don't get me worried what's wrong." she insisted but I had no way to tell her....infact I couldn't say anything but cry the entire time, I had hit my limit of being courageous...., " iam tired Granny." I added as I concluded the call..




Catch chapter four next