
Unwind Part Three.

Still in the parking lot.

*Ahem! Clara,,, would you

let me go first. Your too

excited and become


Clara heard the words and did not

understand at first but soon realized

that her other soft big melon was

squished on the man's ripped body. Two

cheeks suddenly flushed as she let go

of that tight hug.

*Hahaha! Clara,,, look at

your face! It's your first

time to blush like that.

Is it because you already

fell in love with Edian. If

you want, you can be his

third wife. Hahaha!

*Loulou! What did you

say? He has a first wife.

I can't believe this! A face

like that was able to

capture your heart and

another woman. It seems

that he has something

special in him to attract

butterflies and bees like

you and me.

*Yes Clara,,, he's really

special. Soon, you will see

how good he is. Come on,