
Things Will Not Always Go To What You Thought It Would Be.

Coming out from the room, Edian

directly went to see the next room.

These other rooms are for elders and

the next plan is to eliminate these

generals. Once again, he uses the

method that can see everything.

In the room, the man saw another nasty

scene but this time, the female super

being is unfortunate and already been

on the process of Double Practice. The

act must be stop immediately so Edian

just like before shot a sneak swift

attack. The Elder who is in practice with

pleasure will never see this coming and

died happily. The man planned not to

spend more time in every room, quickly

gave an average potion to the female

super being, clothes and a set of

weapon then left to the another room.

The next room had a scene the same to

the last one and Edian also repeat his

actions. Visiting another then to the next

and the next until every room in the hall

was cleaned up. A total of fourty six

souls in the realm of god was absorbed,

he feels that his soul is on the top of the

universe. If he can absorb all the evil

souls in this planet, then what kind of

existence he will become. But it's not

the time to imagine these things and the

man went out from the hall to slaughter

the remaining minions. Structure after

structure, Edian is like the god of death

leaving every sytirran missing their soul.

The area of killing is large and the

movement can't be hide anymore. The

whole megalopolis was alarmed and

went to hunt the intruder but only to

deliver themselves to the executioner.

The place where the Lord of sytirran

race lives with a population of more

than ten thousand strong male super

beings have turned into a sytirran mass


In an open space somewhere in the

megalopolis, Edian who's still full of

blood all over his body is facing almost

five thousand female super beings that

was captured to be a resources. These

unlucky ones surely experienced hell in

this place. There are even some gods

among them. How high the respect to

super beings in the realm of god but

they was forced here and become


*I know you suffered a

lot in the hands of these

monsters and how

unlucky for those who

died. Your all captives

but they died and you

survived. I hope this

incident in your life will

not drag you from your

future. I declare that

your all free now! Go

and live the second

chance that was given

to you to the fullest.

Edian said these words in the most

common language uses in the whole

universe. The ones who understood the

words tried to translate to those who

didn't. Later, the words seems to be

understood by everyone and there's a

discussion in the crowd in different

language. While others are still talking, a

female super being in the realm of god

step out and said,

*On behalf of everyone

including me, let me

say thank you for

saving us. We don't

want to take advantage

of your kindness but

can you help us get out

of this planet. Yes, we

have spaceship here to

escape but there are

sytirran in the air

guarding for unauthorized

flight. If it's okay, let us

all take refuge first to

your planet and if things

get better, we can return

to our own home.

The words fell and some nodded. The

others who didn't understood, heard

the translation and also agreed.

Edian heard it and imagined what would

life be if he really bring these female

super beings to earth. But this is not

necessary and about to explain when he

felt something coming towards the


*There's an army of

sytirran approaching!

Stay here and find a

place to set up an

ambush for the ones

who will pass my guard.

You don't need to come

out and wait here to

lauch an sneak attack.

Edian said this and about to disappear

when someone hugged his arm. The

man felt the familiar feeling and knew

that it was the little sister again.

*Brother! If you go,

who will be the one

to protect me?

*Little sister, I think

you can still protect

yourself. The realm of

Incubation in the later

stage is not a necklace

for you to only wear it.

Go,,, follow your sisters

and let me handle those


This little girl is still reluctant to let go

but finally compromised.

*You better come back

to us. I still have your

wedding ring with me.

*Don't worry, I'll be back

after collecting many

evil souls.

The hand is free again so without

wasting anymore time, disappeared in

the place. In just a few seconds, Edian

in a full battle gear appeared in front the megalopolis gate and came to see more

than a thousand platoon. He estimate

that every platoon is composed of

hundred sytirrans, so there's a total of

one hundred thousand enemies. The

man don't care about the number but on

how many god are there. This is

different when he killed fourty six gods

on there vulnerable time but now is a

real battle. He then wonder why all of a

sudden, an army of sytirran march to

this place. The plan was to attack all the

city of planet Eros one by one but who

would thought that they will gather here.

Edian was thinking of the possibilities

when a voice sounded.

*So! Your the one that

I can't foresee his

future. I'm surprised

that the one protecting

you didn't come. Either

he trust you so much

or your too confident

in yourself.

Edian looked at the old man who talks like

he knew him: very confused.

*The old man seems

he knows me but as

far as I can remember,

I never knew an animal

like you.

*Ha! Ha! Ha! You got a

sharp tongue there. Use

it as much as you can

because maybe later

when I cut it from your

mouth, it will be

impossible for speak

on that time.

*It's look like someone

is overestimating

himself. Old man, you

better retires from this

kind of life and be a

farmer. At least maybe

you die in a natural


*A dead man don't need

to worry about me because

I already saw my future.

But you! Even though I

didn't seen it, I'm sure you

die right here.

Edian heard the words and felt that

there's something in it. The person

become more vigilant and suddenly

detect an imminent danger. The man

felt a very strong energy coming behind

and tried his best to dodge it but the

attack is so fast hitting the left should.

The blow is so powerful that even the

tough legendary armor worn by Edian

didn't do it's job and made the man lose

his whole arm. With blood spurting from

the wound, Edian hurriedly sealed it with

his energy. Immediately drank a

legendary potion to stop the bleeding

and another one for fast healing.

*Old seer, this young

human is really not

simple. He's clearly

just in the realm of

Incubation but manage

to survive from the

sneak attack of a

supreme god.

Surprisingly, the old man who lead the

army is the old seer under the Lord of

Sytirran race. But why he let the Lord

died here today, having the ability to see

the future. But what's more shocking is

the sudden appearance of a real

Supreme god. Edian look at the young

looking man with white long hair and

beard and couldn't believe he really exist.

He never seen a real supreme god in his

past life but why there's one in front of

him. "Is this one of the effect of the time

travel?" The appearance of a Supreme

god changedeverything and made Edian


*Ha! Ha! Ha! I think this

is the part to say I told

you so. Did you bite your

tongue and couldn't

speak anymore. Your

really talented and also

arrogant. If you find a

place to grow before

coming out, you still

have a chance. But

today, you came to die.

Dikk, finish him off!

The Supreme god named Dikk heard it,

walked slowly toward the wounded prey

with a bloody sword in his hand.

Right now, Edian was left with one

option. The plan didn't go as planned

because of an unexpected appearance

of a Supreme god. So why not take this

opportunity to try his card.

*Two old losers who

thinks they are on the

top of the universe!

Now! Let me show

you how a real monster

looks like.

After saying this, the man roars and

made some super beings present got

scared. Dark and golden energy is

leaking from the body. The lost arm is

growing in a fast speed that shocked

everyone. That's not the real shocker

but still to come. Edian this time was

trying to transform himself as a Demon

Lord and Celestial Alpha at the same

time. In a moderate speed, the form was

finally complete. The man right now has

a dark skin and an exquisite golden

lining all over his ripped body. Two eight

inches red horns have grown in his

temple, several crystal spikes on his

shoulders and upper back, and two

meter long sharp blade connected to the

forearm. Only just for the appearance,

made many of this super beings lost

their will to fight. Even the old seer and

Dikk, had an idea to run. Everyone is like

a statue and some even too scared to

breath by the pressure given by the


*Now,,, it's my turn! As

the first person to

welcome me, let me

take your head first.

The voice is so deep and low that even

a Supreme god was scared to run. But

what kind of existence Edian right now.

The Supreme god had just run a few

meters when his head rolled ahead of

the body. As soon as the soul came out,

it was suckes directly without any

resistance. Seeing this scene, everyone

went running including the old seer. He

didn't saw this in his foresight and yet

this happens. On the top of his strength

at the peak in the realm of god, the feet

moves to escape but without knowing it,

his head was no longer in the body. The

mixbreed never waste his time that after

taking the soul and treasures, went to

the next prey.

Inside the city, these female beings

heard a lot of screaming and got scared.

They wonder what's happening outside.

Several hours later, the screams finally

stop but you can't stop the smell of

blood in the air. These female beings are

all super but the heart is still have that

soft side, nervously waiting, waiting and

the only thing they can do right now is to
