
The Realm Is Gone But The Woman I Love Is Alive.

Edian is sitting on an old wooden chair

like a fool in the eyes of ordinary people

but it's different from a person who

knows something. Right now, the eyes

are closed only he can see is his energy

core. The energy core is the main

sources of everything for super beings.

Many years ago, earth got something

that is unexplainable. People that are

lucky was blessed with super powers

and they were called the blessed people.

Later, it was discovered that the earth

isn't the only planet that was blessed but

there are many others outside. To all

beings who are more than ordinary were

called super beings. Right now, Edian's

energy core had lost it's luster and got

many cracks. Maybe it was damage

when he absorbed the energy of the sun.

But even if his action resulted to this,

there's no regret in doing so because

the most important person in the

universe is here in this timeline. It's

normal to lose something and gain new

one. Also, damaged energy core is not

the end for him. He's almost a thousand

year old super being and gains so much

experiences and knowledge. Fixing a

damaged core is possible. What's more,

he still have his space ring that contains

so much treasures and resources. There

are devices that are made to store

things. It can be made in different kinds.

The most common are shaped like a

ring. Storage rings are divided into small,

medium, large storage ring. Inside a

small storage ring is like an average

room. The medium is like a basketball

court while the large one is like a

football field. In legends, there's one

they called a space ring that is similar to

the size of a big city. The man is so rich

that his space ring is almost full with

different kind of treasures plundered

around the universe. With this

assurance, Edian could repair his energy

core in a short period of time. The thing

that made him to worry is, where did his

blessing go? Blessings have it's own

core and the core of Edian's blessing is

gone, so that's means he's not a blessed

being anymore. He should be fine

without a blessing but having one is

much better. Exhaling a big breath, the

man thought about his priorities. He was

lucky to meet his woman as soon as he

return in this timeline so the only thing

left to do is: regain the strenght he once

possess in order to protect her and not

to repeat the past. The man made up his

mind and was about to take out

something in the space ring when.

*You! There's something

I need to tell you. Can

you give me some of

your time.

Hearing the words, the man turned to

look and saw the lady wearing his men's

clothes. Out of the blue, he decide to

joke dirty.

*Well, I can also give

you my body if you want.

This girl who is serious right now heard

it and got angry on the spot. She went to

pinch the soft meat in the waist while


*You, do you think it's a

right time to joke. Can

you be serious just this

once. Do you know how

worried I am right now?

It seems that you know

many things about me

but why can't you tell

what i'm feeling right

now. I'm a strong woman

but everyone have their

limits. Why can't you see

that? I've been thinking

that your my only hope

but what I get is only


After saying these words, the girl finally

collapsed. Tears like rain fell to the

ground. The weak knees can't support

the weight and about to give in but Edian

who blamed himself being so stupid,

quickly hugged and support the

miserable woman. In a soft voice full of

regret, he said.

*I'm sorry. It's my fault. I

promise I will never do

that again so please

stop crying.

The man then realize how wrong he was

and tried to fixed it. He was so

heartbroken seeing his beloved looks

like this.

*Hu! Hu! Hu!

Upon hearing the words, the girl cried

even more. In the past, she cries alone

but right now; there's a man whom she

can cry on his shoulder. She don't

understand herself but there's already an

unbreakable trust to the man in front of

her and decided to follow him in the


I don't know how long the girl went on

crying and finally stopped. There's a

minute of silence until.

*Why is that I feel like

we already knew each

other for a long time.

Did we met in our past

lives or something.

Edian heard this and he's not sure if it's

the right time to tell the truth. After

thinking about it for a few seconds, he

decide to tell a half truth and lie answer.

*I also thought that we

met in our past lives.

Other things are not sure

but one thing i'm very

sure is Everything will be

just fine. As long as i'm

here, no one will hurt you.

I once made a promise to

a person, broke it: but that

will be the first and there

will never be a second

time. So stop worrying

those small things and

have a good rest.

The man make sure that the words are

assuring made the woman to feel better.

Hugging the man a little longer, then said

a few words before going to have a long

good rest. Things was settled. Edian

took a deep breath and went to his own
