
The Presence Is Gone But The Memories Remains.

Edian was in hurry to leave Luicy's

Paradise because he felt that his body

is fading.

Planet Earth.

As soon as the two appeared in the


*Khristeine, I think i'm

gonna sleep for a long

time. Remember not to

go out no matter what.

These words was said and the man

went to a coma. Right know, Edian

returned into his human form but he

looks thinner and very pale. Khristeine

saw this and knew it was the drawback

of Edian's transformation just now. She

was soworried and don't know what to

do when.

*I don't know what kind

of skill Edian used that it

was so powerful for his

body to handle.

*Sister Sheena, is there

something we could do?

I think your the one who

have the most experience

among us. I'm sure you

have an idea.

Khristeine heard those words and went

to put her hope to Sheena.

*I have a way to completely

solve the problem but let's

talk about it when Edian

wakes up. For now, just

give him a potion to regain

the vitality of the body.

*As long as brother Edian's

life is not in danger, we can

be at ease. By the way

steine, where is sister Luicy?

Arrianne, the talkative little girl notice

this and went to ask. Khristeine heard

the words and instantly, tears fell like

rain. The crying is too much for the

miserable woman to talk normally but

still tried her best to say what she to say.

*Hu! Hu! Hu! Sister Luicy

died protecting me from

those beings who want my

Angelic Body. She died all

because of me! Edian is

like this also because of

me! I'm sure that other

super beings will come for

me in the future and your

all be implicated. I should

leave and carry my own

burden. I should...

Women will always has the soft side and

Khristeine is not an exception. She was

so broken that didn't even finished the

sentence and fainted because of too

much emotions. Aingelikca was

expecting the fall and went to support

her sister.

*Steine! What's wrong with


*Don't worry about it. Its

better for her to sleep and

calm down. Just take them

both to a comfortable place

to rest.

Sheena seems to know how to handle

the situation and gave a comforting

words. Both unconscious people was

carried to the resting area. One is dead

and two are in a coma. This is by far the

most tragic moment for the group to

face. Seven ladies are sitting facing

each other but no one spoke. Later,

Aingelikca suddenly remembered

something and went to tell a story.

*I just realize today how

Luicy became a good big

sisters to us. Some of us

didn't have the chance to

see it but let me tell you

what kind of being she

was. When Edian brought

her in, she become our

eldest sister because of

age and her practice. Edian

was either have something

to do or on a coma so

there's no experience super

being to guide us in practice

but sister Luicy took the

initiative to teach. We all

know what we are to Edian.

Become the best in his eyes

and be the number one wife

but she never thought of

that. She was the main

reason that I, sister

Khristeine, Arrianne and

including the twins have

reaches a good result in

these past days. It's because

she's a good big sister and

lose her life. She can run

away but choose to protect

sister Khristeine up to her

last breathe. It's just a few

days for us and sister Luicy

to know each other but for

me, it's been like a long time.

She may be gone but the

memories she left will be


These words,,, set the moment to shed

tears. Everyone couldn't help for those

tears to fall like rain. Beauties shedding

tears, this scene will make heroes want

to offer their shoulders. But the only

hero present is in a coma and they have

no choice but to cry on their own...