
The First Step.

Unconsciously, the man teleported

himself somewhere far away from

home: to shed his tears first. He knew

that this journey will be the hardest one

and can't imagine what kind of suffering

his loved ones will feel again. But there's

still a big chance for Arrianne to be

saved and a man like him, a husband!

Will do anything and never abandon

anyone even it's just a little kindle of


*Boy, it's just a waste of

time to cry like a girl

instead, tell me your

next move.

Edian heard it, took a deep breath and

let it out together with his sadness.

After calming himself, return to his

usual self and said;

*I have a simple plan. To

go in the World of Souls

and take Arrianne's soul

back to her body. If

negotiation is impossible,

I will take it back by force.

*Boy,,, your really ignorant

and impulsive. I heard

everything your wife told