
Another Form Rises, The Downfall Of Celestial Supreme gods.

Six Supreme gods standing in the air,

looking at the headless king then looked

at the young princess hugging the villain.

*Princess! What are you

doing? This super being killed

your father but you still treat

him like this. Now that your

father is dead, your be the ruler

of Supernal World. If you can't

prioritize the best for your own

people that even your own father

can't get his revenge, I think your

not fit to be the next ruler.

Among the six Supreme god, an old

looking celestial who seems to be the

most senior pretending to be wise and

said these words. The words have some

truth and was able to gain the vote of

these guards. The fact that it was the

truth from a bias point of view but it

doesn't matter to them because the one

with the sharper blade will always be the

truth. Aeya who heard this, wipe her tears

as she looked at the old Supreme and


*I love my father but I still

know what is right and wrong.

He really step out of the line and

deserved his fate.How could

you say that my action is not the

best for our people? I, the

princess of Supernal World even

I was spoiled still know what

best for my people. As the

daughter of the late king, I will

take the responsibility as the

ruler. No matter who is it or

what is it, the right will be

spared and the wrong will be


No one knows how but all of a sudden,

the little princess become a wise queen.

But someone with an ulterior motive will

never let go of an opportunity that rarely

comes so,

*Your really a spoiled princess

who knows nothing in the

reality of this universe. What

is right and wrong to a being

with absolute strength.How

can a little female super being

in the realm of Incubation has

the ability to lead a planet.

Aeya has something to say but Edian who

was surprised to the existence of these

Supreme god, a god in this aspect

stopped her and let the old celestial have


*A celestial Supreme god who

questions the authority of a ruler.

No matter what it is, your princess

is already your queen and the way

you oppose her is already an act

of rebellion.

All the words are true and these idiot

guards went to far to agree with their

king's murderer. Of course someone is

not going to agree and angrily denied the accussation.

*You! A killer have no right

to speak here. I think your a

puppet master and the princess

is under your control. I will take

your life for the the lawlessness

you have done.

The Supreme god is old enough to know

how to reason out and utter these words.

He decide to shut the mouth of this boy

for his plans not to be expose. The aura

of a Supreme god broke out and a red

shadow rushing towards Edian. The man

who was not given the time for a buttal

barely see the figure and raise his sword

to block. " Boom! " Two sword inspired

with different level of aura meets but

ended up almost a draw. Everyone saw

this scene, was surprised and shocked at

the same time. Specially the Supreme

god who was blocked by a mere super

being in the realm of Incubation.

*How is that possible!? Do

you have the ability to hide

your realm and take us by


Edian looked at the Supreme god like an

idiot." Of course the practice is really in

the realm of Incubation. The secret lies

in the sword wielded for more than five

hundred years. How many times for this

sword to be refined. As soon as he

reached the Incubation realm, the sword

can be used and have the power to resist

some powerful attack. But because the

realm is still low, it cannot fight a battle

for too long so I must end this as soon

as possible . " The man was not stupid to

really say these words out loud. He

gathered almost all his energy to the

sword couple with the blessing of the

wind and lightning planned to end it in

one swift deadly blow. The Supreme god

saw the boy ignored him and was really

angry this time. He also decided to give it

all to this next attack. Two super beings

powering up ready to kill each other.

These scene made everyone hold their

breath waiting for the final result. The air

in the arena is getting stronger and

hotter. Later, the two finally moved. Like

a ghost in daylight, disappeared in the

eyes of everyone and even those five

Supreme god can barely see it. Only a

second after they disappeared, two bright

light collided in midair followed by a

deafening sound. Boom! The shockwave

was so strong that even affected the

celestials who are far away sitting in the

sideline. Just after the explosion, two fell

down with a bang! Edian was so

exhausted half kneeling on the ground

but with no injury. While the most

respected Supreme god had a scary long

wound in his chest. The armor he worn

is like a cake and was cut through

straight to the flesh.

*What are you!? How could

your attack cut through my

sword, armor and even

a legendary protective device?

A Supreme god was hit so bad physically

and mentally talking like a mad man.

*Do you plan to stand there

and watch me like this. The

five of you! Kill this boy right

here, right now before it will

grow into an existence we

cannot handle.

The useless Supreme god was hopeless

and ordered the other fellow Supreme

gods to do it.

*As the ruler of Supernal World, I

order you to stand down. Brother

Edian is not an enemy and will not

kill wantonly.

Aeya will never sit idle and went to speak

for her brother. Five Supreme god heard

the order but two Supreme god still went

to do it. The attack was sudden and no

one can stop it. Edian can see the attack

but has no strength to dodge or block it.

Kadang! A sound of armor was cut and

two sword tasted the blood of the man.

*Stop it!

*The two of of you! I command

you to stop!

Seeing the scene, the two beauties can't

help to scream at the same time. Luicy

who already have a special feeling to the

stranger who stood up for him from the

beginning until this time where two

blades embedded in his shoulder. The

beautiful Luicy dropped the blanket that

covers her flawless body and rushed to

save the man. With nothing in her hand

only wearing a cloth sack and a

protective device, was immediately

thrown back by the attack of one of the

Supreme god. Luicy hit the ground

uninjured but fainted with unknown

reason but for Edian was cause by the

blow of this Supreme god. The body is

almost at it's limit but the heart and mind

was burning with intent to kill. Staring at

the unconscious miserable Luicy, the

man roared made the two Supreme god

take a few step back. Everyone looked at

the man and notice that the deep wound

is healing in a fast speed. The surprise

didn't stop there, the armor worn by the

man burst out and was replaced by a

tough looking full body armor. Still, the

transformation didn't stop and a strong

pair of wings appeared at the back. Edian

right now is like an angel rather a warrior

angel. The man looks like an angel but

the mind is like a devil and went directly

to spill the blood of these Supreme gods.

Seeing the scene, the two regretted doing

it. But instead of thinking about it, better

find a way to kill this monster. Two

Supreme god ready to fight to the death

with this unknown being but later, they

found out that it was impossible and

planned to run for it. But it seems that

Edian's form right now is a more powerful

one and beheaded the two Supreme gods

who where on the run. After taking the

two souls and treasures, went to kill the

initiator of this matter. Three Supreme

gods seems to be nothing in the hands of

this form and died just like that. Edian

didn't stop, rose in the air and said


*Aeya is my good sister! If I

hear someone against her,

the end will worst that these

brainless Supreme gods.

The words are just words but it's like a

curse to everyone. Starting today, no one

will ever questions the authority of Aeya.

Aeya who was still processing the scene

was awaken when she saw her brother

leaving. Edian with Luicy in his arms was

about to fly when.

*Brother! Don't leave me alone.

Edian looked at Aeya who's about to cry

again and said softly.

*I will leave today but will never

leave you alone. I need to go

back to see my wives because

i'm sure they're worried why I

didn't go back after three days.

I have a way to come here in

an instant so don't worry, I will

visit you tomorrow.

Aeya looked at this brother in front of

her and the word wives keep ringing in

her head. With a determined eyes and

firm voice, she said.

*Brother, I also want to become

your wife like sister Luicy.

Edian who's still in the form heard it and

got scared on the spot.

*Aeya, i'm sorry but I really

need to go. See you tomorrow.

Edian who want to escape said this,

moved his feet and disappeared. Aeya

was left behind without an answer but

was not disappointed. She looked at the

ring in her ring finger and said to herself.

" Brother, you will soon accept me as

your wife ". There was a bright smile like

a rainbow appeared in the little princess

face blinded everyone. No one knows

what's in the mind of this little girl but

i'm sure it should be a good thing...