
After All These Years,,, Love Is Gone?

Planet Eden, Edian territory, Adam's


In the hall, Ediana is digging some gold

in her nose: so bored.

*Haysss,,, what a nonsense

life... By the way Khristia,

how's your mother?

*She's still the same as

usual, forcing us to


*I heard from my mother

that she's like that

because of our bastard

father. Is it true that aunt

Khristeine's feeling for

him is fading?

*I don't know, but she did

not mention him for

more than two years

and gets angry if we

talk anything about him.

*Is that so. I think she's

just so depressed. If

that bastard father

comes back, I will kick

his butt a million times.

Even after growing up for more than five

years, this daughter named Ediana

never changed and went to talk sheet

about her father when all of a sudden,

a hand twist that small ear.