
A Long Dream...

No one knows how long it has been and

the man finally open his eyes. All the

senses are still coming back but he's

able to hear the words sounded in the


*Somebody call Dr. Wan. Her

sweetheart patient has finally


A nurse love to make jokes said these

words made the whole crowd to cheer.

Not long before the words was told, a

beautiful blue eyed woman wearing white

coat came in a hurry and ask worriedly.

*How is he? Is there something


Hearing the words of concern, the nurse

who like to joke hit it again.

*Dr. Wan, he's awake and seems

without any problem. You can

take him right away to the civil

registrar to get a marriage


The people present in the room heard

this and cheered approvingly. Dr. Wan

watch this scene and can't help to blush.

*Don't you have anything to do!?

We get paid so go and do your


This Dr. pretending to be angry and drive