
Chapter 3

After I was released from Miach's tearful embrace I asked him how exactly I would get to the guild. After all, if I wanted to be an adventurer I would have to sign up sooner or later. Miach insisted that before I left I should take a bath and get a change of clothes which I readily agreed with.

"We should use this place to its fullest, I'll have to sell it soon and get a shop in a lower-end area," He said, guiding me to the bathroom.

The room was fairly large, with the bath taking up a sizable chunk of the room, and extremely clean. There was even a mirror present, hanging on one wall. Before climbing into the bath I walked over to the mirror and looked at myself in it. This was the first time that I had seen my new body so far. First of all, I noticed how ridiculously fit and muscular I am. With clothes on it was hard to tell due to how lean I am, but standing naked before the mirror I couldn't help but admire my new body.

My golden hair and muscular frame give off a strong, slightly intimidating look, but I am nowhere near the 240 (7'8, almost 7'9) cm tall beast that Zahard is in his adult form yet. Right now I am only 183 cm (6 foot). Next, I noticed that my eyes have golden irises and pupils that are of different colors, my right eye's pupil is blue and my left one is red. They don't stand out too much, but they do add to my intimidating and handsome look. Overall I would say this body is a solid 9-9.5/10 which was a great improvement over my last body.

After admiring myself I got into the bath and began to think about what to do after visiting the guild. Skills are important and will be key components in my getting stronger, but they are difficult to obtain, especially the powerful ones. I decided to do what a human looking to get stronger in the Tensura world would do and go all in on Arts. This will give me access to magic and some fairly powerful abilities that only require me to train hard to get them.

(A/N: I'll be honest, up until I was doing research for this story I thought Arts were for bozos, but I was completely wrong. Also, I learned that magic isn't its own thing, you get access to magic through either Arts or Skills.)

The main Arts I would be going for on the magic side of things are Holy, Summoning, and Elemental magic. Holy magic would give me some healing skills and allow me to work toward one of the best Arts out there, Melt Slash. Summoning magic will allow me to summon an elemental to aid me in the dungeon, plus I can make it harvest all the stones from the monster's corpses for me. Last but not least, Elemental magic would just be for all-around offense and damage.

On the more physical side of Arts, I will work toward Battlewill. This will allow me to use my fighting spirit to enhance my attacks and perform Arts that are reliant on physical attacks. The specific Arts I will work towards in this category are Aura Sheild, Aura Slash, Aura Sword, Airflight, Instantmove, and Concealment to name a few. I will also try to get the Extra Skill, Magic Aura so that I can perform Mystic-Arts that infuse magic into physical attacks. Speaking of Extra Skills, while I'm trying to obtain Magic Aura I will also attempt to get Magic Sense.

The only problem with Magic Sense would be the constant inflow of information, so it may now be a skill that I am able to use until I have some way to negate getting my brain cooked. Haki would also be another nice Extra Skill for me to obtain now that I was thinking more deeply about what skills I want. Finally, I rose from the water's warm embrace and had to go face the cruel reality of bureaucracy in the form of the Guild.

After getting changed into a black shirt and pants I slung a large red cloak over my shoulders as I waved goodbye to Miach. 'I must be getting Zahard's fashion sense as well' I thought to myself as I fingered the large red cloak, feeling the soft, but firm material. I chuckled as it billowed out behind me dramatically as I walked out of the building and toward the guild.

As I walked I also learned how different life is when you are tall. Of course, I am nowhere near fully grown yet, but even still I am already in the top 10% for height at least. I could see clearly over most peoples' heads, leading me to be able to view my surroundings clearly despite the crowds. 'This is just another perk of this body' I thought as I walked toward the base of the tower of Babel until I caught sight of the Guild at the tower's base.

I was going to miss this short ten-minute walk, from what Miach told me before I left the walk from where we are moving to will take almost 3 times as long. I decided that I would enjoy my short commute for as long as possible before we moved, but I feared that it wouldn't be too long. Dian Cecht was already pressuring Miach to sell our current building to start paying off our debt. He was even "helping" us by sending his own people to help find anyone who would want to buy the building. Of course, it was plain as day that he just wanted to kick Miach out of the house as soon as possible.

Finally, I made my way into the bustling guild building. I stopped and admired the building and the dozens of adventures that constantly moved in and out. I only stopped for a moment before I made my way toward the row of desks to get the paperwork done, which I hoped wouldn't take too long. I quickly approached the counter and waited patiently until a guild employee approached me. I inspected the girl as she approached, trying to remember if she was someone mentioned in the story or not.

She wore the standard guild uniform and was clearly human from what I could see. She also looked to be around 16 years old which seemed a bit young to be working, but I knew that this was a different world with different rules. She was also tiny when compared to me, she had to crane her neck to look up at me. A lazy, teasing smile adorned her face as she looked up at me. Her straight pink hair hung down to her shoulders and she stared at me with her wide pink eyes.

"I'm Misha Flott, What can I do for you today?" she asked, sounding bored.

"Hello, I'm Augustus Zahard and I would like to register as an adventurer. I already have a falna and don't want to purchase any starter gear if you offer it. I also would like a dungeon adviser as well." I said simply.

When she introduced herself I remembered who she was. I couldn't remember much about her, but I do remember that she does her job, but she complains about it a lot, so I decided to do both of us a favor and give her all the information she needed at once. In response she simply nodded and retreated back into a room, emerging a few seconds later with two separate documents in her hands. When she returned she placed them down on the table and began showing me where to sign.

The first document was simple, it just asked for all the information about my status, but only my god's name, my name, age, and level were required with the rest being optional. I just filled in the required stuff and left the rest blank. When she picked up the sheet I could see that Misha wasn't surprised by me filling in only the required stuff. I guessed that most adventures wanted to keep everything secret unless they absolutely couldn't. The second paper was a dungeon advisor sheet that basically just outlined the role of an advisor and required me to pay a small fee which Miach had prepared me for in advance.

I handed the sheets back to her along with a small bag of money as payment for the advisor. She nodded and began to walk back, but she stopped and gave me a once-over before speaking.

"Are you sure you don't want any beginner equipment? You seem too handsome to die young," she said seriously at first but ended her statement with a wink.

"I'm good, my familia has some leftover beginner equipment I can use, but thanks for asking. Also, you're not too bad yourself," I gave her a long look and a wink of my own as I turned to go.

I chuckled as I left the building, finding the experience less boring than I had initially anticipated.

(Misha isn't the love interest)

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