
RC University

Suddenly hurled into chaos, Minzie is now a student of RC University, where only the best of the best can survive. Will Minzie be able to withstand all the challenges hurled unto her or will she get trampled on by the other students? Will she be able to make allies or will she go down by herself? Where does Minzie belong in this chaotic world? Watch as the truth unfolds, where obstacles appear one after the other.

MinRei · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Sweet Confusion

[Day 2]

*poke poke* I felt something repetitively poking my cheeks.

Minzie: "mmm"

???: "she sure does likes to sleep, alright I'm off to class"

???: "bye Fuza"

???: "later Fuza"

I slowly opened my eyes and saw two pairs of eyes staring at me. When I finally adjusted my sight to the light, I saw Niira and Vasilisa looking at me.

Minzie: "what is it?"

Niira: "you sleep too much, we wanted to chat with you last night but you already slept"

Minzie: "oh, I'm sorry", I sat down so I can face them.

Minzie: "what did you want to talk about?"

Niira: "stuff"

Vasilisa: "what's your occupation?"

perhaps I didn't hear that properly so I asked,

Minzie: "pardon?"

Vasilisa: "occupation, which of the four? I'm a Gourmet"

Niira: "and I'm a scholar"

Minzie: "haha sorry, I don't get it"

Niira: "don't tell me you didn't get yourself assessed?"

I tilted my head to the left.

Minzie: "no?"

I heard Vasilisa sigh and then she suddenly grabbed my shoulder, and said in the most monotone voice I ever heard,

Vasilisa: "you really should listen when instructors are talking".

I blinked several times and stared at Vasilisa's eyes, but I still couldn't understand what she meant.

Niira: "the instructors told us where to go for assessment, there you'd be assigned an occupation based on your abilities, and it will also determine what other things you are capable of learning"

Vasilisa: "for example, we gourmets can do some healing and buffing to our teammates, you can say that we're good at channeling our energy to others".

Niira: "now then, which clan do you plan on joining?"

Minzie: "clan?"

They both looked at me with disappointment in their eyes.

Minzie: "I'm sorry, I promise to listen properly next time"

Niira: "in RC, we have two clans, the East and the West"

Vasilisa: "whichever side you choose, you can't change it later on"

Niira: "in addition to that, your clan will determine which factions you can apply to"

Niira: "we heard this from Fuza, your faction will actually impact your growth because it's activity and even its influence play a key role in your overall ranking here. And you should know this, all bottom 10% each semester will be kicked out"

Minzie: "which clan does Fuza belongs to?"

Vasilisa: "West, and she belongs to a faction named Gold Dragon"

Niira: "my friend is actually the leader of that faction"

Minzie: "oh so you're gonna join West?"

Niira: "nope, I'm thinking of going East"

Minzie: "huh, why?"

Niira: "because the Chancellor is pretty"

Minzie: "what do you mean?"

Vasilisa: "the Chancellor is the head of the East Clan, while the Vice for West Clan"

Minzie: "and you Vasilisa?"

Vasilisa: "I'm not sure yet"

Niira: "well you two can do a random if you can't decide, in the registration office for the clans, you can draw on the magical orb, but whatever it shows you have to accept it, it's a leap of fate"

Minzie: "I guess it won't hurt to try it"

Niira: "we can head there now, and get Minzie assessed as well"

Minzie: "sure, we got time till the first class"

Vasilisa: "no problems on my side too"




We headed to the assessment area first. A lady assisted us in a dim and cold room, it almost felt like a cave, just without the bats.

Student Assistant 1: "Place your hands on this stone and focus your energy on it"

I did what I was told, the stone was too cold that it almost made me flinch on the first contact. I concentrated on the stone and tried to imagine what kind of occupation I'll get, a Guard seems tough, but a Scholar might be handy for keeping my rank, Gourmet also seems fun, ah but Physician seems very interesting. After a while, a light came out from the stone, and with a flash, it showed an image of a book.

Niira: "congrats, you're a Scholar"

Vasilisa: "for Guards it will look like a spear, for Gourmet it's a bowl, while Physicians get a mortar and pestle"

Minzie: "wait, what do Scholars specialize in any way??"

Vasilisa: "magical attack, they're not like how a normal person would describe a Scholar, as the Guard's counterpart with high magical defense, Scholar have high magical power, they're basically made for combat."

Niira: "yes, though they appear to be the strongest class, Scholar is the weakest in physical attributes compared to others. Simply saying, a Guard can run 10 laps, a Gourmet or Physician can manage up to 6, but most Scholar would faint from just 3 laps".

Minzie: "so you're saying we actually have this much power but at the same time we can't use them?"

Niira: "yes"

So, my occupation is both a blessing and a curse, with the feeling of defeat we headed to the clan registration office.




Vasilisa: "I'll draw a random"

And she actually did, without hesitation, she made a random.

After a few seconds, the ball started to light up, and she got East.

Student Assistant 2: "okay, I"ll register you as East, please sit over there for the meantime"

Niira: "relax Minzie, leave it to fate"

With trembling hands, I reached for the orb and drew the random.

I clasped my hands together, nervously waiting for the result.

After a while, it started to light up, and it slowly showed the answer.

Niira: "what did you get?"

Minzie: "it's ...."

I was interrupted by a knock on the door, and in came a girl with beautiful black hair.

???: "Excuse me, I'm here to submit the registration papers of class 61"

Niira: "Gi is that you?"

=Character Info=


Occupation: Scholar

Clan: ???

Faction: ???


Occupation: Scholar

Clan: ???

Faction: ???


Occupation: ???

Clan: West

Faction: Gold Dragon


Occupation: Gourmet

Clan: East

Faction: ???


aka. Niir

>age: 21 yrs. old

>height: 5'3

>has long straight black hair

>doll like eyes

>plump lips

>often wears chokers

>she easily draws a crowd with her cute voice

>playful attitude


aka. Vasi

>age: 22 yrs. old

>height: 5'5

>has short silky hair


>a baker

>quite gentle

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