
Rays of Hope (boyxboy) Mpreg

Magical Realism
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What is Rays of Hope (boyxboy) Mpreg

Read ‘Rays of Hope (boyxboy) Mpreg’ Online for Free, written by the author daphneporter20, This book is a Magical Realism Novel, covering ROMANCE Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: HYPNOSIS: A trancelike state, artificially induced, in which a person has a heightened suggestibility, and in which supp...


HYPNOSIS: A trancelike state, artificially induced, in which a person has a heightened suggestibility, and in which suppressed memories may be experienced. Follow the lives of Aubrey and his husband, with the secrets surrounding their lives.

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Elias_Oceanus27 · Fantasy
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这世上哪有什么十年之约,终不过一句“就到这儿吧”。 云织是一座藏在山坳子里的小城,冬天山尖笼罩着白色的雾,小城四处散落着雪绒花。山庄的火把节一年又一年的亮着,东山寺的早钟声年年岁岁的响着。 从前,颜暮歌总是被舒一含拉着拖着,后来也不知道是谁跟着谁,走了好久好久。从前,舒一含总觉得颜暮歌是他见过最笨的人,拉着她走好像成为了自己习惯。后来才发现是她陪着他在走。只不过,后来的日子,他弄丢了她。 颜暮歌总说“舒一含,如果十年后我还没丢下你,就带我去看一场花火吧,以示感谢!如果十年后我不在,就在春天给我寄一朵梨花吧,让我记得你。” 而他总是满脸嫌弃的敷衍她“可以,只要你活到那时候。” 后来,十年还差三年。颜暮歌在那个下着暴雨的夜里消失了,那年天气返冬,初春开的梨花都被冰霜冻死了。剩下的三年,她的故事里不是他。 十年未见,付方白看着面前喝得烂醉,却还死死端着架子的人。冷冷说了一句 “十年前,我信你,让她受了好多苦。如今,你连做对手都不配。” “你若有事,我定让所有人永远活在地狱里。” “......咳咳,你高兴就好!” 他以为她心之所向,是他永远不能企及之处。 可她却说: “我在等你同归故里。”

西南有城 · General
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