
Rays of Family

Story about a teenage girl raised in a chaotic family. She could only see the misery of her family's life. However, it did not break her spirit but became a motivation for her to continue to fight and succeed in the future.

nurul252 · Teen
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1 Chs

Mr. James changed his attitude

"If you want to enroll our child in school, bear your own fees. I do not want to be responsible." Said Mr. James.

Mr. James's words left his wife, Emily speechless. Emily dream to register her eldest daughter, Sara to school is now slim. However, that is not a hindrance to his wife, Mrs. Emily finds a solution to the problem.

"What are you thinking again, where is the food?! I am hungry and tired coming home from work" Mr. James was angry with his wife.

That is the situation that happens every day. Mr. James is a hot tempered man and always vents his anger on his children and wife. But his wife is a patient person. Every day Mrs. Emily thinks about how to enroll her child in school while not being able to pay the fees. Mr. James did not pay attention to that interest and easily relinquished his responsibilities just like that. At first, Mr. James was a very kind and responsible person. He also did not count in helping others. His noble heart captivated heart of his mother to his wife, Mrs. Emily. However, everything has changed since Emily's mother and father died and she became an orphan. At that time, their first daughter, Sara was only two years old. Mr. John and Mrs. Grace took the opportunity to destroy the household of the child and his son-in-law.

Thus, the points of destruction began in their household on the deck of the father-in-law who had a bad heart. The family lives in a village in California. Their house is also next to Emily's in-laws' house. Mr. James trusted his parents, Mrs. Grace and Mr. John because he loved them very much and Mr. John was often pampered since childhood. It all started with slandering. Every slander thrown by Emily's parents-in-law is now fully trusted by Mr. James. Their happiness is now increasing pale. Mr. James's parents really hate Emily and his other siblings as well. They look down on Emily's family because they are not from the rich family. Not only Mrs. Grace and Mr. John, but even sister-in-law also does not like Emily so much.

"Hello, Mrs. Emily. We from the hospital would like to inform you that your mother had an accident and is currently in a coma." Emily's tears flowed fast and very tearful. Her melancholy feelings could not be expressed in words. Her longing for her mother deepened after not meeting face to face for a long time because her husband and family-in-law did not give permission. Emily's father had died before that due to lung disease.

Now, Emily's only wish is to meet her mother who is lying in the hospital unconscious. Emily ran to her in-laws 'house which is just next to her house. Emily found her husband, Mr. James and his in-laws' family there."Honey, mom had an accident. Now she is in coma. I want to go to the hospital to visit my mom," Emily told Mrs James and the news was heard by her in-laws.

Emily was shocked by her in-laws who did not give any reaction to the news even though Mrs. James himself. Emily felt more and more tearful. Already exhausted by the news of the accident that befell his mother, now his in-laws are adding to his grief. Mrs. James was just waiting and according to the answer from both his parents.

"Honey, please send me to the hospital, I really want to see mom," pleaded Emily with tears to get her husband's permission and help.

Suddenly Mrs. Grace interrupted. "You want to go see your mother for what Emily? You said she was in a coma. So why else would you want to bother going there. She is dying and can not even speak, "said Mrs. Grace in a high tone.

"Emily's mother is in worst condition. I haven't seen my mom in a long time. Send me to see her even this time only, " pleaded Emily again. "No need to go," Mr. James answered briefly and firmly.

Emily did not stop begging for help so that she could be sent to the hospital to see her mother. The hospital was very far from her village. Since no one wanted to help Emily, she was determined to go by herself. While walking to get out of the village, an aunt came to her and offered help to send her to town by bicycle. She knows the kind aunt who is also her neighbor. Even in the heat and fatigue of cycling, they did not stop to travel. After they arrived in town, the aunt gave Emily some money for her to buy a bus ticket to go to the hospital to visit her mother. Finally, Emily managed to get to the hospital and meet her mother. She was relieved to miss the treatment but what added to the infinite sadness for her was that her mother was unconscious and unable to speak anymore. Her mother's condition was very critical. Emily talked to her mother even though she knew her mother could not reply. Emily cried while thinking about the situation of her daughter, Sara who was still young at home with her in-laws.

Emily is not able to do anything but pray and be satisfied with what has happened and will happen. Her dependence on GOD is very strong and that is what makes her a person who has a strong soul in facing the hardships of life.

After a long time in the hospital, the situation changed immediately when Emily's mother breathed her last and Emily was disappointed because after not talking to her mother for so long. That day was a very sad day in Emily's life due to the loss of a loved one. Not only here, but Emily's grief continued day after day when she had to face the slander thrown by her in-laws. Few years haven passed, Emily and Pak Said's eldest daughter has gone to school and registered for year one. All because Emily worked hard, tapping rubber and taking a house cleaning fee to earn money to send her eldest daughter, Sara to school. Although Emily could not register her child to kindergarten and preschool although Emily is grateful because Sara can go to school as well.

However, Sara is not weak compared to other students who have been in school since the age of five. When she was five and six years old, she was already interested in reading. She always asked her mother, Emily to buy her story books when she got a working wage. Sometimes, Sara is a bit disappointed because her mother could not fulfill her request, but she did not complain and understand their difficulties. Her experience was raised by seeing her mother's suffering made her a person who quickly understood even at a young age.

Not only that, Sara also has to give in because she also has a younger sister. She also always takes care of her sister while her mother is doing her job. Now Mrs. Emily feels enough with her beloved children even though she knows now she and her children are hated and sidelined by her husband's family. Since Sara went to school, teachers always give good reports to Mrs. Emily about Sara's success in school. Now Mrs. Emily is confident that everything will change for the better one day. She is willing to work hard to raise her children because despite having a husband, her husband does not care about their daily needs.

"Hey Emily, where is your wage today?" Mr. James asked rudely. He was waiting on the stairs of the house in neat clothes. Of course, he wanted the money from his wife's sweat to go out shopping and have fun with his friends.

"I only have a little money. This money is just enough to buy our food today. Even the children have not eaten yet, " Mrs. Emily replied politely out of respect for her husband.

"For all to me," Mrs. James asked in a forced manner and confiscated Mrs. Emily's wages.

Now Mrs. Emily can go out and have fun with the money while his son and wife only eat plain rice at home. That is Mr. James's attitude every day. He has changed a lot because he has heard too much slander from his own parents.

Year after year passed again. Now their children are three people. Sara is already nine years old. Mr. James increasingly forgets his responsibilities. May has long been patient with the attitude of Mr. James and his parents-in-law. Every day they fight because of slander. After the birth of the third child, their family life is quite good and it seems to be getting better. However, the problem came back and got worse when Emily's parents-in-law hurled more and more slander. Their problems abound. The suffering seems to have no end. Mr. James also no longer fulfills his responsibilities.

Mrs. Emily try many times to bring her children out of the village. This is because she has been severely beaten and abused by her husband. Not only her, but also children became a victim of domestic violence. However, Mrs. Emily's attempt to get out of there often failed and Sara always became a victim of kidnapping her own in-laws to stop her efforts which may report the case to the police and take Mr. James to jail.

"You do not try to run away from here, Emily. We can separate your children from you," threatened Mrs. Grace. Mr. John added insulting words to his daughter-in-law.

Now her children are Mrs. Emily's weakness. She cannot do anything but cry and pray to god to show the solution to their problems. That is the strength of her and the children that is prayer. Her children, Sara always go to classes every day and many which she had learned from the teacher who lived not far from her house. Her teacher even knew her and her family and even knew about the problems they faced. Her teacher teach her the basic of learning for free because she want to help Sara. Her teacher also knew Sara was not able to go to school.