
Chapter 1: The beginning of my life (1)


the crowd shouted in victory as the opponents scored the winning goal. Thereby, the Cottagers the tournament.

"l can't believe this", I whispered to myself in agony.

The match went on until Frank Hugwahl blew the final whistle. I stormed out of the pitch shaking no one.

"Wait up!", Julian spoke aloud from afar.

"Hurry", I replied.

Julian came running to me.

"It was quite devastating", Julian teased.

"Yea, when your teammate stand as idle as a a statue.

" It wasn't my fault, Nicholas wasn't fast enough".

"Whatever, the game's over ".

" 're you going home?"

"Nope heading to Frugo to chill".

"It wouldn't be an offence to grace my mate my presence in his pub..."

"Fruit bar", I corrected.

"Whatever, the payment is on you".

The bar was known to be genial until change in ownership

We walked into the bar and sat.

"Julian, go order drumsticks and shake for me and whatever you want for yourself".

" Ok".

Julian ordered the food and just as he was bringing it, a set of armed men stormed in.

"Everyone, on the ground now", one bawled. I was completely petrified but Julian stood firm. The last time I remember, Julian was a drop out of karate school.

"Don't play the hero here", another said but Julian stood defiantly.

Just after a bunch of men nearly gutted him alive, I smashed a chair on their boss's head.

"Shoot 'em you fool".

Chapter 2: The beginning of my life (2)