
Ravish Me, Oh Great Wizard King!!!

One fine morning, Mira wakes up to find a young wizard king who has been forced to flee from his world into hers to escape certain death. Unfortunately, the portal he opens up into her world causes a rupture between the membranes of their two worlds. She quickly takes over, lending him her support and aid as she joins him in the grandest adventure of her life. In order to stabilize his kingdom she leaves everything behind to follow him back to his kingdom. Will her aid save the day or will it be the demise of everyone?

SerafinaF · Fantasy
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242 Chs

A Possible Cure

The cool night air did not seem to bother him.  He was a mage, after all, and could regulate his internal temperature.

Even with his eyes closed, Zander could feel the curious magikal probing of the Mage Healer Harrington Imara. 

Zander gave a silent chuckle. 

The Healer had felt the strong magik current being transferred between him and his wife and he was out here to investigate. 

Zander opened his silver blue eyes.  The Mage Healer was standing in front of him, regarding him with sharp blue eyes. 

"Your Majesty."  Harrington Imara bowed.  "The woman who is playing on that instrument…"

"Is my wife, Queen Mira Lee Tamein.  She likes to play the piano when she transfers energies to me."

Harrington Imara nodded and bowed again.  "I notice, Your Majesty, that there is very little loss of energy going from your wife to you even though there is quite a bit of distance between the two of you."