
Cast out



It was like any other day in the city of Asgard other know as the golden realm. The people where flourishing and the nine realms where almost on the verge of piece.

This has been my home for all my life. Asgard is all I am. My very being. I have dedicated my life to serve a protect it. I've fought in many battles, even wars. And Asgard has always been hailed victor.

I serve the royal family but as time came to pass i grew closer with Thor and Frigga, they extended me invitations to their family dinner at times. They started to treat me as family and even thought of them as such. But with Odin it was quit the opposite. He grew wary of me for some reason. Always keeping a disbelieving look whilst around me. And over time I've noticed that Thor and Frigga started pushing away.

Our once pleasant and friendly talks turned to one of bitterness laced with distaste. Never conversing unless it's to designate me with new tasks but even that seems forced. Until one day the stopped inviting me to there gatherings all together. I was crushed. Thor was like the brother I never had but always wanted. And Frigga was like a mother figure that I've never known. I wanted to know why they would leave me like this. Was I imagining things? Was this all just one sided? I was once again was alone in this world. filled with so many questions but no answers.

I was watching the sea trying to rid myself of these thoughts. When the warrior three along with Sif and Thor who all had there weapons trained on me. With a look of betrayal in there eyes.

(Ravio) - what is the meaning of this ?

(Lady Sif) - quite you traitors bastard. You thought we wouldn't know?

(Ravio) - what are you talking about? Know what?

(Lady Sif) - you still try to deny it you..

(Thor) - That's enough Sif

Thor cut off looking at me with his eyes filled with hate. "You are being summoned by The All father. And you have some explaining to do" before I can question further I was bound in chains and pushed forward by the god of thunder indicating for me to walk.

(15 Minutes later)

We have just reached the throne room. Odin sitting on his throne along with Frigga Thor walks up to his father and stand by his side. All of them looking at me with the same piercing glare as if trying to tear through the my soul.

Quelling my anger I ask the question that is currently plaguing my mind.

(Ravio) - what is the meaning of this All Father?

(Odin) - Quite you fiend. You dare speak after the crime you have committed against Asgard?

He stated.

(Ravio) - I have done no such thing. I stated shocked at these accusations.

(Odin) - Silence! He bellowed. You ungrateful boy my family have given you everything and this is how you repay their kindness. By plotting against us?

(Ravio) - These are Gauls accusations. I would never plot against my home.

(Odin) - then maybe you could explain why battle plans to attack us where found in your chambers. He says throwing sheets informant of me showing attacks agains us which look oddly familiar.

Then it hit me. As a look of horror and anger filled my eyes. These are the new security features that I designed to help with Asgard's defence.

(Ravio) - these are the defence systems I created for our security. But they've been edited to battle plans. IM BEING SET UP! I roared in fury. Why where you going through my chamber in the first place I ask with narrowed eyes

I then catch a light smirk on Odin and his family's faces that know one seemed to notice as everyone was facing me. Then as if stuck by lightning realisation hit me. They did this? I say barely above a whisper. As multiple emotions flash through my eyes. Hurt, betrayal, anger and finally rage. I then look up at them with bloodshot eyes from all this pent up rage.

(Ravio) - you did this to me. You set me up. After everything I've done for you..for Asgard making me feel as of I was one of your family. Why? I asked only to get silence on return. WHY!!? I finally yelled.

(Frigga) - enough of these lies. Odin pass judgment on this boy I can't stand his presence on here any longer.

(Odin) - very well. He says as he rises form his throne. "In lite of your treachery towards Asgard. I Odin all father hereby cast you into the darkest pits of hell where you will spend the rest of you days as long as I draw breath. Have you any last words? he says as a black fog that give of the feel of death opens behind me.

(Ravio) - mark my words Odin and mark them well. You and your family shall pay for what you for this. I will not stop until your blood run through the streets of Asgard.

(Odin) - be gone vermin. He yell as he blasts me with a ray of golden light with Gungnir.

It shattered the chains that bound me and hurled me through the portal as the darkness swallows me whole.

I was falling for what felt like hours but in reality it was only mere minutes. Until I crashed into the cold damp ground. I'm able to gather mysel to my feet. When suddenly I hear foot steps coming closer towards me. I turn around and quickly creat twin swords in both hands as my mask covers my face instantly. As the figure inlay came into view.

(???) - well, well. To think dear old dad would send me some company. And a very intriguing one at that. Might as well. I was starting to get rather dull down here. Came a feminine voice as she emerged out of the shadows. And who might you be?


And that's is for the first chapter. Rather short I know. Hope you guys enjoyed if you didn't 🤷🏾‍♂️

Just some side info here there will most likely be some changes to plot in marvel not sure which kind I will make but there will be some.