
Raven: The Rising Darkness

"You are a daughter of a demon. He created you." "No, you are wrong. He didn't create me, he's just the reason that I got created." "yeah, for full fill his wish of destroying​ the world." "No.. noooo.. that won't be happen."

Lee_AD · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The knowledge of earth

I raise my head to look up at the building, a huge place for books. I walked to the door, took a deep breath and step inside. That view I saw just got me. So many books, earth does have something related. I just walked between the bookshelf and touched the book to know what are they about, and I don't know anything about them, these are about crime series, kids' books, geography, history, call books, rules, spiritual tales and more. I don't know which one I should read first so I picked some of them, 18 books are enough to start with. There aren't many people in here but still, I want a place where no one comes until I complete those books. After reading these I picked some more to read and then I was just reading and reading, don't even realise what time it is.

"Rachel", "Rachel", "Rach..., here you are" I heard Tim.

"Wow did you really wanna read all of these, I guess it's almost 70-80 books" he asked.

"If I've used the other way of mine I might've already done reading every single book in this library," I Whispered.

"What did you say?"

"I said no, I'm not 'going' to read them, I've already finished them"

"What?" His mouth was wide open"

"Close your mouth before something visit inside it," I gave smirked.

"Are you for real, You've read a total of 80 thick books just in 9 hours. People took 2 months to complete only 1 book that is this much thick and boring." He exclaimed.

"But what brings you here?"

"Oh, I forgot you have.." He didn't listen to me and looked around if anyone was there.


"I forgot that you have superpowers" He came a bit near and Whispered.

I gave him an ARE YOU MAD? look. "Why are you here?" I asked again.

"Why am I here? Are you being serious? It's already evening Miss Rachel, don't you have to come back home." he said.

"Can I stay for a little longer?" I asked.

"No, Tory asked me to bring you back on time so that we could go and get food on time, aren't you hungry."

"Umm, well, I am a bit but, there are still lots of books left to study."

"You can come tomorrow, Let's go for now." he held my hand and dragged me out of the Library.

when we reach home Tim, Tory and I went to the free food place.

The food was pretty good just like before. After dinner, we left for home.

"Rach, how long are you gonna wear the same clothes, take this, wear mine, and tomorrow I'll buy you some new clothes tomorrow." Tory looked at me and gave me her clothes, making me remind my mum.

"Now you should go to sleep."

I came into my room. I know some things about this world but still, there's a lot to know. How about visiting that liberty again, and this time I'll learn everything. I slowly walk towards Tory's room, there is no sound. "Are they slept this quick, yes, maybe because of the work," I murmured. I breathed the wind of sleepiness on both of them from my mouth so that they would stay asleep till I came back. "It's time to learn Raven."

I walked through the way to the library like I'm the queen here, and I don't care about anything. Okay so here comes the library. I was just going towards the door, I saw someone, took my steps back and hide behind a wall. "Oh I forgot it's a security guard, shit how am I gonna get inside now." oh wait I just remembered that I saw a window at the back side this morning, let's try from there. But how will I climb this wall, oh I can fly😅. I switch my current clothes into my blue cloak and flew a bit high, crossed the wall and landed right in front of that window. I tried to open it but my smile disappeared as I comes to know that the window is locked from the inside, I wants to go so badly so I just focused on a point, I levitated its lock, and opened it in a second. I smirk and looked. like I'm saying to the lock that, I AM THE SMARTER PRESENT HERE.

When I stepped inside I feel something like black fog behind me, I looked back but nothing was there, so I moved inside, I fly into every corner of the library. "For collecting every single piece of knowledge about here, I need to read everything and I don't wanna spend too much time, how about using my bit of cultivation for this?"

I went to the centre of the building and sits in the air, I closed my eyes and, "Azarath, metrion, Zinthos" I chanted again and again, soon the words from every book present here spiritually start coming out, and their colour was white and they were flowing around me. Then suddenly my heart skipped a beat and the pain I felt was like someone is squeezing my heart. I felt stuck, I opened my eyes but I can't move. My body is realising dark energy the words that were flowing around me also turned black. I can't handle this pain.

"What is going on?"

"It's words."

"They are flowing in the air."

"It's like.."

"Like magic."

I can hear people, oh this pain, I feel the worm blood that dropped on the floor from my mouth.


Dick Grayson~

"Hy Grayson, you see it?" Gar screamed.

"Yes, what is it?" I replied as I got lost in looking at those words.

"Don't touch it, we don't know what it is?" Kory asked me cause I was about to touch those words.

"And if we don't try how we will." my eyes got widened as I touched a word. Some flash scenes appeared in my mind ~"It's a girl standing in a dark place, she half turned at me and I saw a tear in her eyes. I was flowing in the air when I saw that tear fall towards the ground but fall on, me.., so It was her."~ "Dick wake up, wake up" I hear Kory and Gar. I opened my eyes.

"What happened to me?"

"How we suppose to know? You tell us what happened to you? You fell on the floor as soon as you touch that thing and now you wake after 15 mins."

"It doesn't seem like 15 minutes," I murmured.

"I don't know, it just I saw something and I feel

like it was from someone who was deeply in pain. And it was the same girl."

"Same girl, do you know her?"

"No, I just happened to see her once."

"Gar did you notice where these words are going?"

"I did check but they don't appear in the cameras"

I walked near the huge glass window of our living room and looked outside. "They are going towards that old library. I'm gonna check who's there"

"it could be dangerous, you shouldn't... " Kory.

"Since when do we stop by thinking of danger?"

"I was saying you shouldn't go alone."


"Aren't we getting late?"

"Okay, Titans let's go find that mystery."



My body seems out of my will, and my view is getting dark, just for a second I feel my soul come out of my body and I saw myself hanging in mid-air, my eyes are turning black, and this aura is covering me, "Raven, Raven, you have to wake up. Raven.." I heard Mum calling my name. My soul is calling out loud "Mum, where are you?" It's just I really wanted to see her.

Just then my view got clear and I know now that I'm gonna fall, the only thing I can think of now was "If only I had someone to catch me when I fall." And my body hits on the floor. It hurts, but I can't say.

"Who is there?" I heard the watchman. Was he taking a nap earlier? Whatever I've to leave. I forced myself to get off the floor and walk out of there. My mind was still a bit confused that's why the way I was going was completely opposite from the window I left open. He also coming this way so can't even go back in that direction, I hide behind a bookshelf near the wall. He's just a few steps away from me. I got close to the wall thinking if only I could go through the walls, and I felt that the wall suddenly disappeared and I fall backside. I was quite shocked when I saw the wall was right in its place. It was me who went through it, and this made me more confused. I heard some sounds of cars stopping by the building. I slowly walk towards a side from where no one could see me fly, and I jumped a bit flow higher. When I looked down, someone was watching me fly away.



"It's you, who are you?"


"umm Night Wing we found some blood here," Beast Boy reported.



Finally, I'm home, Tim and Tory are still sleeping. I went right to my room and fall on the bed my clothes had also been changed by themselves.

Whatever happened today I'll think about it tomorrow.

"Good night Mum, good night Mother."
