
Episode 1

(The episode opens In the underworld, Raven flies into a building and sees a scroll)

Raven: I haven't seen this scroll before

Raven (looks at the scroll): From the deepest of the Earth, where true secrets lie, let her be free, but warning seeks for all the people who read this; reveal yourself G.O.L.

(A black box appears with chains around it, the chains fall off, out of the boxes is a black figure)

Raven: Are you G.O.L? Is your human body completely gone?

(The dark figure looks at itself and shakes its head)

(The dark figure reveals itself as 13-year-old african american girl with long curly hair, wearing a green dress, four arms on the right and four arms on the left, and green heels with butterfly wings)

The figure: Most people call me Kanisha (holds out her hand) nice to meet you

(Raven shakes Kanisha's hands)

Raven: I'm Raven.

Kanisha: So, that explains why a girl like you would in a place like this, sorry I read minds.

Raven: It's okay, you can grant wishes, could you perhaps help me trap my father, so I can live a peaceful life.

Kanisha: Sure, I can help you. (A purple Crystal appeared with her eyes glowing) use this

(Raven takes the Crystal)

Kanisha: Just say Quaza and the Crystal will trap him

Raven: Thank you

Trigon: Raven!

(Dior disappears)

(Raven appears to Trigon)

Trigon: Did you do your spell work?

Raven: Yes, dad

Trigon: Good, show an example

(Raven uses her powers, which makes the Crystal glow that is behind her)

Raven (with the Crystal by her): Quaza!

(Trigon gets sucked inside the Crystal trying to hold some red rocks, but gets sucked in)

(Episode ends with Raven flying out of the underworld with the Crystal on her head)