
Raven is the supernatural creature

His name is Raven Morgan but known as RAVEN for short. Raven has a dark past that he hasn’t revealed to anyone and due to his past life, he decided to keep a low-key. But everything turned upside down when he got to College. One fateful day, on his way home after his last day in high school he was attacked and bitten by an unknown creature (find out in the story) and he collapsed afterwards and was rushed down to the hospital. Getting to the hospital he was treated and discharged that same day as they noticed the wound wasn’t severe which was quite rare to the medical personnel because the wound looked deep. Raven didn’t take the injury personal but he was still in shock at how a creature not humane attacked him that same. After that incident and no effect was made on him, he was diagnosed injury disease-free. Raven, was happy again. But on the latter day, his happiness vanished when he suddenly noticed an abnormal change in his body. RAVEN: “oh my G!!! What’s happening to me??” he asks no one in particular. His iris changes colour uncontrollably, his body figure too and at the end of all. He turned out to be an unimaginably handsome dude (human) to be precise. *** FAST-FORWARD *** Today being the first day in college, Raven had a lot to digest. Such of those are; his new body features which he was proud enough to have, his new uncontrollable powers and worst of all. His sudden Urge for DESIRES. . . What will happen when RAVEN finds out who he really is and what powers he possesses?? Who do you think is RAVEN??? . . FIND OUT MORE…. . ……

MoniSky · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 4  


"Why, why are you searching like this?! Go placed on a few garments!"

Raven then realizes his appearance.

Having simply completed his shower, the top 1/2 of his frame is bare, and the decrease 1/2 is best blanketed via way of means a couple of dozing underwear.

While it may be thrilling to the alternative sex, being 1/2 of bare should not be that shocking.

But Isabella's face is popping thoroughly scarlet.

"Hey, what? Are you shy? You have been leaping for my neck earlier, now you spot a bare torso and..."

"Stop talking! Put a few garments on!"

"Why do not you bitch inner?"

Raven opens the door, letting her inner.

Although she should move inner with an unmarried step, Isabella does now no longer enter.

As if she is stopped via way of means of invisible pressure, not able to leap forward irrespective of how tough she tries.

"In different phrases...you can not enter.... in case you do not have my permission."

Vampire's Special Characteristic No. 4 - When touring a person's residence for the primary time, they have to get hold of permission in any other case they can't enter.

Even even though this feature is absurd, and absolutely without reason, however it's miles the truth.

Isabella's status in the front of the door and not able to go into is ironclad evidence.

There isn't any fabric barrier, however, she is held returned via way of means of her racial trait—in different phrases, she turned into being sure via way of means of a supernatural pressure and thus, evidence of being a vampire.

"Don't appear down on me, human. Give me the permission quickly, that is in your very own proper"

Isabella coldly warns Raven in a voice full of supernatural power, yet she's the only one with the upper hand. "I can't do it.

"I can not do that. If I provide you with the permission, would not you be capable of entering?"

"So it's miles like this? Then I don't have any choice, boys, train him a lesson!"

Isabella snaps her fingers; the puppies in the back of her start to howl like mad.


The high-tenor canine barks fill the road below the nighttime sky.

Raven covers his ears and complains bitterly.

"What are you doing? Neighbours are going to return back to me and bitch! I am going to get yelled at."

"Who cares approximately you? Unto you, I say this: do not even consider them preventing till you provide me with your permission to go into. Don't assume your little human intelligence can outfox me!"

After all, Raven had escaped once, and Isabella's mindset have become hardened.

Raven ended up surrendering, sighed and spoke back her request.

"Ok, ok, I below-stand. But, earlier than I will let you enter, I want to make a few preparations, are you able to wait some mins?"

"Don't even consider locking the door and refusing to return back out, in any other case they'll bark all night time!"

"I understand, it may not take long. I want to position on my garments, proper? It is cold proper now, and your eyes are quite disturbed, proper?"

She in reality seems to be uncomfortable with Raven 1/2 of bare; Isabella, who's truly sad nevertheless nods her head.

"Please wait a bit."

Raven closes the door and then vanishes into the intensity of the residence.

Isabella waits for an untold range of mins earlier than the door sooner or later opens. Raven comes returned with a couple of black t-shirts.

"Hum, you've got placed a few garments on. Now, consistent with our agreement, allow me in!"

"Yes yes, please enter."

As those phrases have been spoken, the environment changed.

As if a good rope has been snapped, or as though skinny glass has been shattered—Raven has those photos in mind.

"Permission received. Good, now provide me with your blood!"

Two eyes blazing with fire, Isabella walks directly thru the door.

Looking at Raven's neck, to flavour the scrumptious purple blood again...


As she nearly reaches the boy's neck, she smells a stench.

Although a vampire's experience of odour isn't always as proper as a canine's, it's miles notably sharper than humans' and is in a position to differentiate the supply of the odour.

It is a forbidden odour to vampires.

"You, did you?"

Taking gain of Isabella's shock, Raven covers her face with the towel in his left hand.

The exceptional king of the nighttime right away collapses and faints on the floor.

Raven stares at her with informative eyes and holds out a plastic jar in his left hand.

On the label it is marked:

[Specially made Garlic Powder]

Vampire's Weakness No. 1 - Fear of garlic.

Even though it's miles an antique fact, it's miles very powerful at the fainted Isabella. Pouring the complete can directly into the towel turned into incredibly powerful.

To be safe, Raven waits for numerous mins, then sooner or later lifts the towel from her face.

A stunning vampire knocked out from a face complete with garlic, searching simply pitiful.

But nevertheless, her darkish splendour stays untouched. Beauty is her finest weapon, something that Raven already understood.

If her face got here close, it might manner exceed the killing strength of the Mystic Eyes.

"Now...what do I do subsequent?"

The first-rate manner to eliminate a vampire might be to force a stake thru her heart, and the following step is to reduce her head, however, Raven does not plan to be that extreme.

Because he isn't always willing. Even though she isn't always human, Raven continues to be incapable of such bloodlust. Also, she is a lady with a large bust; to slam, a stake thru that--is extraordinarily conflicting.

Or Raven should go away her wherein she is and he or she will flip to ash at dawn.

While thinking about his options, he realizes there may be something regularly related to a vampire subsequent to Isabella.

It is something to assist her to skip the daytime--a coffin.

It is every other antique vampire item, however something very crucial to a vampire. Pure black on the return with intricate workmanship, it's miles engraved with nicely carved runes. The layout may be known as a piece of art. There is a heavy lock at the side, however, Isabella now no longer seems to fasten it.

"She even added her dozing gear... however, this coffin is, in reality, antique fashioned, what's she approximately..."

Raven with an amazing face opens the lid; the inner layout is nicely made, with extraordinarily smooth padding in purple.

Carefully setting Isabella into the coffin, Raven closes the lid.

"This need to do it. You all have to go away too."

Raven drives away the puppies, and because of Isabella fainting, the impact of the Mystic Eyes ended, so Isabella's groupies all leaves.

As the front door clears, Raven sighs in relief.

"I'm exhausted. Let's sleep first. I will consider matters after dozing.

Finding a terrific region for Isabella's coffin, the boy yawns, and heads for his room on the second floor.

Dreaming an incredibly uncomfortable dream.

Possibly because of assembly a vampire, it's miles a situation that one desires now no longer to be in, a reminiscence that isn't always to be remembered, however unforgettable. Part dream, component sense of right and wrong.

It is a solar sopping wet in the wilderness.

Raven unearths himself mendacity at the ground.

The warmth sears his skin, sapping moisture and strength.

Like demise isn't always far-- as though one foot has already surpassed thru the gate of hell.

His snow-white skin, turning deathly pale, unexpectedly dropping blood colour.

Heartbeat already preventing, the supply of life's blood flow, additionally loses its use.

But his sense of right and wrong nevertheless stays. As if he's looking at his frame from a distinct angle, this can be taken into consideration as a loss of life experience. Trying to command his very own frame, looking to scream at his very own frame.

".....COME! YOU CAN'T...AHHH!!!!"



