
Raven Beauty: Devil's Only Survival Choice

"In the world full of choices, I have only you!" *** Excerpt: “Marry me!” At the commanding voice, Yun Meiyi turned around with a scowl. And there he was with a face sculpted by the best artists in heaven and a body designed to torture the most defying soul in hell, he looked like any male, she had fantasized about, while reading the romantic novels. But there was something in his impeccable beauty that cautioned her against him. As if it was the call of heaven asking her to reject him straight away. “Look for someone else, I am not interested.” She said and then turned away, finding his words meaninglessly arrogant. But just as she turned, his warning came teasingly, “Are you sure you want to defy me?” Her frown deepened as she turned to ask, “What’s so special about defying you? Are you a lord of some kingdom whom one can’t defy?” The man’s lips curled up in a devilish smirk that looked like a part of his nature. “Even better. I am the Prince of Darkness. The Devil of this universe.” *** She was a human... He was the Devil of the Universe! She was betrayed... He could be called anything that meant deceit! She was poisoned ... While his existence was on stake! Without their knowledge, their fates were intertwined. Making her, his only Survival choice!! ______________ Join the author on the discord server: https://discord.gg/88C4VZD Or connect on Instagram: author_scarlet_shine

Scarlet_Shine · Urban
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290 Chs

Rejecting him would have been better.

"How did you know that he was there down for more than two hours?" Yun Meiyi asked as she wheeled her luggage inside the apartment. Liu Si Si followed after her.

"What's there to know? His limited-edition Bentley was eye-catching enough to take all my attention from the moment my eyes caught its sight. I have been sitting and waiting in the balcony to see its owner for the whole two hours. But except for his beautiful fingers wrapped around the steering wheel, nothing came to my sight." She said, and then sighing a deep breath out, she lamented, "Only if you have told me that it's you inside with him, I would have long run down to take a better look."

Her expression still showed hints of disappointment but her curiosity was still the overpowering factor that ruled over her easily. Shrugging off the expression of lamentation aside, she followed Yun Meiyi to one separate room, where she saw her unpacking her luggage.

"By the way, Yi Yi, did he really ask you to marry him?" Liu Si Si asked curiously.

Yun Meiyi held nothing in her heart, so when her friend asked her, she nodded honestly. "Yes, he did. In the same way, as he did the first day." She said and the mention of the first day was enough to make Liu Si Si jump on her toes.

"First day? Do you mean his proposal today was the second time? Oh my gosh, Yi Yi, tell me all of it. Everything that you did or said after he proposed to you?" She asked excitedly, reaching out to hold Meiyi in her grasp so that she didn't run away anywhere without telling her the things she was asking about.

Yun Meiyi caught the glitter in the eyes of her friend and couldn't prevent herself from rolling her eyes. Then removing her hold, she gave her an obvious gaze before saying, "What special reply could I give him, Si Si. He was a stranger so I rejected him." She said and then turned her attention back to her luggage.

While behind Liu Si Si's jaw dropped. Not believing her words quite accurately, she asked, "Yi Yi did you really mean what you said? Did you reject him? Not just once but twice?"

And at her tone of disbelief like that, Yun Meiyi couldn't help but turn to look at her. She couldn't believe the beam of expectation her friend held in her eyes for a positive reply.

"My precious, tell me did you reject him twice already?"

Yun Meiyi shook her head. "Not exactly. I rejected him on the first day, but this time …"

Before she could even complete her words, Liu Si Si was overly elated with the ray of hope she spotted in between her lines. "Then did you accept him this time?" She asked and remembering it from back time, Yun Meiyi smiled.

Her skin was fair so even a little smile was enough to bring the hue of beautiful blush to her cheeks.

When Liu Si Si caught her grinning like a Cheshire cat, she couldn't hold on to the suspense anymore. Holding onto her arms, she made Meiyi turn towards her once again and asked with some desperation, "Yi Yi, don't be like this. Be quick and tell me, did you already agree with him?"

Yun Meiyi shook her head. "I planned something better."

"You planned something better? Now, what does that mean?"

Yun Meiyi shrugged her shoulders in nonchalance. "Nothing big. I just made it interesting for him. Gave him a small challenge. The moment he fulfills it, I will agree to marry him." She said then pressing a smile, she turned back to tuck the remaining clothes in the wardrobe.

"Yi Yi, I am not getting the right feeling of your challenge. Tell me, what is this challenge about?"

Knowing her friend too well, Liu Si Si would never believe that Meiyi would ever come any simple. If she smiles, that surely means terrors are around and she is just waiting for a fun play. If she challenges the world that means there are different plans she has for the world.

"Si Si, you are making me sound like some villain. Am I like that to you? Did you forget how I was being treated in Yun Mansion? With that treatment, do you think I could be that capable?" Feigning innocence, Yun Meiyi asked but towards the end of her words, she couldn't control herself from chuckling.

Liu Si Si pouted before narrowing her eyes at her, "You may not be the real villain Yi Yi but believe me you are no less. That Yun Jiaqi and Su Yang must have really been lucky that you have been easy on them. But not everyone turns out to be lucky like them. But leave their topic aside, first, tell me what challenge did you give him?"

Yun Meiyi zipped the luggage back before putting it in the lower corner of the wardrobe. Then closing the door, she turned to look at her friend before taking a deep breath in to say, "It was nothing new. I just gave him the normal goal that a man promises to give his woman on the day he proposes to her."

Liu Si Si frowned. To which Yun Meiyi added to explain, "I asked him to get me the shiniest star of the Universe. Aren't men in love always say that they could bring the moon, star, and heaven down for their beloved? I just asked him to prove that promise. The day he would bring me the star, I would agree to marry him."

She said and Liu Si Si was all speechless. "Girl, believe me, rejecting him would have been better than this. At least, you would have the satisfaction that he would try to pursue you again. But now that you have given him such a challenge, he would simply give up on you."

She said and Yun Meiyi simply clicked her tongue. In response of which Liu Si Si raised her brows. "Huh? What does that mean?"

Yun Meiyi shrugged her shoulders in nothingness to say, "He didn't seem to give up on that challenge rather he looked confident. Very confident to fulfill it."

Liu Si Si pursed her lips, "Yi Yi, you want me to believe in his confidence. No sane person would do that." She said but Yun Meiyi looked to have a different thought. Getting a bit dreamy, she murmured under her breath to say.

"But I felt like believing him at that moment."

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-Yours lovely Author.

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