
Raven Beauty: Devil's Only Survival Choice

"In the world full of choices, I have only you!" *** Excerpt: “Marry me!” At the commanding voice, Yun Meiyi turned around with a scowl. And there he was with a face sculpted by the best artists in heaven and a body designed to torture the most defying soul in hell, he looked like any male, she had fantasized about, while reading the romantic novels. But there was something in his impeccable beauty that cautioned her against him. As if it was the call of heaven asking her to reject him straight away. “Look for someone else, I am not interested.” She said and then turned away, finding his words meaninglessly arrogant. But just as she turned, his warning came teasingly, “Are you sure you want to defy me?” Her frown deepened as she turned to ask, “What’s so special about defying you? Are you a lord of some kingdom whom one can’t defy?” The man’s lips curled up in a devilish smirk that looked like a part of his nature. “Even better. I am the Prince of Darkness. The Devil of this universe.” *** She was a human... He was the Devil of the Universe! She was betrayed... He could be called anything that meant deceit! She was poisoned ... While his existence was on stake! Without their knowledge, their fates were intertwined. Making her, his only Survival choice!! ______________ Join the author on the discord server: https://discord.gg/88C4VZD Or connect on Instagram: author_scarlet_shine

Scarlet_Shine · Urban
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294 Chs

His brand of cologne.

Just after they exited the room, the lights were back on and the storm outside also seemed like it had subsided. People sighed in their hearts. Only if it had come a little early, they would have got the chance to clearly see the face of the man. With his attitude earlier, he seemed like a man with great limits. They were curious to know which family's young master was he to carry such a splendid aura.

Was any new wealthy family going to shift to Qiging city? In recent years, there have been many families who have shifted. Some have been successful in getting a footing in the city, while there have been cases that failed terribly. Now, with every new family shifting, people are excited to know their future of success or failure.

While outside, the storm might have subsided, but inside the banquet hall, the situation still looked stormy. Just one look at Su Yang was enough to tell that inside him, a storm was brewing much more ferocious than anyone could imagine.

He truly loathed Yun Meiyi; to an extent where he wanted her to die. Yet for some reason when he saw her near that man earlier, he didn't find it easy to accept. Especially, the docile look she carried when she looked at that person twisted his nerves in a way he never expected. There has been once in the time when that look only belonged to him. Just him. He never expected her to move on this fast and easy.

Su Yang's eyes turned frosty as clenching his fists on his sides he just stared at the distance without making any intention evident in his expression.

At that moment, when he had his own thoughts to ponder upon, he felt a softness reaching out his hand. Looking down at his arm, he gazed up only to find Yun Jiaqi standing there with a sincere expression on her face.

"Brother Su, I know you must be upset seeing our plan failing today. You wanted Sister YiYi to be humiliated, but in the end, it was all ruined. I am sorry, I wasn't able to fulfil your wish today. But don't worry, in the future, I would definitely find a way to get her to experience it." She said as tears got to the edge of her eyes.

When Su Yang looked at her, there was no emotion in his gaze. Staring at her, he simply reached out her hands that held him and pulled back, rejecting her touch. "It's okay, I have seen you try. Until she dies, we have time. I am sure we would have time in the future to get back at her. For now, don't think about it anymore."

He said and scanned people around. Today, the celebration was held to announce Su Corporation's new collaboration along with the announcement of Yun Jiaqi as future Madam Su. The celebration was not over and the guests were still around.

"There are still people around. Let's not dwell on all these things now. Go and entertain the people. We can't let them talk behind our backs." He said as he gestured to the woman to move first.

Yun Jiaqi felt bitter in her heart; but eventually, she nodded, forcing her lips to smile. "Don't worry, I would go and ask them around." She said before turning away to walk. Being a woman, it was not tough for her to realize how he has jerked off her touch so smoothly. Even though he has framed his reason well, still those reasons weren't able to convince her heart.

Yun Meiyi, it's because of you that even my perfect day didn't turn out to be perfect. I would definitely make you suffer, even if it means making you suffer on your deathbed. With that determination in her heart, she started to walk around, mingling with people with a smile on her expression.

While at the same time outside, Yun Meiyi was delicately cradled in the arms of a familiar stranger. For a moment, in those pairs of arms, she felt like an angel. Was she really that delicate? She has never been treated as one though.

As the man walked, she subconsciously got succumbed to his scent. The day had been really hectic for her and after all that happened, she was really exhausted. Both physically and emotionally. And on such a tough day, his scent was refreshing to her senses, making her relax instantly. Although she has not smelled many male perfumes, still she could say his fragrance was different. Suddenly she felt curiosity to ask which cologne he had used.

Leaning on the blade of his shoulders, she would have voiced out her curiosity, but just then under her touch, she felt the man stiffen. And there again everything started to clear up for her. She looked around and was in a daze. Even though she could see that the storm had receded and the lights had also come back, still at the part of the garden they were in, was dark.

Yun Meiyi would have panicked and screamed about getting abducted by this stranger, but for some factual stances that she had noticed inside, she felt that the man would not kidnap her at least. She looked around and her earlier conclusion wasn't drawn wrong, for she could see that even though they have taken the wrong way, the man was still taking her out as he has said. It was just that it was not from the front but the back exit. And the reason behind it, she assumed to be to save the encounter of the crowd that must have accumulated at the front gate.

High up from his arms, Yun Meiyi looked around. When she saw there was no one, she hurriedly spoke, "Stop here. You can now put me down. There is no one around."

The man paused in his steps. He didn't show any intention to put her down but hearing her asking to stop, he didn't think to disrespect her choice.

In his arm, Yun Meiyi waited while looking around, thinking that the man would put her down the other moment. But even when after a few minutes she felt herself unmoving, she knitted her brows and looked up at her.

From where she was looking, she couldn't see him properly but she knew his ears were near and he must have heard what she said. "What? Put me down. Why are you still carrying me like this? There is no one around. Do you think that I would allow you, a stranger, to take me to the doctor?"

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-Yours lovely Author.

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