
Raven's Legend

Raven Reincarnated

Misaki_kun · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 3: Techniques

"Vice-Captain!" Upon arriving at the Gate, the Solders quickly saluted Raven.

Raven nodded as he walked leisurely forward without stopping, he only nodded to those soldiers who were saluted him.

"Put down the lever," Raven commanded after finally getting out of the City.

"Put down the lever!"

"Put down the lever!"

The Soldiers didn't questioned Raven's command and unhesitatingly pulled down the lever, bringing the metal gate down.


The Sounds of Horses Galloping sounded in the vicinity.


Raven calmly unsheathed his Katana from its Scabbard.

The Katana's color is solid black, and some strange runes carved on its hilt.

The Blade's length is 1 meter long, and it was very thin, as thin as paper.

The Sword was giving an eerie aura of death, it's a good thing that no one was around, if there was, then the individual would surely felt scared if his will is not enough, the aura of death might even cripple some weak-willed person.

This Katana, of course, Raven's Tengu.

Raven called it, [Kamatayan].

'I can't use [Kamatayan's] abilities as I want to hide more time, and if ever I use [Kamatayan's] abilities, I need to left no survivor or witness, if I ever need.' Thought Raven as his grip on his Katana tighten.

"They're here," Lightly mumbled Raven after some time.

"Archer! Archer!"

"Into the Position!"


At the top of the Gate, Najenda was giving orders to the soldiers.

After giving orders, Najenda stole a glance towards Raven with a slightly worried gaze.


Raven put his right leg on front and slightly bend.

"Woo woo!"


After a few seconds, numerous laughter sounded as the Bandits finally emerged from far away.

"Brothers let's do this!"

"Money! Money!"

The Bandits let out a few cries while charging without even in a formation or whatsoever. All of the Bandits were riding horses, the horses have some armor protecting some of their vital spots.

'This is very strange,' Raven thought while looking at the crazy looks of the Bandits who are charging over.

'Do they want to die so badly?' Raven was confused as he expected that the Bandits were in V Formation or something like that, based on their no-formation right now, the Bandits were surely going to lose their lives.

'Well, at least they are giving themselves to me,' Smirked Raven as he bended more.


Raven dashed forward with an unbelievable speed towards the Company of Bandits.

After a few seconds, Raven and the Bandits have only a tens of meters away.

After seeing Raven lonely charged forward, the Bandits at the front, laughed heartedly, as though, staring at a dead man.

Raven, all of sudden, jumped a few meters high.

"Take this!" One of the nearer bandits stab his javelin towards Raven.

Some of the Bandits smirked seeing the scene, thinking that Raven is going to die when Raven strangely and creepily twisted his body, dodging the javelin.

"Eh?" The Bandit who stabbed his javelin was confused and was about to take back his javelin when his head falls down from his neck.


A Blood gushed out like a fountain from the neck of the body of the bandit.

The Other Bandits were confused too and Raven took this time to take a few Bandits down.

After seeing Raven killing their Brothers, the near Bandits charged forward to Raven, leaving their lane.

"Die Mother*ucker!"

"I'll kill you!"

The Bandits roared like madmen while charging towards Raven.

"Humph!" Raven harrumphed as he charged towards at one of the neared bandits.

"Death Style: World Wind Free!" Raven yelled as he pierced the chest of a Bandit.

"Shurara Style: Take this!" Raven quickly pulled out his Katana and leaped towards other Bandits.

"Hentai Style: Kanojo Kanojo Kanojo!"

"Lolicon Style: Onii-chan!"

"Ha-ha Style: LOL!"

"Free Internet Style: Connect with Neighbor's Wifi!"

"Avatar Style: Bald Arrow Kid!"

"Naruto Style: Sasukeee!"

"Genos Style: Senseiii!"

"Fire Style: Die Motherfu*ker!"

After yelling each of his 'Technique' Raven was slashing, stabbing, piercing, and spiking the Bandits one after another.

After a few more rounds, Raven was surrounded from all side.

"Ha~ Ha~ Ha~," Raven was lightly panting as some blood plastered on his clothes and Katana.

"You're now surrounded!" The Bandits' faces were unsightly as many of their brothers were killed by the Shameless and Pervert Person in front of them, many of them were confused why Raven's was yelling before attacking, and some of veterans were very cautioned earlier, as they thought Raven had a Tengu or some formidable weapon but every time they heard Raven's 'Techniques' they felt disgusted and disdained. They didn't expect that the person in front of them, whom killed many of their brothers was pervert, a highly at one too, the 'Technique' of Raven was getting and getting perverter each time he finished shouting.

"Meet your Death!" One of the Bandits yelled as he threw his Lance towards Raven.

"Humph!" Raven harrumphed in disdain as he twisted his body in a strange way and easily dodged the Lance.

"Damn it!" The Bandit who threw the Lance cursed one after another.

The reason why they can't manage to kill Raven because every time that he was about to get slashed or stabbed he would twist his body, easily dodging their attacks, coupled with the pervert's inhuman speed, his attacks were deadly.

"Not bad," Raven slightly smiled and praised the Bandits making the Bandits feel humiliation more and more.

"Now," Raven bended slightly, "Let me show you fellows, one of my Secret Technique," Raven said.


Raven sheathed his Katana.

"Be careful Brothers!" The Leader of the Bandits yelled.

"Secret Style:


"Save me!"

All of sudden, when the Bandits thought that Raven was going to charged forward bravely, he suddenly, jolted away, with Raven's inhuman speed and some twisting body here and there, he managed to escape away from the Bandits and was headed towards the Gate while shouting to the top of his lungs.

"Fire!" Because of Raven's attacking the Bandits earlier, the Charging Bandits stopped their charging to deal with him.

"Wait! Oy! Where do you guys think shooting!? Oh my!" Raven shouted while dodging some of the arrows flying on his way.


"Shield! Shield!" Many of the Bandits died from the Volley of Arrows, because of the Bandit Leader's fast command, some of the Bandits managed to save their life on time.

"Open the Gate, hey guys!" Raven was yelling to the top of his lungs while banging the Metal Gate.

But, no one seems hear him, as the gate isn't opening.

"My God! You guys are cruel!" Raven yelled.


Suddenly, one of the Soldiers who was at the top of the Wall shouted.

"Don't worry, Vice-Captain!"

"You Guys!" Raven was touched seeing the smiling faces of the Soldiers.

"You can survive this, Vice-Captain!" The Soldiers gave Raven thumbs-up.

"We will miss you!"

"You Guys!" Raven was exasperated seeing the innocent smiles of the Soldiers, some of them were weeping but their mouths were curved into a smile, obviously, enjoying their Vice-Captain's misfortune.

"Charge!" The Leader of the Bandits yelled as the hundreds of Bandits resumed their charging.

"Oh my!" Raven was greatly exasperated while looking at the Gazes of the Bandits who were charging directly at him.