
Raven's Legend

Raven Reincarnated

Misaki_kun · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 17

Raven took a deep breath as he smiled after.

"Kurome, you're strong now, but not enough to completely kill me, you can injure me with the cause of your life, but it's still not enough."

"We won't know until I try." Kurome paused for a bit then slowly said as she put her right hand on the hilt of her Teigu.

"There's no need to tire ourselves with some nonsense hypothesis. But, don't worry, with your talent and if you work hard enough, I'm sure you can kill me after a few dozens of years." Raven smugly smiled, his voice contained enormous arrogance, simply saying, he said that Kurome is too weak and young to fight him with life on the line.

"Arrogance. Didn't you tell me that countless people had died due to their overwhelming arrogance?" Kurome showed a disdain expression.

"Oh, this husband of yours didn't expect that you will remember his teachings as you seemed always ignoring my lectures but... I'm pretty happy, Kurome." Raven lightly coughed then smiled brightly.

"... I'm sure that if you repeat a sentence for seemed a countless times even the most forgetful person would surely remember it, not by their brain but their instincts." Kurome showed an annoyed expression as she remembered every time Raven taught his nonsense of teachings to Kurome for thousands of times.

"But that didn't change the fact that you had remembered my teachings, I felt undescribable happy and proud at the same time, my sow seed has finally bear fruits."

"Don't care just die." Kurome bedgrudingly turned around.

"Kurome, we've already rested for some time now. We can go to another journey." Raven hurriedly said fearing Kurome would suddenly leave.

It's been a few days since they had cleared the Core Part of the masked forest and they had recuperate for a few days and now they can now leave with no injuries or whatsoever.


"Who knows, wherever the journey leads us?" Even though Kurome had only said one short word, Raven had instantly figured her intentions, as he unsurely replied with a thoughtful looked

Kurome nodded her head and started to walk away.

"Oh, now that we don't have any destinations to go, if you want to go somewhere, you can say it to this friend of yours." Raven hid his smirk with his right hand, his face showed cunningness.


Kurome abruptly halted her walking, she trembled a bit hearing Raven's word, 'Friend'.

"What, do you have a place to go or explore?" Raven said, his voice contained no emotions, as though he an Ice King.

"...no." After moments, Kurome forcefully calmed her emotions and slowly said, her back was still facing Raven.

"I see." Raven nodded, even though his voice was cold, his face showed opposite, with a teasing smirk, Raven approached Kurome from behind.

"Is there anything bothering you?"

"... nothing." After saying that, Kurome resumed walking.


Grabbing her waist with his hands, Raven stopped Kurome from moving.

"Are you perhaps... Angry at me?" Raven acted confused at the situation, he knew that Kurome took the bait.

"Naturally, even though almost 1 year had past, I still clearly remember the time you killed my remaining friend and tried to kill me, and also the time you had **** me." Kurome's voice sounded cold but was also calm, as though she was talking about a normal topic.

"Is that really all?"

"No. Not at a bit. There were times that you forcefully did indecent things to me, and many more things that I can't count."

"I see." Raven nodded his head in understanding.

"Then, if you're really that angry, why didn't you leave?"

"Because I want to become strong enough to kill you, that's all."

"All right. Oh, I forgot to tell you that I have already taught you most of I know, so we can now split apart after this." Raven put a surprised tone as he said with a teasing looked.

Kurome trembled after hearing Raven.

"You did say that you will train me until I become stronger to kill you, but now, it looks you're going back on your words." Kurome said, her voice was a little shaky and hoarse.

"I did, but there's one thing that most Teachers have to do, and that is to let go their disciples to roam the world. That way, they will become stronger and gain more experience, but there are a few masters who really doted their Disciples and are not letting them to roam the world, because, roaming the world is a very dangerous and arduous thing to do, there's a chance that their little disciples would be killed. And I'm in the former group of the Teachers. Kurome, I have faith in your strength and abilities, in my clearly handsome eyes, I see you that you have capability to roam the world freely like an unstoppable flying Phoenix."

"..." After hearing Raven. Kurome didn't say anything else as she didn't move from her spot.

"This is a goodbye, Kurome." Raven said with a little sad voice as he put his hands on Kurome's waist and dearly held her.

"I hope to see you again, and at that time, you are already stronger than your friend that you badly want to kill."

"...let go." Kurome said with a cold voice.

"Let me just hold you for a little bit longer." Raven insisted.

"Let go of me, you fucking rapist!!!" Kurome yelled, she forcefully removed Raven's hands angrily.

"Why are you angry at me, my friend?" Raven asked with a confused voice. He seemed to be hurt.

"Why? Why you ask? Because, you're a fucking liar! You're a fucking coward! You irresponsible man! You'd **** me and now, you want me to go away? You forcefully did so many indecent things and you won't take responsibility? You'd took my innocence, you fucking rapist!" Kurome turned around and yelled, tears were gushing out from her beautiful eyes, she made a hurtful expression.

Raven was taken back, it seems he was fucked up. Seeing his little wife getting extremely angry at him due to his teasing, he smiled bitterly.

"Kurome, I'm sorry, okay? I'm just joking." Raven put his hands on Kurome's shoulders and hurriedly explained.

"I'm joking when I say that you're my friend. In my heart, I had already labeled you as my wife." Raven smiled as he kissed Kurome's forehead.

Hearing this, Kurome calmed down a bit

"But, I didn't think that you, my little Kurome, had also think me as your Husband. Come come, let's do the husband and wife act." Raven slyly smiled, he took back his hands and gestured Kurome to come to him.

Seeing his annoying face, Kurome had instantly figured that she was played by Raven's sinister scheme.

"Damn you!" Puffing in anger, Kurome pointed her finger at Raven.

"Hehe, come come, let's make now a daughter." Raven smiled wider as he sat on the laid blanket on the ground and patted the side beside him, gesturing Kurome to sit down by his side.

Couldn't take any longer, Kurome lunged at Raven at a fast speed, her face showed fierceness and ferociousness.

"Haha." Raven happily laughed as he smiled and open his arms wide, intending to catch Kurome.

Kurome sent a kick towards Raven's head, Raven slightly moved his head backwards and used his hands to touch Kurome's legs and pulled them.


Kurome's body crashed into Raven's.

Because of the force of the momentum, Raven and Kurome rolled a few meters before stopping.

Kurome was lying on the ground with her hands pinned on the grounds by Raven's Hands, while Raven was on the too, with a loving smile on his face, Raven moved his head near at Kurome's.

"Since this is the day that you indirectly expressed that you love me, your husband, let this pitiful husband of yours that you had been cold for almost a year, to take the lead." Raven said, without waiting for Kurome to say anything or rebuke him, Raven had already sealed his lips with Kurome's.