
Raven's Legend

Raven Reincarnated

Misaki_kun · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 10:


Every step Raven's took seems a long time for him. He knows that assassinating Kurome was very hard, and with her subordinates surrounding her, that made the mission harder than it was.


Raven took a deep breath as he strode forward.

'I can't fail, this is only my chance.' Raven held his Teigu tighter.

"Hm?" Kurome who was eating her buiscuits, sensed something.

'This sense is similar to my Teigu,' Lightly frowned Kurome.

She looked towards where the familiar feeling's coming from and saw an individual approaching towards their table.

'As expected, she sensed it,' Raven had a guessed that Kurome would sense his Teigu, as their Teigus were pretty similar to each other. Kurome's Teigu can reanimate dead but not strong as Raven's.


Kurome stood up and stared at Raven's figure approaching.

'Now, the difficulty became higher now,' With Kurome's tightly staring at him. Raven's assassination became much harder to accomplish.

"What happened, Kurome?" A spiky white-heard young man asked, he was in front of Kurome. A spear with deep shade red tipped hanging on his back.

"Hmm," Kurome didn't answer as her whole focused was at the man walking towards them.

"Hm?" The spiky white-haired young man followed Kurome's gaze and saw Raven. The other members were confused at Kurome's sudden movement and followed her gaze and saw Raven.

'Damn,' Raven though while still approaching the group.

Even if the chances of accomplishing the mission were very slim, almost close to none, he wouldn't give, no, it's more like, he couldn't give up. This was his only chance. If he not do it right now, maybe, he wouldn't get a chance in the future.

First reason, he needs to kill the future killer of Najenda as soon as possible.

Raven doesn't know when Najenda will die but that makes him hurry.

Raven was a cautious person, he rarely does anything rush, and today was when he needs to act rush.

The second reason was because, Kurome had sensed the familiarity of their Teigu, meaning, Kurome realized that Raven's had a Teigu! There are only a few dozens of Teigu in the empire, and their superiors had ordered the group that if ever they meet a Teigu user, they need to forcefully take it, with all of their might. even if dying to get it!

That's the importance of every Teigu!

Having a Teigu means having another powerful weapon.

Of course, the Empire had already Teiguis on their sides, they also have Artificial Teigus, Teigus that were a failure.

Raven slightly quickened his pace, his breath became a little heavy, sweats were pouring on his spores of his forehead.

"That-," Kurome pointed at Raven, but before she finished her sentence, she was cut by a fast approaching sword.

Raven quickly unsheathed his Teigu and sliced towards Kurome's neck.

"I won't let you!" Because the white-haired young man was focusing at Raven, he saw Raven's attacked. He quickly took his sharp-spear on his back and was about to block but... how could he? Raven's attack was swift and fast.

Raven's strength might not par with Esdeath's but that doesn't make his weak. In fact, if Raven gives his all, he might be able to fight Esdeath for a few minutes!

Even though, he can only fight Esdeath for a few minutes, that's already monstrous achievement. Only a few people can fight Esdeath for a few minutes, or maybe there's no one at all.

With Esdeath's powerful Teigu, a Teigu that can dealt many people at one, a battle experience that she gained after fighting for countless of battles since Young, and her sadistic nature. She had tortured hundreds or even thousands of people, she knows where the vital spots of the Human and Beast's alike.


Kurome was surprised at first, but it was disappeared in instant. She was an assassin, she was ready for anything. She was assassin that was assassinating the targets, but now she was the target this time around.

Kurome flew a few meters because of the force of the surprised attack.

Even though Raven's attack was met in failure, he smirked, he already knew that he would be blocked, but in the first place, he was not targeting Kurome but her subordinates.


Even though Kurome and the white-haired young man saw the attack, the others did not.

With that wave of his hand, Raven killed 2 sailor outfit men.

"Assassin!" Raven felt ironic, the assassins called him assassin.

After waking up from their stupor, they backed away and hastily unsheathed their respective Katanas.

"Ha!" By the time the others backed away, the white-haired young man had already attacked with his spear.

By sending that blade of his spear towards Raven's heart, he attacked.

Raven already saw this coming and side-stepped, barely avoiding the attacked.

Raven sent a slash towards the white-haired young man.


Sound of metal colliding each other was made.

The white-haired young man used the handle of his spear to blocked the attack, though he was still flew away because of the power of the slash.

After sending away the spear man, Raven dashed side-ward towards to the assassins.

The assassins didn't say anything as they held their weapons tightly.


Seeing Raven's dashing towards them, a young woman with the same outfit as Kurome took a thin needles from her breast-area cloth's pocket and hold them between her fingers, she sent the thin needles towards Raven.

Normal people wouldn't be able to see the thin needles, because it was very thin and nearly transparent, but with years of draining Death Energy of the Dead, Raven's body was enhance. His senses sharpen and his body became stronger.


The four needles were blocked by the Teigu of Raven, as he continued his dashing.

After a second, Raven had arrived in the front of a young man.

Raven quickly sent a side-ward strike towards the young man, intending to cut his neck.

The young man raised his Katana, intending to blocked.

"Don't block it!" Suddenly, the white-haired young man shouted from behind.

But the warning of the white-haired young man was too late.

The blade of [Kamatayan] shockingly passed through on the Katana and successfully cutting the neck of the surprised young man.


The neck and half of the blade of the young man slowly slid and fell to the ground, a fountain of blood flowed from the young man's decapitated body.


The head of the headless body of the young man rolled for a few feet before stopping, the face was staring at the ceiling of the inn. Its eyes were wide open in surprised.

"Don't ever block the enemy's weapon, it is extremely sharp. Dodged at all cost," lightly warmed the white-haired young man. His was was calm, as though his fried did not die at all.

"Roger," The remaining assassins said at the same time, making Raven a little amazed. Their timing was nearly perfect,, his guard became higher.

'Their teamwork must be also good too.' Thought Raven as he dashed towards the young woman that threw needles to him earlier.

"Use your ranged weapons." The white-haired young man said as he threw his spear towards Raven.

There was a deep cut on his spear, meaning, the white-haired young man wouldn't be able to properly use it anymore until it was reforged again, so he used it to attack Ravenby throwing it.


Numerous of Needles, Star-shaped Knives, and many more little weapons were thrown at Raven.

Raven couldn't blocked all of them so he used the flexibility of his body to dodged some and blocked the others with his Teigu and the scabbard of it.



The bystanders behind Raven shouted painfully.

They were surprised at the sudden events.

Earlier, they were eating, drinking and chatting happily but in the next few seconds, there were weapons flying on their way killing them.

The battle was happened for seconds, so their surprised was natural.

"Kill them!" The bystanders beside them shouted.

They were angry seeing many were killed, and many of them were their friends.


By unsheathing, pulling, and smashing their weapons, they surrounded the assassins and Raven.

The people in the inn were strong individuals, some were adventures, some soldiers, some hunters, and some mercenaries.

'This is good.' Thought Raven, it's a good thing that some cannon fodders saved his a bit of time, though the cannon fodders were glaring at Raven, but he didn't care.

"Attack!" One of the cannon fodders shouted as all of them attack Raven and the assassins.


The assassins felt the situation worsen, they were forced to fight the cannon fodders, if not, they might get killed.


The attackers who tried to kill Raven was instead got killed.

They didn't expect that the fellow they were attacking can twist his body in strange ways.

With that, a few of them were already killed, and after that, they became more cautious of Raven. They were surprised at first, but with their experience, they managed to meet the Death God.

Seeing the cannon fodders stopped bothering him, he took a glance to the assassins and cannon fodders fight.

"Not bad, not bad," Raven nodded repeatedly in satisfaction.

The assassins were much stronger than the cannon fodders but they still lose in number.

By outnumbering them, the cannon fodders managed to kill a few assassins in exchanged for a dozen of them.

"Fly in the air, Shushimi!" Raven opened his bag and took a dagger.

The dagger was 5 Inches long and was very thin. There's a little hole in the handle, where a transparent, thin and durable string were attached, Raven threw the Dagger in his hand towards one of the assassins who was deadlocked with a cannon fodder.


The Assassin who was deadlocked with a cannon fodder had surprisingly managed to blocked the dagger, the assassin was able to blocked the dagger was because of his instinct.

In his batch of assassins, he was one of the most powerful assassin, with his natural born instinct, he had survived numerous of life or death battles, and successfully managed killed all of his targets.

The moment of the Assassin blocked the dagger, the person who was deadlocked in him took this to his advantage.

The instinct of the assassin screamed again and was about to dodged the incoming attack of the person in front of him when he suddenly felt dizzy and nauseous and was pierced by sword of the cannon fodder who was deadlocked with him.

"Good job," Raven put a thumbs up to the said cannon fodder.



2 dead bodies fell on the ground, they sneakily approached Raven from behind, with no almost sound of footsteps they managed to walked 1 meter closed to Raven but were killed in the end.


Raven's scabbard and Teigu edges were dripping with blood.

Raven's scabbard was very sharp and durable, as it made with unknown materials, that Raven doesn't know.

"Damn, we can't go near him." One of the cannon fodders said while staring at the dead bodies who had deep wound on their chest area.

"What should we do now?" A cannon fodder beside him asked.

"If we try outnumber him, many of us would sure die and there is a chance that we might not kill him in the end," The previous cannon fodder replied after a few seconds of thinking.

"The archers were also useless right now, we can't just shoot the others fighting with those youths behind him, right?"

"That's right,"

"Then what should we do?"

"Let's backup the others fighting with those sailor youths."

"That's a fine suggestion. We don't need to worry about this person escaping as he was the one who attacked those youths in the first place."

"Yeah, also we can place a few of our companions to look at him, if he ever tries to leave, then they would stall him for some time until many of us return and fight him to death."


"That's right, they are highly be killed by this man... but that's the most plausible plan I have right now,"


While the cannon fodders were talking to each other on what they should do.

The fight between the assassins and the other group of cannon fodders were heating up.

Many dead bodies littered on the ground. The wooden floor was already dyed in red, the blood came from the cannon fodders and the assassins.


Raven had already killed a few more assassins.

Some of them managed to blocked the sneak attacks and some of them had not, but the survivors of the sneak attacked were still killed in the end. After blocking the sneaking dagger, they suddenly felt dizzy and nauseous, that was because of the Death Energy coated around the blade of the dagger.

The Death Energy would always enter the body of the survivors making them felt sick.

This was Raven's new ability.

He can now feel the Death Energy around him than the previous years, and can now use them with his will. Naturally, there was limitation. Right now, Raven can only coat a little dagger and that's all. But, that's enough for Raven.

"Kurome, why aren't you using your Teigu?" The white-haired young man asked Kurome who was busy killing cannon fodders.

"...I can't," Kurome backed away then answered.

"You can't?" The white-haired young man was in disbelief.

"I can't. There seems blocking my reanimation. I can't even summon my playthings,"

"Damn, at this rate, we will all be killed," The enemies in front of him were not ordinary fighters. All of them were strong and have killing experiences, not some like a little stronger than average guards that protecting some shitty fatty nobles, they were usually facing.

Also, the members they were with now were the newcomers of the last batch. His superiors had tasked to guide the newcomers but... almost of them were killed now.

"Agh!" With that shout, another assassin fall.

With the remaining 5 assassins including Kurome and the white-haired young man, all of them were cornered.

"Wh-." Before an assassin yelled, she was already pierced by a dagger on her neck.


Blood continuously flowed out from the wound, she was choked and died.

Her lifeless body fell to the ground with a thud.

"What's going on?" The other assassins were shocked and bewildered, they seem didn't faze seeing the dead bodies of their fallen companions and friends.

They were staring at a rotten hand that was holding the right leg of the previous killed assassin.

"...Kurome?" The white-haired young man turned to looked at his friend and saw her surprised expression.

"I'm not the one who did that," Kurome shook her head.

She guessed that the one who controlled the corpse was the person who attacked them.

The white-haired young man nodded, he shifted his gaze to the front.

"Be careful, there's an Imperial Weapon User here, that person can seems control the Dead and can block Kurome's Teigu," Warned the white-haired young man.

The other 2 remaining assassins nodded their head.

"What the heck?"

"Is this the power of the Legendary Weapon?"

Seeing the Dead Bodies of their fellow companions and the assassins, the alive cannon fodders were shocked to the core, they also felt fear, but the strongest emotion they have right now was... greed.

Their work were extremely dangerous, almost all of them had been nearly killed, so after seeing the affect of a Legendary Weapon with their own very eyes, the thought that if they had this kind of weapon, then they would be very wealthy, they can just sell this to any wealthy merchant or lord, or any other wealthy people then... they would be instantly rich! They don't have to risk their lives with some little rewards but dangerous work!

"Haha! Brothers it seems we will be rich today onward!"

The cannon-fodders were happy, they seem had forgotten their fallen comrades.

Don't worry our Fallen Brothers, we will take care of your Families, including your beautiful wives!

"Who has it? Who has it?" Hastily asked the cannon fodders who seem about to die in happiness.

"I know who has it," A person behind them suddenly said.

Some of the cannon fodders turned around while some seriously stared at the 4 remaining assassins, not letting their guard dowm.

"That little girl has the Legendary Weapon," Raven said while pointing at Kurome.

"Why should we believe you?" Asked one of the cannon fodders.

"Why? Because I was tasked to kill the Little Girl and took the Legendary Weapon from her," Raven replied with a monotone voice.

The Teigus were Legend to ordinary people as most of them lived their entire lives without seeing one Teigues, making the Teigus legend. So, the ordinary people called Teigus, Legendary Weapon, they could only hear the stories of them but could not see them.

"That's plausible." Thinking about what happened earlier, the man in front of them attacking the group of youths, who were surprisingly trained warriors, most of them believed Raven.

"Then, why did you say that to us?" A few cannon fodders were still vigilant.

"Because, now that she has used the weapon, I can no longer hide the fact that there's no Legendary Weapon here, and if I did not pointed who has the Legendary Weapon, I could not still take it, as after you finish killing them, I would be next." Raven answered.

The few cannon fodders nodded their head. In their mind, no matter how much a strong person is, she/he would still die after being outnumber by the enemies.

"Let's hurry and take it," One of the greedy cannon fodders hurriedly said, his breath was already heavy in excitement.

"Kill them!" The cannon fodders yelled as they recklessly charged at the 4 remaining assassins.

"Damn," The 4 assassins had no way to refute the words of Raven because even if they desperately convince the greedy mass, they would still not listen to them, as they were already drowned in greediness. Then, an anger sprouted from his heart, towards this man who attacked them, and nearly killed all of his fellow assassins, and now, it looks like they were going to die, and for the higher ups.

What Raven had informed the masses was very high-confidential information. Almost no one knows what Kurome's Teigu ability is, only the higher-ups and some people, including Akame, who had just been left the organization and now was being hunted by other assassins.

"Hu~," Taking a deep breath, his eyes were filled in determination.

Even if he die today, Kurome needs to survive at all cost!

"Kurome, stand behind me, we will charge through," The white-haired young man said.

"Hm," Kurome nodded as she stand behind the white-haired young man.

She promised herself that if she managed to live through the attack, and the white-haired young man dies, she would surely be her puppet. He's a friend, after all.

"Kuku! Chibo!" The remaining 2 assassins shifted their heads and looked at the white-haired young man who had called them.

"To the left and to the right! We will breakthrough!" Kuku and Chibo nodded, as they were about to stand on their position.

The corpses around them suddenly lunged towards them.

Kuku had managed to avoid the sudden lunging but Chibo was a second late.


With a large bite, the dead corpse of his fellow assassin took a big bite on his left leg.

"Agh!" Even though, he undergoes years of hellish training and that includes torture to make their endurance higher, this was the last time, he shouted in pain, as the veins on his head bulged, his eyes turned red as he growled.

He was now dead and was now an Undead.

"Damn!" The white-haired young man clicked his tongue, after Kuku arrived on his left side, they hurriedly charged towards.


"Agh!" After cutting through their way, they had killed numerous cannon fodder and attained some injuries.

"Stop them!"

"Agh!" With the continuous barraged of attacks, Kuku was stabbed on her chest and died.

"Damn!" Now that Kuku was dead, the breakthrough was now much harder.



A cannon fodder had successfully impaled his sword on the chest of the white-haired young man, making the white-haired young man coughed in blood.

"Die!" With that, various of weapons made their way through the body of the white-haired young man.

"Ah!" With his last shout, the white-haired young man firmly gripped his Katana and killed a few more cannon-fodders before dying with a last glance towards the calm face Kurome, he gave a last smile and finally died.

Seeing one of her remaining friends died, Kurome felt sadness in her heart.

She doesn't want this feeling, at all.

She just knows that she needs to survive in this predicament and kill her Big Sis, Akame, with her own hands.

She just needs a few more meters to survive from the barraged of attacks then she can finally survived.

Kurome bit her lower lip with her upper lift, she steeled her mind, and made her way through.

"Agh!" Kurome was very agile and managed to avoid serious injuries, but her body was covered in light wounds, but it was not life threatening, she just needs to recuperate for a few days, and all of them would gradually heal.



With a diagonal swing of her Teigu, she finally killed the last man blocking her way.

With a leaped, she broke the wooden window with her Teigu and left the Building.


"Ha! Ha! Ha!" After running for hours, she finally arrived at a forest, even though she hardly managed to get away from the city guards that were chasing after her, she now finally safe.

This forest was outside of the city.

Leaning over on a tree, she took a deep breath.

"Bravo," All of sudden, a voice sounded behind her right ear.


Kurome was about to unsheathed her sheathed Teigu but a hand stopped her from doing that.

"I'm sorry but you need to... die," Raven slowly said as he raised his Dagger and stabbed towards Kurome's neck.

Many of you might be wondering of why Kurome is so weak?

NOTE that the plot will begins in years and the current Kurome was far away from her Future Kurome on the Plot.

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