

Amanda Peters is a 17 year old girl whose life was changed the instant her mother died. She has to eliminate those who killed her parents with the help of her friends and guardians sent by her parents. She has to take on the beast called 'Ravana' while also trying to protect everyone she cares about.

Amanda_ · Teen
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7 Chs


What are the odds. This person has been following me since mom died. She's definitely mom's killer. When I looked out the window, the shadow was gone.

"Run while you can lady because when i get you, I'll end you miserably" I said slowly while looking out the window.

"I'll meet with the detective tomorrow"

Next day

I came downstairs to have breakfast when i heard Miss Valentine calling me. To be honest I'm to tired to go to school today but I don't want to worry Miss Valentine.

"Good morning Miss Valentine" I said

"Good morning love. I made breakfast, come eat..." Miss Valentine's trailed off when she turned around and saw me putting on my uniform

"Sweetie if you are too tired, you don't need to good too school today ok" She said softly

"No it's ok. I'm fine. I don't need to skip school." I replied calmly

"Alright. Eat breakfast so we can go together ". She said

"ok" I replied

At School

Teachers and Students both rushed towards me to offer their Sympathy and their condolences.

"Oh this is so sad, at a young age she became an orphan" Someone said

I heard all kinds of things but what they didn't know was that i hate sympathy. I also hate it when people look at me with pity because it makes me feel weak and right now is not the time i want to be seen as weak.

I saw Mia and Owen running towards me and enveloping me in a tight hug.

"Don't worry about anything we are sure your mom is in a good place" Mia said

"Yea and police are gonna investigate it so sooner or later we'll find the culprit" Owen said

"Thanks guys, let's go to class" I said

Mia and Owen didn't to say anything again because they new i didn't like pity, that's why it was comfortable.

I couldn't really focus in class because i just kept thinking of going to the Detective.

When it was closing hours, I bid Mia and Owen goodbye and ran straight to the police station to meet the detective.

When i arrived at the station, looked around for Detective Kim but couldn't find him. I moved back a little and mistakenly bumped into him.

"Oh I'm sorry. Good morning Detective Kim." I said

"Good morning Amanda, what are you doing here" He asked surprised

" I wanted to know if you've found out anything about mom's case" I told why i was here

"Oh about that....um.." he was hesitant to say it

" What is it Detective, Did something happen?" I asked

"That's.." He signed and looked up at me. I paid attention to what he was about to say

"Um Amanda there's been a change" he said

"change?" I said confused

" The higher ups took back all their resources and we were told to close the case. Right now there's nothing we can do" He said looking at me

" Wh-what do you mean close the case" I ask trembling a little

" why, why on earth would the suddenly stop the investigation huh detective please tell me? I asked stepping forward pleading

"It's because you are dark skinned and I know it doesn't make sense but it's the truth" he said looking defeated

"You mean to say that they aren't going to help me because I'm dark skinned?" I asked almost shouting

"Amanda calm down a bit" he said

"calm down, Haaa you want me to calm down? in a ridiculous situation like this. So you are gonna help just because I'm dark skinned? what bullshit" I said angrily but I refused to let down a single drop of tear

"Amanda I also tried my best to plead on your behalf but my job was threatened" He said try to reason with me.

"Your job was threatened? what a flimsy excuse. You know what detective, I don't care if you help me or not. I'm going to find out who did that to my mother and that person will pay heavily" I said slowly

"Don't do that, do you realize how dangerous that that is?" He asked

"I don't care, either way I'm prepared to die" I said and walked out of the police station.

When i was a little far from the station, i looked up at the sky and said...

"Haaaa mom what do i do now" telling myself not to cry wasn't an easy task to do but I'll make sure to find out who killed my mother.

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