
Ravan in Marvel Universe

Ravan had always dreamed of ruling the world. He was not satisfied with being the king of Lanka and the leader of the Rakshasas. He wanted more power, more glory, more wealth. He wanted to be worshipped as a god by all living beings. He had tried to achieve his ambition by abducting Sita, the wife of Rama, the prince of Ayodhya. But his plan had backfired, as Rama had waged a war against him and defeated him with the help of Hanuman, the monkey god, and his army of Vanaras. Ravan had barely escaped with his life, thanks to the intervention of his brother Vibhishana, who had betrayed him and joined Rama's side.

Ravan had sworn revenge on Rama and his allies. He had spent years in hiding, plotting and scheming, searching for a way to regain his lost power and prestige. He had studied the ancient scriptures and the secrets of the cosmos. He had performed many rituals and sacrifices, hoping to please the gods and gain their favor. He had even ventured into the dark and forbidden realms of the Witch Cult, a mysterious and sinister organization that worshipped the Witch of Envy, a being of unimaginable evil and malice. He had learned from them the secrets of the Authority of Greed, a power that allowed him to manipulate time and space, to create barriers and negate physical laws, to become invincible and unstoppable. He had become a Sin Archbishop, one of the highest and most feared members of the Witch Cult.

But even with his newfound power, Ravan was not satisfied. He knew that there were still many obstacles and enemies that stood in his way. He knew that Rama and his allies were still alive and well, and that they would oppose him if he ever tried to attack them again. He knew that the other Sin Archbishops and the Witch Cult members were not loyal to him, and that they would betray him or kill him if they had the chance. He knew that the Witch of Envy herself was a threat, and that she could take away his power or destroy him at any moment. He knew that he needed a new world, a new reality, where he could rule without any opposition or interference.

He had found such a world, or rather, a multitude of worlds, in the Marvel universe. He had discovered a portal that led him to a strange and wondrous place, where he saw many different worlds and timelines, each with its own history and destiny. He had learned that this place was called the TVA, the Time Variance Authority, and that it was an organization that monitored and regulated the multiverse, ensuring that there was only one sacred timeline, and that any deviations or anomalies were pruned and erased. He had also learned that the TVA was run by a mysterious figure called He Who Remains, who claimed to be the creator and protector of the multiverse, and who had a vast army of agents and devices at his disposal.

Ravan had decided that he would take over the TVA and make it his own. He would use his Authority of Greed to overpower and outsmart the TVA agents and devices. He would find and confront He Who Remains and challenge him to a duel. He would defeat him and take his place as the ruler of the multiverse. He would create his own sacred timeline, where he would be the supreme lord and master of all. He would reshape the multiverse according to his will and whim. He would make everyone bow down to him and worship him as a god.

He had begun his invasion of the TVA, using his portal to enter and exit at his convenience. He had encountered many TVA agents and variants, who had tried to stop him or capture him. He had easily dispatched them with his power, freezing time, creating barriers, and ignoring the effects of their weapons and devices. He had also encountered many heroes and villains from the Marvel universe, who had somehow found their way to the TVA or were brought there by the TVA. He had met the Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Doctor Strange, Loki, and Kang the Conqueror, among others. He had fought with them, sometimes alone, sometimes in alliances, sometimes in betrayals. He had enjoyed the challenge and the thrill of the battle, but he had never lost sight of his goal. He had always searched for He Who Remains, the final and ultimate obstacle to his conquest.

He had finally found him, in a citadel at the end of time. He had entered the citadel, expecting a fierce and glorious fight. He had been surprised to see that He Who Remains was an old and frail man, sitting on a throne, surrounded by books and clocks. He had greeted Ravan with a smile and a chuckle, as if he had been expecting him. He had told Ravan that he knew everything about him, his past, his present, his future. He had told Ravan that he had orchestrated everything, his arrival, his invasion, his encounters. He had told Ravan that he had a choice, to kill him and take his place, or to join him and help him. He had told Ravan that he was tired and bored of his role, and that he wanted to pass it on to someone else, someone worthy, someone like him.

Ravan had laughed and mocked him, calling him a liar and a coward. He had told him that he did not care about his offer or his choice. He had told him that he only wanted his power and his throne. He had told him that he would kill him and take his place, and that he would rule the multiverse as he pleased. He had raised his hand, ready to unleash his Authority of Greed and end his life.

But before he could do so, he had felt a sudden and sharp pain in his chest. He had looked down and seen a blade piercing his heart. He had turned his head and seen a familiar face behind him, a face that he had trusted and loved, a face that had betrayed him and stabbed him. He had seen his brother, Vibhishana, holding the blade, with a look of sorrow and regret on his face. He had asked him why, why he had done this, why he had followed him, why he had betrayed him again.

Vibhishana had told him that he had done this for his own good, for his own salvation. He had told him that he had followed him out of love and concern, hoping to persuade him to give up his mad quest and return to his senses. He had told him that he had betrayed him out of duty and honor, knowing that he had gone too far and that he had to be stopped. He had told him that he had done this for the sake of the multiverse, for the sake of the sacred timeline, for the sake of the balance and order of all things. He had told him that he was sorry, but that he had no choice.

Ravan had felt his life slipping away, his power fading, his vision dimming. He had cursed his brother, his enemies, his fate. He had cursed the TVA, the Marvel universe, the multiverse. He had cursed He Who Remains, who had watched the whole scene with a smile and a chuckle, as if he had planned it all along. He had cursed the Witch of Envy, who had given him his power and who had taken it away, who had whispered in his ear and who had laughed in his face. He had cursed himself, for his ambition, his greed, his pride. He had cursed everything and everyone, as he fell to the ground, dead.

The end.