

You would think that after being traumatized by a giant wolf on your family’s annual camping trip things would be different. Maybe mentally. Perhaps even physically if you were hurt, but here we are eleven years later…

Indonite_ · Fantasy
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Dim-Chapter 1

You would think that after being traumatized by a giant wolf on your family's annual camping trip things would be different. Maybe mentally. Perhaps even physically if you were hurt, but here we are eleven years later…

"Pass the potato's, please dear. "Sharon asked softly, giving me the same look she's been giving me since that night.

I swear it's almost like I'm cursed. Forced to live in this dreadful house I call "home". Its just me my mum, dad, and baby Ben. He looks like a weird gnome if you ask me. Ginger hair just like my mum, while me and dad share jet black locks. Sometimes mum ask me to brush his hair down but it's impossible if you ask me. His hair is wild and thick. It's fun though, he's like a doll.

"Avery! The potato's, please! I won't ask again." Sharon shouts at me interrupting my thoughts. I sighed and handed her the bowl I've been hoarding all dinner.

"I'm not that hungry." Moving my chair back abruptly, I stood and made my way to the kitchen to rinse my plate. I haven't even eaten anything other than a few bites of potato's. What can I say? Meat makes me a bit sick.

"You doing alright?" I felt my dads presence before he even spoke. Don't ask me how I just did. I didn't want to speak to him, so I simply nodded and wiped my hands on my jumper.

I gave him a small smile and made my way up to my room as fast as I could without running. I'd just hear my mum go on and on about how running upsets her weird gnome baby. Honestly I love him though. He smells nice, kinda like a sweetie or tart. Really sweet.

Soon as I made it to my room I kicked off my jumper and flopped in bed. Sunday nights are always the worst when my mum makes us sit for family dinner. I think she read it somewhere in a book that it's healthy and normal. We're anything but "normal".

'How did dinner go?' 14m ago

I read the text from my best friend Jake and sighed. I sigh a lot.

'She made meatloaf' sent

He texted back almost immediately.

'Want me to bring over pizza? ' sent

Jake. Curly brown hair brown eyed idiot that can ride a skateboard better than he chooses to annoyingly admit. Completely awesome human being. Even though sometimes we fight, but everyone argues sometimes. I met Jake last year when I transferred to Lake Cape High School for my lower 6th form. Go meerkats! Can you catch my sarcasm? I hate this school. It's like a prison. No. It is a prison. We're forced to wear these god ugly uniforms and there's no free periods. It's alright, it's only 2 months before break.


I should respond, but I've already drifted to sleep. Tomorrow should be better than it's been today.