
Rasa's Struggle: The Fourth Kazekage's Tale

"Rasa's Struggle" delves into the life of Rasa, the Fourth Kazekage of the Hidden Sand Village. As he grapples with the ever-present threat of Orochimaru and the daunting responsibilities of leadership, Rasa's journey unfolds in a turbulent era of shifting alliances and power plays in the Naruto world.

Hungry_Daoist · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

A Father's Lesson

A week had elapsed since the Rasa's recent triumphs over the spies in his village. Right now the village is gradually returning to normalcy, shadows of doubt are being replaced by Rasa's overshadowing feats.

Rasa now turned his attention to another matter of significance—his daughter's, Temari's, potential promotion to chunin rank.

Following Rasa's meeting with the Council, a resolution was reached. It was decided that Temari would be assigned a mission where her leadership skills are a necessity for achieving success.

Rasa, desiring to amend for his past actions towards his children, decided to invest more time with them. Starting with Temari, he declared his intention to accompany her on the upcoming mission, to assess her performance.

A day later.

The sun hung high in the azure sky as Rasa approached Temari. He found her practicing her fan techniques at the training grounds. Dust billowed around her with each calculated sweep of her fan.

"Temari," Rasa called out, his voice carrying over the training ground. Temari turned to face him, her expression a mix of curiosity and respect.

"Father, what brings you here?" she inquired.

Rasa took a moment to observe her, noticing the curiosity in her eyes. "Temari, the council has made a decision. They're assigning you a mission specifically designed to assess your leadership skills, a crucial aspect for a potential chunin. This mission is unique—it involves both you and me."

Temari's eyebrows lifted in surprise. "A mission with you, Father?"

Rasa nodded. "Yes, a small mission to test and enhance your leadership and teamwork skills. I believe you have the potential for promotion to chunin, but experience is crucial. What do you think?"

Temari's eyes widened, a mixture of excitement, anticipation and suspicion in them. "I'm ready for any mission, Father. What is the mission?"

Rasa smiled, clearly pleased with Temari's answer, "Alright, this mission isn't only about mission success. Let me explain: This mission involves a journey to the outskirts of the desert to retrieve valuable scrolls as part of a diplomatic mission. It isn't just about the scrolls; it's a test of your ability to make decisions, lead, and work in tandem with your team."

As Rasa and Temari departed with her team, the winds of the desert carried whispers of both harsh sounds deafening to the ears but also an opportunity to cool off as it is warm in the desert.

After traveling for an entire day, the sun dipped low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the golden sands.

During the way towards the mission site, Rasa observed Temari closely, not just as a Kazekage evaluating a potential chunin but as a father watching his daughter blossom into a formidable kunoichi. Their interactions were a blend of familial warmth and professional exchange.

Rasa mumbled inwardly, "I really never saw her like this, with me, she is usually asking for affection but not this time."

Temari faced challenges that demanded quick thinking and decisive action. She led her team with confidence, using her fan techniques strategically towards the mission site. Rasa stayed in the shadows during the important parts of the mission.

As they set up camp for the night, the campfire flickered, casting dancing shadows on the sand. Rasa spoke, "Temari, leadership is not just about giving orders; it's about understanding your team, making decisions for the greater good, and adapting to unforeseen circumstances. Your team is one, remember that."

Temari listened attentively, her eyes reflecting the fire's glow. "I understand, Father."

The objective was clear: establish diplomatic ties with a neighboring village, resolving simmering tensions over resources and territorial disputes.

The mission demanded not just combat skills but also diplomatic finesse. Temari will face challenges that require quick thinking and decisive action. She started off by leading her team uncomfortably but with some time she started leading with confidence, using her fan techniques strategically to shield her team from the sands as they approached the diplomatic rendezvous point.

As they reached the outskirts of the neighboring village, the tension in the air was palpable. The leaders of the neighboring village awaited them, and Temari took the lead in initiating the delicate negotiations. Rasa observed from the shadows, ready to intervene if needed.

Negotiations were intricate, with demands and counteroffers exchanged. Temari, demonstrating a keen understanding of the situation, navigated through the complexities with poise. Rasa noted down that his daughter, though very clever, still needed to assert herself more to gain a more favorable offer.

During the mission nothing out of the ordinary happened so far. However, that could change very fast in this place. After all, it's rumored that bandits can show up to disrupt diplomatic missions as they often result in negative outcomes for the bandits.