
rare connection

Life is given for free but happiness comes with a cost that many can't afford to pay. *********** Even with the dark grey clouds that hovered over the vast sky and the dim light provided by the fire torch that was on the verge of being blown off by the wind, he could still see the glimmer in her eyes. The very same glimmer that appeared in those brown eyes everytime she was happy and for some reason, tonight he was unable to resist hir urges to steal a part of her. She was still standing by the door waiting for him to leave but he had not taken more than three steps before he halted and turned. His features were darker in contrast to the white shirt that he wore and the look on his face was a predatory one. Instead of getting scared, she watched him take the three stairs that led to her room's door and he was a few inches away from her, he finally spoke up. "If there is one thing that I hate, it's having regrets and I know that I will regret if I do not do this." A part of her was confused by his words and another part felt like she knew what he meant by those words. Before she even had a chance to contemplate on what he had just said, he leaned closer, curled his index finger on her pointed chin and tilted her in an angle such that she could feel his cold breath on her face that caused a shiver to run down her spine. Like she had been hypnotized, all she could do was to stare in those obsidian eyes that had held her captive. "This is a mistake that I want to commit again and again." His breath fanned on her face and goosebumps formed on her skin. Not because of the wind, but because of the effect he had on her. If it was some time before, she would have probably pushed him away or maybe escaped but as time had passed by, her feelings towards him had changed...

Rityshah · History
Not enough ratings
133 Chs

Happy times

"I also want what you want." She uttered and immediately those words slipped out of her mouth, she looked away.

She could not believe that she was the one to say those words.

Richard had been a big part of her life since she came to Eaghslia and she had failed to notice when and how it happened, but she had unknowingly given a big piece of her heart and now she was willingly offering her last piece to him. She was not sure if she was making a right decision at the moment but if not him, who would she trust.

Richard on the other hand was more than happy to hear those words coming out of her mouth.

If only she knew what he wanted, she would have chosen her words wisely.

"Which is..,?"

He coaxed her to speak more. For a second time, he held her chin and turned her head so that she could look at him in the eye.