
Rare Breed

year 2046 the world is suffering through a deadly disease, researchers find a strain of unknown hidden human DNA while looking at potential cures for the disease, the hidden cells once brought to light unveils hidden ancient powers which gives humans powers only read of in mythology and fairy tales some powers can be traced to legendary mythical figures these humans are referred to as post-humans a powerful new race while the pre-humans remained weak and fragile in the new world the disease was cured but a new evil came to, the post-humans feel the pre-humans are a waste of space and resources and should be removed from the existence, a war erupts between the pre and post humans little did they realise all these acts they have done of unlocking the hidden cells the mistreating of lesser innocent beings and shedding innocent blood has broken all seals of the ancient evils inside the forgotten Pandora's box, all curses all myths, folklore, legends all make believe locations every monster ever told in stories have been released back into the world bringing destruction to the world, all hope was lost until a group of warriors appeared and changed the scales of war against the old evils of the world, a forgotten hunters bloodline brought hope to the new terrifying world and the hope is the Helsings academy. Forward 20 years into the future, a young orphan boy named Rhode Edge of the Trash-litter orphanage finds himself defending his home from a man eating monster, as he is facing death he is saved by the headmaster of the Helsing academy , Alrhyse Van Helsing and his units, injured and dying Rhode has been selected to be in the new batch of monster hunters in the New worlds most prestigious hunting academy.

Meesin · Fantasy
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6 Chs

4. Team 6

Rhode approached his new teammates to introduce himself and learn of their skills and powers, the three boys were from the house of Olympians distant descendants of the greek gods, Zerous skilled with a bow and can manifest electricity into his weapons, has a lean build with bleach hair and golden eyes, Harrmas skilled with daggers incredibly fast and intelligent his build is very slim and looks agile he has black hair with blue eyes and the last boy Arass he gave off a heavy feeling he had a mixed weapon between a hammer, axe and mace it looked extremely heavy which would explain his body build he was as wide as he was tall at least 6 foot his hair was scarlet red and his eye colour was unusual it was yellow but his pupils looked like that of goat very square or rectangular, the girl came from a prestigious house of Myrddin her name was Clarre she was very short and slim her staff was taller then her, her staff had a very unusual feeling coming from the tip of it the staff was made from what looked like old wood with a blade shard imbedded at the tip of it, her hair was silver prettiest hair rhode had ever seen, after everyone introduced themselves they asked about rhode and his house name,

rhode explained his situation and how he was adopted from the trash-litter orphanage on the outer limits of the borders the 3 boys face quickly showed disgust and they turned their backs on rhode fast but clarre's eyes were filled with excitement and she started asking what its like living out of the safety of the inner walls rhode was shocked to have someone interested in him and his life outside even though he is seen as scum by everyone even the residents of the outer limits rhode quickly felt all the eyes from the other groups on him he felt anxious but the mask he wears hides any trace of his facial expressions, clarre staring and looking interested in rhode 'why are you wearing a mask its a cool mask but aren't you hot and struggling to breath?' rhode explaining to clarre that he has always worn a mask to hide his disfigured scarred face so it didn't draw attention or make others feel uncomfortable by his appearance, rhode began to feel down and tried to withdraw from the group when he heard words he never expected to hear from anyone other than his family 'well I think your cool and awesome for growing up in such a dangerous place and still thinking of others before yourself even if it is for the wrong reason, lets be friends and make it to the academy together rhode', rhode felt a weird feeling in his face it felt hot and had a strange tingle he didn't know what was happening, he shook his head and calmed down just in time to hear alrhyse advise the children to start getting ready to enter the swamp 'students please get changed into your field unifroms and bring your one chosen item or weapon for the class' everyone went to get changed and ready, rhode went to the vehicle to change and talk to alrhyse and dr jekyll about the students he is grouped withalrhyse had a serious look about him when being asked about the other students, 'those boys are some of the new descendants of the Olympians strongest and most skilled warriors and have a direct bloodline to actual gods Zeus, Hermes and Ares you may have heard of them when you pass this class you will be learning about all of the houses, your little friend clarra is also apart of a famous house, Myrddin wyllt one of the the 4 great wizards also known as merlin emrys one of the greatest druid fighters and right hand man of a legendary king but we haven't heard from merlin since he took back a certain item from the king after his kin abused there name and power to bully lesser houses and just be straight up arrogant pricks about there lineage'' rhode could tell that alrhyse had some history with the group he was talking about but he quickly changed the subject and asked both dr jekyll and alrhyse about the strange thing that happened to him before with clarre by the time he finished explaining the symptoms he noticed them both holding back grins and laughter 'rhode that's called blushing you do that for a number of reason but in your case it usually means you like the girl or embarrassed by such kind words you fall in love' rhode felt the strange thing happen again with his face this time both dr jekyll and alrhyse couldn't keep the laughter in and caused a scene making everyone look in the direction of rhode he got even more red and put his mask back on to hide the blushing 'rhode its good seeing you be a kid it makes me happy seeing you so happy and making friends so quickly' rhode punched alrhyse and dr jekyll in the arms and quickly ran back to his group who had all changed into there field uniforms and holding there selected items which were the same as before, the 3 boys were in modified spartan armour each fitted with a insignia of there ancestral blood line but their armour wasn't a good choice for a timed survival class in a swamp rhode tried to explain it to them but he was cut off before he could address the issues zerous quickly spoke down to rhode, 'a mere speck of scum is gonna address us and try to tell us how to dress and prepare its a disgusting joke and you'll do well to know your place especially when we enter the field friendly fire and innocent casualties happen a lot in war' harrmass and arass giving an evil grin and chuckle while staring down clarre and rhode, they 3 boys left to bid farewell to their parents rhode went to walk towards the entrance of the swamp but noticed clarre was frozen in her place she was terrified by the threat she had just been given, rhode wasn't sure how to help so he did what he usually did to his younger siblings to wake them up in the morning he poked her cheek until she came to which led to her being scared and pale to bright red and embarrassed 'rhode what are you doing all of a sudden we just got threats from some really scary people and your not even phased' rhode was shocked that clarre was so easily scared just from words he quickly changed the subject to clarre's field unifrom, it was light layered leather armour with a ghilli hooded cape, ' you're probably gonna think I'm a nerd but I researched the swamp before hand and designed my field unifrom to try and match the swamp layout and enviroment' rhode was amazed but she is a member of the house a myrddin some of the most famous druid warriors ever to have lived.

as everyone was saying their goodbyes a loud grinding sound could be heard the gate began to open and a huge hulking white haird man walked out and said ina thunderous voice ' please finish your farewells and begin to enter the swamp you were told this is a class but it is actually an exam to see if you are capable of becoming a student of the academy now gather your things and hurry in' everyone began to enter through the gate in there designated groups, no one was ready for what was on the other side of the gate entrance the environment was a swamp but it was an old city that had been taken back by nature everyone felt ominous glares being hurled towards them a lot of the students couldn't handle the glares and fell to there knees out of fear rhode couldn't feel anything and was confused to why everyone was suddenly struck with visible fear his own group was being affected rhode reached out to clarre to comfort her but as he did a thunderous sound came from the white haired man ' ENOUGH OF THAT' and the ominous glares stopped

' that feeling you all felt was a warning from the creatures that live here to avoid them or die luckliy for you all I am the alpha here my name is Warrik Odkin i am a teacher and grounds keeper for the helsing academy apart from my self I have given alpha rank to a creature here that keeps out any deadly and dangerous entities but the rest of the creatures take sanctuary in this swamp and do not take kindly to outsiders if you wish to withdraw now is the time it is no way a cowards act it shows you know your limits and what your capable of, if not be ready the next 2 weeks are going to test you physically and mentally, find shelter, survive and pass this test and I will be seeing some of you in the future now I bid you all farewell and good luck' the students that couldn't handle the pressure of the glares went back through the gate with Warrick, the ones that stayed slowly began moving off into the swamp until it was just our group left the 3 olypian boys started to walk off towards the overgrown city as clarre and rhode went to follow rhode felt something he hadn't felt since the monster attacked his home he quickly grabbed clarre and jolted backwards as Arass swung his monsterous weapon at them narrowly missing clarre but clipping rhodes mask knocking him to the ground with great force ' you two are deadweight and gonna slow us down go and survive on your own and leave us alone we have trained our whole lives for this and do not intend to risk embarrassment on our house reputation on literal scum and some tree hugger' the 3 boys disappeared into the ruins of the city.

clarre was crying over rhodes body begging and praying he was okay when she heard a whisper are they gone yet? clarre was shocked and jumped rhode was awake and he explained to clarre that if he had gotten back up it would have set of arass and caused a bigger deadlier scene and he just played dead until they left rhode lept up to his feet and turned to clarre only to see her red face and pouting she slapped rhodes mask and yelled at him ' rhode you idiot I thought you were seriously injured or dead I was even praying for you, what if Airmid appeared before us to your little joke' rhode couldn't help but laugh at the thought of someone trying and praying to a god to help someone his lowly scum level 'thankyou clarre i appreciate your concern but don't waste your prayers and time on someone like me' rhode dusted himself off and started heading towards the thickest part of the swamp, 'to survive clarre we head to the most dense and dangerous part to make camp and then we go from there and slowly make our way around not to draw attention since we are a duo now' clarre couldn't believe that rhode still intended to participate in the exam but she followed closely since it was to late to withdraw now and they both ventured off into the swamp, when suddenly rhode felt a gaze on him he quickly turned to see what it was but nothing was there and just brushed it off as paranoia and disappeared into the swamp.

'i see you certainly found something special alrhyse the fact that he didn't even flinch at the glares and pressures of the countless beast and could sense me looking at him from this distance is certainly impressive '

'yeah he is quite impressive he fought against an S rank patchwork ghoul and even smiled in its face when it was inches away from his face, you better keep and eye on him Warrik amazing things are sure to happen with that boy, make sure all of the students here are safe but keep an eye on him at all times please and thankyou'

'easier said then done he could feel my gaze through my ravens eye but ill do my best and hope he just thinks my ravens are the reason for the gaze now leave me be i have 26 children to monitor and watch'

'playing the rough to cool for school man as usual but we all know your a softy for small and weak warrik, okay send any information that is of interest and good luck warrik you may need it'

'bloody hell alrhyse always bringing me situations like this I'm getting to old for this, although it is a lot of fun this may be the best exam yet'.